mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 18:31:42 +01:00
Merge branch 'main' of github.com:binwiederhier/ntfy
This commit is contained in:
52 changed files with 2243 additions and 1110 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
name: build
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Install Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v2
go-version: '1.18.x'
name: Install node
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: '16'
name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
name: Cache Go and npm modules
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: |
key: ${{ runner.os }}-ntfy-${{ hashFiles('**/go.sum', '**/package.lock') }}
restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-ntfy-
name: Install dependencies
run: make build-deps-ubuntu
name: Build all the things
run: make build
name: Print build results and checksums
run: make cli-build-results
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
# For most projects, this workflow file will not need changing; you simply need
# to commit it to your repository.
# You may wish to alter this file to override the set of languages analyzed,
# or to provide custom queries or build logic.
# ******** NOTE ********
# We have attempted to detect the languages in your repository. Please check
# the `language` matrix defined below to confirm you have the correct set of
# supported CodeQL languages.
name: "CodeQL"
branches: [ main ]
# The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
branches: [ main ]
- cron: '21 10 * * 5'
name: Analyze
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
actions: read
contents: read
security-events: write
fail-fast: false
language: [ 'go', 'javascript' ]
# CodeQL supports [ 'cpp', 'csharp', 'go', 'java', 'javascript', 'python', 'ruby' ]
# Learn more about CodeQL language support at https://aka.ms/codeql-docs/language-support
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning.
- name: Initialize CodeQL
uses: github/codeql-action/init@v2
languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
# If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file.
# By default, queries listed here will override any specified in a config file.
# Prefix the list here with "+" to use these queries and those in the config file.
# Details on CodeQL's query packs refer to : https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/code-scanning/automatically-scanning-your-code-for-vulnerabilities-and-errors/configuring-code-scanning#using-queries-in-ql-packs
# queries: security-extended,security-and-quality
# Autobuild attempts to build any compiled languages (C/C++, C#, or Java).
# If this step fails, then you should remove it and run the build manually (see below)
- name: Autobuild
uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v2
# ℹ️ Command-line programs to run using the OS shell.
# 📚 See https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#jobsjob_idstepsrun
# If the Autobuild fails above, remove it and uncomment the following three lines.
# modify them (or add more) to build your code if your project, please refer to the EXAMPLE below for guidance.
# - run: |
# echo "Run, Build Application using script"
# ./location_of_script_within_repo/buildscript.sh
- name: Perform CodeQL Analysis
uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
name: release
- 'v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Install Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v2
go-version: '1.18.x'
name: Install node
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: '16'
name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
name: Cache Go and npm modules
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: |
key: ${{ runner.os }}-ntfy-${{ hashFiles('**/go.sum', '**/package.lock') }}
restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-ntfy-
name: Docker login
uses: docker/login-action@v2
username: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_TOKEN }}
name: Install dependencies
run: make build-deps-ubuntu
name: Build and publish
run: make release
name: Print build results and checksums
run: make cli-build-results
@ -3,26 +3,46 @@ on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Install Go
name: Install Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v2
go-version: '1.17.x'
- name: Install node
go-version: '1.18.x'
name: Install node
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: '16'
- name: Checkout code
name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install dependencies
run: sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y python3-pip curl
- name: Build docs (required for tests)
name: Cache Go and npm modules
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: |
key: ${{ runner.os }}-ntfy-${{ hashFiles('**/go.sum', '**/package.lock') }}
restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-ntfy-
name: Install dependencies
run: make build-deps-ubuntu
name: Build docs (required for tests)
run: make docs
- name: Build web app (required for tests)
name: Build web app (required for tests)
run: make web
- name: Run tests, formatting, vetting and linting
name: Run tests, formatting, vetting and linting
run: make check
- name: Run coverage
name: Run coverage
run: make coverage
- name: Upload coverage to codecov.io
name: Upload coverage to codecov.io
run: make coverage-upload
@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ universal_binaries:
id: ntfy_darwin_all
replace: true
name_template: ntfy
name_template: 'checksums.txt'
@ -79,6 +79,18 @@ build: web docs cli
update: web-deps-update cli-deps-update docs-deps-update
docker pull alpine
# Ubuntu-specific
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y \
curl \
gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu \
gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi \
upx \
which pip3 || sudo apt install -y python3-pip
# Documentation
docs: docs-deps docs-build
@ -114,28 +126,29 @@ web-deps:
cd web && npm update
# Main server/client build
cli: cli-deps
goreleaser build --snapshot --rm-dist --debug
goreleaser build --snapshot --rm-dist
cli-linux-amd64: cli-deps-static-sites
goreleaser build --snapshot --rm-dist --debug --id ntfy_linux_amd64
goreleaser build --snapshot --rm-dist --id ntfy_linux_amd64
cli-linux-armv6: cli-deps-static-sites cli-deps-gcc-armv6-armv7
goreleaser build --snapshot --rm-dist --debug --id ntfy_linux_armv6
goreleaser build --snapshot --rm-dist --id ntfy_linux_armv6
cli-linux-armv7: cli-deps-static-sites cli-deps-gcc-armv6-armv7
goreleaser build --snapshot --rm-dist --debug --id ntfy_linux_armv7
goreleaser build --snapshot --rm-dist --id ntfy_linux_armv7
cli-linux-arm64: cli-deps-static-sites cli-deps-gcc-arm64
goreleaser build --snapshot --rm-dist --debug --id ntfy_linux_arm64
goreleaser build --snapshot --rm-dist --id ntfy_linux_arm64
cli-windows-amd64: cli-deps-static-sites
goreleaser build --snapshot --rm-dist --debug --id ntfy_windows_amd64
goreleaser build --snapshot --rm-dist --id ntfy_windows_amd64
cli-darwin-all: cli-deps-static-sites
goreleaser build --snapshot --rm-dist --debug --id ntfy_darwin_all
goreleaser build --snapshot --rm-dist --id ntfy_darwin_all
cli-linux-server: cli-deps-static-sites
# This is a target to build the CLI (including the server) manually.
@ -177,6 +190,7 @@ cli-deps-static-sites:
which upx || { echo "ERROR: upx not installed. On Ubuntu, run: apt install upx"; exit 1; }
go install github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser@latest
which arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc || { echo "ERROR: ARMv6/ARMv7 cross compiler not installed. On Ubuntu, run: apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi"; exit 1; }
@ -187,6 +201,18 @@ cli-deps-gcc-arm64:
go get -u
go install honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck@latest
go install golang.org/x/lint/golint@latest
go install github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser@latest
cat dist/config.yaml
[ -f dist/artifacts.json ] && cat dist/artifacts.json | jq . || true
[ -f dist/metadata.json ] && cat dist/metadata.json | jq . || true
[ -f dist/checksums.txt ] && cat dist/checksums.txt || true
find dist -maxdepth 2 -type f \
\( -name '*.deb' -or -name '*.rpm' -or -name '*.zip' -or -name '*.tar.gz' -or -name 'ntfy' \) \
-and -not -path 'dist/goreleaserdocker*' \
-exec sha256sum {} \;
# Test/check targets
@ -238,13 +264,13 @@ staticcheck: .PHONY
# Releasing targets
release: clean update cli-deps release-check-tags docs web check
goreleaser release --rm-dist --debug
release: clean update cli-deps release-checks docs web check
goreleaser release --rm-dist
release-snapshot: clean update cli-deps docs web check
goreleaser release --snapshot --skip-publish --rm-dist --debug
goreleaser release --snapshot --skip-publish --rm-dist
$(eval LATEST_TAG := $(shell git describe --abbrev=0 --tags | cut -c2-))
if ! grep -q $(LATEST_TAG) docs/install.md; then\
echo "ERROR: Must update docs/install.md with latest tag first.";\
@ -254,6 +280,10 @@ release-check-tags:
echo "ERROR: Must update docs/releases.md with latest tag first.";\
exit 1;\
if [ -n "$(shell git status -s)" ]; then\
echo "ERROR: Git repository is in an unclean state.";\
exit 1;\
# Installing targets
@ -33,6 +33,16 @@ too.
[Install / Self-hosting](https://ntfy.sh/docs/install/) |
## Chat
You can directly contact me **[on Discord](https://discord.gg/cT7ECsZj9w)** or [on Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#ntfy:matrix.org)
(bridged from Discord), or via the [GitHub issues](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/issues), or find more contact information
[on my website](https://heckel.io/about).
## Announcements / beta testers
For announcements of new releases and cutting-edge beta versions, please subscribe to the [ntfy.sh/announcements](https://ntfy.sh/announcements)
topic. If you'd like to test the iOS app, join [TestFlight](https://testflight.apple.com/join/P1fFnAm9). For Android betas,
join Discord/Matrix (I'll eventually make a testing channel in Google Play).
## Contributing
I welcome any and all contributions. Just create a PR or an issue. To contribute code, check out
the [build instructions](https://ntfy.sh/docs/develop/) for the server and the Android app.
@ -43,11 +53,6 @@ Or, if you'd like to help translate 🇩🇪 🇺🇸 🇧🇬, you can start im
<img src="https://hosted.weblate.org/widgets/ntfy/-/multi-blue.svg" alt="Translation status" />
## Contact me
You can directly contact me **[on Discord](https://discord.gg/cT7ECsZj9w)** or [on Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#ntfy:matrix.org)
(bridged from Discord), or via the [GitHub issues](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/issues), or find more contact information
[on my website](https://heckel.io/about).
## License
Made with ❤️ by [Philipp C. Heckel](https://heckel.io).
The project is dual licensed under the [Apache License 2.0](LICENSE) and the [GPLv2 License](LICENSE.GPLv2).
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import (
@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ func (c *Client) PublishReader(topic string, body io.Reader, options ...PublishO
return nil, err
log.Debug("%s Publishing message with headers %s", util.ShortTopicURL(topicURL), req.Header)
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ func (c *Client) Poll(topic string, options ...SubscribeOption) ([]*Message, err
msgChan := make(chan *Message)
errChan := make(chan error)
topicURL := c.expandTopicURL(topic)
log.Debug("%s Polling from topic", util.ShortTopicURL(topicURL))
options = append(options, WithPoll())
go func() {
err := performSubscribeRequest(ctx, msgChan, topicURL, "", options...)
@ -171,6 +173,7 @@ func (c *Client) Subscribe(topic string, options ...SubscribeOption) string {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
subscriptionID := util.RandomString(10)
topicURL := c.expandTopicURL(topic)
log.Debug("%s Subscribing to topic", util.ShortTopicURL(topicURL))
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
c.subscriptions[subscriptionID] = &subscription{
ID: subscriptionID,
@ -226,11 +229,11 @@ func handleSubscribeConnLoop(ctx context.Context, msgChan chan *Message, topicUR
// TODO The retry logic is crude and may lose messages. It should record the last message like the
// Android client, use since=, and do incremental backoff too
if err := performSubscribeRequest(ctx, msgChan, topicURL, subcriptionID, options...); err != nil {
log.Printf("Connection to %s failed: %s", topicURL, err.Error())
log.Warn("%s Connection failed: %s", util.ShortTopicURL(topicURL), err.Error())
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
log.Printf("Connection to %s exited", topicURL)
log.Info("%s Connection exited", util.ShortTopicURL(topicURL))
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second): // TODO Add incremental backoff
@ -238,7 +241,9 @@ func handleSubscribeConnLoop(ctx context.Context, msgChan chan *Message, topicUR
func performSubscribeRequest(ctx context.Context, msgChan chan *Message, topicURL string, subscriptionID string, options ...SubscribeOption) error {
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodGet, fmt.Sprintf("%s/json", topicURL), nil)
streamURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s/json", topicURL)
log.Debug("%s Listening to %s", util.ShortTopicURL(topicURL), streamURL)
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodGet, streamURL, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -261,10 +266,12 @@ func performSubscribeRequest(ctx context.Context, msgChan chan *Message, topicUR
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(resp.Body)
for scanner.Scan() {
m, err := toMessage(scanner.Text(), topicURL, subscriptionID)
messageJSON := scanner.Text()
m, err := toMessage(messageJSON, topicURL, subscriptionID)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Trace("%s Message received: %s", util.ShortTopicURL(topicURL), messageJSON)
if m.Event == MessageEvent {
msgChan <- m
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ const (
var flagsAccess = append(
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "reset", Aliases: []string{"r"}, Usage: "reset access for user (and topic)"},
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ var cmdAccess = &cli.Command{
Usage: "Grant/revoke access to a topic, or show access",
UsageText: "ntfy access [USERNAME [TOPIC [PERMISSION]]]",
Flags: flagsAccess,
Before: initConfigFileInputSourceFunc("config", flagsAccess),
Before: initConfigFileInputSourceFunc("config", flagsAccess, initLogFunc),
Action: execUserAccess,
Category: categoryServer,
Description: `Manage the access control list for the ntfy server.
