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synced 2025-03-20 08:47:46 +01:00
Update TELEVISION.md (#108)
* Update RADIO Logos * Update TELEVISION Logos * Add new channels TV
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 477 additions and 287 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## Emisoras de Radio
# Emisoras de Radio
### Nacionales
## Nacionales
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
@ -18,141 +18,156 @@
| LOS40 Latin | [aac](https://19993.live.streamtheworld.com/LOS40_03AAC.aac) | [web](https://play.los40.com/emisora/los40_latin/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/los40/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| LOS40 Working | [aac](https://20423.live.streamtheworld.com/LOS40_02AAC.aac) | [web](https://play.los40.com/emisora/los40_working/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/los40/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| LOS40 Runners | [aac](https://19993.live.streamtheworld.com/LOS40_01AAC.aac) | [web](https://play.los40.com/emisora/los40_runners/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/los40/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena 100 | [MP3 # 1]( - [MP3 # 2](http://cadena100-streamers-mp3-low.flumotion.com/cope/cadena100-low.mp3) | [web](http://www.cadena100.es/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/35/Cadena100.svg/115px-Cadena100.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena Dial | [aac](https://19513.live.streamtheworld.com/CADENADIALAAC.aac) | [web](https://play.cadenadial.com/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/87/Cadena_Dial.svg/225px-Cadena_Dial.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena SER | - | [web](http://play.cadenaser.com/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena SER Alternativo | - | [web](http://play.cadenaser.com/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena COPE | - | [web](https://www.cope.es/directos/net1) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1f/Logo_Cadena_COPE.png/100px-Logo_Cadena_COPE.png) | - |
| esRadio | [aac](http://livestreaming9.esradio.fm/aaclive32) | [web](https://esradio.libertaddigital.com/directo.html) - [MP3](https://livestreaming3.esradio.fm/stream64.mp3) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f9/EsRadio_logo.svg/225px-EsRadio_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Radio Intereconomía | [M3U8](https://streaming-fr04.enetres.net/16011939C62D44ED91350508FB25828B022/smil:live.smil/master.m3u8) | [web](https://intereconomia.com/radio/) | - | [Logo](https://intereconomia.com/wp-content/themes/citynews-child/img/radio_intereconomia_logo.png) | - |
| Radio Marca | [MP3](https://radiomarca.streaming-pro.com:8031/radiomarca.mp3) | [web](https://www.marca.com/radio.html) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/90/RadioMARCA.svg/180px-RadioMARCA.svg.png) | - |
| Rock FM | [MP3]( | [web](http://player.rockfm.fm/) | - | [Logo](http://www.rockfm.fm/img/rockfm/RFM_HEADER.jpg) | - |
| Radio María | [MP3](http://dreamsiteradiocp.com:8060/;stream.mp3) | [web](https://www.radiomaria.es/directo) | - | [Logo](https://www.radiomaria.es/assets/img/logoCabecera.jpg) | - |
| Hit FM | [m3u](http://streams.kissfmradio.cires21.com/hitfm.m3u) | [web](http://www.hitfm.es/) | - | [Logo](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/radios/images/5/5c/Hit_FM_%28KISS_Media%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20141010112659&path-prefix=es) | - |
| Máxima FM | [aac](https://19393.live.streamtheworld.com/MAXIMAFMAAC.aac) | [web](https://play.maxima.fm/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fc/M%C3%A1xima_FM.svg/200px-M%C3%A1xima_FM.svg.png) | - |
| MegaStar FM | [MP3]( | [web](http://www.megastar.fm/) | - | [Logo](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/radios/images/b/bd/MegaStarFM_2013_color.png/revision/latest?cb=20140604221531&path-prefix=es) | - |
| Radiolé | [aac](https://19393.live.streamtheworld.com/RADIOLEAAC.aac) | [web](https://play.radiole.com/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5a/Radiol%C3%A9.jpg/225px-Radiol%C3%A9.jpg) | - |
| Loca FM | [Stream](http://audio-online.net:2300/live) | [web](http://www.locafm.com/) | - | [Logo](http://www.locafm.com/assets/img/logo-principal-negativo@2x.png) | - |
| Kiss FM | [mp3](http://kissfm.kissfmradio.cires21.com/kissfm.mp3) | [web](http://kissfm.es/player/) | - | [Logo](http://kissfm.es/player/img/logokiss.png) | - |
| Cadena 100 | [MP3 # 1]( - [MP3 # 2](http://cadena100-streamers-mp3-low.flumotion.com/cope/cadena100-low.mp3) | [web](http://www.cadena100.es/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/CADENA100/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena Dial | [aac](https://19513.live.streamtheworld.com/CADENADIALAAC.aac) | [web](https://play.cadenadial.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenadial/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER | - | [web](http://play.cadenaser.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER Alternativo | - | [web](http://play.cadenaser.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena COPE | - | [web](https://www.cope.es/directos/net1) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/COPE/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| esRadio | [aac](http://livestreaming9.esradio.fm/aaclive32) - [MP3](https://livestreaming3.esradio.fm/stream64.mp3) | [web](https://esradio.libertaddigital.com/directo.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/esradio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Intereconomía | [M3U8](https://streaming-fr04.enetres.net/16011939C62D44ED91350508FB25828B022/smil:live.smil/master.m3u8) | [web](https://intereconomia.com/radio/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioIntereconomia/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Marca | [MP3](https://radiomarca.streaming-pro.com:8031/radiomarca.mp3) | [web](https://www.marca.com/radio.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioMARCA/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Rock FM | [MP3]( | [web](http://player.rockfm.fm/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RockFM/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio María | [MP3](http://dreamsiteradiocp.com:8060/;stream.mp3) | [web](https://www.radiomaria.es/directo) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioMariaSpa/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Hit FM | [m3u](http://streams.kissfmradio.cires21.com/hitfm.m3u) | [web](http://www.hitfm.es/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/hitfm.es/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Máxima FM | [aac](https://19393.live.streamtheworld.com/MAXIMAFMAAC.aac) | [web](https://play.maxima.fm/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radio.maxima.fm//picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| MegaStar FM | [MP3]( | [web](http://www.megastar.fm/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/MegaStarFM/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radiolé | [aac](https://19393.live.streamtheworld.com/RADIOLEAAC.aac) | [web](https://play.radiole.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiole/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Loca FM | [Stream](http://audio-online.net:2300/live) | [web](http://www.locafm.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/LocaFmOficial/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Kiss FM | [mp3](http://kissfm.kissfmradio.cires21.com/kissfm.mp3) | [web](http://kissfm.es/player/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/kissfm.es/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
### Autonómicos
## Autonómicos
#### Andalucía
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal Sur Radio | - | [web](http://www.canalsur.es/radio/directos/portada-directoradio-1160300.html?directo=player_csr) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/44/Canal_Sur_Radio.png/120px-Canal_Sur_Radio.png) | - |
| Canal Fiesta | - | [web](http://www.canalsur.es/radio/directos/portada-directoradio-1160300.html?directo=player_fiesta) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c0/CANAL_FIESTA_RADIO-copia6.jpg/150px-CANAL_FIESTA_RADIO-copia6.jpg) | - |
| Flamenco Radio | - | [web](http://www.canalsur.es/radio/directos/portada-directoradio-1160300.html?directo=player_flamenco) | - | [Logo](https://mytuner.global.ssl.fastly.net/media/tvos_radios/GNHjZVC5Cb.png) | - |
| Radio Andalucía Información | - | [web](http://www.canalsur.es/radio/directos/portada-directoradio-1160300.html?directo=player_rai) | - | [Logo](https://mytuner.global.ssl.fastly.net/media/tvos_radios/p6PR6vtFtm.png) | - |
| Cadena COPE Sevilla | - | [web](https://www.cope.es/directos/sevilla) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1f/Logo_Cadena_COPE.png/100px-Logo_Cadena_COPE.png) | - |
| Cadena COPE Sierra Norte | - | [web](https://radiosierranorte.es/radio-sierra-norte-en-directo-2/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1f/Logo_Cadena_COPE.png/100px-Logo_Cadena_COPE.png) | - |
| Cadena Digital | [MP3](;stream.mp3) | [web](http://www.cadenadigital.com/) | - | [Logo](http://www.cadenadigital.com/cabecera.jpg) | - |
| Cadena Latino | [MP3](;stream.mp3) | [web](http://www.latinofm.es/) | - | [Logo](http://www.latinofm.es/imagenes/cabecera-latino.png) | - |
| Cadena SER Almería | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/ser_almeria/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Cádiz | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_cadiz/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Córdoba | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_cordoba) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Granada | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_granada) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena SER - Levante | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/ser_levante) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Sevilla | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_sevilla) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Candil Radio | [Stream](http://s6.viastreaming.net:7100/;) | [web](http://candilradio.com//modules/mod_rar_radio/tmpl/player/player.php?d=aHR0cDovL3M2LnZpYXN0cmVhbWluZy5uZXQ6NzEwMC87LGh0dHA6Ly9jYW5kaWxyYWRpby5jb20vLC9pbWFnZXMvbG9nb3MvbG9nby1jYW5kaWwucG5nLHB1Yi02ODI0NDk0OTQyNzA0NjkxLEVsIGxvZ28gZGUgQ2FuZGlsIFJhZGlvLDQwMCwzLDMsaHR0cDovL215ZG9tYWluLmNvbS90aXRsZS9jdXJyZW50U29uZy50eHQsUkFESU8gQVBBR0FEQSxObyBoYXkgdGl0dWxvcyxFc2N1Y2hhczosMCww) | - | [Logo](http://candilradio.com//images/logos/logo-candil.png) | - |
| Central FM | - | [web](http://www.centralfm.com/) | - | [Logo](http://www.centralfm.com/centralfm.png) | - |
| Radio Dance | - | [web](https://www.radionomy.com/en/radio/1-radio-dance/listen/) | - | [Logo](https://www.radiodance.net/img/logo_portada.png) | - |
| Elite Radio | - | [web](https://eliteradiosevilla.es/) | - | [Logo](https://eliteradiosevilla.es/images/elite_vertical.png) | - |
| Fiebre Latina FM | [Stream]( | [web](http://www.fiebrelatinaradio.com/emisora.html) | - | [Logo](http://www.fiebrelatinaradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Logo.png) | - |
| Global Radio | [MP4](http://stream.seav.co.uk:8000/stream.mp4) | [web](https://global.fm/streamwindow/) | - | [Logo](https://global.fm/images/2016/93_6_Global_Radio_Site_Header_Logo.png) | - |
| Integración Radio | - | [web](http://www.integracionradio.com/) | - | [Logo](http://www.integracionradio.com/images/baner.jpg) | - |
| Kust Radion | - | [web](http://www.kustradion.fm/lyssna-pa-kustradion/) | - | [Logo](http://www.kustradion.fm/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/cropped-Logga-web_fm_2.jpg) | - |
| Onda Capital | - | [web](https://ondacapital.es/) | - | [Logo](http://ondacapital.es/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/logo-capital.png) | - |
| Onda Cero Sevilla | - | [web](https://www.ondacero.es/emisoras/andalucia/sevilla/directo/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/Onda_Cero_logo.svg/225px-Onda_Cero_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Onda Punta Radio | - | [web](http://ondapuntaradio.net/) | - | [Logo](http://ondapuntaradio.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/logo_opr.png) | - |
| Onda Mencía Radio | - | [web](http://escucha.ondamenciaradio.com/) | - | [Logo](http://www.ondamenciaradio.com/images/logos/logo_omr_355_130.png) | - |
| La Fresca FM | - | [web](http://www.lafresca.fm/) | - | [Logo](https://assets.lafresca.es/static/images/logo.png) | - |
| La Mega FM | - | [web](http://www.lamegacostadelsol.com/) | - | [Logo](http://www.lamegacostadelsol.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/logo_lamega2018_Dial887.png) | - |
| Radio Oro Marbella | [MP3](;stream.mp3) | [web](http://www.radiooro.es/) | - | [Logo](https://static.radio.es/images/broadcasts/11/0e/2691/c300.png) | - |
| Radio Oro Málaga | [MP3](;stream.mp3) | [web](http://www.radiooro.es/) | - | [Logo](https://static.radio.es/images/broadcasts/11/0e/2691/c300.png) | - |
| Radio Planeta | [Stream]( | [web](https://www.radioplaneta.com/#) | - | [Logo](https://www.radioplaneta.com/resources/images/logo.png) | - |
| Radio Poniente | - | [web](https://www.radioponiente.com/) | - | [Logo](https://www.radioponiente.com/imagenes/logocabecera.png) | - |
| Radio Sierra | - | [web](http://www.radiosierra.es/) | - | [Logo](http://www.radiosierra.es/wp-content/themes/multinews/images/logo.png) | - |
| Radio Marca Sevilla | - | [web](https://www.marca.com/radio.html?intcmp=BOTONPORTADA&s_kw=radiomarca#) | - | [Logo](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1053407501788561411/ulEog-n4_400x400.jpg) | - |
| Radio Marca Málaga | [Stream](https://malagafm.streaming-pro.com:8131/malagafmmobile) | [web](https://www.marca.com/radio.html?intcmp=BOTONPORTADA&s_kw=radiomarca#) | - | [Logo](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1053407501788561411/ulEog-n4_400x400.jpg) | - |
| Radio Martos | [Stream](http://streaming6.elitecomunicacion.es:8234/;) | [web](http://www.radiomartos.com/radioplayer.html) | - | [Logo](http://www.radiomartos.com/imagenes/logo_radio_25_aniversario.jpg.jpg) | - |
| Radio Luz | [MP3](http://ns100.emisionlocal.com:8022/;stream.mp3) | [web](http://www.fmradioluz.com/) | - | [Logo](http://www.tusalvador.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/LOGO.png) | - |
| Sevilla FC Radio | - | [web](http://live.sevillafc.es/) | - | [Logo](http://live.sevillafc.es/sites/live-sevillafc-redisenoweb.emergya.com/files/inline-images/sevilla-fc-radio.png) | - |
| Spectrum FM | - | [web](https://spectrumfm.net/spectrum-fm-live/) | - | [Logo](https://spectrumfm.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Spectrum-Costa-del-Sol-Logo.png) | - |
| Beach Grooves | [Stream](http://stream.beachgrooves.com:8000/stream) | - | - | - | - |
| Canal Sur Radio | - | [web](http://www.canalsur.es/radio/directos/portada-directoradio-1160300.html?directo=player_csr) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canalsurradioytv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Canal Fiesta | - | [web](http://www.canalsur.es/radio/directos/portada-directoradio-1160300.html?directo=player_fiesta) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canalsurradioytv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Flamenco Radio | - | [web](http://www.canalsur.es/radio/directos/portada-directoradio-1160300.html?directo=player_flamenco) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canalsurradioytv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Andalucía Información | - | [web](http://www.canalsur.es/radio/directos/portada-directoradio-1160300.html?directo=player_rai) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canalsurradioytv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena COPE Sevilla | - | [web](https://www.cope.es/directos/sevilla) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/COPE/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena COPE Sierra Norte | - | [web](https://radiosierranorte.es/radio-sierra-norte-en-directo-2/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/COPE/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena Digital | [MP3](;stream.mp3) | [web](http://www.cadenadigital.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/CadenaDigitalMalaga/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena Latino | [MP3](;stream.mp3) | [web](http://www.latinofm.es/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/LatinoFMmalaga/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER Almería | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/ser_almeria/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Cádiz | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_cadiz/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Córdoba | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_cordoba) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Granada | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_granada) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Levante | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/ser_levante) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Sevilla | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_sevilla) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Candil Radio | [Stream](http://s6.viastreaming.net:7100/;) | [web](http://candilradio.com//modules/mod_rar_radio/tmpl/player/player.php?d=aHR0cDovL3M2LnZpYXN0cmVhbWluZy5uZXQ6NzEwMC87LGh0dHA6Ly9jYW5kaWxyYWRpby5jb20vLC9pbWFnZXMvbG9nb3MvbG9nby1jYW5kaWwucG5nLHB1Yi02ODI0NDk0OTQyNzA0NjkxLEVsIGxvZ28gZGUgQ2FuZGlsIFJhZGlvLDQwMCwzLDMsaHR0cDovL215ZG9tYWluLmNvbS90aXRsZS9jdXJyZW50U29uZy50eHQsUkFESU8gQVBBR0FEQSxObyBoYXkgdGl0dWxvcyxFc2N1Y2hhczosMCww) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/890332081024749/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Central FM | - | [web](http://www.centralfm.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/131322746891532/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Dance | - | [web](https://www.radionomy.com/en/radio/1-radio-dance/listen/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiodance.net/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Elite Radio | - | [web](https://eliteradiosevilla.es/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/eliteradiosevilla/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Fiebre Latina FM | [Stream]( | [web](http://www.fiebrelatinaradio.com/emisora.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/fiebrelatinaradio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Global Radio | [MP4](http://stream.seav.co.uk:8000/stream.mp4) | [web](https://global.fm/streamwindow/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/loveglobalradio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Integración Radio | - | [web](http://www.integracionradio.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/integracionradio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Onda Capital | - | [web](https://ondacapital.es/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/ondacapitalfm/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Onda Cero Sevilla | - | [web](https://www.ondacero.es/emisoras/andalucia/sevilla/directo/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/ondacero/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Onda Punta Radio | - | [web](http://ondapuntaradio.net/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/OndaPunta/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Onda Mencía Radio | - | [web](http://escucha.ondamenciaradio.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/OndaMenciaRadio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| La Fresca FM | - | [web](http://www.lafresca.fm/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/lafresca.es/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| La Mega FM | - | [web](http://www.lamegacostadelsol.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/lamegacostadelsol/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Oro Marbella | [MP3](;stream.mp3) | [web](http://www.radiooro.es/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/189831851070928/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Oro Málaga | [MP3](;stream.mp3) | [web](http://www.radiooro.es/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/189831851070928/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Planeta | [Stream]( | [web](https://www.radioplaneta.com/#) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioPlaneta92.8/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Poniente | - | [web](https://www.radioponiente.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radioponientedeportes/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Sierra | - | [web](http://www.radiosierra.es/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioSierraFM/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Marca Sevilla | - | [web](https://www.marca.com/radio.html?intcmp=BOTONPORTADA&s_kw=radiomarca#) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioMARCA/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Marca Málaga | [Stream](https://malagafm.streaming-pro.com:8131/malagafmmobile) | [web](https://www.marca.com/radio.html?intcmp=BOTONPORTADA&s_kw=radiomarca#) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioMARCA/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Martos | [Stream](http://streaming6.elitecomunicacion.es:8234/;) | [web](http://www.radiomartos.com/radioplayer.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiomartos/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Luz | [MP3](http://ns100.emisionlocal.com:8022/;stream.mp3) | [web](http://www.fmradioluz.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/fmluzalasnaciones/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Sevilla FC Radio | - | [web](http://live.sevillafc.es/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/sevillafc/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Spectrum FM | - | [web](https://spectrumfm.net/spectrum-fm-live/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/SpectrumFMSpain/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Beach Grooves | [Stream](http://stream.beachgrooves.com:8000/stream) | - | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/beach.grooves/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Onda Cadiz Radio | - | - | - | - | - |
