# Bluetooth LE to MQTT bridge for the Xiaomi Mijia Temperature & Humidity sensor ## Create environment file Copy the `env_file` to `.env` and open it. Complete all environment variables: - `MQTT_[SERVER/PORT/USER/PASSWORD/CLIENT_ID]` are used to connect with the broker. - `MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX` define the prefix for all topics with sensor info. - `MQTT_TELE_PREFIX` is used to publish the sensor data, like battery or status. - `MQTT_SENSOR_NAME` contains the sensor name, useful to split the telemetry data if you have more than one sensors. - `MQTT_PUBLISH_DELAY` specify, in seconds, how many time should wait since the script take the measurements to publish in the broker - `MIJIA_BTLE_ADDRESS` constant with the BLE address of your Mijia device.. This can be retrieved activating the pairing mode in the sensor and scanning the BT devices ## Install dependencies You'll need to install bluez and python3. Then you'll need pip3 to install bluepy. Example on a Raspberry Pi 3: ```sh $ sudo apt-get install python-pip libglib2.0-dev $ sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt ``` ## Run You can execute the script directly using the command: ```sh $ ./main.py ``` Or you can add a new entry in the `crontab`, like: ```sh */20 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 ~/scripts/mijia-temperature/main.py >~/scripts/mijia-temperature/last.log 2>&1 ```