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ package cmd
import (
@ -13,6 +15,13 @@ const (
var commands = make([]*cli.Command, 0)
var flagsDefault = []cli.Flag{
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "debug", Aliases: []string{"d"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_DEBUG"}, Usage: "enable debug logging"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "trace", EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_TRACE"}, Usage: "enable tracing (very verbose, be careful)"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-log-dates", Aliases: []string{"no_log_dates"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_NO_LOG_DATES"}, Usage: "disable the date/time prefix"},
altsrc.NewStringFlag(&cli.StringFlag{Name: "log-level", Aliases: []string{"log_level"}, Value: log.InfoLevel.String(), EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_LOG_LEVEL"}, Usage: "set log level"}),
// New creates a new CLI application
func New() *cli.App {
return &cli.App{
@ -25,5 +34,21 @@ func New() *cli.App {
Writer: os.Stdout,
ErrWriter: os.Stderr,
Commands: commands,
Flags: flagsDefault,
Before: initLogFunc,
func initLogFunc(c *cli.Context) error {
if c.Bool("trace") {
} else if c.Bool("debug") {
} else {
if c.Bool("no-log-dates") {
return nil
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
// initConfigFileInputSourceFunc is like altsrc.InitInputSourceWithContext and altsrc.NewYamlSourceFromFlagFunc, but checks
// if the config flag is exists and only loads it if it does. If the flag is set and the file exists, it fails.
func initConfigFileInputSourceFunc(configFlag string, flags []cli.Flag) cli.BeforeFunc {
func initConfigFileInputSourceFunc(configFlag string, flags []cli.Flag, next cli.BeforeFunc) cli.BeforeFunc {
return func(context *cli.Context) error {
configFile := context.String(configFlag)
if context.IsSet(configFlag) && !util.FileExists(configFile) {
@ -23,7 +23,15 @@ func initConfigFileInputSourceFunc(configFlag string, flags []cli.Flag) cli.Befo
if err != nil {
return err
return altsrc.ApplyInputSourceValues(context, inputSource, flags)
if err := altsrc.ApplyInputSourceValues(context, inputSource, flags); err != nil {
return err
if next != nil {
if err := next(context); err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -16,31 +16,35 @@ func init() {
commands = append(commands, cmdPublish)
var flagsPublish = append(
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "config", Aliases: []string{"c"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_CONFIG"}, Usage: "client config file"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "title", Aliases: []string{"t"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_TITLE"}, Usage: "message title"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "priority", Aliases: []string{"p"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_PRIORITY"}, Usage: "priority of the message (1=min, 2=low, 3=default, 4=high, 5=max)"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "tags", Aliases: []string{"tag", "T"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_TAGS"}, Usage: "comma separated list of tags and emojis"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "delay", Aliases: []string{"at", "in", "D"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_DELAY"}, Usage: "delay/schedule message"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "click", Aliases: []string{"U"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_CLICK"}, Usage: "URL to open when notification is clicked"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "actions", Aliases: []string{"A"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_ACTIONS"}, Usage: "actions JSON array or simple definition"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "attach", Aliases: []string{"a"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_ATTACH"}, Usage: "URL to send as an external attachment"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "filename", Aliases: []string{"name", "n"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_FILENAME"}, Usage: "filename for the attachment"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "file", Aliases: []string{"f"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_FILE"}, Usage: "file to upload as an attachment"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "email", Aliases: []string{"mail", "e"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_EMAIL"}, Usage: "also send to e-mail address"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "user", Aliases: []string{"u"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_USER"}, Usage: "username[:password] used to auth against the server"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-cache", Aliases: []string{"C"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_NO_CACHE"}, Usage: "do not cache message server-side"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-firebase", Aliases: []string{"F"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_NO_FIREBASE"}, Usage: "do not forward message to Firebase"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "env-topic", Aliases: []string{"P"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_ENV_TOPIC"}, Usage: "use topic from NTFY_TOPIC env variable"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "quiet", Aliases: []string{"q"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_QUIET"}, Usage: "do not print message"},
var cmdPublish = &cli.Command{
Name: "publish",
Aliases: []string{"pub", "send", "trigger"},
Usage: "Send message via a ntfy server",
UsageText: "ntfy send [OPTIONS..] TOPIC [MESSAGE]\n NTFY_TOPIC=.. ntfy send [OPTIONS..] -P [MESSAGE]",
UsageText: "ntfy publish [OPTIONS..] TOPIC [MESSAGE]\nNTFY_TOPIC=.. ntfy publish [OPTIONS..] -P [MESSAGE]",
Action: execPublish,
Category: categoryClient,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "config", Aliases: []string{"c"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_CONFIG"}, Usage: "client config file"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "title", Aliases: []string{"t"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_TITLE"}, Usage: "message title"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "priority", Aliases: []string{"p"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_PRIORITY"}, Usage: "priority of the message (1=min, 2=low, 3=default, 4=high, 5=max)"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "tags", Aliases: []string{"tag", "T"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_TAGS"}, Usage: "comma separated list of tags and emojis"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "delay", Aliases: []string{"at", "in", "D"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_DELAY"}, Usage: "delay/schedule message"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "click", Aliases: []string{"U"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_CLICK"}, Usage: "URL to open when notification is clicked"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "actions", Aliases: []string{"A"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_ACTIONS"}, Usage: "actions JSON array or simple definition"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "attach", Aliases: []string{"a"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_ATTACH"}, Usage: "URL to send as an external attachment"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "filename", Aliases: []string{"name", "n"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_FILENAME"}, Usage: "filename for the attachment"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "file", Aliases: []string{"f"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_FILE"}, Usage: "file to upload as an attachment"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "email", Aliases: []string{"mail", "e"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_EMAIL"}, Usage: "also send to e-mail address"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "user", Aliases: []string{"u"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_USER"}, Usage: "username[:password] used to auth against the server"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-cache", Aliases: []string{"C"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_NO_CACHE"}, Usage: "do not cache message server-side"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-firebase", Aliases: []string{"F"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_NO_FIREBASE"}, Usage: "do not forward message to Firebase"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "env-topic", Aliases: []string{"P"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_ENV_TOPIC"}, Usage: "use topic from NTFY_TOPIC env variable"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "quiet", Aliases: []string{"q"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_QUIET"}, Usage: "do print message"},
Flags: flagsPublish,
Before: initLogFunc,
Description: `Publish a message to a ntfy server.
@ -5,10 +5,13 @@ package cmd
import (
@ -21,8 +24,13 @@ func init() {
commands = append(commands, cmdServe)
var flagsServe = []cli.Flag{
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "config", Aliases: []string{"c"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_CONFIG_FILE"}, Value: "/etc/ntfy/server.yml", DefaultText: "/etc/ntfy/server.yml", Usage: "config file"},
const (
defaultServerConfigFile = "/etc/ntfy/server.yml"
var flagsServe = append(
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "config", Aliases: []string{"c"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_CONFIG_FILE"}, Value: defaultServerConfigFile, DefaultText: defaultServerConfigFile, Usage: "config file"},
altsrc.NewStringFlag(&cli.StringFlag{Name: "base-url", Aliases: []string{"base_url", "B"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_BASE_URL"}, Usage: "externally visible base URL for this host (e.g. https://ntfy.sh)"}),
altsrc.NewStringFlag(&cli.StringFlag{Name: "listen-http", Aliases: []string{"listen_http", "l"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_LISTEN_HTTP"}, Value: server.DefaultListenHTTP, Usage: "ip:port used to as HTTP listen address"}),
altsrc.NewStringFlag(&cli.StringFlag{Name: "listen-https", Aliases: []string{"listen_https", "L"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_LISTEN_HTTPS"}, Usage: "ip:port used to as HTTPS listen address"}),
@ -59,7 +67,7 @@ var flagsServe = []cli.Flag{
altsrc.NewIntFlag(&cli.IntFlag{Name: "visitor-email-limit-burst", Aliases: []string{"visitor_email_limit_burst"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_VISITOR_EMAIL_LIMIT_BURST"}, Value: server.DefaultVisitorEmailLimitBurst, Usage: "initial limit of e-mails per visitor"}),
altsrc.NewDurationFlag(&cli.DurationFlag{Name: "visitor-email-limit-replenish", Aliases: []string{"visitor_email_limit_replenish"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_VISITOR_EMAIL_LIMIT_REPLENISH"}, Value: server.DefaultVisitorEmailLimitReplenish, Usage: "interval at which burst limit is replenished (one per x)"}),
altsrc.NewBoolFlag(&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "behind-proxy", Aliases: []string{"behind_proxy", "P"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_BEHIND_PROXY"}, Value: false, Usage: "if set, use X-Forwarded-For header to determine visitor IP address (for rate limiting)"}),
var cmdServe = &cli.Command{
Name: "serve",
@ -68,7 +76,7 @@ var cmdServe = &cli.Command{
Action: execServe,
Category: categoryServer,
Flags: flagsServe,
Before: initConfigFileInputSourceFunc("config", flagsServe),
Before: initConfigFileInputSourceFunc("config", flagsServe, initLogFunc),
Description: `Run the ntfy server and listen for incoming requests
The command will load the configuration from /etc/ntfy/server.yml. Config options can
@ -85,6 +93,7 @@ func execServe(c *cli.Context) error {
// Read all the options
config := c.String("config")
baseURL := c.String("base-url")
listenHTTP := c.String("listen-http")
listenHTTPS := c.String("listen-https")
@ -192,7 +201,7 @@ func execServe(c *cli.Context) error {
for _, host := range visitorRequestLimitExemptHosts {
ips, err := net.LookupIP(host)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("cannot resolve host %s: %s, ignoring visitor request exemption", host, err.Error())
log.Warn("cannot resolve host %s: %s, ignoring visitor request exemption", host, err.Error())
for _, ip := range ips {
@ -240,14 +249,18 @@ func execServe(c *cli.Context) error {
conf.VisitorEmailLimitReplenish = visitorEmailLimitReplenish
conf.BehindProxy = behindProxy
conf.EnableWeb = enableWeb
// Set up hot-reloading of config
go sigHandlerConfigReload(config)
// Run server
s, err := server.New(conf)
if err != nil {
} else if err := s.Run(); err != nil {
if err := s.Run(); err != nil {
return nil
@ -261,3 +274,28 @@ func parseSize(s string, defaultValue int64) (v int64, err error) {
return v, nil
func sigHandlerConfigReload(config string) {
sigs := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sigs, syscall.SIGHUP)
for range sigs {
log.Info("Partially hot reloading configuration ...")
inputSource, err := newYamlSourceFromFile(config, flagsServe)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Hot reload failed: %s", err.Error())
func reloadLogLevel(inputSource altsrc.InputSourceContext) {
newLevelStr, err := inputSource.String("log-level")
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Cannot load log level: %s", err.Error())
newLevel := log.ToLevel(newLevelStr)
log.Info("Log level is %s", newLevel.String())
@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ import (
@ -24,6 +25,16 @@ const (
clientUserConfigFileWindowsRelative = "ntfy\\client.yml"
var flagsSubscribe = append(
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "config", Aliases: []string{"c"}, Usage: "client config file"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "since", Aliases: []string{"s"}, Usage: "return events since `SINCE` (Unix timestamp, or all)"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "user", Aliases: []string{"u"}, Usage: "username[:password] used to auth against the server"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "from-config", Aliases: []string{"C"}, Usage: "read subscriptions from config file (service mode)"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "poll", Aliases: []string{"p"}, Usage: "return events and exit, do not listen for new events"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "scheduled", Aliases: []string{"sched", "S"}, Usage: "also return scheduled/delayed events"},
var cmdSubscribe = &cli.Command{
Name: "subscribe",
Aliases: []string{"sub"},
@ -31,15 +42,8 @@ var cmdSubscribe = &cli.Command{
UsageText: "ntfy subscribe [OPTIONS..] [TOPIC]",
Action: execSubscribe,
Category: categoryClient,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "config", Aliases: []string{"c"}, Usage: "client config file"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "since", Aliases: []string{"s"}, Usage: "return events since `SINCE` (Unix timestamp, or all)"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "user", Aliases: []string{"u"}, Usage: "username[:password] used to auth against the server"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "from-config", Aliases: []string{"C"}, Usage: "read subscriptions from config file (service mode)"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "poll", Aliases: []string{"p"}, Usage: "return events and exit, do not listen for new events"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "scheduled", Aliases: []string{"sched", "S"}, Usage: "also return scheduled/delayed events"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "verbose", Aliases: []string{"v"}, Usage: "print verbose output"},
Flags: flagsSubscribe,
Before: initLogFunc,
Description: `Subscribe to a topic from a ntfy server, and either print or execute a command for
every arriving message. There are 3 modes in which the command can be run:
@ -186,6 +190,7 @@ func doSubscribe(c *cli.Context, cl *client.Client, conf *client.Config, topic,
if !ok {
log.Debug("%s Dispatching received message: %s", logMessagePrefix(m), m.Raw)
printMessageOrRunCommand(c, m, cmd)
return nil
@ -195,26 +200,26 @@ func printMessageOrRunCommand(c *cli.Context, m *client.Message, command string)
if command != "" {
runCommand(c, command, m)
} else {
log.Debug("%s Printing raw message", logMessagePrefix(m))
fmt.Fprintln(c.App.Writer, m.Raw)
func runCommand(c *cli.Context, command string, m *client.Message) {
if err := runCommandInternal(c, command, m); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(c.App.ErrWriter, "Command failed: %s\n", err.Error())
log.Warn("%s Command failed: %s", logMessagePrefix(m), err.Error())
func runCommandInternal(c *cli.Context, script string, m *client.Message) error {
scriptFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/ntfy-subscribe-%s.%s", os.TempDir(), util.RandomString(10), scriptExt)
if err := os.WriteFile(scriptFile, []byte(scriptHeader+script), 0700); err != nil {
log.Debug("%s Running command '%s' via temporary script %s", logMessagePrefix(m), script, scriptFile)
script = scriptHeader + script
if err := os.WriteFile(scriptFile, []byte(script), 0700); err != nil {
return err
defer os.Remove(scriptFile)
verbose := c.Bool("verbose")
if verbose {
log.Printf("[%s] Executing: %s (for message: %s)", util.ShortTopicURL(m.TopicURL), script, m.Raw)
log.Debug("%s Executing script %s", logMessagePrefix(m), scriptFile)
cmd := exec.Command(scriptLauncher[0], append(scriptLauncher[1:], scriptFile)...)
cmd.Stdin = c.App.Reader
cmd.Stdout = c.App.Writer
@ -224,7 +229,7 @@ func runCommandInternal(c *cli.Context, script string, m *client.Message) error
func envVars(m *client.Message) []string {
env := os.Environ()
env := make([]string, 0)
env = append(env, envVar(m.ID, "NTFY_ID", "id")...)
env = append(env, envVar(m.Topic, "NTFY_TOPIC", "topic")...)
env = append(env, envVar(fmt.Sprintf("%d", m.Time), "NTFY_TIME", "time")...)