| TG7 Radio | - | - | - | - | - |
| Onda Sur | - | - | - | - | - |
| Onda Jaén Radio | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal Málaga Radio | - | - | - | - | - |
| Radio Mijas | - | - | - | - | - |
| Radio Marbella | - | - | - | - | - |
#### Aragón
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| Aragón Radio (Zaragoza) | - | [web](http://www.aragonradio.es/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a3/Arag%C3%B3nRadio.png) | - |
| Aragón Radio (Huesca) | - | [web](http://www.aragonradio.es/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a3/Arag%C3%B3nRadio.png) | - |
| Aragón Radio (Teruel) | - | [web](http://www.aragonradio.es/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a3/Arag%C3%B3nRadio.png) | - |
| Aragón Radio 2.com | - | - | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ce/Arag%C3%B3n2Radio.png/225px-Arag%C3%B3n2Radio.png) | - |
| All You Need Radio | - | [web](https://www.radioallyouneed.nl/) | - | [Logo](https://www.radioallyouneed.nl/assets/images/allyouneed_board.jpg) | - |
| COPE Pirineos | [Stream]( | [web](http://www.radioribagorza.es/copeonline.html) | - | - | - |
| Hit Pirineos | [Stream]( | [web](http://www.radioribagorza.es/hitpirineos.html) | - | - | - |
| LOS40 Huesca | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8061/radio40principales) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/80/Los_40.svg/175px-Los_40.svg.png) | - |
| Tea FM | [MP3](http://cervera.eldialdigital.com:8052/;stream.mp3) | [web](http://www.teafm.net/) | - | [Logo](http://www.teafm.net/images/logo2016.png) | - |
| Radio Chinchilla | [Stream](http://streaming.radioalba.es:8114/stream) | [web](http://www.radiochinchilla.com/repro.htm) | - | [Logo](http://api.patentes-y-marcas.com/uploads/BOPIBrand_imagen/radio-chinchilla-m2727663.JPG) | - |
| Radio Ebro | - | [web](https://diarioaragones.com/) | - | [Logo](http://diarioaragones.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/ebrofm-escucha.jpeg) | - |
| Radio Huesca AM | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8011/radiohuescaam) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | - | - |
| Radio Huesca FM | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8021/radiohuescafm) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | - | - |
| Radio Aínsa | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8071/radiobarbastro) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | - | - |
| Radio Barbastro | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8071/radiobarbastro) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | - | - |
| Radio Graus | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8051/radiograus) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | - | - |
| Radio Jaca | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8041/radiojaca) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | - | - |
| Radio Mai | [M3U](http://radio.indaloweb.es:8001/live.m3u) | [web](http://radiomai.com/online/) | - | [Logo](http://radiomai.com/online/logoradiomai.gif) | - |
| Radio Mai (Backup) | [M3U](http://radiomai.ddns.net:8020/live.m3u) | [web](http://radiomai.com/online/) | - | [Logo](http://radiomai.com/online/logoradiomai.gif) | - |
| Radio Monzón | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8091/radiomonzon) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | - | - |
| Radio Ribagorza | [Stream]( | [web](http://www.radioribagorza.es/radioonline.html) | - | - | - |
| Radio Sabiñánigo | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8031/radiosabinanigo) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | - | - |
| Radio Sariñena | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8101/radiosarinena) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | - | - |
| Aragón Radio (Zaragoza) | - | [web](http://www.aragonradio.es/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/aragonradio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Aragón Radio (Huesca) | - | [web](http://www.aragonradio.es/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/aragonradio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Aragón Radio (Teruel) | - | [web](http://www.aragonradio.es/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/aragonradio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Aragón Radio 2.com | - | - | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/aragonradio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| All You Need Radio | - | [web](https://www.radioallyouneed.nl/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/1526908670893953/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Huesca | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_huesca/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| COPE Pirineos | [Stream]( | [web](http://www.radioribagorza.es/copeonline.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/COPE/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Hit Pirineos | [Stream]( | [web](http://www.radioribagorza.es/hitpirineos.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/hitpirineos/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| LOS40 Huesca | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8061/radio40principales) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/los40/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Tea FM | [MP3](http://cervera.eldialdigital.com:8052/;stream.mp3) | [web](http://www.teafm.net/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/TeaFM1027/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Chinchilla | [Stream](http://streaming.radioalba.es:8114/stream) | [web](http://www.radiochinchilla.com/repro.htm) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioChinchilla/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Ebro | - | [web](https://diarioaragones.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/1217846044997421/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Huesca AM | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8011/radiohuescaam) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/hoyporhoyhuesca/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Huesca FM | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8021/radiohuescafm) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/hoyporhoyhuesca/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Aínsa | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8071/radiobarbastro) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/ainsasobrarbeayuntamiento/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Barbastro | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8071/radiobarbastro) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RTPAoficial/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Graus | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8051/radiograus) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RTPAoficial/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Jaca | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8041/radiojaca) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RTPAoficial/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Mai | [M3U](http://radio.indaloweb.es:8001/live.m3u) | [web](http://radiomai.com/online/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiomai/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Mai (Backup) | [M3U](http://radiomai.ddns.net:8020/live.m3u) | [web](http://radiomai.com/online/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiomai/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Monzón | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8091/radiomonzon) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Ribagorza | [Stream]( | [web](http://www.radioribagorza.es/radioonline.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Sabiñánigo | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8031/radiosabinanigo) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Sariñena | [Stream](https://streamingradio.radiohuesca.com:8101/radiosarinena) | [web](https://www.radiohuesca.com/en-directo.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Rumba FM | - | [web](http://gruporumba.com/) | - | [Logo](http://gruporumba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/rumbalogo.png) | - |
| ZFM | [MP3](http://streaming.zarastudio.es/zfm.mp3) | [web](http://www.zaragozafm.es/player/) | - | [Logo](http://www.zaragozafm.es/img/logo.png) | - |
| ZFM | [MP3](http://streaming.zarastudio.es/zfm.mp3) | [web](http://www.zaragozafm.es/player/) | - | [Logo](http://www.zaragozafm.es/player/tmp/images/default.png) | - |
#### Asturias
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| RPA | - | [web](https://rtpa.es/radio) | - | [Logo](https://rtpa.es/v3_assets/logo-RPA.svg) | - |
| Cadena Dial Asturias | - | - | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/87/Cadena_Dial.svg/225px-Cadena_Dial.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena Dial Eo-Navia | - | - | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/87/Cadena_Dial.svg/225px-Cadena_Dial.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena SER Asturias | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_asturias/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena SER - Oriente | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/ser_oriente/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Carrussel FM | - | [web](https://players.emitironline.com/v5/index.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fserver10.emitironline.com%3A8921%2Fradio&codec=mp3&volume=80&autoplay=true&buffering=2&user=carruselfm&server=server10&title=Carrusel+FM) | - | [Logo](http://www.carruselfm.com/images/logo.png) | - |
| cSTRadio | - | [web](http://www.cstradio.org/v_portal/apartados/apartado.asp) | - | [Logo](http://www.cstradio.org/v_portal/inc/imagen.asp?f=banner_t4_0555.jpg&w=1060&h=215&c=2&a=3) | - |
| Laviana FM | - | [web](https://www.ivoox.com/escuchar-online-laviana-fm_tw_29762_1.html) | - | - | - |[Logo](https://static-1.ivoox.com/radios/2/1/0/1/2741432911012_MD.jpg)
| Los 40 Asturias| - | - | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/80/Los_40.svg/175px-Los_40.svg.png) | - |
| Los 40 Eo | - | - | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/80/Los_40.svg/175px-Los_40.svg.png) | - |
| Los 40 Classic Asturias | - | - | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/80/Los_40.svg/175px-Los_40.svg.png) | - |
| Master FM | - | [web](http://lamaster.es/) | - | [Logo](http://lamaster.es/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/fav.png) | - |
| Máxima FM Asturias | - | - | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fc/M%C3%A1xima_FM.svg/200px-M%C3%A1xima_FM.svg.png) | - |
| Onda Peñes | - | [web](http://www.gaxarte.com/emisiononline.htm) | - | [Logo](http://www.gaxarte.com/Logo%20Onda%20Penes%202009%20JPG.jpg) | - |
| Radio QK | - | [web](http://www.radioqk.org/) | - | [Logo](http://www.radioqk.org/wp-content/themes/oldradio/img/logo-radioqk.png) | - |
| Radio Fantasía | [Stream](;) | [web](http://radiofantasiafm.com//modules/mod_rar_radio/tmpl/player/player.php?d=aHR0cDovLzgxLjk0LjE5OC4xMjI6OTI4MC87LGh0dHA6Ly9yYWRpb2ZhbnRhc2lhZm0uY29tLywvaW1hZ2VzL3JhZGlvb25saW5lLmpwZyxwdWItNjgyNDQ5NDk0MjcwNDY5MSxFbCBsb2dvIGRlIGxhIFJhZGlvLDIwMCwzLDEsaHR0cDovL215ZG9tYWluLmNvbS90aXRsZS9jdXJyZW50U29uZy50eHQsUkFESU8gQVBBR0FEQSxObyBoYXkgdGl0dWxvcyxFc2N1Y2hhczosMSww) | - | [Logo](http://radiofantasiafm.com//images/radioonline.jpg) | - |
| Radio San Martín Sotrondio | [Stream](;) | [web](https://sanmartinradio.blogspot.com/) | - | [Logo](https://radiosanmartindotcom.files.wordpress.com/2018/08/logo-rsm.png) | - |
| Radio Sele | - | [web](http://www.radiosele.com/) | - | [Logo](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-T-a-jacAxic/VbHrJNL4eMI/AAAAAAAAAa4/sC66hX-w7k0/s1600/LOGOTIPO%2BRADIO%2BSELE%255B1%255D%255B1%255D.jpg) | - |
| Radio Ujo | [Stream]( | [web](https://www.radioujo.com/) | - | [Logo](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/fff70e_789cf4c8a7cf4425b4e02a41cadc1508~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_281,h_145,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/fff70e_789cf4c8a7cf4425b4e02a41cadc1508~mv2.webp) | - |
| The Box FM | - | [web](http://www.theboxfm.net/player_web/index.html) | - | [Logo](http://www.theboxfm.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Logo_274x100.jpg) | - |
| RPA | - | [web](https://rtpa.es/radio) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RTPAoficial/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena Dial Asturias | - | - | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenadial/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena Dial Eo-Navia | - | - | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenadial/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER Asturias | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_asturias/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Oriente | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/ser_oriente/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Carrussel FM | - | [web](https://players.emitironline.com/v5/index.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fserver10.emitironline.com%3A8921%2Fradio&codec=mp3&volume=80&autoplay=true&buffering=2&user=carruselfm&server=server10&title=Carrusel+FM) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/467719623356931/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| cSTRadio | - | [web](http://www.cstradio.org/v_portal/apartados/apartado.asp) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radioteletaxi/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Laviana FM | - | [web](https://www.ivoox.com/escuchar-online-laviana-fm_tw_29762_1.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/1430674467175631/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Los 40 Asturias| - | - | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/los40/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Los 40 Eo | - | - | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/los40/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Los 40 Classic Asturias | - | - | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenadial/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Master FM | - | [web](http://lamaster.es/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/lamasterfm/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Máxima FM Asturias | - | - | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radio.maxima.fm/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Onda Peñes | - | [web](http://www.gaxarte.com/emisiononline.htm) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/onda.penes/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio QK | - | [web](http://www.radioqk.org/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radioqkRadioLibre/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Fantasía | [Stream](;) | [web](http://radiofantasiafm.com//modules/mod_rar_radio/tmpl/player/player.php?d=aHR0cDovLzgxLjk0LjE5OC4xMjI6OTI4MC87LGh0dHA6Ly9yYWRpb2ZhbnRhc2lhZm0uY29tLywvaW1hZ2VzL3JhZGlvb25saW5lLmpwZyxwdWItNjgyNDQ5NDk0MjcwNDY5MSxFbCBsb2dvIGRlIGxhIFJhZGlvLDIwMCwzLDEsaHR0cDovL215ZG9tYWluLmNvbS90aXRsZS9jdXJyZW50U29uZy50eHQsUkFESU8gQVBBR0FEQSxObyBoYXkgdGl0dWxvcyxFc2N1Y2hhczosMSww) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiofantasia/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio San Martín Sotrondio | [Stream](;) | [web](https://sanmartinradio.blogspot.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioSanMartin107.1FM/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Sele | - | [web](http://www.radiosele.com/) | - | [Logo](https://cdn.onlineradiobox.com/img/logo/8/54418.v3.png) | - |
| Radio Ujo | [Stream]( | [web](https://www.radioujo.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radioujo/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| The Box FM | - | [web](http://www.theboxfm.net/player_web/index.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/boxfmec/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Langreo | - | - | - | - | - |
#### Canarias
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canarias Radio | - | [web](http://www.rtvc.es/canariasradio/directo.aspx) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f8/Logo_de_Canarias_Radio.svg/1280px-Logo_de_Canarias_Radio.svg.png) | - |
| Atlántica FM | - | [web](https://www.radioatlantica.com.bo/) | - | - | - |
| Canal 4 Tenerife | - | [web](http://www.canal4tenerife.tv/radio/) | - | [Logo](http://www.canal4tenerife.tv/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/LOGO-CANAL-4-azul-80.png) | - |
| Radio El Día | - | [web](https://eldia.fm/online.htm) | - | [Logo](http://eldia.fm/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/logoradio1.png) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Club Tenerife | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_club_tenerife) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Kiss FM Canarias | [MP3](http://kissfmcanarias.kissfmradio.cires21.com/kissfmcanarias.mp3) | [web](http://kissfm.es/player/canarias.html) | - | [Logo](http://kissfm.es/player/img/logokiss.png) | - |
