update info_television.md

This commit is contained in:
LaQuay 2021-02-21 20:16:50 +01:00
parent 872a2de782
commit 6e33092df7
2 changed files with 22 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -422,7 +422,7 @@
| Canal | M3U8 | Web | Logo | EPG ID | Info |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| IB3 GLOBAL | [youtube](https://youtu.be/pR_64uA6tkY) | [web](http://ib3tv.com/directe) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/IB3org/picture?width=200&height=200) | IB3.TV | EMB |
| IB3 Global | [youtube](https://youtu.be/pR_64uA6tkY) | [web](http://ib3tv.com/directe) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/IB3org/picture?width=200&height=200) | IB3.TV | EMB |
| La 1 Illes Balears | [m3u8](https://hlsliveamdgl7-lh.akamaihd.net/i/hlsdvrlive_1@385145/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.rtve.es/directo/la-1/) | [logo](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/899385012801470464/akSvNCqE_200x200.jpg) | - | - |
| TEF | [m3u8](https://cdn01.yowi.tv/36MLCJRAR2/36MLCJRAR2.m3u8) | [web](https://teftv.com/la-tef-en-directe/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/TEFTV/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | NONAV |
| Canal 4 | [m3u8]( | [web](http://canal4televisio.com/en-directo/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/canal4televisio/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
@ -557,6 +557,7 @@
| CBN USA | [m3u8](https://bcliveunivsecure-lh.akamaihd.net/i/iptv2_1@500579/master.m3u8) - [m3u8 # EN](https://bcliveuniv-lh.akamaihd.net/i/iptv1_1@194050/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www1.cbn.com/tv/cbn-espanol) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/cbnonline/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| NTN24 América | [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEJs1fTF3KszRJGxJY14VrA/live) | [web](https://www.ntn24.com/en-vivo/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/NTN24/picture?width=200&height=200) | NTN24.TV | EMB |
| Azteca 7 Mexico | - | [web](https://www.tvazteca.com/azteca7/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/aztecasiete/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| Imagen TV Mexico | [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl5JKSQsl-_WSU1rz7_BCJA/live) | [web](https://www.imagentv.com/en-vivo) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/ImagenTVMex/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | EMB |
| Canal 6 Multimedios Mexico | [m3u8](https://mdstrm.com/live-stream-playlist/57b4dbf5dbbfc8f16bb63ce1.m3u8) | [web](https://www.multimedios.com/video) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/multimediostv/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| Milenio Mexico | [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFxHplbcoJK9m70c4VyTIxg/live) | [web](https://www.milenio.com/mileniotv) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/MilenioDiario/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | EMB |
| Excelsior Mexico | [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqo4ZAAZ01HQdCTlovCgkA/live) | [web](https://www.excelsior.com.mx/tv) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/ExcelsiorMex/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | EMB |
@ -566,7 +567,6 @@
| Quiero TV Mexico | [m3u8](https://quierotvlive.tk/httplive/playlist.m3u8) | [web](https://quierotv.mx/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/quierotvGDL/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| Mexico Travel TV | [stream](https://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x7v76vf?autoplay=1) | [web](https://www.mexicotravelchannel.com.mx/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/MexicoTravelChannelTV/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | EMB |
| Turistik TV Mexico | [m3u8](https://5fa5de1a545ae.streamlock.net/turistik/turistik/playlist.m3u8) | [web](https://turistiktv.com.mx/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/turistikmedia/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| ImagenTV Mexico | [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl5JKSQsl-_WSU1rz7_BCJA/live) | [web](https://www.imagentv.com/en-vivo) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/ImagenTVMex/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | EMB |
| Noticias Caracol Colombia | [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Xq2PK-got3Rtz9ZJ32hLQ/live) | [web](https://noticias.caracoltv.com/ahora) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/NoticiasCaracol/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | EMB |
| Canal Capital Colombia | [m3u8](https://mdstrm.com/live-stream-playlist/57d01d6c28b263eb73b59a5a.m3u8) | [web](https://www.canalcapital.gov.co/senal-en-vivo) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/CanalCapitalOficial/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| Teleantioquia Colombia | [m3u8](https://hdvideo2.cdn.net.co/live01/ta.m3u8) | [web](https://www.teleantioquia.co/en-vivo/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/CanalTeleantioquia/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
@ -629,20 +629,20 @@
| CGTN | [m3u8 # 1](https://livees.cgtn.com/1000e/prog_index.m3u8) - [m3u8 # 2](https://news.cgtn.com/resource/live/espanol/cgtn-e.m3u8) | [web](https://espanol.cgtn.com/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/cgtnenespanol/picture?width=200&height=200) | CGTN.TV | - |
