There are quite a few projects that work with ntfy, integrate ntfy, or have been built around ntfy. It's super exciting to see what you guys have come up with. Feel free to [create a pull request on GitHub]( to add your own project here.
- [ntfy-long-zsh-command]( - Notifies you once a long-running command completes (zsh)
- [ntfy-shellscripts]( - A few scripts for the ntfy project (Shell)
- [QuickStatus]( - A shell script to alert to any immediate problems upon login (Shell)
- [ntfy.el]( - Send notifications from Emacs (Emacs)
- [backup-projects]( - Stupidly simple backup script for own projects (Shell)
- [grav-plugin-whistleblower]( - Grav CMS plugin to get notifications via ntfy (PHP)
- [ntfy-server-status]( - Checking if server is online and reporting through ntfy (C)
- [borg-based backup]( - Simple borg-based backup script with notifications based on or Discord webhooks (Python/Shell)
- [ *arr script]( - Quick and hacky script to get sonarr/radarr to notify the service (Shell)
- [siteeagle]( - A small Python script to monitor websites and notify changes (Python)
- [send_to_phone]( - Scripts to upload a file to and ping ntfy with the download link (Python)
- [Bettarr Notifications]( - Better Notifications for Sonarr and Radarr (Python)
- [Notify me the intruders]( - Notify you if they are intruders or new connections on your network (Shell)
- [Send GitHub Action to ntfy]( - Send GitHub Action workflow notifications to ntfy (JS)
- [ntfy is finally coming to iOS, and Matrix/UnifiedPush gateway support]( ⭐ - 6/2022
- [Free MacroDroid webhook alternative (FrameXX)]( - 12/2021
- [ntfy otro sistema de notificaciones pub-sub simple basado en HTTP]( - 11/2021