@ -233,7 +238,11 @@ func envVars(m *client.Message) []string {
env = append(env, envVar(fmt.Sprintf("%d", m.Priority), "NTFY_PRIORITY", "priority", "prio", "p")...)
env = append(env, envVar(strings.Join(m.Tags, ","), "NTFY_TAGS", "tags", "tag", "ta")...)
env = append(env, envVar(m.Raw, "NTFY_RAW", "raw")...)
return env
if log.IsTrace() {
log.Trace("%s With environment:\n%s", logMessagePrefix(m), strings.Join(env, "\n"))
return append(os.Environ(), env...)
func envVar(value string, vars ...string) []string {
@ -249,7 +258,7 @@ func loadConfig(c *cli.Context) (*client.Config, error) {
if filename != "" {
return client.LoadConfig(filename)
configFile := defaultConfigFile()
configFile := defaultClientConfigFile()
if s, _ := os.Stat(configFile); s != nil {
return client.LoadConfig(configFile)
@ -257,7 +266,7 @@ func loadConfig(c *cli.Context) (*client.Config, error) {
//lint:ignore U1000 Conditionally used in different builds
func defaultConfigFileUnix() string {
func defaultClientConfigFileUnix() string {
u, _ := user.Current()
configFile := clientRootConfigFileUnixAbsolute
if u.Uid != "0" {
@ -268,7 +277,11 @@ func defaultConfigFileUnix() string {
//lint:ignore U1000 Conditionally used in different builds
func defaultConfigFileWindows() string {
func defaultClientConfigFileWindows() string {
homeDir, _ := os.UserConfigDir()
return filepath.Join(homeDir, clientUserConfigFileWindowsRelative)
func logMessagePrefix(m *client.Message) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", util.ShortTopicURL(m.TopicURL), m.ID)
@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ var (
scriptLauncher = []string{"sh", "-c"}
func defaultConfigFile() string {
return defaultConfigFileUnix()
func defaultClientConfigFile() string {
return defaultClientConfigFileUnix()
@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ var (
scriptLauncher = []string{"sh", "-c"}
func defaultConfigFile() string {
return defaultConfigFileUnix()
func defaultClientConfigFile() string {
return defaultClientConfigFileUnix()
@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ var (
scriptLauncher = []string{"cmd.exe", "/Q", "/C"}
func defaultConfigFile() string {
return defaultConfigFileWindows()
func defaultClientConfigFile() string {
return defaultClientConfigFileWindows()
@ -17,14 +17,19 @@ func init() {
commands = append(commands, cmdUser)
var flagsUser = userCommandFlags()
var flagsUser = append(
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "config", Aliases: []string{"c"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_CONFIG_FILE"}, Value: "/etc/ntfy/server.yml", DefaultText: "/etc/ntfy/server.yml", Usage: "config file"},
altsrc.NewStringFlag(&cli.StringFlag{Name: "auth-file", Aliases: []string{"H"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_AUTH_FILE"}, Usage: "auth database file used for access control"}),
altsrc.NewStringFlag(&cli.StringFlag{Name: "auth-default-access", Aliases: []string{"p"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_AUTH_DEFAULT_ACCESS"}, Value: "read-write", Usage: "default permissions if no matching entries in the auth database are found"}),
var cmdUser = &cli.Command{
Name: "user",
Usage: "Manage/show users",
UsageText: "ntfy user [list|add|remove|change-pass|change-role] ...",
Flags: flagsUser,
Before: initConfigFileInputSourceFunc("config", flagsUser),
Before: initConfigFileInputSourceFunc("config", flagsUser, initLogFunc),
Category: categoryServer,
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
@ -269,11 +274,3 @@ func readPasswordAndConfirm(c *cli.Context) (string, error) {
return string(password), nil
func userCommandFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "config", Aliases: []string{"c"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_CONFIG_FILE"}, Value: "/etc/ntfy/server.yml", DefaultText: "/etc/ntfy/server.yml", Usage: "config file"},
altsrc.NewStringFlag(&cli.StringFlag{Name: "auth-file", Aliases: []string{"H"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_AUTH_FILE"}, Usage: "auth database file used for access control"}),
altsrc.NewStringFlag(&cli.StringFlag{Name: "auth-default-access", Aliases: []string{"p"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_AUTH_DEFAULT_ACCESS"}, Value: "read-write", Usage: "default permissions if no matching entries in the auth database are found"}),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
version: "2.1"
image: binwiederhier/ntfy
container_name: ntfy
- serve
- TZ=UTC # optional: Change to your desired timezone
user: UID:GID # optional: Set custom user/group or uid/gid
- /var/cache/ntfy:/var/cache/ntfy
- /etc/ntfy:/etc/ntfy
- 80:80
restart: unless-stopped
@ -643,10 +643,18 @@ In case you're curious, here's an example of the entire flow:
- In the iOS app, you subscribe to `https://ntfy.example.com/mytopic`
- The app subscribes to the Firebase topic `6de73be8dfb7d69e...` (the SHA256 of the topic URL)
- When you publish a message to `https://ntfy.example.com/mytopic`, your ntfy server will publish a
poll request to `https://ntfy.sh/6de73be8dfb7d69e...` (passing the message ID in the `X-Poll-ID` header)
- The ntfy.sh server publishes the message to Firebase, which forwards it to APNS, which forwards it to your iOS device
poll request to `https://ntfy.sh/6de73be8dfb7d69e...`. The request from your server to the upstream server
contains only the message ID (in the `X-Poll-ID` header), and the SHA256 checksum of the topic URL (as upstream topic).
- The ntfy.sh server publishes the poll request message to Firebase, which forwards it to APNS, which forwards it to your iOS device
- Your iOS device receives the poll request, and fetches the actual message from your server, and then displays it
Here's an example of what the self-hosted server forwards to the upstream server. The request is equivalent to this curl:
curl -X POST -H "X-Poll-ID: s4PdJozxM8na" https://ntfy.sh/6de73be8dfb7d69e32fb2c00c23fe7adbd8b5504406e3068c273aa24cef4055b
{"id":"4HsClFEuCIcs","time":1654087955,"event":"poll_request","topic":"6de73be8dfb7d69e32fb2c00c23fe7adbd8b5504406e3068c273aa24cef4055b","message":"New message","poll_id":"s4PdJozxM8na"}
## Rate limiting
!!! info
Be aware that if you are running ntfy behind a proxy, you must set the `behind-proxy` flag.
@ -700,6 +708,23 @@ are enabled):
* `visitor-email-limit-burst` is the initial bucket of emails each visitor has. This defaults to 16.
* `visitor-email-limit-replenish` is the rate at which the bucket is refilled (one email per x). Defaults to 1h.
### Firebase limits
If [Firebase is configured](#firebase-fcm), all messages are also published to a Firebase topic (unless `Firebase: no`
is set). Firebase enforces [its own limits](https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/concept-options#topics_throttling)
on how many messages can be published. Unfortunately these limits are a little vague and can change depending on the time
of day. In practice, I have only ever observed `429 Quota exceeded` responses from Firebase if **too many messages are published to
the same topic**.
In ntfy, if Firebase responds with a 429 after publishing to a topic, the visitor (= IP address) who published the message
is **banned from publishing to Firebase for 10 minutes** (not configurable). Because publishing to Firebase happens asynchronously,
there is no indication of the user that this has happened. Non-Firebase subscribers (WebSocket or HTTP stream) are not affected.
After the 10 minutes are up, messages forwarding to Firebase is resumed for this visitor.
If this ever happens, there will be a log message that looks something like this:
WARN Firebase quota exceeded (likely for topic), temporarily denying Firebase access to visitor
## Tuning for scale
If you're running ntfy for your home server, you probably don't need to worry about scale at all. In its default config,
if it's not behind a proxy, the ntfy server can keep about **as many connections as the open file limit allows**.
@ -799,6 +824,26 @@ and [here](https://easyengine.io/tutorials/nginx/block-wp-login-php-bruteforce-a
maxretry = 10
## Debugging/tracing
If something's not working right, you can debug/trace through what the ntfy server is doing by setting the `log-level`
to `DEBUG` or `TRACE`. The `DEBUG` setting will output information about each published message, but not the message
contents. The `TRACE` setting will also print the message contents.
!!! warning
Both options are very verbose and should only be enabled in production for short periods of time. Otherwise,
you're going to run out of disk space pretty quickly.
You can also hot-reload the `log-level` by sending the `SIGHUP` signal to the process after editing the `server.yml` file.
You can do so by calling `systemctl reload ntfy` (if ntfy is running inside systemd), or by calling `kill -HUP $(pidof ntfy)`.
If successful, you'll see something like this:
$ ntfy serve
2022/06/02 10:29:28 INFO Listening on :2586[http] :1025[smtp], log level is INFO
2022/06/02 10:29:34 INFO Partially hot reloading configuration ...
2022/06/02 10:29:34 INFO Log level is TRACE
## Config options
Each config option can be set in the config file `/etc/ntfy/server.yml` (e.g. `listen-http: :80`) or as a
CLI option (e.g. `--listen-http :80`. Here's a list of all available options. Alternatively, you can set an environment
@ -809,43 +854,44 @@ variable before running the `ntfy` command (e.g. `export NTFY_LISTEN_HTTP=:80`).
`cache_duration` and `cache-duration` are both supported. This is to support stricter YAML parsers that do
not support dashes.