| Radio ECCA | [MP3](http://audio1.ipercast.net/endirecto22.es/mp3) | [web](http://www2.radioecca.org/radio/online) | - | [Logo](http://www2.radioecca.org/img/logo.png?v=1) | - |
| Radio Guiniguada | [Stream](;) | [web](http://www.radioguiniguada.com) | - | [Logo](http://www.radioguiniguada.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/unnamed.jpg) | - |
| Radio Guiniguada Internacional | [Stream](;) | [web](http://www.radioguiniguada.com) | - | [Logo](http://www.radioguiniguada.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/unnamed.jpg) | - |
| Radio La Guancha | - | [web](http://www.radiolaguancha.com/?page_id=23) | - | [Logo](http://www.radiolaguancha.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/boton_radio.png) | - |
| Radio San Borondón | [pls](http://srv0435.lcinternet.com/tunein.php/sanboron/playlist.pls) | [web](http://www.sanborondon.info/images/_streamer/rsb.html) | - | [Logo](http://www.sanborondon.info/images/_logos/logo.png) | - |
| Q FM | - | [web](https://www.qmusica.com/es) | - | [Logo](https://www.qmusica.com/sites/all/themes/custom/images/top.png) | - |
| Canarias Radio | - | [web](http://www.rtvc.es/canariasradio/directo.aspx) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/CanariasRadioLaAutonomica/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Atlántica FM | - | [web](https://www.radioatlantica.com.bo/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radioatlanticabolivia/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Canal 4 Tenerife | - | [web](http://www.canal4tenerife.tv/radio/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/CANAL4TENERIFE/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio El Día | - | [web](https://eldia.fm/online.htm) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioELDIA/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Club Tenerife | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_club_tenerife) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Kiss FM Canarias | [MP3](http://kissfmcanarias.kissfmradio.cires21.com/kissfmcanarias.mp3) | [web](http://kissfm.es/player/canarias.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/kissfm.es/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio ECCA | [MP3](http://audio1.ipercast.net/endirecto22.es/mp3) | [web](http://www2.radioecca.org/radio/online) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioECCA/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Guiniguada | [Stream](;) | [web](http://www.radioguiniguada.com) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radioguiniguada/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Guiniguada Internacional | [Stream](;) | [web](http://www.radioguiniguada.com) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radioguiniguada/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio La Guancha | - | [web](http://www.radiolaguancha.com/?page_id=23) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiolaguancha/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio San Borondón | [pls](http://srv0435.lcinternet.com/tunein.php/sanboron/playlist.pls) | [web](http://www.sanborondon.info/images/_streamer/rsb.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/413581508699797/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Q FM | - | [web](https://www.qmusica.com/es) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/100005645714744/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Teide Radio | - | - | - | - | - |
| Biosfera Radio | - | - | - | - | - |
| O2 Radio | - | - | - | - | - |
| Crónica Cadena COPE | - | - | - | - | - |
| RTI Radio | - | - | - | - | - |
| Radio Gigante | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal 11 Radio | - | - | - | - | - |
#### Cantabria
@ -163,130 +178,178 @@
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Albacete | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_albacete/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Radio Arrebato | - | [web](https://www.radioarrebato.net/escuchar/) | - | [Logo](http://www.radioarrebato.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/cartel-radio-arrebato.jpg) | - |
| Radio Chinchilla | [Stream](http://streaming.radioalba.es:8114/stream) | [web](http://www.radiochinchilla.com/repro.htm) | - | [Logo](http://api.patentes-y-marcas.com/uploads/BOPIBrand_imagen/radio-chinchilla-m2727663.JPG) | - |
| CMM Radio | - | [web](http://www.cmmedia.es/en-directo/radio/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/CMMediaes/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Albacete | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_albacete/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Arrebato | - | [web](https://www.radioarrebato.net/escuchar/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radioarrebato107.4/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Chinchilla | [Stream](http://streaming.radioalba.es:8114/stream) | [web](http://www.radiochinchilla.com/repro.htm) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioChinchilla/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
#### Castilla y León
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| Castilla y León Radio | - | [web](http://www.castillayleonesradio.es/) | - | - | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Castilla | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_castilla/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Valladolid | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_valladolid/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Zamora | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_zamora/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Mortal FM | - | [web](http://www.mortalfm.es/online) | - | [Logo](http://www.mortalfm.es/archivos/logo.png) | - |
| Radio Valdivielso | - | [web](http://radiovaldivielso.es) | - | [Logo](http://radiovaldivielso.es/imagenes/LOGO%20RADIO%20VALDIVIELSO%20copia40%20[320x200].jpg) | - |
| Vive! Radio | - | [web](http://www.viveradio.es/ReproductorLive.aspx) | - | [Logo](http://www.viveradio.es/Entorno/LogoVive2.gif) | - |
| Castilla y León Radio | - | [web](http://www.castillayleonesradio.es/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/esradio/picture?width=320&height=320)| - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Castilla | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_castilla/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Valladolid | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_valladolid/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Zamora | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_zamora/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Mortal FM | - | [web](http://www.mortalfm.es/online) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/mortalfm/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Valdivielso | - | [web](http://radiovaldivielso.es) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/124228874264567/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Vive! Radio | - | [web](http://www.viveradio.es/ReproductorLive.aspx) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/158974217473244/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
#### Cataluña
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| Catalunya Ràdio | - | [web](https://www.ccma.cat/catradio/directe/catalunya-radio/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0a/Catalunya_R%C3%A0dio.svg/250px-Catalunya_R%C3%A0dio.svg.png) | - |
| Catalunya Informació | - | [web](https://www.ccma.cat/catradio/directe/catalunya-informacio/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7a/Catalunya_Informaci%C3%B3.svg/250px-Catalunya_Informaci%C3%B3.svg.png) | - |
| Cat Música | - | [web](https://www.ccma.cat/catradio/directe/catmusica/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/58/Catalunya_M%C3%BAsica.svg/2000px-Catalunya_M%C3%BAsica.svg.png) | - |
| Cat Clàssica | - | [web](https://www.ccma.cat/catradio/directe/catclassica/) | - | [Logo](http://db.radioline.fr/pictures/radio_d82bacb209dfd93cad66ea1e7789b040/logo200.jpg?size=200) | - |
| iCat | - | [web](https://www.ccma.cat/catradio/directe/icat/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d3/ICat.cat.svg/225px-ICat.cat.svg.png) | - |
| Antena 2000 | - | - | - | - | - |
| Bas Ràdio | - | [web](https://basradioweb.wordpress.com/) | - | [Logo](http://webspobles2.ddgi.cat/lavalldenbas/media/sites/31/logo_radio_vall.gif) | - |
| betevé ràdio | - | [web](https://beteve.cat/en-directe/radio/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cd/Logotip_beteve.svg/150px-Logotip_beteve.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena SER - Ràdio Barcelona | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_barcelona/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena SER - Ràdio Reus | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_reus/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| COPE Barcelona | - | [web](https://www.cope.es/directos/barcelona) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1f/Logo_Cadena_COPE.png/100px-Logo_Cadena_COPE.png) | - |
| Equinox Radio | - | [web](https://www.equinoxmagazine.fr/2017/03/24/ecouter-equinox-radio-francaise-barcelone-direct/) | - | [Logo](https://www.equinoxmagazine.fr/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/LOGO-1.jpg) | - |
| Flaix FM | - | [web](https://www.flaixfm.cat/) | - | [Logo](https://www.flaixfm.cat/img/flaixfm/logo.svg?1) | - |
| La Marina FM | [Stream](http://endirecte.amcl.cat:8000/lamarinafm) | [web](http://lamarina.cat/endirecte/) | - | [Logo](http://lamarina.cat/wp-content/uploads/LAMARINAweb.png) | - |
| LOS40 Catalunya | [aac](https://19393.live.streamtheworld.com/LOS40_CATAAC.aac) | [web](https://play.los40.com/emisora/los40_catalunya/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/80/Los_40.svg/175px-Los_40.svg.png) | - |
| Mataró Ràdio | - | [web](https://enacast.com/iframe_directe/49/?theme=standard&autostart=yes) | - | [Logo](http://mataroaudiovisual.cat/sites/all/themes/mataroaudiovisual07/images/icon-radio.png) | - |
| Catalunya Ràdio | - | [web](https://www.ccma.cat/catradio/directe/catalunya-radio/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/catradio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Catalunya Informació | - | [web](https://www.ccma.cat/catradio/directe/catalunya-informacio/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/158974217473244/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cat Música | - | [web](https://www.ccma.cat/catradio/directe/catmusica/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/catmusica/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cat Clàssica | - | [web](https://www.ccma.cat/catradio/directe/catclassica/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/catmusica/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| iCat | - | [web](https://www.ccma.cat/catradio/directe/icat/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/icatpuntcat/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Bas Ràdio | - | [web](https://basradioweb.wordpress.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RADIOENBASONLINE2/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| betevé ràdio | - | [web](https://beteve.cat/en-directe/radio/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/betevecat/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Ràdio Barcelona | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_barcelona/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Ràdio Reus | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_reus/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| COPE Barcelona | - | [web](https://www.cope.es/directos/barcelona) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/COPE/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Equinox Radio | - | [web](https://www.equinoxmagazine.fr/2017/03/24/ecouter-equinox-radio-francaise-barcelone-direct/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/equinoxradio.barcelone/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Flaix FM | - | [web](https://www.flaixfm.cat/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/flaixfm/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| La Marina FM | [Stream](http://endirecte.amcl.cat:8000/lamarinafm) | [web](http://lamarina.cat/endirecte/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/lamarinacat/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| LOS40 Catalunya | [aac](https://19393.live.streamtheworld.com/LOS40_CATAAC.aac) | [web](https://play.los40.com/emisora/los40_catalunya/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/los40/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Mataró Ràdio | - | [web](https://enacast.com/iframe_directe/49/?theme=standard&autostart=yes) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/mataroaudiovisual/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Onda Rambla | - | - | - | - | - |
| RAC1 | [nsv](http://rac1.radiocat.net/;*.nsv) | [web](https://www.rac1.cat) | - | - | - |
| RAC 105 | [nsv](http://rac105.radiocat.net/;*.nsv) | [web](http://www.rac105.cat) | - | - | - |
| RNE Ràdio 4 | [MP3]( | [web](http://www.rtve.es/radio/radio4-endirecto/) | - | - | - |
| Radio Bronka | - | [web](http://radiobronka.info/escuchanos/emision-online/) | - | [Logo](http://dinamoespai.info/wp-content/uploads/palantebronka-boca-oberta-300x300.jpg) | - |
| Ràdio Ciutat de Badalona | - | [web](https://enacast.com/iframe_directe/39/?theme=standard) | - | [Logo](https://www.radiociutatdebadalona.cat/img/logoRadiob.png) | - |
| Ràdio Despí | [Stream]( | [web](https://radiodespi.net/directo/) | - | [Logo](https://radiodespi.net/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Logo-107.2-3D-Transparente-300x167.png) | - |
| Ràdio Estel | [Stream/PLS](http://srv3021.lcinternet.com:8019/stream) | [web](http://player.lcinternet.es/v9/cc232_id415/) | - | [Logo](http://www.radioestel.com/imatges/zona_cabecera2.png) | - |
| Ràdio Flaixbac | - | [web](https://www.flaixbac.cat/) | - | [Logo](https://www.flaixbac.cat/img/radioflaixbac/logo-white.svg?2) | - |
| Ràdio Gràcia | - | [web](https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/gracia/ca/coneixeu-el-districte/radio-gracia) | - | [Logo](https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/gracia/sites/default/files/styles/gallery/public/gallery/radio_gracia_800x450.jpg) | - |
| Ràdio Marca Barcelona | [Stream](https://radiomarcabcnmedia.dns-lcinternet.com:9000/stream) | [web](https://www.marca.com/radio.html?intcmp=BOTONPORTADA&s_kw=radiomarca#) | - | [Logo](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1053407501788561411/ulEog-n4_400x400.jpg) | - |
| RAC1 | [nsv](http://rac1.radiocat.net/;*.nsv) | [web](https://www.rac1.cat) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/rac1oficial/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| RAC 105 | [nsv](http://rac105.radiocat.net/;*.nsv) | [web](http://www.rac105.cat) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/rac105/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| RNE Ràdio 4 | [MP3]( | [web](http://www.rtve.es/radio/radio4-endirecto/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Radio4RNE/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Bronka | - | [web](http://radiobronka.info/escuchanos/emision-online/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioBronka/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Ràdio Ciutat de Badalona | - | [web](https://enacast.com/iframe_directe/39/?theme=standard) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Badalona-Tv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Ràdio Despí | [Stream]( | [web](https://radiodespi.net/directo/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiodespi/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Ràdio Estel | [Stream/PLS](http://srv3021.lcinternet.com:8019/stream) | [web](http://player.lcinternet.es/v9/cc232_id415/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Radioestelbcn/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Ràdio Flaixbac | - | [web](https://www.flaixbac.cat/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/flaixbac/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Ràdio Gràcia | - | [web](https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/gracia/ca/coneixeu-el-districte/radio-gracia) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioGraciaBarcelona/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Ràdio Marca Barcelona | [Stream](https://radiomarcabcnmedia.dns-lcinternet.com:9000/stream) | [web](https://www.marca.com/radio.html?intcmp=BOTONPORTADA&s_kw=radiomarca#) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioMARCA/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Ràdio Tele-Taxi | - | [web](https://www.radioteletaxi.com/reproductor/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radioteletaxi/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Ràdio Vilamajor | - | [web](http://www.radiovilamajor.cat/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radio.vilamajor/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Ràdio L'Hospitalet | - | - | - | - | - |
| Radio Cooltura | - | - | - | - | - |
| e-radio | - | - | - | - | - |
| Vinilo FM | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio Mollet | - | - | - | - | - |
| RAP107 | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio Montornès | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio Silenci | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio Caldes | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio Granollers | - | - | - | - | - |
| Onda Rambla | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio Capital Empordà | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio l'Escola | - | - | - | - | - |
| Segre Ràdio | - | - | - | - | - |
| Proxima FM | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio Principal | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio Tele-Taxi | - | [web](https://www.radioteletaxi.com/reproductor/) | - | [Logo](https://mytuner.global.ssl.fastly.net/media/tvos_radios/HtCRgjSUTH.png) | - |
| Ràdio Vilamajor | - | [web](http://www.radiovilamajor.cat/) | - | [Logo](http://www.radiovilamajor.cat/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/cropped-portada3-2.png) | - |
| Altafulla Ràdio | - | - | - | - | - |
| Tarragona Ràdio | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio Montblanc | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ona La Torre | - | - | - | - | - |
| Constantí Ràdio | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio Sant Pere i Sant Pau | - | - | - | - | - |
| Imagina Ràdio | - | - | - | - | - |
| Cadena SER - Ràdio Manresa | - | - | - | - | - |
| Digital Hits FM | - | - | - | - | - |
| Amb 2 FM | - | - | - | - | - |
| Noucinc.2 Ràdio | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal Blau Ràdio | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio Ribes | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio Cubelles | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio Vilafranca | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio El Vendrell | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio Maricel | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio Ripoll | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio Olot | - | - | - | - | - |
| Joy FM | - | - | - | - | - |
| Joy 24h | - | - | - | - | - |
| Joy somreggae | - | - | - | - | - |
#### Ceuta
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| RTVCE | - | [web](http://www.rtvce.es/radio_online) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RTVCE/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
#### Extremadura
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal Extremadura Radio | - | [web](http://www.canalextremadura.es/radio/directo) | - | [Logo](https://cdn-profiles.tunein.com/s126406/images/bannerx.jpg) | - |
| Radio Miajadas | [Stream](http://srv0410.lcinternet.com:8013/stream) | [web](http://player.lcinternet.es/v9/cc023_063/) | - | [Logo](https://i0.wp.com/rtvmiajadas.es/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/navidad-2019x-1.png) | - |
| Canal Extremadura Radio | - | [web](http://www.canalextremadura.es/radio/directo) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/CanalExtremadura/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Miajadas | [Stream](http://srv0410.lcinternet.com:8013/stream) | [web](http://player.lcinternet.es/v9/cc023_063/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/489965251169138/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
#### Galicia
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| Radio Galega | - | [web](http://www.crtvg.es/rg/rg-en-directo/canle/radio-galega) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/26/Televisi%C3%B3n_de_Galicia_Logo.svg/1024px-Televisi%C3%B3n_de_Galicia_Logo.svg.png) | - |
| Radio Galega Música | - | [web](http://www.crtvg.es/rg/rg-en-directo/canle/rg-musica) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/26/Televisi%C3%B3n_de_Galicia_Logo.svg/1024px-Televisi%C3%B3n_de_Galicia_Logo.svg.png) | - |
| Son Galicia Radio | - | [web](http://www.crtvg.es/rg/rg-en-directo/canle/son-galicia) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/26/Televisi%C3%B3n_de_Galicia_Logo.svg/1024px-Televisi%C3%B3n_de_Galicia_Logo.svg.png) | - |
| Radio Picariña | - | [web](http://www.crtvg.es/en-directo/canles-directos-rg/radio-picarina) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/26/Televisi%C3%B3n_de_Galicia_Logo.svg/1024px-Televisi%C3%B3n_de_Galicia_Logo.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Vigo | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_vigo/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena SER - Baixo Miño | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/ser_baixo_mino/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena SER - Mariña | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_mariña/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Cuac FM | [ogg](https://streaming.cuacfm.org/cuacfm.ogg) | [web](https://cuacfm.org/directo/) | - | [Logo](https://cuacfm.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/cuacfm-banner-top.png) | - |
| Radio Municipal de Tui | - | [web](http://www.concellotui.org/php/radio.php) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b9/RadioDeTui.jpg) | - |
| Radiofusión | [Stream](http://srv0411.lcinternet.com:9005/stream) | [web](https://www.radiofusion.eu/) | - | [Logo](https://www.radiofusion.eu/sites/all/themes/radiofusion/logo.png) | - |
| Radio Fene | [Stream](http://srv0490.lcinternet.com:8002/stream) | [web](https://www.radiofusion.eu/) | - | [Logo](https://www.radiofusion.eu/sites/all/themes/radiofusion/images/logo-radioFene.png) | - |
| Radio Voz | - | [web](http://www.radiovoz.com/) | - | [Logo](http://www.radiovoz.com/img/logoradiovoz.png) | - |
| Radio Galega | - | [web](http://www.crtvg.es/rg/rg-en-directo/canle/radio-galega) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/aradiogalega/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Galega Música | - | [web](http://www.crtvg.es/rg/rg-en-directo/canle/rg-musica) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/aradiogalega/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Son Galicia Radio | - | [web](http://www.crtvg.es/rg/rg-en-directo/canle/son-galicia) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/aradiogalega/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Picariña | - | [web](http://www.crtvg.es/en-directo/canles-directos-rg/radio-picarina) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/aradiogalega/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Vigo | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_vigo/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Baixo Miño | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/ser_baixo_mino/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Mariña | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_mariña/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cuac FM | [ogg](https://streaming.cuacfm.org/cuacfm.ogg) | [web](https://cuacfm.org/directo/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cuacfm/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Municipal de Tui | - | [web](http://www.concellotui.org/php/radio.php) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioMunicipaldeTui/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radiofusión | [Stream](http://srv0411.lcinternet.com:9005/stream) | [web](https://www.radiofusion.eu/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Radiofusionga/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Eume | - | - | - | - | - |
| Radio Fene | [Stream](http://srv0490.lcinternet.com:8002/stream) | [web](https://www.radiofusion.eu/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/196309677056427/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Obradoiro | - | - | - | - | - |
| Radio Voz | - | [web](http://www.radiovoz.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiovoz/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Via Radio- | - | - | - | - | - |
#### Islas Baleares
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| IB3 Ràdio | - | [web](https://ib3.org/directe?c=radio) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ca/7/7e/Ib3_logo2008-1.png) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Mallorca | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_mallorca/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Radio Balear | [Stream](http://server6.20comunicacion.com:8076/;) | [web](http://www.radiobalear.es/directo/) | - | [Logo](http://radiobalear.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/nuevo-logo.png) | - |
| Radio Manía Mallorca | - | [web](https://radiomania.es/) | - | [Logo](https://radiomania.es/wp-content/themes/radiomaniad/images/3899b712819a09079c84983638a6772f_logobot.png) | - |
| Última Hora Radio | [Stream](http://stream.fibwi.com:9020/stream) | [web](http://radio.gsstatic.es/) | - | [Logo](http://radio.gsstatic.es/player.png) | - |
| Ibiza Global Radio | [Stream](http://ibizaglobalradio.streaming-pro.com:8024/stream) | [web](http://ibizaglobalradio.com/) | - | [Logo](http://ibizaglobalradio.com/wp-content/themes/igr-theme/img/igr-logo-new.png) | - |
| ibizaSonica | [Stream/MP3](http://s1.sonicabroadcast.com:7005/;stream/1) | [web](https://www.ibizasonica.com/) | - | [Logo](https://static.radio.es/images/broadcasts/59/b1/5208/2/c300.png) | - |
| IB3 Ràdio | - | [web](https://ib3.org/directe?c=radio) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/IB3org/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Mallorca | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_mallorca/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Balear | [Stream](http://server6.20comunicacion.com:8076/;) | [web](http://www.radiobalear.es/directo/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/rbalear.interbaleares/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Manía Mallorca | - | [web](https://radiomania.es/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiomania.es/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Última Hora Radio | [Stream](http://stream.fibwi.com:9020/stream) | [web](http://radio.gsstatic.es/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/UltimaHora.Mallorca/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Ibiza Global Radio | [Stream](http://ibizaglobalradio.streaming-pro.com:8024/stream) | [web](http://ibizaglobalradio.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/ibiza.radio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| ibizaSonica | [Stream/MP3](http://s1.sonicabroadcast.com:7005/;stream/1) | [web](https://www.ibizasonica.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/ibizasonicaradio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Murta | - | - | - | - | - |
| Das Inselradio | - | - | - | - | - |
| Mallorca Sunshine Radio | - | - | - | - | - |
| Russkoe Radio Mallorca | - | - | - | - | - |
| Fibwi Radio | - | - | - | - | - |
| Radio One Mallorca | - | - | - | - | - |
#### La Rioja
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| COPE Rioja | - | [web](https://www.cope.es/emisoras/la-rioja/la-rioja-provincia/logrono) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/COPE/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
#### Madrid
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| Onda Madrid | - | [web](http://www.telemadrid.es/emision-en-directo-ondamadrid/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/66/OndaMadrid.svg/225px-OndaMadrid.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena SER - Sierra | [MP3](;stream.mp3) | [web#1](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/ser_madrid_sierra/) - [web#2](http://www.lavozdelasierra.es/ser-sierra/player.php) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| ECO Leganés | - | [web](http://ecoleganes.org/) | - | [Logo](http://ecoleganes.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/logo.png) | - |
| Gestiona Radio | - | [web](http://www.gestionaradio.com/) | - | [Logo](http://www.gestionaradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/logo_radio-e1444234296424.png) | - |
| Radio Inter | - | [web](https://www.radiointer.es/) | - | [Logo](https://www.radiointer.es/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/logo-inter.png) | - |
| M21 Radio | - | [web](https://www.m21radio.es/ahora) | - | [Logo](https://www.m21radio.es/sites/all/themes/custom/m21radio_static/logo.png) | - |
| Onda Diamante | [M3U](http://www.avvcanillejas.org/docs/ondadiamante.ogg.m3u) | [web](http://www.avvcanillejas.org/radio.htm) | - | [Logo](http://www.avvcanillejas.org/img/radio.jpg) | - |
| Onda Cero Sierra | [MP3](http://ondacerosierra.ddns.net:7000/;stream.mp3) | [web](http://www.lavozdelasierra.es/onda-cero-sierra/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/Onda_Cero_logo.svg/225px-Onda_Cero_logo.svg.png) | - |
| OMC Radio | [Stream](http://cervera.eldialdigital.com:8104/;) | [web](https://www.omcradio.org/escuchanos/) | - | [Logo](https://www.omcradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/logo2018.png) | - |
| Onda Polígono | - | [web](http://www.ondapoligono.org/) | - | [Logo](http://www.ondapoligono.org/img_estructura/ondapollogo2018.png) | - |
| Radio Almenara | [Stream](;) | [web](http://www.radioalmenara.net/) | - | [Logo](http://www.radioalmenara.net/local/cache-vignettes/L800xH97/siteon0-e2cdf.png) | - |
| Radio Cigüeña | - | [web](http://streamserver2.somosdigital.net:2199/start/sd0211a/) | - | [Logo](http://www.radiociguena.org/images/Logos_Radio_Ciguena/LogonuevoRC_Portada.jpg) | - |
| Radio Enlace | - | [web](http://www.radioenlace.org/) | - | [Logo](http://www.radioenlace.org/images/titulo-2015.png) | - |
| Radio Fuga | [Stream](http://radiogestion.com:7090/radiofuga) | [web](http://radio-fuga.com/escuchanosaqui/) | - | [Logo](http://radio-fuga.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/LogoRadioWeb.png) | - |
| Radio Jabato | - | [web](https://www.ivoox.com/escuchar-radio-jabato_nq_219448_1.html) | - | [Logo](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/748361935050113027/zMSVPvrx_400x400.jpg) | - |
| Radio Las Águilas | - | [web](http://www.radiolasaguilas.es/) | - | [Logo](http://www.radiolasaguilas.es/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Logo-radio-nuevo-definitivo2.jpg) | - |
| Radio Morata | [MP3](http://cervera.eldialdigital.com:8132/codec=mp3) | [web](http://www.radiomorata.com/lavoz/) | - | [Logo](http://lavoz.radiomorata.com/img/logo_radio_lavoz.png) | - |
| Radio Paloma | - | [web](https://schlager.radio/) | - | [Logo](https://schlager.radio/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/radio-paloma-logo.png) | - |
| Radio Romanul | - | [web](http://www.radioromanul.es/live/) | - | [Logo](http://www.radioromanul.es/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/RadioRomanul-Logo2.png) | - |
| Radio Utopía | [MP3](http://streaming.radioutopia.org.es:8000/radio-utopia.mp3) | [web](http://www.radioutopia.org.es/) | - | [Logo](http://s320914904.mialojamiento.es/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/lru120px-1.png) | - |
| Radio Vallekas | [Stream](http://cervera.eldialdigital.com:8032/;) - [M3U](http://www.radiovallekas.org/emision.m3u) | [web](http://www.radiovallekas.org/spip/spip.php?rubrique30) | - | [Logo](http://www.radiovallekas.org/spip/imagenes/logoRVK.png) | - |
| Radio Vallekas 2 | [Stream](http://rvk2.radiovallekas.org:6020/;) | [web](http://www.radiovallekas.org/spip/spip.php?rubrique30) | - | [Logo](http://www.radiovallekas.org/radiovallekas2/RVK2.png) | - |
| Radio Vallekas Eventos | [Stream](http://tesla.eldialdigital.com:6002/;) | [web](http://www.radiovallekas.org/spip/spip.php?rubrique30) | - | [Logo](http://www.radiovallekas.org/eventos/RVKeventos.png) | - |
| Onda Madrid | - | [web](http://www.telemadrid.es/emision-en-directo-ondamadrid/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/ondamadridradio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Sierra | [MP3](;stream.mp3) | [web#1](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/ser_madrid_sierra/) - [web#2](http://www.lavozdelasierra.es/ser-sierra/player.php) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| ECO Leganés | - | [web](http://ecoleganes.org/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/ecoleganes/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Gestiona Radio | - | [web](http://www.gestionaradio.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/GestionaRadioValencia/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Inter | - | [web](https://www.radiointer.es/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioIntEs/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| M21 Radio | - | [web](https://www.m21radio.es/ahora) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/m21madrid/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Onda Diamante | [M3U](http://www.avvcanillejas.org/docs/ondadiamante.ogg.m3u) | [web](http://graph.facebook.com/OndaDiamanteOD/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | [Logo](http://www.avvcanillejas.org/img/radio.jpg) | - |
| Onda Cero Sierra | [MP3](http://ondacerosierra.ddns.net:7000/;stream.mp3) | [web](http://www.lavozdelasierra.es/onda-cero-sierra/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/ondacero/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| OMC Radio | [Stream](http://cervera.eldialdigital.com:8104/;) | [web](https://www.omcradio.org/escuchanos/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/OmcRadio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Onda Polígono | - | [web](http://www.ondapoligono.org/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/WEBEBGGWEGE/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Almenara | [Stream](;) | [web](http://www.radioalmenara.net/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioAlmenara/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Cigüeña | - | [web](http://streamserver2.somosdigital.net:2199/start/sd0211a/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/297157036138/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Enlace | - | [web](http://www.radioenlace.org/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radioenlacemadrid/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Fuga | [Stream](http://radiogestion.com:7090/radiofuga) | [web](http://radio-fuga.com/escuchanosaqui/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioFuga/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Jabato | - | [web](https://www.ivoox.com/escuchar-radio-jabato_nq_219448_1.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioJabato/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Las Águilas | - | [web](http://www.radiolasaguilas.es/) | - | [Logo](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/564877578943864832/0WaT4f5B_400x400.jpeg) | - |
| Radio Morata | [MP3](http://cervera.eldialdigital.com:8132/codec=mp3) | [web](http://www.radiomorata.com/lavoz/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiomorata/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Paloma | - | [web](https://schlager.radio/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioPaloma.de/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Romanul | - | [web](http://www.radioromanul.es/live/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioRomanul/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Utopía | [MP3](http://streaming.radioutopia.org.es:8000/radio-utopia.mp3) | [web](http://www.radioutopia.org.es/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/179099278878655/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Vallekas | [Stream](http://cervera.eldialdigital.com:8032/;) - [M3U](http://www.radiovallekas.org/emision.m3u) | [web](http://www.radiovallekas.org/spip/spip.php?rubrique30) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiovallekas/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Vallekas 2 | [Stream](http://rvk2.radiovallekas.org:6020/;) | [web](http://www.radiovallekas.org/spip/spip.php?rubrique30) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiovallekas/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Vallekas Eventos | [Stream](http://tesla.eldialdigital.com:6002/;) | [web](http://www.radiovallekas.org/spip/spip.php?rubrique30) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiovallekas/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
#### Melilla
@ -297,57 +360,64 @@
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Murcia | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_murcia/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Onda Regional de Murcia | [aac](https://live.redctnet.es/live/orm/orm/media_w885381291_148.aac) | [web](https://www.orm.es/directo/orm/) | - | [Logo](https://mytuner.global.ssl.fastly.net/media/tvos_radios/dQZbA8FwvK.png) | - |
| Radio Calasparra | [Stream](;) | [web](https://tunein.com/radio/Radio-Calasparra-1075-s113080/) | - | [Logo](http://www.lareferencia.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/radio-calasparra.jpg) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Murcia | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_murcia/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Onda Regional de Murcia | [aac](https://live.redctnet.es/live/orm/orm/media_w885381291_148.aac) | [web](https://www.orm.es/directo/orm/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/OndaRegional/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Onda Regional Música | - | [web](https://www.orm.es/directo/or-musica/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/OndaRegional/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Calasparra | [Stream](;) | [web](https://tunein.com/radio/Radio-Calasparra-1075-s113080/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/349014238632372/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
#### Navarra
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| Bit FM Pamplona | [pls](http://server1.emitironline.com:8024/) | [web](http://bitfm.es/player/) | - | [Logo](http://www.bitfm.es/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/blanco.png) | - |
| Eguzki Irratia | - | [web](https://eguzki.eus/) | - | [Logo](https://eguzki.eus/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/cropped-LOGO.jpg) | - |
| Emisora Municipal de Pamplona | - | [web](https://pamplona.es/radio) | - | - | - |
| Euskalerria Irratia | [Stream](http://server4.beatproducciones.com:8014/;) | [web](https://euskalerriairratia.eus/irratia/zuzenekoa) | - | [Logo](https://euskalerriairratia.eus/static/img/logoa.png) | - |
| Radio Universidad de Navarra | [MP3](http://s37.myradiostream.com/8638/listen.mp3) | [web](https://www.unav.edu/radioplayer/endirecto.html) | - | [Logo](https://www.unav.edu/radioplayer/radio-universidad-de-navarra-en-directo.jpg) | - |
| Trak FM Pamplona | [MP3](;stream.mp3) | [web](http://trakfm.com/) | - | [Logo](http://trakfmco-cp44.wordpresstemporal.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Trak-FM-Logo-Main.jpg) | - |
| Bit FM Pamplona | [pls](http://server1.emitironline.com:8024/) | [web](http://bitfm.es/player/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/bitfm.es/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Eguzki Irratia | - | [web](https://eguzki.eus/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/293039954137807/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Emisora Municipal de Pamplona | - | [web](https://pamplona.es/radio) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/pamplona.es/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Euskalerria Irratia | [Stream](http://server4.beatproducciones.com:8014/;) | [web](https://euskalerriairratia.eus/irratia/zuzenekoa) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/euskalerriairratia/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Universidad de Navarra | [MP3](http://s37.myradiostream.com/8638/listen.mp3) | [web](https://www.unav.edu/radioplayer/endirecto.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiouniversidaddenavarra/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Trak FM Pamplona | [MP3](;stream.mp3) | [web](http://trakfm.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/trakfmpamplona/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| SIC4GN | - | - | - | - | - |
#### País Vasco
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| EITB Musika | - | [web](https://www.eitb.eus/eu/irratia/eitb-musika/irratia-online/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/df/Eitbmusika.png/280px-Eitbmusika.png) | - |
| Euskadi Irratia | - | [web](https://www.eitb.eus/eu/irratia/euskadi-irratia/irratia-online/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b5/Euskadiirratia.png/280px-Euskadiirratia.png) | - |
| Gaztea | - | [web](https://www.eitb.eus/eu/gaztea/gaztea-online/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c8/Gaztea_Spain.svg/200px-Gaztea_Spain.svg.png) | - |
| Radio Euskadi | - | [web](https://www.eitb.eus/es/radio/radio-euskadi/radio-online/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/db/Radioeuskadi.png/280px-Radioeuskadi.png) | - |
| Radio Vitoria | - | [web](https://www.eitb.eus/es/radio/radio-vitoria/radio-online/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d7/Radiovitoria.png/280px-Radiovitoria.png) | - |
| Herri Irratia | - | [web](https://radiopopular.com/) | - | [Logo](http://radiopopular.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/logoradiopopwebeusk.jpg) | - |
| Radio Nervión | - | [web](http://www.radionervion.com/) | - | [Logo](http://www.radionervion.com/images/LOGOweb130.png) | - |
| Onda Vasca | [Stream](https://www.ondavasca.com:8001/bizkaia) | [web](https://www.ondavasca.com/) | - | [Logo](https://www.ondavasca.com/wp-content/themes/OndaVasca/img/logos/OndaVasca.png) | - |
| Onda Vasca Gipuzcoa | [Stream](https://www.ondavasca.com:8001/gipuzkoa) | [web](https://www.ondavasca.com/) | - | [Logo](https://www.ondavasca.com/wp-content/themes/OndaVasca/img/logos/OndaVasca.png) | - |
| EITB Musika | - | [web](https://www.eitb.eus/eu/irratia/eitb-musika/irratia-online/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/eitbmusika/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Euskadi Irratia | - | [web](https://www.eitb.eus/eu/irratia/euskadi-irratia/irratia-online/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Euskadi.Irratia/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Gaztea | - | [web](https://www.eitb.eus/eu/gaztea/gaztea-online/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/gaztea/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Euskadi | - | [web](https://www.eitb.eus/es/radio/radio-euskadi/radio-online/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiovitoria.eitb/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Vitoria | - | [web](https://www.eitb.eus/es/radio/radio-vitoria/radio-online/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radioeuskadi.RE/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Herri Irratia | - | [web](https://radiopopular.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiopopular.herriirratia/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Nervión | - | [web](http://www.radionervion.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RadioNervion/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Onda Vasca | [Stream](https://www.ondavasca.com:8001/bizkaia) | [web](https://www.ondavasca.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/ondavasca/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Onda Vasca Gipuzcoa | [Stream](https://www.ondavasca.com:8001/gipuzkoa) | [web](https://www.ondavasca.com/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/ondavasca/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio 7 | - | [web](https://tele7.tv/radio-7-en-directo/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Tele7Radio7/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
#### Valencia
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| À Punt FM | - | [web](https://apuntmedia.es/va/directe/radio) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/88/Logo_%C3%A0PuntFM.svg/150px-Logo_%C3%A0PuntFM.svg.png) | - |
| Alzira Radio | - | - | - | - | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Castellón | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_castellon/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Valencia | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_valencia/) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Cadena_Ser_logo.svg/225px-Cadena_Ser_logo.svg.png) | - |
| Radio Expres Elche | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio Klara | [MP3](http://cervera.eldialdigital.com:8048/;#mp3) | [web](http://www.radioklara.org/radioklara/) | - | [Logo](http://www.radioklara.org/radioklara/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/cropped-cabecerarkl-1.jpg) | - |
| La 97.7 Radio | - | [web](http://www.la977.com/estaticos/la977.html) | - | [Logo](http://www.la977.com/elementosWeb/gestionCajas/977/Image/programas97/Nuevo_logo_entradasombraverde.jpg) | - |
| UPV Radio | - | [web](http://www.upv.es/rtv/radio/directo) | - | [Logo](http://www.upv.es/imagenes/marcaUPVN1.png) | - |
| À Punt FM | - | [web](https://apuntmedia.es/va/directe/radio) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/apuntmedia/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena Dial - Gandia | - | - | - | - | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Castellón | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_castellon/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Valencia | - | [web](https://play.cadenaser.com/emisora/radio_valencia/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Cadena SER - Radio Gandia | - | - | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaser/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| LOS40 - Gandia | - | - | - | - | - |
| LOS40 Classic - Gandia | - | - | - | - | - |
| Maxima FM - Gandia | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ràdio Klara | [MP3](http://cervera.eldialdigital.com:8048/;#mp3) | [web](http://www.radioklara.org/radioklara/) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radioklara/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| La 97.7 Radio | - | [web](http://www.la977.com/estaticos/la977.html) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/la977/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| UPV Radio | - | [web](http://www.upv.es/rtv/radio/directo) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/UPVTV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| Radio Vega Baja | - | - | - | - | - |
### Internacionales
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| Pioneer DJ Radio | [Stream](http://listen.pioneerdjradio.com:8550/stream) | - | - | - | - |
| Pioneer DJ Radio | [Stream](http://listen.pioneerdjradio.com:8550/stream) | [web](https://pioneerdjradio.com) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/pioneerdjradio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
### Andorra
| Emisoras | Stream | Web | Calidad | Logo | EPG ID |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| RNA | [m3u8](http://videos.rtva.ad:1935/live/rna/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.andorradifusio.ad/endirecte/rna) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5e/Andorra_tv.png) | - |
| AM | [m3u8](http://videos.rtva.ad:1935/live/am/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.andorradifusio.ad/endirecte/am) | - | [Logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5e/Andorra_tv.png) | - |
| RNA | [m3u8](http://videos.rtva.ad:1935/live/rna/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.andorradifusio.ad/endirecte/rna) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/rtva.andorra/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
| AM | [m3u8](http://videos.rtva.ad:1935/live/am/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.andorradifusio.ad/endirecte/am) | - | [Logo](http://graph.facebook.com/rtva.andorra/picture?width=320&height=320) | - |
@ -31,14 +31,15 @@
| DKISS HD | [m3u8](http://kissfm-cires21-video.secure.footprint.net/dkiss/master.m3u8) | [web](https://es.dplay.com/dkiss/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/DKissTV/picture?width=320&height=320) | DKISS TDT SD 1.sp | - |
| mtmad 24h HD | [m3u8](https://mdssplive-lh.akamaihd.net/i/mtmad_1@744785/index_2500_av-p.m3u8) | [web # 1](https://www.mitele.es/directo/mtmad-24h) - [web # 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXQ8NuM1xQw) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/mtmad.es/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| La Voz 24h HD | [m3u8](https://pull12.atresmedia.com/lavoz/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.atresplayer.com/directos/la-voz-24h/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/LaVozAntena3/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Atresplayer Original (15) HD | [m3u8](https://livestartover.atresmedia.com/eventos15/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.atresplayer.com/directos/eventos-15/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Atresplayer/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Atresplayer Original (26) HD | [m3u8](https://livestartover.atresmedia.com/eventos26/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.atresplayer.com/directos/eventos-26/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Atresplayer/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Atresplayer Original (37) HD | [m3u8](https://livestartover.atresmedia.com/eventos37/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.atresplayer.com/directos/eventos-37/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Atresplayer/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Webcam Onda Cero HD | [m3u8](https://livestartover.atresmedia.com/eventos37/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.atresplayer.com/directos/eventos-37/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/ondacero/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Atresplayer Original (15) HD | [m3u8 # 1](https://livestartover.atresmedia.com/eventos15/master.m3u8) - [m3u8 # 2](https://livestartover.atresmedia.com/geoeventos15/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.atresplayer.com/directos/eventos-15/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Atresplayer/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Atresplayer Original (26) HD | [m3u8 # 1](https://livestartover.atresmedia.com/eventos26/master.m3u8) - [m3u8 # 2](https://livestartover.atresmedia.com/geoeventos26/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.atresplayer.com/directos/eventos-26/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Atresplayer/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Atresplayer Original (37) HD | [m3u8 # 1](https://livestartover.atresmedia.com/eventos37/master.m3u8) - [m3u8 # 2](https://livestartover.atresmedia.com/geoeventos37/master.m3u8)) | [web](https://www.atresplayer.com/directos/eventos-37/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Atresplayer/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Webcam Onda Cero HD | [m3u8 # 1](https://livestartover.atresmedia.com/eventos37/master.m3u8) - [m3u8 # 2](https://livestartover.atresmedia.com/geoeventos37/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.atresplayer.com/directos/eventos-37/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/ondacero/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| GH Dúo 24h | [m3u8 # 1](https://livehlsdai-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/670612/granhermano01/bitrate_2.m3u8) - [m3u8 # 2](https://livehlsdai-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/691842/granhermano02/bitrate_2.m3u8) | [web # 1](https://www.mitele.es/directo/gh-duo-24h-senal-1) - [web # 2](https://www.mitele.es/directo/gh-duo-24h-senal-2) - [web # 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHtKunPYuhg) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/granhermano/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| GH Dúo 24h HD | [m3u8 # 1](https://livehlsdai-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/670612/granhermano01/bitrate_3.m3u8) - [m3u8 # 2](https://livehlsdai-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/691842/granhermano02/bitrate_4.m3u8) | [web # 1](https://www.mitele.es/directo/gh-duo-24h-senal-1) - [web # 2](https://www.mitele.es/directo/gh-duo-24h-senal-2) - [web # 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHtKunPYuhg) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/granhermano/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| playz HD | [m3u8](http://rtvev4-live.hss.adaptive.level3.net/egress/ahandler/rtvegl0/ins5_lv3_aosv4_gl0/ins5_lv3_aosv4_gl0.isml/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.rtve.es/playz/directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/playzOfficial/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Webcame RNE | [m3u8](http://rtvev4-live.hss.adaptive.level3.net/egress/ahandler/rtvegl0/irtve08_lv3_aosv4_gl0/irtve08_lv3_aosv4_gl0.isml/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.rtve.es/radio/directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radionacionalrne/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Webcam RNE | [m3u8](http://rtvev4-live.hss.adaptive.level3.net/egress/ahandler/rtvegl0/irtve08_lv3_aosv4_gl0/irtve08_lv3_aosv4_gl0.isml/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.rtve.es/radio/directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radionacionalrne/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Webcam RNE 3 | [m3u8](http://rtvev4-live.hss.adaptive.level3.net/egress/ahandler/rtvegl0/rne_c201_lv3_aosv4_gl0/rne_c201_lv3_aosv4_gl0.isml/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.rtve.es/radio/radio3/directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radio3/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Yu No Te Pierdas Nada HD | [m3u8](https://universal-f.akamaihd.net/i/yu2019_x@770834/master.m3u8) | [web](https://yu.los40.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/VodafoneYU/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Intereconomía | [m3u8](http://streaming.enetres.net/16011939C62D44ED91350508FB25828B021/live.smil/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.intereconomia.tv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/GrupoIntereconomia/picture?width=320&height=320) | Intereconomia.sp | - |
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@
| Canal | M3U8 | Web | Logo | EPG ID | Info |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| 24h | [m3u8 # 1](http://hlsliveamdgl8-lh.akamaihd.net/i/hlsdvrlive_1@583030/master.m3u8) - [m3u8 # 2](http://hlsliveamdgl8-lh.akamaihd.net/i/hlslive_1@583029/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.rtve.es/directo/canal-24h/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/24htve/picture?width=320&height=320) | 24H ASTRA SD 1.sp | - |
| +24 | [m3u8](http://rtvev4-live.hss.adaptive.level3.net/egress/ahandler/rtvegl0/irtve03_lv3_aosv4_gl0/irtve03_lv3_aosv4_gl0.isml/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.rtve.es/noticias/mas-24/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/24htve/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| +24 | [m3u8 # 1](http://rtvev4-live.hss.adaptive.level3.net/egress/ahandler/rtvegl0/irtve03_lv3_aosv4_gl0/irtve03_lv3_aosv4_gl0.isml/master.m3u8) - [m3u8 # 2](http://rtvev4-live.hss.adaptive.level3.net/egress/ahandler/rtvegl0/irtve04_lv3_aosv4_gl0/irtve04_lv3_aosv4_gl0.isml/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.rtve.es/noticias/mas-24/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/24htve/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal Parlamento | [m3u8](http://congresodirecto-f.akamaihd.net/i/congreso6_1@54665/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.congreso.es/portal/page/portal/Congreso/Congreso/CongresoTV/CanPar) | [logo](https://yt3.ggpht.com/a-/AAuE7mACmvgDvj5xdVeMXQI9kQSmU0A2Zw5nJEjR8A=s320) | Parlamento.sp | - |
| EuropaPress | [m3u8](http://cdnlive.shooowit.net/europapresslive/ep.smil/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.europapress.tv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/europapress.es/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
@ -56,7 +57,7 @@
| Canal | M3U8 | Web | Logo | EPG ID | Info |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| TDP HD | [m3u8 # 1](http://hlsliveamdgl1-lh.akamaihd.net/i/hlsdvrlive_1@39732/master.m3u8) - [m3u8 # 2](http://hlsliveamdgl1-lh.akamaihd.net/i/hlslive_1@39733/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.rtve.es/directo/teledeporte/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/teledeporteRTVE/picture?width=320&height=320) | TDEP ASTRA SD 1.sp | - |
| +tdp | [m3u8 # 1](http://rtvev4-live.hss.adaptive.level3.net/egress/ahandler/rtvegl1/irtve17_lv3_aosv4_gl1/irtve17_lv3_aosv4_gl1.isml/master.m3u8) - [m3u8 # 2](http://rtvev4-live.hss.adaptive.level3.net/egress/ahandler/rtvegl1/irtve18_lv3_aosv4_gl1/irtve18_lv3_aosv4_gl1.isml/master.m3u8) - [m3u8 # 3](http://rtvev4-live.hss.adaptive.level3.net/egress/ahandler/rtvegl0/irtve19_lv3_aosv4_gl0/irtve19_lv3_aosv4_gl0.isml/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.rtve.es/deportes/mas-tdp/directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/teledeporteRTVE/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| +tdp | [m3u8 # 1](http://rtvev4-live.hss.adaptive.level3.net/egress/ahandler/rtvegl1/irtve17_lv3_aosv4_gl1/irtve17_lv3_aosv4_gl1.isml/master.m3u8) - [m3u8 # 2](http://rtvev4-live.hss.adaptive.level3.net/egress/ahandler/rtvegl1/irtve18_lv3_aosv4_gl1/irtve18_lv3_aosv4_gl1.isml/master.m3u8) - [m3u8 # 3](http://rtvev4-live.hss.adaptive.level3.net/egress/ahandler/rtvegl0/irtve19_lv3_aosv4_gl0/irtve19_lv3_aosv4_gl0.isml/master.m3u8) - [m3u8 # 4](http://rtvev4-live.hss.adaptive.level3.net/egress/ahandler/rtvegl0/ins4_lv3_aosv4_gl0/ins4_lv3_aosv4_gl0.isml/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.rtve.es/deportes/mas-tdp/directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/teledeporteRTVE/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| GOL HD | - | [web](http://www.goltelevision.com/live) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/goltv.es/picture?width=320&height=320) | GOL TDT SD 2.sp | - |
| RealMadrid TV | [m3u8 # Español](https://rmtv24hweblive-lh.akamaihd.net/i/rmtv24hwebes_1@300661/master.m3u8) - [m3u8 # Inglés](https://rmtv24hweblive-lh.akamaihd.net/i/rmtv24hweben_1@300662/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.realmadrid.com/real-madrid-tv) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RealMadridTV7/picture?width=320&height=320) | REALM ASTRA SD 1.sp | - |
| Barça TV | - | [web](https://barcatv.fcbarcelona.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/fcbarcelona/picture?width=320&height=320) | BARNA ASTRA SD 1.sp | - |
@ -69,9 +70,9 @@
| Canal | M3U8 | Web | Logo | EPG ID | Info |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| Disney Channel | - | [web](http://tv.disney.es/disney-channel) | [logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6c/2014_Disney_Channel_logo.svg/320px-2014_Disney_Channel_logo.svg.png) | DCH ASTRA HD 1.sp | - |
| Boing | [m3u8](https://mdslivehlsb-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/623616/boing/bitrate_2.m3u8) | [web](http://www.mitele.es/directo/boing) | [logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e0/Boing.svg/320px-Boing.svg.png) | BOING ASTRA SD 1.sp | - |
| Boing HD | [m3u8](https://mdslivehlsb-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/623616/boing/bitrate_4.m3u8) | [web](http://www.mitele.es/directo/boing) | [logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e0/Boing.svg/320px-Boing.svg.png) | BOING ASTRA HD 1.sp | - |
| Disney Channel | [m3u8](http://cdnapi.kaltura.com/p/1068292/sp/106829200/playManifest/entryId/1_d8lnsqu0/format/applehttp/.m3u8) | [web](http://tv.disney.es/disney-channel) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/DisneyChannelESP/picture?width=320&height=320) | DCH ASTRA HD 1.sp | - |
| Boing | [m3u8](https://mdslivehlsb-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/623616/boing/bitrate_2.m3u8) | [web](http://www.mitele.es/directo/boing) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/boinges/picture?width=320&height=320) | BOING ASTRA SD 1.sp | - |
| Boing HD | [m3u8](https://mdslivehlsb-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/623616/boing/bitrate_4.m3u8) | [web](http://www.mitele.es/directo/boing) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/boinges/picture?width=320&height=320) | BOING ASTRA HD 1.sp | - |
| Clan | - | - | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/clantve/picture?width=320&height=320) | CLANTV ASTRA SD 1.sp | - |
## Musicales
@ -87,12 +88,12 @@
| Canal | M3U8 | Web | Logo | EPG ID | Info |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal Sur TV HD | [m3u8](http://canalsur-pair302-live.hls.adaptive.level3.net/egress/bhandler/sandetel/rtva/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voFKwoEpOT0) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canalsurradioytv/picture?width=320&height=320) | ANTV ASTRA SD 1.sp | - |
| Canal Andalucia Turismo HD | [m3u8](https://593fa17dec176.streamlock.net/csturismo/csturismo.stream/master.m3u8) | [web](http://canalandaluciaturismo.es/) | [logo](https://i0.wp.com/staging.blogs.canalsur.es/saladeprensa/files/Canal-Andalucia-Turismo-RGB-FULL.jpg?resize=320,40) | - | - |
| Canal Andalucia Flamenco | [m3u8](https://593fa17dec176.streamlock.net/csflamenco/csflamenco.stream/master.m3u8) | [web](http://canalandaluciaflamenco.es/) | [logo](https://yt3.ggpht.com/a-/AAuE7mDSAjWne5aUccbvvx1b0xlU0flXUvfqso8TLg=s320) | - | - |
| Canal Andalucia Cocina | [m3u8](https://593fa17dec176.streamlock.net/cscocina/cscocina.stream/master.m3u8) | [web](http://canalandaluciacocina.es/) | [logo](https://yt3.ggpht.com/a-/AAuE7mAwlu0faCGXdlzAMQs032eEtXqBWkLPBs8MOA=s320) | - | - |
| Canal Andalucia Turismo HD | [m3u8](https://593fa17dec176.streamlock.net/csturismo/csturismo.stream/master.m3u8) | [web](http://canalandaluciaturismo.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canalsurradioytv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal Andalucia Flamenco | [m3u8](https://593fa17dec176.streamlock.net/csflamenco/csflamenco.stream/master.m3u8) | [web](http://canalandaluciaflamenco.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canalsurradioytv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal Andalucia Cocina | [m3u8](https://593fa17dec176.streamlock.net/cscocina/cscocina.stream/master.m3u8) | [web](http://canalandaluciacocina.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canalsurradioytv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal Sur La Banda | [m3u8](https://593fa17dec176.streamlock.net/cslabanda/cslabanda.stream/master.m3u8) | [web](http://labanda.canalsur.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/LaBandaClub/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal Sur Eventos 1 HD | [m3u8](http://canalsur-new-live.hls.adaptive.level3.net/egress/bhandler/canalsur_live/eventos_01/master.m3u8) | - | [logo](https://yt3.ggpht.com/a-/AAuE7mAwlu0faCGXdlzAMQs032eEtXqBWkLPBs8MOA=s320) | - | - |
| Canal Sur Eventos 2 HD | [m3u8](http://canalsur-new-live.hls.adaptive.level3.net/egress/bhandler/canalsur_live/eventos_02/master.m3u8) | - | [logo](https://yt3.ggpht.com/a-/AAuE7mAwlu0faCGXdlzAMQs032eEtXqBWkLPBs8MOA=s320) | - | - |
| Canal Sur Eventos 1 HD | [m3u8](http://canalsur-new-live.hls.adaptive.level3.net/egress/bhandler/canalsur_live/eventos_01/master.m3u8) | - | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canalsurradioytv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal Sur Eventos 2 HD | [m3u8](http://canalsur-new-live.hls.adaptive.level3.net/egress/bhandler/canalsur_live/eventos_02/master.m3u8) | - | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canalsurradioytv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
### Aragón
@ -104,11 +105,11 @@
| Canal | M3U8 | Web | Logo | EPG ID | Info |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| TPA7 | [m3u8](https://cdnlive.shooowit.net/rtpalive/directo.smil/.m3u8) | [web](http://www.rtpa.es/television) | [logo](http://vfes-images.ott.kaltura.com/3b533d14205149b0a143bf6108887106_320X180.png) | TPA 7.sp | - |
| TPA8 | - | [web](http://www.rtpa.es/television) | [logo](http://vfes-images.ott.kaltura.com/0cb812be38734188bb892c0473411d30_320X180.png) | - | - |
| TPA9 | - | [web](http://www.rtpa.es/television) | [logo](http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110709192607/logopedia/images/1/17/TPA_HD_logo_2010.jpg) | - | - |
| TeleAsturias | - | [web](http://tvonline.teleasturias.com/) | [logo](https://yt3.ggpht.com/a-/AAuE7mC51jIbz9jX71lzF1t6RRFElSBeqAiRNR3Yeg=s240) | - | - |
| EsAsturiasTV | - | [web](https://mips.tv/esAsturiasTelevision) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/EsAsturiasTV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| TPA7 | [m3u8](https://cdnlive.shooowit.net/rtpalive/directo.smil/.m3u8) | [web](http://www.rtpa.es/television) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RTPAoficial/picture?width=320&height=320) | TPA 7.sp | - |
| TPA8 | - | [web](http://www.rtpa.es/television) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RTPAoficial/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| TPA9 | - | [web](http://www.rtpa.es/television) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RTPAoficial/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| TeleAsturias | - | [web](http://tvonline.teleasturias.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/TeleAsturiasTV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| EsAsturiasTV | [m3u8](https://127.mipsplayer.net:8088/live/EsAsturiasTelevision/playlist.m3u8) | [web](https://mips.tv/esAsturiasTelevision) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/EsAsturiasTV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
### Canarias
@ -190,14 +191,14 @@
| Canal | M3U8 | Web | Logo | EPG ID | Info |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| IB3 | [m3u8](http://ibsatiphone.ib3tv.com/iphoneliveIB3/IB3/master.m3u8) | [web](http://ib3tv.com/directe) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/IB3org/picture?width=320&height=320) | IB3.sp | - |
| Bon Dia TV | [m3u8](https://ccma-tva-int-cellnex-live-hls.secure.footprint.net/int/ngrp:bnd_web/master.m3u8) | [web](https://ib3.org/directe?c=bondia) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/IB3org/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Bon Dia TV | [m3u8](https://ccma-tva-int-cellnex-live-hls.secure.footprint.net/int/ngrp:bnd_web/master.m3u8) | [web](https://ib3.org/directe?c=bondia) | [logo](https://i2.wp.com/blocs.mesvilaweb.cat/wp-content/uploads/sites/1858/2018/11/BONDIA.png) | - | - |
### La Rioja
| Canal | M3U8 | Web | Logo | EPG ID | Info |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| TV Rioja | [m3u8](http://teledifusion.tv/rioja/rioja/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.tvr.es/directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/tvrtelevision/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Popular TV La Rioja | - | [web](http://www.populartvlarioja.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/PopularTvLaRioja/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Popular TV La Rioja | - | [web](http://www.populartvlarioja.com/directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/PopularTvLaRioja/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
### Madrid
@ -272,20 +273,20 @@
| Estepona TV | [m3u8]( | [web](https://television.estepona.es/tvendirecto/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/esteponatelevision/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Costa del Sol TV | [m3u8](http://cls.todostreaming.eu/benalmadena/webtv/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.costadelsoltv.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/costadelsoltv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Fuengirola TV | [m3u8](https://secure.todostreaming.es/live/nerja-livestream.m3u8) | [web](https://fuengirolatv.com/streaming/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Fuengirola-TV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal Málaga | [m3u8](http://canalmalaga-tv-live.flumotion.com/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.canalmalaga.es/tv-directo) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canalmalagartv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal Málaga | [m3u8](http://canalmalaga-tv-live.flumotion.com/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.canalmalaga.es/tv-directo) | [logo](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/971928392592449536/dXg0E5Ga_400x400.jpg) | - | - |
| Mijas Comunicación | [m3u8](http://mijas.hls.flumotion.com/mijas/live-hls/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.mijascomunicacion.org/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Mijas340/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| PTV Córdoba HD | [m3u8]( | [web](http://www.ptvcordoba.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/PTV.Cordoba/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| PTV Málaga HD | [m3u8]( | [web](http://www.ptvmalaga.com/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/PTV.Malaga/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Cancionero TV | [m3u8]( | [web](http://www.cancionero.es/tv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Cancionero-Television/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Cancionero TV | [m3u8]( | [web](http://www.cancionero.es/tv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/234347740006472/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Costa Noroeste TV | - | [web](http://www.costanoroestetv.net/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Costanoroestetv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Más TV Huelva | [m3u8](https://streaming-fr02.enetres.net/1855C32698CC47EC817DA7DB40DE72DB021/smil:live.smil/master.m3u8) | [web](https://yowi.tv/player.html/?videoid=40&autoplay=true) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/mastvhuelva/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Televisión Carmona | - | [web](http://www.televisioncarmona.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/TELEVISION-CARMONA-126011457417096/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Televisión Carmona | [m3u8](https://uhsakamai-a.akamaihd.net/fra02/fra02-uhs-omega02/live/23631718/1550667497991/plain/uhs/5/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.televisioncarmona.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/126011457417096/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Onda Jerez TV | - | [web](http://www.ondajerez.com/television/television-en-directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/OndaJerezRTV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Uvitel TV | - | [web](http://www.uvitel.tv/directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/uviteltv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal Doñana | [m3u8](https://secure.todostreaming.es/live/disvision-alm.m3u8) | [web](http://www.canaldonana.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/donanacomunica/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Málaga 24h Noticias TV | - | [web](http://malaga24h.com/directo-de-malaga-24-horas/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Malaga24hTv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Cadena Elite | [m3u8](https://5b38ce71f1f00.streamlock.net/8066/8066/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.cadenaelite.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cadenaelite.exitos/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| TeleAntequera | [m3u8]( | [web]( | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Tele-Antequera-812891658754713/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| TeleAntequera | [m3u8]( | [web]( | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/812891658754713/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| TV Tarifa | - | [web](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx5_sA41mFHsZio4umTH3Qw/live) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RTVTARIFA/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Écija Comarca TV | - | [web](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiL_dz_QnquAtO5LjvW-How/live) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/ecijacomarcatelevision/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| TG7 | - | [web](https://www.granada.org/inet/tg7.nsf/byclave/endirecto) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/TG7tv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
@ -305,30 +306,67 @@
| 7TV Andalucía - Málaga | [m3u8](https://secure.todostreaming.es/live/ondaluz-olmalaga.m3u8) | [web](https://7tvandalucia.es/malaga/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/7TVOL/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| 7TV Andalucía - Sevilla | [m3u8](https://secure.todostreaming.es/live/ondaluz-olsevilla.m3u8) | [web](https://7tvandalucia.es/sevilla/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/7TVOL/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal 28 TV | - | [web](http://www.almeriacanal28.es/) | [logo](https://graph.facebook.com/149656178408041/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Yatv | - | [web](http://yatv.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/http://yatv.es/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Logo-YATV-Bahuaus1.jpg/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Televisión Municipal de Córdoba | - | [web](https://www.cordoba.es/emision_directo/index.html) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Yatvonline/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Yatv | - | [web](http://yatv.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Yatvonline/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Televisión Municipal de Córdoba | [m3u8](http://teledifusion.tv/cordoba/cordobalive/playlist.m3u8) | [web](https://www.cordoba.es/emision_directo/index.html) | [logo](https://www.cordoba.es/emision_directo/BANER_STREAMING_emision-directo) | - | - |
| Onda Mezquita TV | [m3u8]( | [web](http://www.ahoracordoba.es/ahoracordoba-en-vivo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/OndaMezquitaTV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| TV Centro Andalucía | [m3u8]( | [web](http://tvcentroandalucia.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/TVCentroAndalucia/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Granada Channel | - | [web#1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqEIjlETgCk) - [web#2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZcSuvnM24I) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/GranadaChannelTV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Accitania TV | - | [web](http://accitania.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Accitania-TV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Accitania TV | - | [web](http://accitania.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/482024428577555/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| TeleMotril | - | [web](http://telemotril.tv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/telemotriltv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Condavisión HD | [m3u8]( | [web](http://www.condavision.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/condavision/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| ESNE TV | - | [web](http://elsembradorministries.com/tv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/elsembradoresne/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| ESNE TV | [m3u8]( | [web](http://elsembradorministries.com/tv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/elsembradoresne/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Diez TV | [m3u8](https://streaming.cloud.innovasur.es/mmj/34711900.m3u8) | [web](http://www.dieztv.es/p/directo.html) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/dieztv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Alternativa TV | [m3u8](https://www.onairport.live/sophiatv-es-live/livestream_high/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.alternativartv.eu/) | [logo](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/reK_4oh88GRPldelDZd4R09-qb45thX1p48RoRqLtRwYWfmjuDA5p8L59GC3WuVILOt6=w170-rw) | - | - |
| 9 la Loma | - | [web](https://9laloma.tv/directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/9laloma/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Visuales TV | - | [web](http://i84470.wixsite.com/visual-tv/blank-mainPage) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/9laloma/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| LaSierra TV | - | [web](https://lasierratv.wordpress.com/) | [logo](https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/8869d8fe1b0a7caef203304039bad180?s=100&r=pg&d=mm) | - | - |
| Torrevisión | - | [web](http://www.torrevisiontelevision.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Canal-Torrevisión-Alhaurín-de-la-Torre-229475603752318/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Torrevisión | [m3u8](https://secure-playlist.livestream.com/streams/2614936_1848989_lsifcxxdcmsagawn4l3_1/media/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.torrevisiontelevision.es/directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/229475603752318/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Axarquía TV | - | [web](https://www.axarquiaplus.es/axarquia-tv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/AxarquiaTV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Ronda TV | - | [web](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx02ricr5-vg5vzb1h47p-g) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Ronda-Comunicación-1430706660515547/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Ronda TV | - | [web](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx02ricr5-vg5vzb1h47p-g) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/1430706660515547/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Axartel TV | - | [web](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_yhWx3DJBU) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/AXARTELTELEVISION/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| VillaFranca TV | - | [web](https://www.youtube.com/user/villafrancatv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/villafrancatv.vtv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Telécija | - | [web](https://www.youtube.com/user/TELECIJA) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/telecija.televisioncomarcal/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal Coín | [m3u8](http://stream.fion.es:1936/Canal_Coin/canalcoin.stream/master.m3u8) | [web](http://canalcoin.com/tv-directo) | [logo](http://canalcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/logoHQblanco-300x284.jpg) | - | - |
| M95 Marbella | - | [web](http://m95tv.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/m95tvmarbella/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Torremolinos Televisión | - | [web](https://torremolinostv.com/tv-en-directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/torremolinostv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal San Roque | [m3u8](https://common01.todostreaming.es/live/sanroque-livestream.m3u8) | [web](http://multimediasanroque.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Multimedia-de-San-Roque-296307903714631/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Torremolinos Televisión | [m3u8](https://secure-playlist.livestream.com/streams/2614936_1848989_lsifcxxdcmsagawn4l3_1/media/master.m3u8) | [web](https://torremolinostv.com/tv-en-directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/torremolinostv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal San Roque | [m3u8](https://common01.todostreaming.es/live/sanroque-livestream.m3u8) | [web](http://multimediasanroque.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/296307903714631/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal Bom | - | - | - | - | - |
| Indalo TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal Sí | - | - | - | - | - |
| Una Televisión | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ejido TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Levante 9 TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Cadena Idal | - | - | - | - | - |
| CRN | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal Sierra de Cádiz | - | - | - | - | - |
| Chiclana TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal Subbetica | - | - | - | - | - |
| Telequivir | - | - | - | - | - |
| Guadalquivir TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Priego TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Granada 9 TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Granada TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| La 8 TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| TCG | - | - | - | - | - |
| TeleMotril | - | - | - | - | - |
| GCFTV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal Luz | - | - | - | - | - |
| CNH | - | - | - | - | - |
| El Sembrador | - | - | - | - | - |
| Una Costa | - | - | - | - | - |
| Portal Azul TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Álora TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Siete TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Antakira TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal 43 | - | - | - | - | - |
| Mediterráneo TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| T. Apache | - | - | - | - | - |
| Axarquía TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| VTV Axarquía | - | - | - | - | - |
| Local Media | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ronda TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Cadena Local | - | [web](http://www.cadenalocal.tv/) | - | - | - |
| Giganet TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Lora TV | - | - | - | - | - |
### Aragón
@ -340,7 +378,15 @@
| Canal 44 | - | [web](http://www.canal44.tv/endirecto/directo.php) | [logo](http://www.canal44.tv/canal44-2-0-1/images/stories/Logo_c44_175.jpg) | - | - |
| lacomarca.tv | - | [web](https://www.lacomarca.tv/) | [logo](https://www.lacomarca.tv/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/favicon-comarca-tv.png) | - | - |
| Calamocha TV | - | [web](http://www.mijilocatv.es/scd/index.php) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/CalamochaTV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Ejea TV | - | [web](http://www.cincovillas.com/bienvenida-a-ejea-television/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Ejea-Televisión-177987645710754/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Ejea TV | - | [web](http://www.cincovillas.com/bienvenida-a-ejea-television/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/177987645710754/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Fraga TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Tele Monzón | - | - | - | - | - |
| 7 TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| La-8 | - | - | - | - | - |
| 52TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| 15TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Proturcal | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal 52 | - | - | - | - | - |
### Asturias
@ -354,19 +400,32 @@
| Canal | M3U8 | Web | Logo | EPG ID | Info |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| El Día TV | [m3u8](http://vs8.live.opencaster.com/opencaster/zmyrfjHztaoj/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://eldia.tv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/eldiatelevision/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Lancelot TV | [m3u8]( | [web](http://www.lancelot.tv/directo) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Lancelot-TV-288850935035196/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Lancelot TV | [m3u8]( | [web](http://www.lancelot.tv/directo) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/288850935035196/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal 4 Tenerife | [m3u8](https://5940924978228.streamlock.net/Directo2/Directo2/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.canal4tenerife.tv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/CANAL4TENERIFE/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Tindaya TV | [m3u8](https://streaming-fr02.enetres.net/0537FCE9817D4E9E930B6ED4D9C7BD5C021/smil:live.smil/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.tindayatv.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/TindayaTV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal 4 TV | - | [web](https://canal4tvtelde.es/en-directo) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canal4tvtelde/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Biosfera TV | - | [web](http://www.biosferatv.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/biosferatelevision/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Este Canal TV | [m3u8](https://api.new.livestream.com/accounts/8817409/events/7051352/videos/185182785.secure.m3u8) | [web](https://livestream.com/estecanaltv/events/7051352) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/estecanaltv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal 13 Digital | [m3u8]( | [web](https://rtvos5.wixsite.com/canal13) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/RTVCANAL13/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Gigante TV | [m3u8]( | [web](http://gigantetv.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Gigante-televisión-741011612731578/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Gigante TV | [m3u8]( | [web](http://gigantetv.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/741011612731578/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Mi Tierra Televisión | - | [web](http://www.mitierratelevision.com/directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/minortetv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Televisión Mogán | [m3u8](https://5b38ce71f1f00.streamlock.net/8162/8162/chunklist_w1059529458.m3u8) | [web](http://www.mogan.es/45-radio-television-de-mogan/3382-ver-television-mogan) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiotelevisionmogan/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Fuerteventura TV | - | [web](https://www.fuerteventuratv.net/es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canalguadalajara/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal 8 TIC | - | [web](http://www.canal8tic.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Canal-Ocho-Tenerife-189913141058898/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Gran Canaria Televisión | - | [web](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUm8NiHT-gJv5GUR9waXp9g) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Gran-Canaria-Televisión-205775469566390/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal 8 TIC | - | [web](http://www.canal8tic.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/189913141058898/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Gran Canaria Televisión | - | [web](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUm8NiHT-gJv5GUR9waXp9g) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/205775469566390/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal 10 TV | [m3u8](https://5940924978228.streamlock.net/8269/smil:8269.smil/master.m3u8) | [web](https://canal10tv.es) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Canal10Television/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Nueve TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Localia | - | - | - | - | - |
| Enjoy | - | - | - | - | - |
| RTI | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal 7 | - | - | - | - | - |
| Tenerife 2030 TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| RTV Islas Canarias | - | - | - | - | - |
| RTV Gomera 1 | - | - | - | - | - |
| RTV Gomera 2 | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal Ocho | - | - | - | - | - |
| Telelinea | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal 11 | - | - | - | - | - |
### Cantabria
@ -385,13 +444,26 @@
| TV Almansa | [m3u8](http://emision2.tvalmansa.es/stream/_XsWLYw9tqSh6N2SUbWS0xHwpyYtxj.m3u8) | [web](https://zonacliente.almatelecom.es/videos/canalimagen) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/TvAlmansa/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| InfoCanal TV Almansa | [m3u8](http://emision2.tvalmansa.es/stream/e_-UsDQGh0-06PuVK0BVkKoNewQR8A.m3u8) | [web](https://zonacliente.almatelecom.es/videos/infocanal) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/TvAlmansa/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Guada TV | - | [web](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tWcUM-Zqm8) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/GuadaTV.TV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Ciudad Real TV | - | [web](http://www.ustream.tv/channel/17022458) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Ciudad-Real-Televisión-CRTV-1765736930414544/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Visión 6 | [m3u8](https://secure.todostreaming.es/live/visionseis-livestream.m3u8) | [web](http://www.visionseis.tv/tv-online-vision-seis/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Visión-6-Televisión-104927246235553/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal 4 Mancha Centro HD | [m3u8](https://5924d3ad0efcf.streamlock.net/canal4/canal4live/master.m3u8) | [web](http://villarrobledo.com/canal4.php) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Canal-4-Mancha-Centro-518952731468846/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Ciudad Real TV | - | [web](http://www.ustream.tv/channel/17022458) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/1765736930414544/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Visión 6 | [m3u8](https://secure.todostreaming.es/live/visionseis-livestream.m3u8) | [web](http://www.visionseis.tv/tv-online-vision-seis/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/104927246235553/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal 4 Mancha Centro HD | [m3u8](https://5924d3ad0efcf.streamlock.net/canal4/canal4live/master.m3u8) | [web](http://villarrobledo.com/canal4.php) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/518952731468846/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| TV La Mancha | - | [web](http://www.radiosurco.es/tv-la-mancha.html) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/radiosurco/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Televaldepeñas | - | [web](http://www.televal.com/tvv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Televaldepeñas-205812466235710/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Tele Taracón | - | [web](http://www.taranconalacarta.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Tele-Tarancón-Asociación-TCT-429542800548807/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Televaldepeñas | - | [web](http://www.televal.com/tvv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/205812466235710/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Tele Taracón | - | [web](http://www.taranconalacarta.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/429542800548807/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Guadalajara Media | - | [web](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaEv8XC5Czu8vfV_QKUARLQ) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canalguadalajara/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Manzanares10TV | [m3u8](https://secure.todostreaming.es/live/manzanares-livestream.m3u8) | [web](http://www.manzanares10.tv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Manzanares10TV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| CNC | - | - | - | - | - |
| CRTV | - | - | - | - | - |
| CRN | - | - | - | - | - |
| Membrilla TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Manzanares 10 TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal 56 Puerto Llano | - | - | - | - | - |
| Mancha Centro | - | - | - | - | - |
| Esta TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Ocio La Mancha | - | - | - | - | - |
| 8 Televisión | - | - | - | - | - |
| TV Pedroñeras | - | - | - | - | - |
| Tele Tarancón | - | - | - | - | - |
### Castilla y León
@ -400,24 +472,24 @@
| Telemedina Canal 9 | - | [web](http://www.telemedina.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/telemedinacanal9/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal 54 Burgos | [m3u8](https://videocdn.mixer.com/hls/26772748-fbe16d7faf66899dda002a4735213978_source/index.m3u8) | [web](http://www.canal54.es/emision-en-directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Canal54Burgos/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| TV Benavente | - | [web](http://www.tvbenavente.es/television-online/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/benaventetv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Telearanda | - | [web](http://www.telearanda.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Televisión-Aranda-575943555801687/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Telearanda | - | [web](http://www.telearanda.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/575943555801687/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| ViveMiranda Televisión | - | [web](https://www.vivemiranda.com/television/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/vivemirandacom/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Soria TV | - | [web](http://soriatv.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/soriatv.contenidos/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Bierzo TV | - | [web](https://www.bierzotv.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Bierzotv-397437750271838/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Bierzo TV | - | [web](https://www.bierzotv.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/397437750271838/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
### Cataluña
| Canal | M3U8 | Web | Logo | EPG ID | Info |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| betevé | [m3u8](http://cdnapi.kaltura.com/p/2346171/sp/234617100/playManifest/entryId/1_n6442jz0/protocol/http/format/applehttp/a.m3u8) | [web](https://beteve.cat/en-directe/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/betevecat/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| betevé web | [m3u8](http://cdnapi.kaltura.com/p/2346171/sp/234617100/playManifest/entryId/1_hysmp9b4/protocol/http/format/applehttp/a.m3u8) | [web](https://beteve.cat/en-directe/web/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/betevecat/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| betevé xarxes | - | [web](https://beteve.cat/en-directe/xarxes/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/betevecat/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| betevé web | [m3u8](http://cdnapi.kaltura.com/p/2346171/sp/234617100/playManifest/entryId/1_8o1kikzi/protocol/http/format/applehttp/a.m3u8) | [web](https://beteve.cat/en-directe/web/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/betevecat/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| betevé xarxes | [m3u8](http://cdnapi.kaltura.com/p/2346171/sp/234617100/playManifest/entryId/1_hysmp9b4/protocol/http/format/applehttp/a.m3u8) | [web](https://beteve.cat/en-directe/xarxes/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/betevecat/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| betevé càmera del temps | [m3u8](http://cdnapi.kaltura.com/p/2346171/sp/234617100/playManifest/entryId/1_2jb8lihv/protocol/http/format/applehttp/a.m3u8) | [web](https://beteve.cat/temps-barcelona/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/betevecat/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| El Punt Avui TV | [m3u8](http://live10.cdnmedia.tv/puntavuitvlive/live.smil/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.elpuntavui.tv/directe.html) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/elpuntavuitv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| BDN | [m3u8](http://live10.cdnmedia.tv/badalonatvlive/live.smil/playlist.m3u8) | [web](https://www.bdncom.cat/directe/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Badalona-Tv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| BDN | [m3u8](http://live10.cdnmedia.tv/badalonatvlive/live.smil/playlist.m3u8) | [web](https://www.bdncom.cat/directe/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/275021739307536/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| etv | [m3u8](http://live10.cdnmedia.tv/etvlive/live.smil/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.etv.cat/en-directe) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/etv.llobregat/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Mataró TV | [m3u8](http://live10.cdnmedia.tv/m1tvlive/live.smil/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://mataroaudiovisual.alacarta.cat/directe) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/mataroaudiovisual/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Mola TV | [m3u8](http://ventdelnord.tv:8080/mola/directe.m3u8) | [web](http://www.molatv.cat/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/http://www.molatv.cat/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Mola TV | [m3u8](http://ventdelnord.tv:8080/mola/directe.m3u8) | [web](http://www.molatv.cat/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/molaTV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Lleida TV | [m3u8](http://live10.cdnmedia.tv/lleidatvlive/live.smil/playlist.m3u8) | [web](https://www.segre.com/suplements/lleida_tv/portada/streaming.html) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/LleidaTV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Vallès Visió | [m3u8](http://liveingesta118.cdnmedia.tv/vallesvisiolive/smil:live.smil/chunklist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.vallesvisio.cat/directe/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/tvvallesvisio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| TV Girona | [m3u8](http://ventdelnord.tv:8080/girona/directe.m3u8) | [web](http://tvgirona.alacarta.cat/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/tvgirona/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
@ -425,7 +497,7 @@
| votv | [m3u8](http://live10.cdnmedia.tv/votvlive/live.smil/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://votv.xiptv.cat/votv-en-directe) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/votv.cat/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| El 9 TV | [m3u8](http://live10.cdnmedia.tv/9tvlive/live.smil/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://el9nou.cat/el9tv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/el9nou/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| canalterrassa | [m3u8]( | [web](http://www.movipbox.com/streamplayer/terrassa/index.php) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canalterrassa/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| 25 TV | [m3u8](http://cdnlive.shooowit.net/25televisiolive/25tv.smil/.m3u8) | [web](http://www.25televisio.com/streaming.php) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/25tv-298335373532952/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| 25 TV | [m3u8](http://cdnlive.shooowit.net/25televisiolive/25tv.smil/.m3u8) | [web](http://www.25televisio.com/streaming.php) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/298335373532952/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal Blau | [m3u8](https://liveingesta118.cdnmedia.tv/blautvlive/smil:blautv.smil/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.canalblau.cat/televisio/televisio-en-directe/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/CanalBlau/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Mar TV | [m3u8](http://k4.usastreams.com/CableLatino/martv/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://martv.tv/emissio-en-directe/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/martelevisio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| TAC 12 | [m3u8](http://vid=live10.cdnmedia.tv/tac12live/live.smil/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.tac12.tv/en-directe) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/tacdotze/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
@ -460,6 +532,8 @@
| La Segarra TV | - | [web](https://segarratv.cat/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/SegarraTV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Les Garrigues TV | - | [web](https://garriguestv.cat/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/GarriguesTV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| L'Urgell TV | - | [web](https://urgelltv.cat/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/UrgellTV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| RAC105 | - | [web](https://www.rac105.cat) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/rac105/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Banyoles Televisió | - | [web](https://www.banyolestv.cat) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/banyolestelevisio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
### Ceuta
@ -473,6 +547,16 @@
| ZF Televisión | - | [web](http://www.radiotvzafra.es/index.php/2015-04-14-15-03-20/television) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/ZFtelevision/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| ViaPlata TV | - | [web](http://viaplatatv.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/viaplata.television/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Zafra TV | - | [web](https://www.zafratv.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/GrupoRadioTelevisionZafra/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Televisión Extremeña | - | - | - | - | - |
| K30 | - | - | - | - | - |
| Consorcio Alemndralejo TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| 9 Tv Nuestra Comarca | - | - | - | - | - |
| TeleZafra | - | - | - | - | - |
| TV Local Coria | - | - | - | - | - |
| TelePlasencia | - | - | - | - | - |
| TV Miajadas- | - | - | - | - | - |
| Comercial TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| La Ocho TV | - | - | - | - | - |
### Galicia
@ -483,6 +567,21 @@
| TV Ferrol | - | [web](http://www.tvferrol.es/es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/tvferrol/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal Rías Baixas | - | [web](https://www.canalriasbaixas.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canalriasbaixas/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Santiago TV | - | [web](https://santiagotv.es/) | [logo](http://santiagotv.es/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/logo.png) | - | - |
| V Televisión | - | - | - | - | - |
| RTV Eume | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal 26 TV Carballiño | - | - | - | - | - |
| Onda Hit | - | - | - | - | - |
| Salitre Multimedia | - | - | - | - | - |
| Correo TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| TV27 Barbanza | - | - | - | - | - |
| Telelugo | - | - | - | - | - |
| Cadena Local | - | - | - | - | - |
| Localia | - | - | - | - | - |
| TeleVinte | - | - | - | - | - |
| Localia Auria TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Nós TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Televigo | - | - | - | - | - |
| Hermes TV | - | - | - | - | - |
### Islas Baleares
@ -493,6 +592,7 @@
| Lux Mallorca | - | [web](https://luxmallorca.tv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/LuxMallorca/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal 4 | [m3u8]( | [web](http://canal4televisio.com/canal-4-en-directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canal4televisio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Fibwi HD | [m3u8]( | [web](https://fibwiradio.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/GrupoFibwi/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Fibwi Clips HD | - | [web](https://fibwiradio.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/GrupoFibwi/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
### La Rioja
@ -503,8 +603,8 @@
| Canal | M3U8 | Web | Logo | EPG ID | Info |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| C33 Madrid HD | [m3u8](https://5ab29cc78f681.streamlock.net/canal33tvmadrid/livestream/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.canal33.info/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Canal-33-Madrid-434470346582124/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Distrito TV | [m3u8](https://cdn01.yowi.tv/KQRSDA7GDB/master.m3u8) | [web](http://distritotv.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Distrito-TV-2004860103163343/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| C33 Madrid HD | [m3u8](https://5ab29cc78f681.streamlock.net/canal33tvmadrid/livestream/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.canal33.info/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/434470346582124/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Distrito TV | [m3u8](https://cdn01.yowi.tv/KQRSDA7GDB/master.m3u8) | [web](http://distritotv.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/2004860103163343/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| TBN España | [m3u8](https://wowzaprod161-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/598486/f66ed1d9_1_1433600/chunklist.m3u8) | [web](https://xn--tbnespaa-j3a.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/TBNEspana/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Life TV | [m3u8]( | [web](http://www.lifetelevision.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/laiftvgroup/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Solidaria TV | [m3u8](http://panel2.cdnstreamserver.com/live/solidariatv-webhd.m3u8) | [web](http://es.solidariatv.com/en-vivo) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/solidariatv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
@ -514,6 +614,8 @@
| Déjate de Historias TV | [m3u8](https://secure.todostreaming.es/live/tvstream-DH.m3u8) | [web](www.dejatedehistorias.es/wordpress/dejate-tv-on-line/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/DejateDeHistoriasTV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Libertad Digital TV | [m3u8](https://stream-05.dc3.dailymotion.com/dm/3/xnm032/live-2.m3u8) | [web](https://tv.libertaddigital.com/directo.html) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/libertad.digital.tv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Pride Channel | [m3u8]( | [web](http://www.pridechanneltv.com/tv-en-directo.html) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/PrideChannelTV/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Tele-K | - | [web](http://tele-k.org) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/telek.vallecas/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal Bom | - | [web](http://www.canalbom.com) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canalbomtv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
### Melilla
@ -528,28 +630,36 @@
| Comarcal TV | - | [web](https://comarcaltv.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/comarcaltv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| RTV Vida HD | [m3u8]( | [web](http://vidartv.com/index.php/ve-television-vida) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/vidartv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Enlace TV | [m3u8](https://api.new.livestream.com/accounts/2675843/events/1839332/videos/186663669.secure.m3u8) | [web](https://www.enlace.org/envivo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/enlacetv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal Bom | - | [web](http://www.canalbom.com) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/canalbomtv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Thader TV | - | [web](http://www.thader.tv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/thader.tv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
### Navarra
| Canal | M3U8 | Web | Logo | EPG ID | Info |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| TeleRibera | [m3u8]( | [web](http://www.teleribera.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/estaestutelevision/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Xaloa Telebista | - | [web](https://xaloatelebista.eus/zuzenean/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Xaloatb/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Zona Media TV | - | [web](https://www.zonamediatv.com/videos-2/hemeroteca/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/ZonaMediaTelevision/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
### País Vasco
| Canal | M3U8 | Web | Logo | EPG ID | Info |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| Hamaika TV | [m3u8](http://bideometa.info/h.m3u8) | [web](http://www.hamaika.eus/zuzenean) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/HamaikaTb/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| TeleBilbao | [m3u8](http://cls.todostreaming.eu/telebilbao/restricted/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.telebilbao.es/directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/TeleBilbao-312994995454199/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| TeleBilbao | [m3u8](http://cls.todostreaming.eu/telebilbao/restricted/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.telebilbao.es/directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/312994995454199/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| TeleDonosti | [m3u8](https://bcsecurelivehls-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/568968/85688294001/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.teledonosti.tv/directos/index.html) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/teledonosti.web/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Goiena | [m3u8](http://zuzenean.goienamedia.eus:8443/telebista.m3u8) | [web](https://goiena.eus/telebista/zuzenekoa) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/goiena.eus/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Tele 7 | - | [web](http://www.tele7.tv/index.php/27-estaticos/9686-aaa) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Tele7Radio7/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Tele 7 | - | [web](https://tele7.tv/tele-7-en-directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Tele7Radio7/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Urola Telebista | [m3u8](https://5940924978228.streamlock.net/j_Directo1/smil:j_Directo1.smil/master.m3u8) | [web](https://www.urolatelebista.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/urolatelebista/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Erlo Telebista | [m3u8](https://5940924978228.streamlock.net/8159/8159/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.erlotelebista.eus/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/erlo.telebista/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| 28 Kanala HD | [m3u8](https://5940924978228.streamlock.net/8157/8157/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.28kanala.eus/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/28kanala/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Oizmendi Telebista | [m3u8](https://5940924978228.streamlock.net/8161/8161/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.oizmendi.eus/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/oizmenditelebista/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| GITB Goierri Irrati Telebista | [m3u8](https://5940924978228.streamlock.net/8155/8155/master.m3u8) | [web](http://www.gitb.eus/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/GoierriIrratiTelebista/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Txingudi Telebista | - | [web](https://txingudionline.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/TxingudiOnline/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Gipuzcoa Telebista | - | - | - | - | - |
| TeleDonostia | - | - | - | - | - |
| UK4 | - | - | - | - | - |
| Bizcaia TV | - | - | - | - | - |
### Valencia
@ -565,9 +675,9 @@
| TVCS | - | [web](http://www.tvcs.tv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/TelevisiondeCastellon/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| tv-A | [m3u8]( | [web](http://www.tv-a.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/tvArtequatre/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Ribera TV | [m3u8](http://orion.comelson.es/ribera/livestream/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.riberatelevisio.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/ribera.televisio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Bous TV | - | [web](https://www.boustv.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/468813580310028288/kBS92Vx7_400x400.png/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Bous TV | - | [web](https://www.boustv.es/) | [logo](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/468813580310028288/kBS92Vx7_400x400.png) | - | - |
| TV4 La Vall | [m3u8](https://cdn01.yowi.tv/5RO3JQE6LN/master.m3u8) | [web](http://teve4lavall.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/teve4lavall/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Información TV | - | [web](http://www.informaciontv.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/InformaciónTV-103588046375790/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Información TV | - | [web](http://www.informaciontv.es/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/103588046375790/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| TeleOrihuela | - | [web](http://hemeroteca.teleorihuela.com/tv-en-directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/teleorihuela/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| PequeRadio TV | [m3u8](http://panel2.cdnstreamserver.com/live/peque-pequetv.m3u8) | [web](http://www.pequeradio.com/tvv2.php) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Pequeradio/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Cetelmon | - | [web](http://www.cetelmon.tv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/cetelmon.television/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
@ -576,12 +686,22 @@
| Comarcal Televisió | - | [web](http://www.comarcal.tv/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/televisiocomarcalcostera/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Alicantí TV | [m3u8]( | [web](http://www.alacantitv.com/en-directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/alacantitv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Enlace TV | [m3u8](https://api.new.livestream.com/accounts/2675843/events/1839332/videos/186663669.secure.m3u8) | [web](https://www.enlace.org/envivo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/enlacetv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| 8 La Marina TV | - | [web](http://8lamarinatv.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/8-La-Marina-Televisión-420993761384692/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| 8 La Marina TV | - | [web](http://8lamarinatv.com/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/420993761384692/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| MK TV | - | [web](http://www.radioontinyent.com/playerMK.html) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/mklocaliatelevision/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Une Vionalopó | [m3u8]( | [web](https://www.unevinalopo.es/directo/) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/UneVinalopo/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Gestiona TV | [m3u8]( | [web](http://www.gestionaradiovalencia.com/television/) | [logo](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/908655886889095169/_GMPwUSa_400x400.jpg) | - | - |
| RTV Vida HD | [m3u8]( | [web](http://vidartv.com/index.php/ve-television-vida) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/vidartv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Elche TV | - | [web](http://www.radioelche.com) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/Elche7Tv/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal Bom | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal 57 | - | - | - | - | - |
| TV Comarcal | - | - | - | - | - |
| Canal Vega TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Nord | - | - | - | - | - |
| TVU | - | - | - | - | - |
| Radio TV Castellón | - | - | - | - | - |
| Valencia Televisió | - | - | - | - | - |
| Sucro TV | - | - | - | - | - |
| Horta Televisió | - | - | - | - | - |
## Internacionales
@ -632,5 +752,5 @@
| Canal | M3U8 | Web | Logo | EPG ID | Info |
| - | - | - | - | - | - |
| ATV HD | [m3u8](http://videos.rtva.ad:1935/live/rtva/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.andorradifusio.ad/endirecte/atv) | [logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5e/Andorra_tv.png) | - | - |
| Canal Web (ATV) HD | [m3u8](http://videos.rtva.ad:1935/live/web/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.andorradifusio.ad/endirecte/canalweb) | [logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5e/Andorra_tv.png) | - | - |
| ATV HD | [m3u8](http://videos.rtva.ad:1935/live/rtva/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.andorradifusio.ad/endirecte/atv) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/rtva.andorra/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
| Canal Web (ATV) HD | [m3u8](http://videos.rtva.ad:1935/live/web/playlist.m3u8) | [web](http://www.andorradifusio.ad/endirecte/canalweb) | [logo](http://graph.facebook.com/rtva.andorra/picture?width=320&height=320) | - | - |
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