| CGTN News | [m3u8 # EN](https://news.cgtn.com/resource/live/english/cgtn-news.m3u8) | [web](https://www.cgtn.com/tv) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/ChinaGlobalTVNetwork/picture?width=200&height=200) | CGTNN.TV | - |
| CGTN Documentary | [m3u8 # EN](https://news.cgtn.com/resource/live/document/cgtn-doc.m3u8) | [web](https://www.cgtn.com/channel/documentary) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/ChinaGlobalTVNetwork/picture?width=200&height=200) | CGTNDoc.TV | - |
| UNTV News & Rescure Filipinas | [m3u8 # EN](https://www.untvweb.com/live-stream/untvweb.m3u8) | [web](https://www.untvweb.com/news/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/UNTVNewsRescue/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| Al Jazeera Qatar | [m3u8 # EN](https://live-hls-web-aje.getaj.net/AJE/index.m3u8) | [web](https://www.aljazeera.com/live/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/aljazeera/picture?width=200&height=200) | AlJQ.TV | - |
| NHK World Japan | [m3u8 # EN](https://nhkworld.webcdn.stream.ne.jp/www11/nhkworld-tv/global/2003458/live.m3u8) | [web](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/live/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/nhkworld/picture?width=200&height=200) | NHK.TV | - |
| Nippon News TV Japan | [m3u8 # JA](https://www.news24.jp/livestream/index.m3u8) | [web](https://www.news24.jp/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/ntvnews24/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| Arirang TV Korea | [m3u8 # EN](https://amdlive-ch01-ctnd-com.akamaized.net/arirang_1ch/smil:arirang_1ch.smil/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.arirang.com/player/OnAir_TV.asp) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/arirangtv/picture?width=200&height=200) | Arirang.TV | - |
| KBS World Korea | [youtube # KO # 1](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5BMQOsAB8hKUyHu9KI6yig/live) - [youtube # KO # 2](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWw_gejTX29Yn89LLpcINZQ/live) | [web](http://kbsworld.kbs.co.kr) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/KBSWORLD/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | EMB |
| SET News Taiwán | [youtube # ZH # 1](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2TuODJhC03pLgd6MpWP0iw/live) - [youtube # ZH # 2](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoNYj9OFHZn3ACmmeRCPwbA/live) | [web](https://live.setn.com/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/setnews/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | EMB |
| Hispan TV Iran | [m3u8](https://live1.presstv.com/live/hispan.m3u8) | [web](https://www.hispantv.com/directo) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/Hispantv/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| Al Arabiya Emiratos Árabes | [m3u8 # AR](https://live.alarabiya.net/alarabiapublish/alarabiya.smil/playlist.m3u8) | [web](https://www.alarabiya.net/ar/live-stream) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/AlArabiya/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| Ary News Pakistan | [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMmpLL2ucRHAXbNHiCPyIyg/live) | [web](https://live.arynews.tv/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/arynewsasia/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | EMB |
| India Today | [m3u8 # EN](https://indiatodaylive.akamaized.net/hls/live/2014320/indiatoday/indiatodaylive/playlist.m3u8) - [m3u8 # HI](https://feeds.intoday.in/aajtak/api/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.indiatoday.in/livetv) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/IndiaToday/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| New Delhi TV 24x7 India | [m3u8 # EN](https://ndtv24x7elemarchana.akamaized.net/hls/live/2003678/ndtv24x7/ndtv24x7master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.ndtv.com/video/live/channel/ndtv24x7) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/ndtv/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| Republic World TV India | [m3u8 # EN](https://weblive.republicworld.com/liveorigin/republictv/master_hdlive_360p.m3u8) - [m3u8 # HI](https://republic.pc.cdn.bitgravity.com/live/bharat_hls/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.republicworld.com/livetv.html) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/RepublicWorld/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| Republic World TV India | [m3u8 # EN](https://weblive.republicworld.com/liveorigin/republictv/master_hdlive_360p.m3u8) | [web](https://www.republicworld.com/livetv.html) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/RepublicWorld/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| Channel NewsAsia | [m3u8 # EN](https://d2e1asnsl7br7b.cloudfront.net/7782e205e72f43aeb4a48ec97f66ebbe/index.m3u8) | [web](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/livetv) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/ChannelNewsAsia/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| SET News Taiwán | [youtube # ZH # 1](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2TuODJhC03pLgd6MpWP0iw/live) - [youtube # ZH # 2](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoNYj9OFHZn3ACmmeRCPwbA/live) | [web](https://live.setn.com/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/setnews/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | EMB |
| UNTV News & Rescure Filipinas | [m3u8 # EN](https://www.untvweb.com/live-stream/untvweb.m3u8) | [web](https://www.untvweb.com/news/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/UNTVNewsRescue/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| RTHK 31 32 Hong Kong | [m3u8 # 1](https://www.rthk.hk/feeds/dtt/rthktv31_https.m3u8) - [m3u8 # 2](https://www.rthk.hk/feeds/dtt/rthktv32_https.m3u8) | [web](https://www.rthk.hk/tv?lang=en) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/RTHK.HK/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
## Int. Otros
@ -656,7 +656,7 @@
| Joy News TV Ghana | [stream](https://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x7w7197?autoplay=1) | [web](https://www.myjoyonline.com/media/joy-news-live) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/JoyNewsOnTV/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | EMB |
| Channels TV Nigeria | [youtube # EN](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEXGDNclvmg6RW0vipJYsTQ/live) | [web](https://www.channelstv.com/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/channelsforum/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | EMB |
| NBS TV Uganda | [m3u8 # EN](https://cdn1.rea.cdn.moderntv.eu/readymedia/stream/NBSTV/10-hls/live-media.m3u8) | [web](https://nbs.ug/live/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/nbstelevision/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| TVGE 1 | [m3u8](http://rtmp.ott.mx1.com/tvge1/tvge1multi.smil/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.tvgelive.gq/live.php) | [logo](http://www.tvgelive.gq/images/logo-dark.png) | - | - |
| TVGE 1 Guinea Ecuatorial | [m3u8](http://rtmp.ott.mx1.com/tvge1/tvge1multi.smil/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.tvgelive.gq/live.php) | [logo](http://www.tvgelive.gq/images/logo-dark.png) | - | - |
| Tastemade | [m3u8](https://tastemadees16intl-brightcove.amagi.tv/hls/amagi_hls_data_tastemade-tastemade-es16intl-brightcove/CDN/playlist.m3u8) | [web](https://watch.tastemade.com/live-tv) - [m3u8 # EN](https://tastemade.samsung.wurl.com/manifest/playlist.m3u8) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/TastemadeEs/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| Fashion TV | [m3u8](https://fash2043.cloudycdn.services//slive/_definst_/ftv_ftv_4k_hevc_73d_42080_default_466_hls.smil/playlist.m3u8) | [web](https://www.fashiontv.com/#ftv_uhd) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/FTV/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| Miami TV | [m3u8](https://59ec5453559f0.streamlock.net/canal18/smil:canal18/chunklist_w577650521_b2592000.m3u8) - [m3u8 # LATINO](https://59ec5453559f0.streamlock.net/miamitv/smil:miamitvROKU/chunklist_w1195980091_b2592000.m3u8) | [web](https://miamitvhd.com/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/miamitv/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
@ -796,5 +796,5 @@
| María Visión Mexico | [m3u8](https://1601580044.rsc.cdn77.org/live/_jcn_/amlst:Mariavision/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.mariavision.com/mariavisionenvivo) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/mariavision/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| Enlace TV Costa Rica | [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0qFX9cnDZCMSJriRqcN37A/live) | [web](https://www.enlace.org/envivo/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/enlacetv/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | EMB |
| Emmanuel TV Nigeria | [m3u8 # EN](https://api.new.livestream.com/accounts/23202872/events/7200883/live.m3u8) | [web](https://emmanuel.tv/es/en-vivo/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/tbjoshuaespanol/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | NONAV |
| Redevida Brasil | [m3u8 # PT](https://cvd1.cds.ebtcvd.net/live-redevida/smil:redevida.smil/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.redevida.com.br/ao-vivo) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/redevida/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| 3ABN USA | [m3u8 # EN # 1](https://moiptvhls-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/652042/secure/master.m3u8) - [m3u8 # EN # 2](https://moiptvhls-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/652312/secure/master.m3u8) | [web](https://3abn.org/all-streams/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/3abn.org/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| Redevida Brasil | [m3u8 # PT](https://cvd1.cds.ebtcvd.net/live-redevida/smil:redevida.smil/chunklist_b608000.m3u8) | [web](http://www.redevida.com.br/ao-vivo) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/redevida/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |

View File

@ -416,6 +416,7 @@ Estos canales emiten a ciertas horas del día, únicamente. Están especializado
| Canal Extremadura | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | NONAV |
| La 1 Extremadura | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| TV Extremeña | ✔ | ✔ | 🌐 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Zafra TV | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Cáceres Tevé | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Villafranca TV | ▶ | ▶ | ✔ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ▶ | - |
@ -442,7 +443,7 @@ Estos canales emiten a ciertas horas del día, únicamente. Están especializado
| Canal | Android | iOS | Navegador | M3U/M3U8 | M3U8+MPD | Enigma2 | W3U | más info |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