| Config option | Env variable | Format | Default | Description |
| `base-url` | `NTFY_BASE_URL` | *URL* | - | Public facing base URL of the service (e.g. `https://ntfy.sh`) |
| `listen-http` | `NTFY_LISTEN_HTTP` | `[host]:port` | `:80` | Listen address for the HTTP web server |
| `listen-https` | `NTFY_LISTEN_HTTPS` | `[host]:port` | - | Listen address for the HTTPS web server. If set, you also need to set `key-file` and `cert-file`. |
| `listen-unix` | `NTFY_LISTEN_UNIX` | *filename* | - | Path to a Unix socket to listen on |
| `key-file` | `NTFY_KEY_FILE` | *filename* | - | HTTPS/TLS private key file, only used if `listen-https` is set. |
| `cert-file` | `NTFY_CERT_FILE` | *filename* | - | HTTPS/TLS certificate file, only used if `listen-https` is set. |
| `firebase-key-file` | `NTFY_FIREBASE_KEY_FILE` | *filename* | - | If set, also publish messages to a Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) topic for your app. This is optional and only required to save battery when using the Android app. See [Firebase (FCM](#firebase-fcm). |
| `cache-file` | `NTFY_CACHE_FILE` | *filename* | - | If set, messages are cached in a local SQLite database instead of only in-memory. This allows for service restarts without losing messages in support of the since= parameter. See [message cache](#message-cache). |
| `cache-duration` | `NTFY_CACHE_DURATION` | *duration* | 12h | Duration for which messages will be buffered before they are deleted. This is required to support the `since=...` and `poll=1` parameter. Set this to `0` to disable the cache entirely. |
| `auth-file` | `NTFY_AUTH_FILE` | *filename* | - | Auth database file used for access control. If set, enables authentication and access control. See [access control](#access-control). |
| `auth-default-access` | `NTFY_AUTH_DEFAULT_ACCESS` | `read-write`, `read-only`, `write-only`, `deny-all` | `read-write` | Default permissions if no matching entries in the auth database are found. Default is `read-write`. |
| `behind-proxy` | `NTFY_BEHIND_PROXY` | *bool* | false | If set, the X-Forwarded-For header is used to determine the visitor IP address instead of the remote address of the connection. |
| `attachment-cache-dir` | `NTFY_ATTACHMENT_CACHE_DIR` | *directory* | - | Cache directory for attached files. To enable attachments, this has to be set. |
| `attachment-total-size-limit` | `NTFY_ATTACHMENT_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT` | *size* | 5G | Limit of the on-disk attachment cache directory. If the limits is exceeded, new attachments will be rejected. |
| `attachment-file-size-limit` | `NTFY_ATTACHMENT_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT` | *size* | 15M | Per-file attachment size limit (e.g. 300k, 2M, 100M). Larger attachment will be rejected. |
| `attachment-expiry-duration` | `NTFY_ATTACHMENT_EXPIRY_DURATION` | *duration* | 3h | Duration after which uploaded attachments will be deleted (e.g. 3h, 20h). Strongly affects `visitor-attachment-total-size-limit`. |
| `smtp-sender-addr` | `NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_ADDR` | `host:port` | - | SMTP server address to allow email sending |
| `smtp-sender-user` | `NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_USER` | *string* | - | SMTP user; only used if e-mail sending is enabled |
| `smtp-sender-pass` | `NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_PASS` | *string* | - | SMTP password; only used if e-mail sending is enabled |
| `smtp-sender-from` | `NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_FROM` | *e-mail address* | - | SMTP sender e-mail address; only used if e-mail sending is enabled |
| `smtp-server-listen` | `NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_LISTEN` | `[ip]:port` | - | Defines the IP address and port the SMTP server will listen on, e.g. `:25` or `` |
| `smtp-server-domain` | `NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_DOMAIN` | *domain name* | - | SMTP server e-mail domain, e.g. `ntfy.sh` |
| `smtp-server-addr-prefix` | `NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_ADDR_PREFIX` | `[ip]:port` | - | Optional prefix for the e-mail addresses to prevent spam, e.g. `ntfy-` |
| `keepalive-interval` | `NTFY_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL` | *duration* | 45s | Interval in which keepalive messages are sent to the client. This is to prevent intermediaries closing the connection for inactivity. Note that the Android app has a hardcoded timeout at 77s, so it should be less than that. |
| `manager-interval` | `$NTFY_MANAGER_INTERVAL` | *duration* | 1m | Interval in which the manager prunes old messages, deletes topics and prints the stats. |
| `web-root` | `NTFY_WEB_ROOT` | `app`, `home` or `disable` | `app` | Sets web root to landing page (home), web app (app) or disables the web app entirely (disable) |
| `global-topic-limit` | `NTFY_GLOBAL_TOPIC_LIMIT` | *number* | 15,000 | Rate limiting: Total number of topics before the server rejects new topics. |
| `visitor-subscription-limit` | `NTFY_VISITOR_SUBSCRIPTION_LIMIT` | *number* | 30 | Rate limiting: Number of subscriptions per visitor (IP address) |
| `visitor-attachment-total-size-limit` | `NTFY_VISITOR_ATTACHMENT_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT` | *size* | 100M | Rate limiting: Total storage limit used for attachments per visitor, for all attachments combined. Storage is freed after attachments expire. See `attachment-expiry-duration`. |
| `visitor-attachment-daily-bandwidth-limit` | `NTFY_VISITOR_ATTACHMENT_DAILY_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT` | *size* | 500M | Rate limiting: Total daily attachment download/upload traffic limit per visitor. This is to protect your bandwidth costs from exploding. |
| `visitor-request-limit-burst` | `NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_BURST` | *number* | 60 | Rate limiting: Allowed GET/PUT/POST requests per second, per visitor. This setting is the initial bucket of requests each visitor has |
| `visitor-request-limit-replenish` | `NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_REPLENISH` | *duration* | 5s | Rate limiting: Strongly related to `visitor-request-limit-burst`: The rate at which the bucket is refilled |
| `visitor-request-limit-exempt-hosts` | `NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_EXEMPT_HOSTS` | *comma-separated host/IP list* | - | Rate limiting: List of hostnames and IPs to be exempt from request rate limiting |
| `visitor-email-limit-burst` | `NTFY_VISITOR_EMAIL_LIMIT_BURST` | *number* | 16 | Rate limiting:Initial limit of e-mails per visitor |
| `visitor-email-limit-replenish` | `NTFY_VISITOR_EMAIL_LIMIT_REPLENISH` | *duration* | 1h | Rate limiting: Strongly related to `visitor-email-limit-burst`: The rate at which the bucket is refilled |
| Config option | Env variable | Format | Default | Description |
| `base-url` | `NTFY_BASE_URL` | *URL* | - | Public facing base URL of the service (e.g. `https://ntfy.sh`) |
| `listen-http` | `NTFY_LISTEN_HTTP` | `[host]:port` | `:80` | Listen address for the HTTP web server |
| `listen-https` | `NTFY_LISTEN_HTTPS` | `[host]:port` | - | Listen address for the HTTPS web server. If set, you also need to set `key-file` and `cert-file`. |
| `listen-unix` | `NTFY_LISTEN_UNIX` | *filename* | - | Path to a Unix socket to listen on |
| `key-file` | `NTFY_KEY_FILE` | *filename* | - | HTTPS/TLS private key file, only used if `listen-https` is set. |
| `cert-file` | `NTFY_CERT_FILE` | *filename* | - | HTTPS/TLS certificate file, only used if `listen-https` is set. |
| `firebase-key-file` | `NTFY_FIREBASE_KEY_FILE` | *filename* | - | If set, also publish messages to a Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) topic for your app. This is optional and only required to save battery when using the Android app. See [Firebase (FCM](#firebase-fcm). |
| `cache-file` | `NTFY_CACHE_FILE` | *filename* | - | If set, messages are cached in a local SQLite database instead of only in-memory. This allows for service restarts without losing messages in support of the since= parameter. See [message cache](#message-cache). |
| `cache-duration` | `NTFY_CACHE_DURATION` | *duration* | 12h | Duration for which messages will be buffered before they are deleted. This is required to support the `since=...` and `poll=1` parameter. Set this to `0` to disable the cache entirely. |
| `auth-file` | `NTFY_AUTH_FILE` | *filename* | - | Auth database file used for access control. If set, enables authentication and access control. See [access control](#access-control). |
| `auth-default-access` | `NTFY_AUTH_DEFAULT_ACCESS` | `read-write`, `read-only`, `write-only`, `deny-all` | `read-write` | Default permissions if no matching entries in the auth database are found. Default is `read-write`. |
| `behind-proxy` | `NTFY_BEHIND_PROXY` | *bool* | false | If set, the X-Forwarded-For header is used to determine the visitor IP address instead of the remote address of the connection. |
| `attachment-cache-dir` | `NTFY_ATTACHMENT_CACHE_DIR` | *directory* | - | Cache directory for attached files. To enable attachments, this has to be set. |
| `attachment-total-size-limit` | `NTFY_ATTACHMENT_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT` | *size* | 5G | Limit of the on-disk attachment cache directory. If the limits is exceeded, new attachments will be rejected. |
| `attachment-file-size-limit` | `NTFY_ATTACHMENT_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT` | *size* | 15M | Per-file attachment size limit (e.g. 300k, 2M, 100M). Larger attachment will be rejected. |
| `attachment-expiry-duration` | `NTFY_ATTACHMENT_EXPIRY_DURATION` | *duration* | 3h | Duration after which uploaded attachments will be deleted (e.g. 3h, 20h). Strongly affects `visitor-attachment-total-size-limit`. |
| `smtp-sender-addr` | `NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_ADDR` | `host:port` | - | SMTP server address to allow email sending |
| `smtp-sender-user` | `NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_USER` | *string* | - | SMTP user; only used if e-mail sending is enabled |
| `smtp-sender-pass` | `NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_PASS` | *string* | - | SMTP password; only used if e-mail sending is enabled |
| `smtp-sender-from` | `NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_FROM` | *e-mail address* | - | SMTP sender e-mail address; only used if e-mail sending is enabled |
| `smtp-server-listen` | `NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_LISTEN` | `[ip]:port` | - | Defines the IP address and port the SMTP server will listen on, e.g. `:25` or `` |
| `smtp-server-domain` | `NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_DOMAIN` | *domain name* | - | SMTP server e-mail domain, e.g. `ntfy.sh` |
| `smtp-server-addr-prefix` | `NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_ADDR_PREFIX` | `[ip]:port` | - | Optional prefix for the e-mail addresses to prevent spam, e.g. `ntfy-` |
| `keepalive-interval` | `NTFY_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL` | *duration* | 45s | Interval in which keepalive messages are sent to the client. This is to prevent intermediaries closing the connection for inactivity. Note that the Android app has a hardcoded timeout at 77s, so it should be less than that. |
| `manager-interval` | `$NTFY_MANAGER_INTERVAL` | *duration* | 1m | Interval in which the manager prunes old messages, deletes topics and prints the stats. |
| `global-topic-limit` | `NTFY_GLOBAL_TOPIC_LIMIT` | *number* | 15,000 | Rate limiting: Total number of topics before the server rejects new topics. |
| `upstream-base-url` | `NTFY_UPSTREAM_BASE_URL` | *URL* | `https://ntfy.sh` | Forward poll request to an upstream server, this is needed for iOS push notifications for self-hosted servers |
| `visitor-attachment-total-size-limit` | `NTFY_VISITOR_ATTACHMENT_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT` | *size* | 100M | Rate limiting: Total storage limit used for attachments per visitor, for all attachments combined. Storage is freed after attachments expire. See `attachment-expiry-duration`. |
| `visitor-attachment-daily-bandwidth-limit` | `NTFY_VISITOR_ATTACHMENT_DAILY_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT` | *size* | 500M | Rate limiting: Total daily attachment download/upload traffic limit per visitor. This is to protect your bandwidth costs from exploding. |
| `visitor-email-limit-burst` | `NTFY_VISITOR_EMAIL_LIMIT_BURST` | *number* | 16 | Rate limiting:Initial limit of e-mails per visitor |
| `visitor-email-limit-replenish` | `NTFY_VISITOR_EMAIL_LIMIT_REPLENISH` | *duration* | 1h | Rate limiting: Strongly related to `visitor-email-limit-burst`: The rate at which the bucket is refilled |
| `visitor-request-limit-burst` | `NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_BURST` | *number* | 60 | Rate limiting: Allowed GET/PUT/POST requests per second, per visitor. This setting is the initial bucket of requests each visitor has |
| `visitor-request-limit-replenish` | `NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_REPLENISH` | *duration* | 5s | Rate limiting: Strongly related to `visitor-request-limit-burst`: The rate at which the bucket is refilled |
| `visitor-request-limit-exempt-hosts` | `NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_EXEMPT_HOSTS` | *comma-separated host/IP list* | - | Rate limiting: List of hostnames and IPs to be exempt from request rate limiting |
| `visitor-subscription-limit` | `NTFY_VISITOR_SUBSCRIPTION_LIMIT` | *number* | 30 | Rate limiting: Number of subscriptions per visitor (IP address) |
| `web-root` | `NTFY_WEB_ROOT` | `app`, `home` or `disable` | `app` | Sets web root to landing page (home), web app (app) or disables the web app entirely (disable) |
The format for a *duration* is: `<number>(smh)`, e.g. 30s, 20m or 1h.
The format for a *size* is: `<number>(GMK)`, e.g. 1G, 200M or 4000k.
@ -873,42 +919,46 @@ DESCRIPTION:
ntfy serve --listen-http :8080 # Starts server with alternate port
--config value, -c value config file (default: /etc/ntfy/server.yml) [$NTFY_CONFIG_FILE]
--attachment-cache-dir value, --attachment_cache_dir value cache directory for attached files [$NTFY_ATTACHMENT_CACHE_DIR]
--attachment-expiry-duration value, --attachment_expiry_duration value, -X value duration after which uploaded attachments will be deleted (e.g. 3h, 20h) (default: 3h) [$NTFY_ATTACHMENT_EXPIRY_DURATION]
--attachment-file-size-limit value, --attachment_file_size_limit value, -Y value per-file attachment size limit (e.g. 300k, 2M, 100M) (default: 15M) [$NTFY_ATTACHMENT_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT]
--attachment-total-size-limit value, --attachment_total_size_limit value, -A value limit of the on-disk attachment cache (default: 5G) [$NTFY_ATTACHMENT_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT]
--auth-default-access value, --auth_default_access value, -p value default permissions if no matching entries in the auth database are found (default: "read-write") [$NTFY_AUTH_DEFAULT_ACCESS]
--auth-file value, --auth_file value, -H value auth database file used for access control [$NTFY_AUTH_FILE]
--base-url value, --base_url value, -B value externally visible base URL for this host (e.g. https://ntfy.sh) [$NTFY_BASE_URL]
--behind-proxy, --behind_proxy, -P if set, use X-Forwarded-For header to determine visitor IP address (for rate limiting) (default: false) [$NTFY_BEHIND_PROXY]
--cache-duration since, --cache_duration since, -b since buffer messages for this time to allow since requests (default: 12h0m0s) [$NTFY_CACHE_DURATION]
--cache-file value, --cache_file value, -C value cache file used for message caching [$NTFY_CACHE_FILE]
--cert-file value, --cert_file value, -E value certificate file, if listen-https is set [$NTFY_CERT_FILE]
--config value, -c value config file (default: /etc/ntfy/server.yml) [$NTFY_CONFIG_FILE]
--debug, -d enable debug logging (default: false) [$NTFY_DEBUG]
--firebase-key-file value, --firebase_key_file value, -F value Firebase credentials file; if set additionally publish to FCM topic [$NTFY_FIREBASE_KEY_FILE]
--global-topic-limit value, --global_topic_limit value, -T value total number of topics allowed (default: 15000) [$NTFY_GLOBAL_TOPIC_LIMIT]
--keepalive-interval value, --keepalive_interval value, -k value interval of keepalive messages (default: 45s) [$NTFY_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL]
--key-file value, --key_file value, -K value private key file, if listen-https is set [$NTFY_KEY_FILE]
--listen-http value, --listen_http value, -l value ip:port used to as HTTP listen address (default: ":80") [$NTFY_LISTEN_HTTP]
--listen-https value, --listen_https value, -L value ip:port used to as HTTPS listen address [$NTFY_LISTEN_HTTPS]
--listen-unix value, --listen_unix value, -U value listen on unix socket path [$NTFY_LISTEN_UNIX]
--key-file value, --key_file value, -K value private key file, if listen-https is set [$NTFY_KEY_FILE]
--cert-file value, --cert_file value, -E value certificate file, if listen-https is set [$NTFY_CERT_FILE]
--firebase-key-file value, --firebase_key_file value, -F value Firebase credentials file; if set additionally publish to FCM topic [$NTFY_FIREBASE_KEY_FILE]
--cache-file value, --cache_file value, -C value cache file used for message caching [$NTFY_CACHE_FILE]
--cache-duration since, --cache_duration since, -b since buffer messages for this time to allow since requests (default: 12h0m0s) [$NTFY_CACHE_DURATION]
--auth-file value, --auth_file value, -H value auth database file used for access control [$NTFY_AUTH_FILE]
--auth-default-access value, --auth_default_access value, -p value default permissions if no matching entries in the auth database are found (default: "read-write") [$NTFY_AUTH_DEFAULT_ACCESS]
--attachment-cache-dir value, --attachment_cache_dir value cache directory for attached files [$NTFY_ATTACHMENT_CACHE_DIR]
--attachment-total-size-limit value, --attachment_total_size_limit value, -A value limit of the on-disk attachment cache (default: 5G) [$NTFY_ATTACHMENT_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT]
--attachment-file-size-limit value, --attachment_file_size_limit value, -Y value per-file attachment size limit (e.g. 300k, 2M, 100M) (default: 15M) [$NTFY_ATTACHMENT_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT]
--attachment-expiry-duration value, --attachment_expiry_duration value, -X value duration after which uploaded attachments will be deleted (e.g. 3h, 20h) (default: 3h) [$NTFY_ATTACHMENT_EXPIRY_DURATION]
--keepalive-interval value, --keepalive_interval value, -k value interval of keepalive messages (default: 45s) [$NTFY_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL]
--log-level value, --log_level value set log level (default: "INFO") [$NTFY_LOG_LEVEL]
--manager-interval value, --manager_interval value, -m value interval of for message pruning and stats printing (default: 1m0s) [$NTFY_MANAGER_INTERVAL]
--web-root value, --web_root value sets web root to landing page (home), web app (app) or disabled (disable) (default: "app") [$NTFY_WEB_ROOT]
--no-log-dates, --no_log_dates disable the date/time prefix (default: false) [$NTFY_NO_LOG_DATES]
--smtp-sender-addr value, --smtp_sender_addr value SMTP server address (host:port) for outgoing emails [$NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_ADDR]
--smtp-sender-user value, --smtp_sender_user value SMTP user (if e-mail sending is enabled) [$NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_USER]
--smtp-sender-pass value, --smtp_sender_pass value SMTP password (if e-mail sending is enabled) [$NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_PASS]
--smtp-sender-from value, --smtp_sender_from value SMTP sender address (if e-mail sending is enabled) [$NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_FROM]
--smtp-server-listen value, --smtp_server_listen value SMTP server address (ip:port) for incoming emails, e.g. :25 [$NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_LISTEN]
--smtp-server-domain value, --smtp_server_domain value SMTP domain for incoming e-mail, e.g. ntfy.sh [$NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_DOMAIN]
--smtp-sender-pass value, --smtp_sender_pass value SMTP password (if e-mail sending is enabled) [$NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_PASS]
--smtp-sender-user value, --smtp_sender_user value SMTP user (if e-mail sending is enabled) [$NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_USER]
--smtp-server-addr-prefix value, --smtp_server_addr_prefix value SMTP email address prefix for topics to prevent spam (e.g. 'ntfy-') [$NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_ADDR_PREFIX]
--global-topic-limit value, --global_topic_limit value, -T value total number of topics allowed (default: 15000) [$NTFY_GLOBAL_TOPIC_LIMIT]
--visitor-subscription-limit value, --visitor_subscription_limit value number of subscriptions per visitor (default: 30) [$NTFY_VISITOR_SUBSCRIPTION_LIMIT]
--visitor-attachment-total-size-limit value, --visitor_attachment_total_size_limit value total storage limit used for attachments per visitor (default: "100M") [$NTFY_VISITOR_ATTACHMENT_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT]
--smtp-server-domain value, --smtp_server_domain value SMTP domain for incoming e-mail, e.g. ntfy.sh [$NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_DOMAIN]
--smtp-server-listen value, --smtp_server_listen value SMTP server address (ip:port) for incoming emails, e.g. :25 [$NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_LISTEN]
--trace enable tracing (very verbose, be careful) (default: false) [$NTFY_TRACE]
--upstream-base-url value, --upstream_base_url value forward poll request to an upstream server, this is needed for iOS push notifications for self-hosted servers [$NTFY_UPSTREAM_BASE_URL]
--visitor-attachment-daily-bandwidth-limit value, --visitor_attachment_daily_bandwidth_limit value total daily attachment download/upload bandwidth limit per visitor (default: "500M") [$NTFY_VISITOR_ATTACHMENT_DAILY_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT]
--visitor-request-limit-burst value, --visitor_request_limit_burst value initial limit of requests per visitor (default: 60) [$NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_BURST]
--visitor-request-limit-replenish value, --visitor_request_limit_replenish value interval at which burst limit is replenished (one per x) (default: 5s) [$NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_REPLENISH]
--visitor-request-limit-exempt-hosts value, --visitor_request_limit_exempt_hosts value hostnames and/or IP addresses of hosts that will be exempt from the visitor request limit [$NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_EXEMPT_HOSTS]
--visitor-attachment-total-size-limit value, --visitor_attachment_total_size_limit value total storage limit used for attachments per visitor (default: "100M") [$NTFY_VISITOR_ATTACHMENT_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT]
--visitor-email-limit-burst value, --visitor_email_limit_burst value initial limit of e-mails per visitor (default: 16) [$NTFY_VISITOR_EMAIL_LIMIT_BURST]
--visitor-email-limit-replenish value, --visitor_email_limit_replenish value interval at which burst limit is replenished (one per x) (default: 1h0m0s) [$NTFY_VISITOR_EMAIL_LIMIT_REPLENISH]
--behind-proxy, --behind_proxy, -P if set, use X-Forwarded-For header to determine visitor IP address (for rate limiting) (default: false) [$NTFY_BEHIND_PROXY]
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--visitor-request-limit-burst value, --visitor_request_limit_burst value initial limit of requests per visitor (default: 60) [$NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_BURST]
--visitor-request-limit-exempt-hosts value, --visitor_request_limit_exempt_hosts value hostnames and/or IP addresses of hosts that will be exempt from the visitor request limit [$NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_EXEMPT_HOSTS]
--visitor-request-limit-replenish value, --visitor_request_limit_replenish value interval at which burst limit is replenished (one per x) (default: 5s) [$NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_REPLENISH]
--visitor-subscription-limit value, --visitor_subscription_limit value number of subscriptions per visitor (default: 30) [$NTFY_VISITOR_SUBSCRIPTION_LIMIT]
--web-root value, --web_root value sets web root to landing page (home), web app (app) or disabled (disable) (default: "app") [$NTFY_WEB_ROOT]
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ fi
## Server-sent messages in your web app
Just as you can [subscribe to topics in the Web UI](subscribe/web.md), you can use ntfy in your own
web application. Check out the <a href="/example.html">live example</a> or just look the source of this page.
web application. Check out the <a href="/example.html">live example</a>.
## Notify on SSH login
Years ago my home server was broken into. That shook me hard, so every time someone logs into any machine that I
@ -26,37 +26,37 @@ deb/rpm packages.
=== "x86_64/amd64"
wget https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.24.0/ntfy_1.24.0_linux_x86_64.tar.gz
tar zxvf ntfy_1.24.0_linux_x86_64.tar.gz
sudo cp -a ntfy_1.24.0_linux_x86_64/ntfy /usr/bin/ntfy
sudo mkdir /etc/ntfy && sudo cp ntfy_1.24.0_linux_x86_64/{client,server}/*.yml /etc/ntfy
wget https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.25.2/ntfy_1.25.2_linux_x86_64.tar.gz
tar zxvf ntfy_1.25.2_linux_x86_64.tar.gz
sudo cp -a ntfy_1.25.2_linux_x86_64/ntfy /usr/bin/ntfy
sudo mkdir /etc/ntfy && sudo cp ntfy_1.25.2_linux_x86_64/{client,server}/*.yml /etc/ntfy
sudo ntfy serve
=== "armv6"
wget https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.24.0/ntfy_1.24.0_linux_armv6.tar.gz
tar zxvf ntfy_1.24.0_linux_armv6.tar.gz
sudo cp -a ntfy_1.24.0_linux_armv6/ntfy /usr/bin/ntfy
sudo mkdir /etc/ntfy && sudo cp ntfy_1.24.0_linux_armv6/{client,server}/*.yml /etc/ntfy
wget https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.25.2/ntfy_1.25.2_linux_armv6.tar.gz
tar zxvf ntfy_1.25.2_linux_armv6.tar.gz
sudo cp -a ntfy_1.25.2_linux_armv6/ntfy /usr/bin/ntfy
sudo mkdir /etc/ntfy && sudo cp ntfy_1.25.2_linux_armv6/{client,server}/*.yml /etc/ntfy
sudo ntfy serve
=== "armv7/armhf"
wget https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.24.0/ntfy_1.24.0_linux_armv7.tar.gz
tar zxvf ntfy_1.24.0_linux_armv7.tar.gz
sudo cp -a ntfy_1.24.0_linux_armv7/ntfy /usr/bin/ntfy
sudo mkdir /etc/ntfy && sudo cp ntfy_1.24.0_linux_armv7/{client,server}/*.yml /etc/ntfy
wget https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.25.2/ntfy_1.25.2_linux_armv7.tar.gz
tar zxvf ntfy_1.25.2_linux_armv7.tar.gz
sudo cp -a ntfy_1.25.2_linux_armv7/ntfy /usr/bin/ntfy
sudo mkdir /etc/ntfy && sudo cp ntfy_1.25.2_linux_armv7/{client,server}/*.yml /etc/ntfy
sudo ntfy serve
=== "arm64"
wget https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.24.0/ntfy_1.24.0_linux_arm64.tar.gz
tar zxvf ntfy_1.24.0_linux_arm64.tar.gz
sudo cp -a ntfy_1.24.0_linux_arm64/ntfy /usr/bin/ntfy
sudo mkdir /etc/ntfy && sudo cp ntfy_1.24.0_linux_arm64/{client,server}/*.yml /etc/ntfy
wget https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.25.2/ntfy_1.25.2_linux_arm64.tar.gz
tar zxvf ntfy_1.25.2_linux_arm64.tar.gz
sudo cp -a ntfy_1.25.2_linux_arm64/ntfy /usr/bin/ntfy
sudo mkdir /etc/ntfy && sudo cp ntfy_1.25.2_linux_arm64/{client,server}/*.yml /etc/ntfy
sudo ntfy serve
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Manually installing the .deb file:
=== "x86_64/amd64"
wget https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.24.0/ntfy_1.24.0_linux_amd64.deb
wget https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.25.2/ntfy_1.25.2_linux_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i ntfy_*.deb
sudo systemctl enable ntfy
sudo systemctl start ntfy
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Manually installing the .deb file:
=== "armv6"
wget https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.24.0/ntfy_1.24.0_linux_armv6.deb
wget https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.25.2/ntfy_1.25.2_linux_armv6.deb
sudo dpkg -i ntfy_*.deb
sudo systemctl enable ntfy
sudo systemctl start ntfy
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ Manually installing the .deb file:
=== "armv7/armhf"
wget https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.24.0/ntfy_1.24.0_linux_armv7.deb
wget https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.25.2/ntfy_1.25.2_linux_armv7.deb
sudo dpkg -i ntfy_*.deb
sudo systemctl enable ntfy
sudo systemctl start ntfy
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ Manually installing the .deb file:
=== "arm64"
wget https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.24.0/ntfy_1.24.0_linux_arm64.deb
wget https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.25.2/ntfy_1.25.2_linux_arm64.deb
sudo dpkg -i ntfy_*.deb
sudo systemctl enable ntfy
sudo systemctl start ntfy
@ -137,28 +137,28 @@ Manually installing the .deb file:
=== "x86_64/amd64"
sudo rpm -ivh https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.24.0/ntfy_1.24.0_linux_amd64.rpm
sudo rpm -ivh https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.25.2/ntfy_1.25.2_linux_amd64.rpm
sudo systemctl enable ntfy
sudo systemctl start ntfy
=== "armv6"
sudo rpm -ivh https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.24.0/ntfy_1.24.0_linux_armv6.rpm
sudo rpm -ivh https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.25.2/ntfy_1.25.2_linux_armv6.rpm
sudo systemctl enable ntfy
sudo systemctl start ntfy
=== "armv7/armhf"
sudo rpm -ivh https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.24.0/ntfy_1.24.0_linux_armv7.rpm
sudo rpm -ivh https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.25.2/ntfy_1.25.2_linux_armv7.rpm
sudo systemctl enable ntfy
sudo systemctl start ntfy
=== "arm64"
sudo rpm -ivh https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.24.0/ntfy_1.24.0_linux_arm64.rpm
sudo rpm -ivh https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.25.2/ntfy_1.25.2_linux_arm64.rpm
sudo systemctl enable ntfy
sudo systemctl start ntfy
@ -176,6 +176,12 @@ cd ntfysh-bin
makepkg -si
## NixOS / Nix
ntfy is packaged in nixpkgs as `ntfy-sh`. It can be installed by adding the package name to the configuration file and calling `nixos-rebuild`. Alternatively, the following command can be used to install ntfy in the current user environment:
nix-env -iA ntfy-sh
## macOS
The [ntfy CLI](subscribe/cli.md) (`ntfy publish` and `ntfy subscribe` only) is supported on macOS as well.
To install, please download the tarball, extract it and place it somewhere in your `PATH` (e.g. `/usr/local/bin/ntfy`).
@ -184,11 +190,11 @@ If run as `root`, ntfy will look for its config at `/etc/ntfy/client.yml`. For a
`~/Library/Application Support/ntfy/client.yml` (sample included in the tarball).
curl https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.24.0/ntfy_1.24.0_macOS_all.tar.gz > ntfy_1.24.0_macOS_all.tar.gz
tar zxvf ntfy_1.24.0_macOS_all.tar.gz
sudo cp -a ntfy_1.24.0_macOS_all/ntfy /usr/local/bin/ntfy
curl -L https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.25.2/ntfy_1.25.2_macOS_all.tar.gz > ntfy_1.25.2_macOS_all.tar.gz
tar zxvf ntfy_1.25.2_macOS_all.tar.gz
sudo cp -a ntfy_1.25.2_macOS_all/ntfy /usr/local/bin/ntfy
mkdir ~/Library/Application\ Support/ntfy
cp ntfy_1.24.0_macOS_all/client/client.yml ~/Library/Application\ Support/ntfy/client.yml
cp ntfy_1.25.2_macOS_all/client/client.yml ~/Library/Application\ Support/ntfy/client.yml
ntfy --help
@ -200,11 +206,15 @@ ntfy --help
## Windows
The [ntfy CLI](subscribe/cli.md) (`ntfy publish` and `ntfy subscribe` only) is supported on Windows as well.
To install, please [download the latest ZIP](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.24.0/ntfy_v1.24.0_windows_x86_64.zip),
To install, please [download the latest ZIP](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases/download/v1.25.2/ntfy_v1.25.2_windows_x86_64.zip),
extract it and place the `ntfy.exe` binary somewhere in your `%Path%`.
The default path for the client config file is at `%AppData%\ntfy\client.yml` (not created automatically, sample in the ZIP file).
Also available in [Scoop's](https://scoop.sh) Main repository:
`scoop install ntfy`
!!! info
There is currently no installer for Windows, and the binary is not signed. If this is desired, please create a
[GitHub issue](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/issues) to let me know.
@ -233,17 +243,19 @@ docker run \
With other config options (configured via `/etc/ntfy/server.yml`, see [configuration](config.md) for details):
With other config options, timezone, and non-root user (configured via `/etc/ntfy/server.yml`, see [configuration](config.md) for details):
docker run \
-v /etc/ntfy:/etc/ntfy \
-e TZ=UTC \
-p 80:80 \
-u UID:GID \
-it \
binwiederhier/ntfy \
Using docker-compose:
Using docker-compose with non-root user:
version: "2.1"
@ -253,6 +265,9 @@ services:
container_name: ntfy
- serve
- TZ=UTC # optional: set desired timezone
user: UID:GID # optional: replace with your own user/group or uid/gid
- /var/cache/ntfy:/var/cache/ntfy
- /etc/ntfy:/etc/ntfy
@ -261,6 +276,8 @@ services:
restart: unless-stopped
If using a non-root user when running the docker version, be sure to chown the server.yml, user.db, and cache.db files to the same uid/gid.
Alternatively, you may wish to build a customized Docker image that can be run with fewer command-line arguments and without delivering the configuration file separately.
FROM binwiederhier/ntfy
@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ any outside service. All data is exclusively used to make the service function p
I use is Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) service, which is required to provide instant Android notifications (see
[FAQ](faq.md) for details). To avoid FCM altogether, download the F-Droid version.
The web server does not log or otherwise store request paths, remote IP addresses or even topics or messages,
aside from a short on-disk cache to support service restarts.
For debugging purposes, the ntfy server may temporarily log request paths, remote IP addresses or even topics
or messages, though typically this is turned off.
@ -4,7 +4,67 @@ and the [ntfy Android app](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy-android/release
## ntfy iOS app v1.1 (UNRELEASED)
## ntfy Android app v1.14.0 (UNRELEASED)
**Additional translations:**
* Italian (thanks to [@Genio2003](https://hosted.weblate.org/user/Genio2003/))
## ntfy server v1.26.0 (UNRELEASED)
* Windows CLI is now available via [Scoop](https://scoop.sh) ([ScoopInstaller#3594](https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Main/pull/3594), [#311](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/pull/311), [#269](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/issues/269), thanks to [@kzshantonu](https://github.com/kzshantonu))
## ntfy server v1.25.2
Released June 2, 2022
This release adds the ability to set a log level to facilitate easier debugging of live systems. It also solves a
production problem with a few over-users that resulted in Firebase quota problems (only applying to the over-users).
We now block visitors from using Firebase if they trigger a quota exceeded response.
On top of that, we updated the Firebase SDK and are now building the release in GitHub Actions. We've also got two
more translations: Chinese/Simplified and Dutch.
* Advanced logging, with different log levels and hot reloading of the log level ([#284](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/pull/284))
* Respect Firebase "quota exceeded" response for topics, block Firebase publishing for user for 10min ([#289](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/issues/289))
* Fix documentation header blue header due to mkdocs-material theme update (no ticket)
* Upgrade Firebase Admin SDK to 4.x ([#274](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/issues/274))
* CI: Build from pipeline instead of locally ([#36](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/issues/36))
* ⚠️ [Privacy policy](privacy.md) updated to reflect additional debug/tracing feature (no ticket)
* [Examples](examples.md) for [Home Assistant](https://www.home-assistant.io/) ([#282](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/pull/282), thanks to [@poblabs](https://github.com/poblabs))
* Install instructions for [NixOS/Nix](https://ntfy.sh/docs/install/#nixos-nix) ([#282](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/pull/282), thanks to [@arjan-s](https://github.com/arjan-s))
* Clarify `poll_request` wording for [iOS push notifications](https://ntfy.sh/docs/config/#ios-instant-notifications) ([#300](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/issues/300), thanks to [@prabirshrestha](https://github.com/prabirshrestha) for reporting)
* Example for using ntfy with docker-compose.yml without root privileges ([#304](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/pull/304), thanks to [@ksurl](https://github.com/ksurl))
**Additional translations:**
* Chinese/Simplified (thanks to [@yufei.im](https://hosted.weblate.org/user/yufei.im/))
* Dutch (thanks to [@SchoNie](https://hosted.weblate.org/user/SchoNie/))
## ntfy iOS app v1.1
Released May 31, 2022
In this release of the iOS app, we add message priorities (mapped to iOS interruption levels), tags and emojis,
action buttons to open websites or perform HTTP requests (in the notification and the detail view), a custom click
action when the notification is tapped, and various other fixes.
It also adds support for self-hosted servers (albeit not supporting auth yet). The self-hosted server needs to be
configured to forward poll requests to upstream ntfy.sh for push notifications to work (see [iOS push notifications](https://ntfy.sh/docs/config/#ios-instant-notifications)
for details).
@ -21,22 +81,6 @@ and the [ntfy Android app](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy-android/release
* iOS UI not always updating properly ([#267](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/issues/267))
## ntfy Android app v1.14.0 (UNRELEASED)
**Additional translations:**
* Italian (thanks to [@Genio2003](https://hosted.weblate.org/user/Genio2003/))
## ntfy server v1.25.0 (UNRELEASED)
* [Examples](examples.md) for [Home Assistant](https://www.home-assistant.io/) ([#282](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/pull/282), thanks to [@poblabs](https://github.com/poblabs))
## ntfy server v1.24.0
Released May 28, 2022
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
:root {
:root > * {
--md-primary-fg-color: #338574;
--md-primary-fg-color--light: #338574;
--md-primary-fg-color--dark: #338574;
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
// Link tabs, as per https://facelessuser.github.io/pymdown-extensions/extensions/tabbed/#linked-tabs
const savedTab = localStorage.getItem('savedTab')
const tabs = document.querySelectorAll(".tabbed-set > input")
for (const tab of tabs) {
const savedCodeTab = localStorage.getItem('savedTab')
const codeTabs = document.querySelectorAll(".tabbed-set > input")
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tab.addEventListener("click", () => {
const current = document.querySelector(`label[for=${tab.id}]`)
const pos = current.getBoundingClientRect().top
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ for (const tab of tabs) {
// Select saved tab
const current = document.querySelector(`label[for=${tab.id}]`)
const labelContent = current.innerHTML
if (savedTab === labelContent) {
if (savedCodeTab === labelContent) {
tab.checked = true
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ go 1.17
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@ -17,15 +16,17 @@ require (
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
package log
import (
// Level is a well-known log level, as defined below
type Level int
// Well known log levels
const (
TraceLevel Level = iota
func (l Level) String() string {
switch l {
case TraceLevel:
return "TRACE"
case DebugLevel:
return "DEBUG"
case InfoLevel:
return "INFO"
case WarnLevel:
return "WARN"
case ErrorLevel:
return "ERROR"
return "unknown"
var (
level = InfoLevel
mu = &sync.Mutex{}
// Trace prints the given message, if the current log level is TRACE
func Trace(message string, v ...interface{}) {
logIf(TraceLevel, message, v...)
// Debug prints the given message, if the current log level is DEBUG or lower
func Debug(message string, v ...interface{}) {
logIf(DebugLevel, message, v...)
// Info prints the given message, if the current log level is INFO or lower
func Info(message string, v ...interface{}) {
logIf(InfoLevel, message, v...)
// Warn prints the given message, if the current log level is WARN or lower
func Warn(message string, v ...interface{}) {
logIf(WarnLevel, message, v...)
// Error prints the given message, if the current log level is ERROR or lower
func Error(message string, v ...interface{}) {
logIf(ErrorLevel, message, v...)
// Fatal prints the given message, and exits the program
func Fatal(v ...interface{}) {
// CurrentLevel returns the current log level
func CurrentLevel() Level {
defer mu.Unlock()
return level
// SetLevel sets a new log level
func SetLevel(newLevel Level) {
defer mu.Unlock()
level = newLevel
// DisableDates disables the date/time prefix
func DisableDates() {
// ToLevel converts a string to a Level. It returns InfoLevel if the string
// does not match any known log levels.
func ToLevel(s string) Level {
switch strings.ToUpper(s) {
case "TRACE":
return TraceLevel
case "DEBUG":
return DebugLevel
case "INFO":
return InfoLevel
case "WARN", "WARNING":
return WarnLevel
case "ERROR":
return ErrorLevel
return InfoLevel
// Loggable returns true if the given log level is lower or equal to the current log level
func Loggable(l Level) bool {
return CurrentLevel() <= l
// IsTrace returns true if the current log level is TraceLevel
func IsTrace() bool {
return Loggable(TraceLevel)
// IsDebug returns true if the current log level is DebugLevel or below
func IsDebug() bool {
return Loggable(DebugLevel)
func logIf(l Level, message string, v ...interface{}) {
if CurrentLevel() <= l {
log.Printf(l.String()+" "+message, v...)
@ -6,15 +6,16 @@ import (
// Defines default config settings (excluding limits, see below)
const (
DefaultListenHTTP = ":80"
DefaultCacheDuration = 12 * time.Hour
DefaultKeepaliveInterval = 45 * time.Second // Not too frequently to save battery (Android read timeout used to be 77s!)
DefaultManagerInterval = time.Minute
DefaultAtSenderInterval = 10 * time.Second
DefaultMinDelay = 10 * time.Second
DefaultMaxDelay = 3 * 24 * time.Hour
DefaultFirebaseKeepaliveInterval = 3 * time.Hour // ~control topic (Android), not too frequently to save battery
DefaultFirebasePollInterval = 20 * time.Minute // ~poll topic (iOS), max. 2-3 times per hour (see docs)
DefaultListenHTTP = ":80"
DefaultCacheDuration = 12 * time.Hour
DefaultKeepaliveInterval = 45 * time.Second // Not too frequently to save battery (Android read timeout used to be 77s!)
DefaultManagerInterval = time.Minute
DefaultDelayedSenderInterval = 10 * time.Second
DefaultMinDelay = 10 * time.Second
DefaultMaxDelay = 3 * 24 * time.Hour
DefaultFirebaseKeepaliveInterval = 3 * time.Hour // ~control topic (Android), not too frequently to save battery
DefaultFirebasePollInterval = 20 * time.Minute // ~poll topic (iOS), max. 2-3 times per hour (see docs)
DefaultFirebaseQuotaExceededPenaltyDuration = 10 * time.Minute // Time that over-users are locked out of Firebase if it returns "quota exceeded"
// Defines all global and per-visitor limits
@ -66,9 +67,10 @@ type Config struct {
KeepaliveInterval time.Duration
ManagerInterval time.Duration
WebRootIsApp bool
AtSenderInterval time.Duration
DelayedSenderInterval time.Duration
FirebaseKeepaliveInterval time.Duration
FirebasePollInterval time.Duration
FirebaseQuotaExceededPenaltyDuration time.Duration
UpstreamBaseURL string
SMTPSenderAddr string
SMTPSenderUser string
@ -118,9 +120,10 @@ func NewConfig() *Config {
MessageLimit: DefaultMessageLengthLimit,
MinDelay: DefaultMinDelay,
MaxDelay: DefaultMaxDelay,
AtSenderInterval: DefaultAtSenderInterval,
DelayedSenderInterval: DefaultDelayedSenderInterval,
FirebaseKeepaliveInterval: DefaultFirebaseKeepaliveInterval,
FirebasePollInterval: DefaultFirebasePollInterval,
FirebaseQuotaExceededPenaltyDuration: DefaultFirebaseQuotaExceededPenaltyDuration,
TotalTopicLimit: DefaultTotalTopicLimit,
VisitorSubscriptionLimit: DefaultVisitorSubscriptionLimit,
VisitorAttachmentTotalSizeLimit: DefaultVisitorAttachmentTotalSizeLimit,
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import (
_ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3" // SQLite driver
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ const (
attachment_size INT NOT NULL,
attachment_expires INT NOT NULL,
attachment_url TEXT NOT NULL,
attachment_owner TEXT NOT NULL,
encoding TEXT NOT NULL,
published INT NOT NULL
@ -45,37 +45,37 @@ const (
insertMessageQuery = `
INSERT INTO messages (mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, attachment_owner, encoding, published)
INSERT INTO messages (mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, sender, encoding, published)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
pruneMessagesQuery = `DELETE FROM messages WHERE time < ? AND published = 1`
selectRowIDFromMessageID = `SELECT id FROM messages WHERE topic = ? AND mid = ?`
selectMessagesSinceTimeQuery = `
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, attachment_owner, encoding
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, sender, encoding
FROM messages
WHERE topic = ? AND time >= ? AND published = 1
ORDER BY time, id
selectMessagesSinceTimeIncludeScheduledQuery = `
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, attachment_owner, encoding
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, sender, encoding
FROM messages
WHERE topic = ? AND time >= ?
ORDER BY time, id
selectMessagesSinceIDQuery = `
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, attachment_owner, encoding
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, sender, encoding
FROM messages
WHERE topic = ? AND id > ? AND published = 1
ORDER BY time, id
selectMessagesSinceIDIncludeScheduledQuery = `
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, attachment_owner, encoding
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, sender, encoding
FROM messages
WHERE topic = ? AND (id > ? OR published = 0)
ORDER BY time, id
selectMessagesDueQuery = `
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, attachment_owner, encoding
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, sender, encoding
FROM messages
WHERE time <= ? AND published = 0
ORDER BY time, id
@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ const (
selectMessagesCountQuery = `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages`
selectMessageCountForTopicQuery = `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE topic = ?`
selectTopicsQuery = `SELECT topic FROM messages GROUP BY topic`
selectAttachmentsSizeQuery = `SELECT IFNULL(SUM(attachment_size), 0) FROM messages WHERE attachment_owner = ? AND attachment_expires >= ?`
selectAttachmentsSizeQuery = `SELECT IFNULL(SUM(attachment_size), 0) FROM messages WHERE sender = ? AND attachment_expires >= ?`
selectAttachmentsExpiredQuery = `SELECT mid FROM messages WHERE attachment_expires > 0 AND attachment_expires < ?`
// Schema management queries
const (
currentSchemaVersion = 6
currentSchemaVersion = 7
createSchemaVersionTableQuery = `
@ -173,6 +173,11 @@ const (
migrate5To6AlterMessagesTableQuery = `
// 6 -> 7
migrate6To7AlterMessagesTableQuery = `
ALTER TABLE messages RENAME COLUMN attachment_owner TO sender;
type messageCache struct {
@ -225,7 +230,7 @@ func (c *messageCache) AddMessage(m *message) error {
published := m.Time <= time.Now().Unix()
tags := strings.Join(m.Tags, ",")
var attachmentName, attachmentType, attachmentURL, attachmentOwner string
var attachmentName, attachmentType, attachmentURL string
var attachmentSize, attachmentExpires int64
if m.Attachment != nil {
attachmentName = m.Attachment.Name
@ -233,7 +238,6 @@ func (c *messageCache) AddMessage(m *message) error {
attachmentSize = m.Attachment.Size
attachmentExpires = m.Attachment.Expires
attachmentURL = m.Attachment.URL
attachmentOwner = m.Attachment.Owner
var actionsStr string
if len(m.Actions) > 0 {
@ -259,7 +263,7 @@ func (c *messageCache) AddMessage(m *message) error {
@ -371,8 +375,8 @@ func (c *messageCache) Prune(olderThan time.Time) error {
return err
func (c *messageCache) AttachmentBytesUsed(owner string) (int64, error) {
rows, err := c.db.Query(selectAttachmentsSizeQuery, owner, time.Now().Unix())
func (c *messageCache) AttachmentBytesUsed(sender string) (int64, error) {
rows, err := c.db.Query(selectAttachmentsSizeQuery, sender, time.Now().Unix())
if err != nil {
return 0, err
@ -415,7 +419,7 @@ func readMessages(rows *sql.Rows) ([]*message, error) {
for rows.Next() {
var timestamp, attachmentSize, attachmentExpires int64
var priority int
var id, topic, msg, title, tagsStr, click, actionsStr, attachmentName, attachmentType, attachmentURL, attachmentOwner, encoding string
var id, topic, msg, title, tagsStr, click, actionsStr, attachmentName, attachmentType, attachmentURL, sender, encoding string
err := rows.Scan(
@ -431,7 +435,7 @@ func readMessages(rows *sql.Rows) ([]*message, error) {
if err != nil {
@ -455,7 +459,6 @@ func readMessages(rows *sql.Rows) ([]*message, error) {
Size: attachmentSize,
Expires: attachmentExpires,
URL: attachmentURL,
Owner: attachmentOwner,
messages = append(messages, &message{
@ -470,6 +473,7 @@ func readMessages(rows *sql.Rows) ([]*message, error) {
Click: click,
Actions: actions,
Attachment: att,
Sender: sender,
Encoding: encoding,
@ -516,6 +520,8 @@ func setupCacheDB(db *sql.DB) error {
return migrateFrom4(db)
} else if schemaVersion == 5 {
return migrateFrom5(db)
} else if schemaVersion == 6 {
return migrateFrom6(db)
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected schema version found: %d", schemaVersion)
@ -534,7 +540,7 @@ func setupNewCacheDB(db *sql.DB) error {
func migrateFrom0(db *sql.DB) error {
log.Print("Migrating cache database schema: from 0 to 1")
log.Info("Migrating cache database schema: from 0 to 1")
if _, err := db.Exec(migrate0To1AlterMessagesTableQuery); err != nil {
return err
@ -548,7 +554,7 @@ func migrateFrom0(db *sql.DB) error {
func migrateFrom1(db *sql.DB) error {
log.Print("Migrating cache database schema: from 1 to 2")
log.Info("Migrating cache database schema: from 1 to 2")
if _, err := db.Exec(migrate1To2AlterMessagesTableQuery); err != nil {
return err
@ -559,7 +565,7 @@ func migrateFrom1(db *sql.DB) error {
func migrateFrom2(db *sql.DB) error {
log.Print("Migrating cache database schema: from 2 to 3")
log.Info("Migrating cache database schema: from 2 to 3")
if _, err := db.Exec(migrate2To3AlterMessagesTableQuery); err != nil {
return err
@ -570,7 +576,7 @@ func migrateFrom2(db *sql.DB) error {
func migrateFrom3(db *sql.DB) error {
log.Print("Migrating cache database schema: from 3 to 4")
log.Info("Migrating cache database schema: from 3 to 4")
if _, err := db.Exec(migrate3To4AlterMessagesTableQuery); err != nil {
return err
@ -581,7 +587,7 @@ func migrateFrom3(db *sql.DB) error {
func migrateFrom4(db *sql.DB) error {
log.Print("Migrating cache database schema: from 4 to 5")
log.Info("Migrating cache database schema: from 4 to 5")
if _, err := db.Exec(migrate4To5AlterMessagesTableQuery); err != nil {
return err
@ -592,12 +598,23 @@ func migrateFrom4(db *sql.DB) error {
func migrateFrom5(db *sql.DB) error {
log.Print("Migrating cache database schema: from 5 to 6")
log.Info("Migrating cache database schema: from 5 to 6")
if _, err := db.Exec(migrate5To6AlterMessagesTableQuery); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := db.Exec(updateSchemaVersion, 6); err != nil {
return err
return migrateFrom6(db)
func migrateFrom6(db *sql.DB) error {
log.Info("Migrating cache database schema: from 6 to 7")
if _, err := db.Exec(migrate6To7AlterMessagesTableQuery); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := db.Exec(updateSchemaVersion, 7); err != nil {
return err
return nil // Update this when a new version is added
@ -281,39 +281,39 @@ func testCacheAttachments(t *testing.T, c *messageCache) {
expires1 := time.Now().Add(-4 * time.Hour).Unix()
m := newDefaultMessage("mytopic", "flower for you")
m.ID = "m1"
m.Sender = ""
m.Attachment = &attachment{
Name: "flower.jpg",
Type: "image/jpeg",
Size: 5000,
Expires: expires1,
URL: "https://ntfy.sh/file/AbDeFgJhal.jpg",
Owner: "",
require.Nil(t, c.AddMessage(m))
expires2 := time.Now().Add(2 * time.Hour).Unix() // Future
m = newDefaultMessage("mytopic", "sending you a car")
m.ID = "m2"
m.Sender = ""
m.Attachment = &attachment{
Name: "car.jpg",
Type: "image/jpeg",
Size: 10000,
Expires: expires2,
URL: "https://ntfy.sh/file/aCaRURL.jpg",
Owner: "",
require.Nil(t, c.AddMessage(m))
expires3 := time.Now().Add(1 * time.Hour).Unix() // Future
m = newDefaultMessage("another-topic", "sending you another car")
m.ID = "m3"
m.Sender = ""
m.Attachment = &attachment{
Name: "another-car.jpg",
Type: "image/jpeg",
Size: 20000,
Expires: expires3,
URL: "https://ntfy.sh/file/zakaDHFW.jpg",
Owner: "",
require.Nil(t, c.AddMessage(m))
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ func testCacheAttachments(t *testing.T, c *messageCache) {
require.Equal(t, int64(5000), messages[0].Attachment.Size)
require.Equal(t, expires1, messages[0].Attachment.Expires)
require.Equal(t, "https://ntfy.sh/file/AbDeFgJhal.jpg", messages[0].Attachment.URL)
require.Equal(t, "", messages[0].Attachment.Owner)
require.Equal(t, "", messages[0].Sender)
require.Equal(t, "sending you a car", messages[1].Message)
require.Equal(t, "car.jpg", messages[1].Attachment.Name)
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ func testCacheAttachments(t *testing.T, c *messageCache) {
require.Equal(t, int64(10000), messages[1].Attachment.Size)
require.Equal(t, expires2, messages[1].Attachment.Expires)
require.Equal(t, "https://ntfy.sh/file/aCaRURL.jpg", messages[1].Attachment.URL)
require.Equal(t, "", messages[1].Attachment.Owner)
require.Equal(t, "", messages[1].Sender)
size, err := c.AttachmentBytesUsed("")
require.Nil(t, err)
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ After=network.target
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ntfy serve
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ntfy serve --no-log-dates
ExecReload=/bin/kill --signal HUP $MAINPID
@ -7,13 +7,11 @@ import (
@ -34,22 +32,22 @@ import (
// Server is the main server, providing the UI and API for ntfy
type Server struct {
config *Config
httpServer *http.Server
httpsServer *http.Server
unixListener net.Listener
smtpServer *smtp.Server
smtpBackend *smtpBackend
topics map[string]*topic
visitors map[string]*visitor
firebase subscriber
mailer mailer
messages int64
auth auth.Auther
messageCache *messageCache
fileCache *fileCache
closeChan chan bool
mu sync.Mutex
config *Config
httpServer *http.Server
httpsServer *http.Server
unixListener net.Listener
smtpServer *smtp.Server
smtpServerBackend *smtpBackend
smtpSender mailer
topics map[string]*topic
visitors map[string]*visitor
firebaseClient *firebaseClient
messages int64
auth auth.Auther
messageCache *messageCache
fileCache *fileCache
closeChan chan bool
mu sync.Mutex
// handleFunc extends the normal http.HandlerFunc to be able to easily return errors
@ -136,23 +134,23 @@ func New(conf *Config) (*Server, error) {
return nil, err
var firebaseSubscriber subscriber
var firebaseClient *firebaseClient
if conf.FirebaseKeyFile != "" {
var err error
firebaseSubscriber, err = createFirebaseSubscriber(conf.FirebaseKeyFile, auther)
sender, err := newFirebaseSender(conf.FirebaseKeyFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
firebaseClient = newFirebaseClient(sender, auther)
return &Server{
config: conf,
messageCache: messageCache,
fileCache: fileCache,
