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synced 2024-12-22 17:52:30 +01:00
Fix make targets to actually work on macOS
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 68 additions and 52 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
@ -5,65 +5,68 @@ VERSION := $(shell git describe --tag)
@echo "Typical commands (more see below):"
@echo " make build - Build web app, documentation and server/client (sloowwww)"
@echo " make cli-linux-amd64 - Build server/client binary (amd64, no web app or docs)"
@echo " make install-linux-amd64 - Install ntfy binary to /usr/bin/ntfy (amd64)"
@echo " make web - Build the web app"
@echo " make docs - Build the documentation"
@echo " make check - Run all tests, vetting/formatting checks and linters"
@echo " make build - Build web app, documentation and server/client (sloowwww)"
@echo " make cli-linux-amd64 - Build server/client binary (amd64, no web app or docs)"
@echo " make install-linux-amd64 - Install ntfy binary to /usr/bin/ntfy (amd64)"
@echo " make web - Build the web app"
@echo " make docs - Build the documentation"
@echo " make check - Run all tests, vetting/formatting checks and linters"
@echo "Build everything:"
@echo " make build - Build web app, documentation and server/client"
@echo " make clean - Clean build/dist folders"
@echo " make build - Build web app, documentation and server/client"
@echo " make clean - Clean build/dist folders"
@echo "Build server & client (not release version):"
@echo " make cli - Build server & client (all architectures)"
@echo " make cli-linux-amd64 - Build server & client (Linux, amd64 only)"
@echo " make cli-linux-armv6 - Build server & client (Linux, armv6 only)"
@echo " make cli-linux-armv7 - Build server & client (Linux, armv7 only)"
@echo " make cli-linux-arm64 - Build server & client (Linux, arm64 only)"
@echo " make cli-windows-amd64 - Build client (Windows, amd64 only)"
@echo " make cli-darwin-all - Build client (macOS, arm64+amd64 universal binary)"
@echo " make cli-devonly-server - Build client & server (without GoReleaser, on current architecture)"
@echo " make cli-devonly-noserver - Build client only (without GoReleaser, on current architecture)"
@echo "Build server & client (using GoReleaser, not release version):"
@echo " make cli - Build server & client (all architectures)"
@echo " make cli-linux-amd64 - Build server & client (Linux, amd64 only)"
@echo " make cli-linux-armv6 - Build server & client (Linux, armv6 only)"
@echo " make cli-linux-armv7 - Build server & client (Linux, armv7 only)"
@echo " make cli-linux-arm64 - Build server & client (Linux, arm64 only)"
@echo " make cli-windows-amd64 - Build client (Windows, amd64 only)"
@echo " make cli-darwin-all - Build client (macOS, arm64+amd64 universal binary)"
@echo "Build server & client (without GoReleaser):"
@echo " make cli-linux-server - Build client & server (no GoReleaser, current arch, Linux)"
@echo " make cli-darwin-server - Build client & server (no GoReleaser, current arch, macOS)"
@echo " make cli-client - Build client only (no GoReleaser, current arch, Linux/macOS/Windows)"
@echo "Build web app:"
@echo " make web - Build the web app"
@echo " make web-deps - Install web app dependencies (npm install the universe)"
@echo " make web-build - Actually build the web app"
@echo " make web - Build the web app"
@echo " make web-deps - Install web app dependencies (npm install the universe)"
@echo " make web-build - Actually build the web app"
@echo "Build documentation:"
@echo " make docs - Build the documentation"
@echo " make docs-deps - Install Python dependencies (pip3 install)"
@echo " make docs-build - Actually build the documentation"
@echo " make docs - Build the documentation"
@echo " make docs-deps - Install Python dependencies (pip3 install)"
@echo " make docs-build - Actually build the documentation"
@echo "Test/check:"
@echo " make test - Run tests"
@echo " make race - Run tests with -race flag"
@echo " make coverage - Run tests and show coverage"
@echo " make coverage-html - Run tests and show coverage (as HTML)"
@echo " make coverage-upload - Upload coverage results to codecov.io"
@echo " make test - Run tests"
@echo " make race - Run tests with -race flag"
@echo " make coverage - Run tests and show coverage"
@echo " make coverage-html - Run tests and show coverage (as HTML)"
@echo " make coverage-upload - Upload coverage results to codecov.io"
@echo "Lint/format:"
@echo " make fmt - Run 'go fmt'"
@echo " make fmt-check - Run 'go fmt', but don't change anything"
@echo " make vet - Run 'go vet'"
@echo " make lint - Run 'golint'"
@echo " make staticcheck - Run 'staticcheck'"
@echo " make fmt - Run 'go fmt'"
@echo " make fmt-check - Run 'go fmt', but don't change anything"
@echo " make vet - Run 'go vet'"
@echo " make lint - Run 'golint'"
@echo " make staticcheck - Run 'staticcheck'"
@echo "Releasing:"
@echo " make release - Create a release"
@echo " make release-snapshot - Create a test release"
@echo " make release - Create a release"
@echo " make release-snapshot - Create a test release"
@echo "Install locally (requires sudo):"
@echo " make install-linux-amd64 - Copy amd64 binary from dist/ to /usr/bin/ntfy"
@echo " make install-linux-armv6 - Copy armv6 binary from dist/ to /usr/bin/ntfy"
@echo " make install-linux-armv7 - Copy armv7 binary from dist/ to /usr/bin/ntfy"
@echo " make install-linux-arm64 - Copy arm64 binary from dist/ to /usr/bin/ntfy"
@echo " make install-linux-deb-amd64 - Install .deb from dist/ (amd64 only)"
@echo " make install-linux-deb-armv6 - Install .deb from dist/ (armv6 only)"
@echo " make install-linux-deb-armv7 - Install .deb from dist/ (armv7 only)"
@echo " make install-linux-deb-arm64 - Install .deb from dist/ (arm64 only)"
@echo " make install-linux-amd64 - Copy amd64 binary from dist/ to /usr/bin/ntfy"
@echo " make install-linux-armv6 - Copy armv6 binary from dist/ to /usr/bin/ntfy"
@echo " make install-linux-armv7 - Copy armv7 binary from dist/ to /usr/bin/ntfy"
@echo " make install-linux-arm64 - Copy arm64 binary from dist/ to /usr/bin/ntfy"
@echo " make install-linux-deb-amd64 - Install .deb from dist/ (amd64 only)"
@echo " make install-linux-deb-armv6 - Install .deb from dist/ (armv6 only)"
@echo " make install-linux-deb-armv7 - Install .deb from dist/ (armv7 only)"
@echo " make install-linux-deb-arm64 - Install .deb from dist/ (arm64 only)"
# Building everything
@ -134,20 +137,32 @@ cli-windows-amd64: cli-deps-static-sites
cli-darwin-all: cli-deps-static-sites
goreleaser build --snapshot --rm-dist --debug --id ntfy_darwin_all
cli-devonly-server: cli-deps-static-sites
# This is a target to build the CLI (including the server) manually. This should work on macOS, too.
mkdir -p dist/ntfy_devonly_server server/docs
cli-linux-server: cli-deps-static-sites
# This is a target to build the CLI (including the server) manually.
# Use this for development, if you really don't want to install GoReleaser ...
mkdir -p dist/ntfy_linux_server server/docs
CGO_ENABLED=1 go build \
-o dist/ntfy_devonly_server/ntfy \
-o dist/ntfy_linux_server/ntfy \
-tags sqlite_omit_load_extension,osusergo,netgo \
-ldflags \
"-linkmode=external -extldflags=-static -s -w -X main.version=$(VERSION) -X main.commit=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) -X main.date=$(shell date +%s)"
cli-devonly-noserver: cli-deps-static-sites
# This is a target to build the CLI (excluding the server) manually. This should work on macOS, too.
mkdir -p dist/ntfy_devonly_noserver server/docs
cli-darwin-server: cli-deps-static-sites
# This is a target to build the CLI (including the server) manually.
# Use this for macOS/iOS development, so you have a local server to test with.
mkdir -p dist/ntfy_darwin_server server/docs
CGO_ENABLED=1 go build \
-o dist/ntfy_darwin_server/ntfy \
-tags sqlite_omit_load_extension,osusergo,netgo \
-ldflags \
"-linkmode=external -s -w -X main.version=$(VERSION) -X main.commit=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) -X main.date=$(shell date +%s)"
cli-client: cli-deps-static-sites
# This is a target to build the CLI (excluding the server) manually. This should work on Linux/macOS/Windows.
# Use this for development, if you really don't want to install GoReleaser ...
mkdir -p dist/ntfy_client server/docs
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build \
-o dist/ntfy_devonly_noserver/ntfy \
-o dist/ntfy_client/ntfy \
-tags noserver \
-ldflags \
"-X main.version=$(VERSION) -X main.commit=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) -X main.date=$(shell date +%s)"
Reference in a new issue