| IB3 | ▶ | ▶ | ✔ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ▶ | - |
| IB3 Global | ▶ | ▶ | ✔ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ▶ | - |
| La 1 Illes Balears | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| TEF | ✔ | ✔ | 🌐 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Canal 4 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
@ -562,6 +563,7 @@ Estos canales emiten a ciertas horas del día, únicamente. Están especializado
| CBS News USA | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Cheddar USA | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Bloomberg USA | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| CourtTV USA | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| NASA TV Public | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| NASA TV Media | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| NASA TV ISS Views | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
@ -577,6 +579,7 @@ Estos canales emiten a ciertas horas del día, únicamente. Están especializado
| NTN24 América | ▶ | ▶ | ✔ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ▶ | - |
| Canal 6 Multimedios Mexico | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Azteca 7 Mexico | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Imagen TV Mexico | ▶ | ▶ | ✔ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ▶ | - |
| Milenio Mexico | ▶ | ▶ | ✔ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ▶ | - |
| Excelsior Mexico | ▶ | ▶ | ✔ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ▶ | - |
| Televisa News Mexico | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
@ -614,6 +617,7 @@ Estos canales emiten a ciertas horas del día, únicamente. Están especializado
| La Tele Tuya Venezuela | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| 24h Chile | ▶ | ▶ | ✔ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ▶ | - |
| TELE13 Chile | ▶ | ▶ | ✔ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ▶ | - |
| Meganoticias Chile | ▶ | ▶ | ✔ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ▶ | - |
| TV Senado Chile | ▶ | ▶ | ✔ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ▶ | - |
| TC TV Ecuador | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| TeleAmazonas Ecuador | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
@ -653,9 +657,13 @@ Estos canales emiten a ciertas horas del día, únicamente. Están especializado
| Hispan TV Iran | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Al Arabiya Emiratos Árabes | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Ary News Pakistan | ▶ | 🌐 | 🌐 | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ▶ | - |
| India Today | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| New Delhi TV 24x7 India | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Republic World TV India | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Channel NewsAsia | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| SET News Taiwán | ▶ | 🌐 | 🌐 | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ▶ | - |
| UNTV News & Rescure Filipinas | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| RTHK 31 32 Hong Kong | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
## Int. Otros
@ -664,9 +672,12 @@ Estos canales emiten a ciertas horas del día, únicamente. Están especializado
| ABC Australia | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| United Nations TV | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| AfricaNews | ▶ | 🌐 | 🌐 | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ▶ | - |
| Joy News TV Ghana | ▶ | 🌐 | 🌐 | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ▶❗ | No disponible para W3U en Android TV |
| Channels TV Nigeria | ▶ | 🌐 | 🌐 | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ▶ | - |
| TVGE 1 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| NBS TV Uganda | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| TVGE 1 Guinea Ecuatorial | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Tastemade | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Fashion TV | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Miami TV | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Locomotion TV | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| 24/7 Retro TV | ✔ | 🌐 | 🌐 | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔ | - |
@ -687,6 +698,7 @@ Estos canales emiten a ciertas horas del día, únicamente. Están especializado
| World Padel Tour | ▶ | ▶ | ✔ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔ | - |
| Redbull TV | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Meridiano Venezuela | ▶ | ▶ | ✔ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔ | - |
| Stadium USA | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Garage TV | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| MsMotor TV | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| OnlyMotors | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
@ -803,4 +815,5 @@ Estos canales emiten a ciertas horas del día, únicamente. Están especializado
| María Visión Mexico | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Enlace TV Costa Rica | ▶ | ▶ | ✔ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ▶ | - |
| Emmanuel TV Nigeria | ✔ | ✔ | 🌐 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Redevida Brasil | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| 3ABN USA | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |