update Bloomberg

This commit is contained in:
LaQuay 2020-11-13 21:13:03 +01:00
parent 740e3d17f5
commit 986ef10c48
2 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -513,7 +513,7 @@
| NBC News USA | [youtube # EN](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeY0bbntWzzVIaj2z3QigXg/live) | [web](https://www.nbcnews.com/now) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/NBCNews/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | EMB |
| CBS News USA | [m3u8 # EN](https://cbsnewshd-lh.akamaihd.net/i/CBSNHD_7@199302/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.cbsnews.com/live/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/CBSNews/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| Cheddar USA | [m3u8 # EN](https://cheddar.samsung.wurl.com/manifest/playlist.m3u8) | [web](https://cheddar.com/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/cheddar/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| Bloomberg EU USA | [m3u8 # EN](https://www.bloomberg.com/media-manifest/streams/eu.m3u8) | [web](https://www.bloomberg.com/live/europe) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/bloombergbusiness/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| Bloomberg USA | [m3u8 # EN # 1](https://www.bloomberg.com/media-manifest/streams/us.m3u8) - [m3u8 # EN # 2](https://www.bloomberg.com/media-manifest/streams/us-event.m3u8) | [web](https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us/btv) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/bloombergbusiness/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| NASA TV Public | [m3u8](http://iphone-streaming.ustream.tv/uhls/6540154/streams/live/iphone/playlist.m3u8) | [web](https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/#public) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/NASA/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| NASA TV Media | [m3u8](http://iphone-streaming.ustream.tv/uhls/10414700/streams/live/iphone/playlist.m3u8) | [web](https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/#media) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/NASA/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |
| NASA TV ISS Views | [m3u8](http://iphone-streaming.ustream.tv/uhls/9408562/streams/live/iphone/playlist.m3u8) | [web](https://www.ustream.tv/channel/live-iss-stream) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/NASA/picture?width=200&height=200) | - | - |

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@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ Estos canales emiten a ciertas horas del día, únicamente. Están especializado
| NBC News USA | ▶ | ▶ | ✔ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ▶ | - |
| CBS News USA | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Cheddar USA | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Bloomberg EU USA | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| Bloomberg USA | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| NASA TV Public | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| NASA TV Media | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |
| NASA TV ISS Views | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | - |