import re from channel import Channel def get_license_info(): return { "source": "", "license": "" } def stringbetween(text, start, end): result ='(?<=' + start + ')(.*)(?=' + end + ')', text, re.DOTALL) return def stringbetweenparantheses(text): return text.split("(")[1].split(")")[0] def get_channels_from_part(text): line_where_first_channel_starts = 15 attributes_per_item = 6 channel_list = [] list_to_iterate = text.split("|")[line_where_first_channel_starts:] while "\n" in list_to_iterate: list_to_iterate.remove("\n") while "\n\n" in list_to_iterate: list_to_iterate.remove("\n\n") for i in range(0, len(list_to_iterate), attributes_per_item): item_name = list_to_iterate[i].strip() item_options = list_to_iterate[i + 1].strip() item_web = list_to_iterate[i + 2].strip() if len(item_web) > 0 and item_web[0] != "-": item_web = stringbetweenparantheses(item_web) if len(item_web) == 1: item_web = "" item_resolution = list_to_iterate[i + 3].strip() if len(item_resolution) == 1: item_resolution = "" item_logo = list_to_iterate[i + 4].strip() if len(item_logo) > 0 and item_logo[0] != "-": item_logo = stringbetweenparantheses(item_logo) if len(item_logo) == 1: item_logo = "" item_epg = list_to_iterate[i + 5].strip() if len(item_epg) == 1: item_epg = "" item_options = item_options.split(" - ") channel = Channel(item_name, item_web, item_resolution, item_logo, item_epg) if len(item_options) > 0 and item_options[0] != "-": for option in item_options: format = (option[1:5]).replace("]", "") url = stringbetweenparantheses(option) channel.add_option(format, url) channel_list.append(channel) return channel_list