firebase: firebaseSubscriber,
mailer: mailer,
topics: topics,
auth: auther,
visitors: make(map[string]*visitor),
config: conf,
messageCache: messageCache,
fileCache: fileCache,
firebaseClient: firebaseClient,
smtpSender: mailer,
topics: topics,
auth: auther,
visitors: make(map[string]*visitor),
}, nil
@ -181,7 +179,7 @@ func (s *Server) Run() error {
if s.config.SMTPServerListen != "" {
listenStr += fmt.Sprintf(" %s[smtp]", s.config.SMTPServerListen)
log.Printf("Listening on%s", listenStr)
log.Info("Listening on%s, log level is %s", listenStr, log.CurrentLevel().String())
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/", s.handle)
errChan := make(chan error)
@ -221,7 +219,7 @@ func (s *Server) Run() error {
go s.runManager()
go s.runAtSender()
go s.runDelayedSender()
go s.runFirebaseKeepaliver()
return <-errChan
@ -248,16 +246,27 @@ func (s *Server) Stop() {
func (s *Server) handle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
v := s.visitor(r)
log.Debug("%s Dispatching request", logHTTPPrefix(v, r))
if err := s.handleInternal(w, r, v); err != nil {
if websocket.IsWebSocketUpgrade(r) {
log.Printf("[%s] WS %s %s - %s", v.ip, r.Method, r.URL.Path, err.Error())
isNormalError := strings.Contains(err.Error(), "i/o timeout")
if isNormalError {
log.Debug("%s WebSocket error (this error is okay, it happens a lot): %s", logHTTPPrefix(v, r), err.Error())
} else {
log.Info("%s WebSocket error: %s", logHTTPPrefix(v, r), err.Error())
return // Do not attempt to write to upgraded connection
httpErr, ok := err.(*errHTTP)
if !ok {
httpErr = errHTTPInternalError
log.Printf("[%s] HTTP %s %s - %d - %d - %s", v.ip, r.Method, r.URL.Path, httpErr.HTTPCode, httpErr.Code, err.Error())
isNormalError := httpErr.HTTPCode == http.StatusNotFound || httpErr.HTTPCode == http.StatusBadRequest
if isNormalError {
log.Debug("%s Connection closed with HTTP %d (ntfy error %d): %s", logHTTPPrefix(v, r), httpErr.HTTPCode, httpErr.Code, err.Error())
} else {
log.Info("%s Connection closed with HTTP %d (ntfy error %d): %s", logHTTPPrefix(v, r), httpErr.HTTPCode, httpErr.Code, err.Error())
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") // CORS, allow cross-origin requests
@ -434,19 +443,26 @@ func (s *Server) handlePublish(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *visito
m.Message = emptyMessageBody
delayed := m.Time > time.Now().Unix()
log.Debug("%s Received message: event=%s, body=%d byte(s), delayed=%t, firebase=%t, cache=%t, up=%t, email=%s",
logMessagePrefix(v, m), m.Event, len(m.Message), delayed, firebase, cache, unifiedpush, email)
if log.IsTrace() {
log.Trace("%s Message body: %s", logMessagePrefix(v, m), util.MaybeMarshalJSON(m))
if !delayed {
if err := t.Publish(m); err != nil {
if err := t.Publish(v, m); err != nil {
return err
if s.firebase != nil && firebase && !delayed {
go s.sendToFirebase(v, m)
if s.mailer != nil && email != "" && !delayed {
go s.sendEmail(v, m, email)
if s.config.UpstreamBaseURL != "" {
go s.forwardPollRequest(v, m)
if s.firebaseClient != nil && firebase {
go s.sendToFirebase(v, m)
if s.smtpSender != nil && email != "" {
go s.sendEmail(v, m, email)
if s.config.UpstreamBaseURL != "" {
go s.forwardPollRequest(v, m)
} else {
log.Debug("%s Message delayed, will process later", logMessagePrefix(v, m))
if cache {
if err := s.messageCache.AddMessage(m); err != nil {
@ -465,14 +481,20 @@ func (s *Server) handlePublish(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *visito
func (s *Server) sendToFirebase(v *visitor, m *message) {
if err := s.firebase(m); err != nil {
log.Printf("[%s] FB - Unable to publish to Firebase: %v", v.ip, err.Error())
log.Debug("%s Publishing to Firebase", logMessagePrefix(v, m))
if err := s.firebaseClient.Send(v, m); err != nil {
if err == errFirebaseTemporarilyBanned {
log.Debug("%s Unable to publish to Firebase: %v", logMessagePrefix(v, m), err.Error())
} else {
log.Warn("%s Unable to publish to Firebase: %v", logMessagePrefix(v, m), err.Error())
func (s *Server) sendEmail(v *visitor, m *message, email string) {
if err := s.mailer.Send(v.ip, email, m); err != nil {
log.Printf("[%s] MAIL - Unable to send email: %v", v.ip, err.Error())
log.Debug("%s Sending email to %s", logMessagePrefix(v, m), email)
if err := s.smtpSender.Send(v, m, email); err != nil {
log.Warn("%s Unable to send email to %s: %v", logMessagePrefix(v, m), email, err.Error())
@ -480,18 +502,22 @@ func (s *Server) forwardPollRequest(v *visitor, m *message) {
topicURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", s.config.BaseURL, m.Topic)
topicHash := fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha256.Sum256([]byte(topicURL)))
forwardURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", s.config.UpstreamBaseURL, topicHash)
log.Debug("%s Publishing poll request to %s", logMessagePrefix(v, m), forwardURL)
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", forwardURL, strings.NewReader(""))
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[%s] FWD - Unable to forward poll request: %v", v.ip, err.Error())
log.Warn("%s Unable to publish poll request: %v", logMessagePrefix(v, m), err.Error())
req.Header.Set("X-Poll-ID", m.ID)
response, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
var httpClient = &http.Client{
Timeout: time.Second * 10,
response, err := httpClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[%s] FWD - Unable to forward poll request: %v", v.ip, err.Error())
log.Warn("%s Unable to publish poll request: %v", logMessagePrefix(v, m), err.Error())
} else if response.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
log.Printf("[%s] FWD - Unable to forward poll request, unexpected status: %d", v.ip, response.StatusCode)
log.Warn("%s Unable to publish poll request, unexpected HTTP status: %d", logMessagePrefix(v, m), response.StatusCode)
@ -533,7 +559,7 @@ func (s *Server) parsePublishParams(r *http.Request, v *visitor, m *message) (ca
return false, false, "", false, errHTTPTooManyRequestsLimitEmails
if s.mailer == nil && email != "" {
if s.smtpSender == nil && email != "" {
return false, false, "", false, errHTTPBadRequestEmailDisabled
messageStr := strings.ReplaceAll(readParam(r, "x-message", "message", "m"), "\\n", "\n")
@ -568,6 +594,7 @@ func (s *Server) parsePublishParams(r *http.Request, v *visitor, m *message) (ca
return false, false, "", false, errHTTPBadRequestDelayTooLarge
m.Time = delay.Unix()
m.Sender = v.ip // Important for rate limiting
actionsStr := readParam(r, "x-actions", "actions", "action")
if actionsStr != "" {
@ -606,7 +633,7 @@ func (s *Server) parsePublishParams(r *http.Request, v *visitor, m *message) (ca
// If file.txt is > message limit, treat it as an attachment
func (s *Server) handlePublishBody(r *http.Request, v *visitor, m *message, body *util.PeekedReadCloser, unifiedpush bool) error {
if m.Event == pollRequestEvent { // Case 1
return nil
return s.handleBodyDiscard(body)
} else if unifiedpush {
return s.handleBodyAsMessageAutoDetect(m, body) // Case 2
} else if m.Attachment != nil && m.Attachment.URL != "" {
@ -619,6 +646,12 @@ func (s *Server) handlePublishBody(r *http.Request, v *visitor, m *message, body
return s.handleBodyAsAttachment(r, v, m, body) // Case 6
func (s *Server) handleBodyDiscard(body *util.PeekedReadCloser) error {
_, err := io.Copy(io.Discard, body)
_ = body.Close()
return err
func (s *Server) handleBodyAsMessageAutoDetect(m *message, body *util.PeekedReadCloser) error {
if utf8.Valid(body.PeekedBytes) {
m.Message = string(body.PeekedBytes) // Do not trim
@ -663,7 +696,7 @@ func (s *Server) handleBodyAsAttachment(r *http.Request, v *visitor, m *message,
m.Attachment = &attachment{}
var ext string
m.Attachment.Owner = v.ip // Important for attachment rate limiting
m.Sender = v.ip // Important for attachment rate limiting
m.Attachment.Expires = time.Now().Add(s.config.AttachmentExpiryDuration).Unix()
m.Attachment.Type, ext = util.DetectContentType(body.PeekedBytes, m.Attachment.Name)
m.Attachment.URL = fmt.Sprintf("%s/file/%s%s", s.config.BaseURL, m.ID, ext)
@ -718,6 +751,8 @@ func (s *Server) handleSubscribeRaw(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *v
func (s *Server) handleSubscribeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *visitor, contentType string, encoder messageEncoder) error {
log.Debug("%s HTTP stream connection opened", logHTTPPrefix(v, r))
defer log.Debug("%s HTTP stream connection closed", logHTTPPrefix(v, r))
if err := v.SubscriptionAllowed(); err != nil {
return errHTTPTooManyRequestsLimitSubscriptions
@ -731,7 +766,7 @@ func (s *Server) handleSubscribeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *
return err
var wlock sync.Mutex
sub := func(msg *message) error {
sub := func(v *visitor, msg *message) error {
if !filters.Pass(msg) {
return nil
@ -752,7 +787,7 @@ func (s *Server) handleSubscribeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") // CORS, allow cross-origin requests
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", contentType+"; charset=utf-8") // Android/Volley client needs charset!
if poll {
return s.sendOldMessages(topics, since, scheduled, sub)
return s.sendOldMessages(topics, since, scheduled, v, sub)
subscriberIDs := make([]int, 0)
for _, t := range topics {
@ -763,10 +798,10 @@ func (s *Server) handleSubscribeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *
topics[i].Unsubscribe(subscriberID) // Order!
if err := sub(newOpenMessage(topicsStr)); err != nil { // Send out open message
if err := sub(v, newOpenMessage(topicsStr)); err != nil { // Send out open message
return err
if err := s.sendOldMessages(topics, since, scheduled, sub); err != nil {
if err := s.sendOldMessages(topics, since, scheduled, v, sub); err != nil {
return err
for {
@ -774,8 +809,9 @@ func (s *Server) handleSubscribeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *
case <-r.Context().Done():
return nil
case <-time.After(s.config.KeepaliveInterval):
log.Trace("%s Sending keepalive message", logHTTPPrefix(v, r))
if err := sub(newKeepaliveMessage(topicsStr)); err != nil { // Send keepalive message
if err := sub(v, newKeepaliveMessage(topicsStr)); err != nil { // Send keepalive message
return err
@ -790,6 +826,8 @@ func (s *Server) handleSubscribeWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *vi
return errHTTPTooManyRequestsLimitSubscriptions
defer v.RemoveSubscription()
log.Debug("%s WebSocket connection opened", logHTTPPrefix(v, r))
defer log.Debug("%s WebSocket connection closed", logHTTPPrefix(v, r))
topics, topicsStr, err := s.topicsFromPath(r.URL.Path)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -819,6 +857,7 @@ func (s *Server) handleSubscribeWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *vi
return err
conn.SetPongHandler(func(appData string) error {
log.Trace("%s Received WebSocket pong", logHTTPPrefix(v, r))
return conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(pongWait))
for {
@ -835,6 +874,7 @@ func (s *Server) handleSubscribeWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *vi
if err := conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(wsWriteWait)); err != nil {
return err
log.Trace("%s Sending WebSocket ping", logHTTPPrefix(v, r))
return conn.WriteMessage(websocket.PingMessage, nil)
for {
@ -849,7 +889,7 @@ func (s *Server) handleSubscribeWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *vi
sub := func(msg *message) error {
sub := func(v *visitor, msg *message) error {
if !filters.Pass(msg) {
return nil
@ -862,7 +902,7 @@ func (s *Server) handleSubscribeWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *vi
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") // CORS, allow cross-origin requests
if poll {
return s.sendOldMessages(topics, since, scheduled, sub)
return s.sendOldMessages(topics, since, scheduled, v, sub)
subscriberIDs := make([]int, 0)
for _, t := range topics {
@ -873,15 +913,16 @@ func (s *Server) handleSubscribeWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *vi
topics[i].Unsubscribe(subscriberID) // Order!
if err := sub(newOpenMessage(topicsStr)); err != nil { // Send out open message
if err := sub(v, newOpenMessage(topicsStr)); err != nil { // Send out open message
return err
if err := s.sendOldMessages(topics, since, scheduled, sub); err != nil {
if err := s.sendOldMessages(topics, since, scheduled, v, sub); err != nil {
return err
err = g.Wait()
if err != nil && websocket.IsCloseError(err, websocket.CloseNormalClosure, websocket.CloseGoingAway) {
return nil // Normal closures are not errors
if err != nil && websocket.IsCloseError(err, websocket.CloseNormalClosure, websocket.CloseGoingAway, websocket.CloseAbnormalClosure) {
log.Trace("%s WebSocket connection closed: %s", logHTTPPrefix(v, r), err.Error())
return nil // Normal closures are not errors; note: "1006 (abnormal closure)" is treated as normal, because people disconnect a lot
return err
@ -900,7 +941,7 @@ func parseSubscribeParams(r *http.Request) (poll bool, since sinceMarker, schedu
func (s *Server) sendOldMessages(topics []*topic, since sinceMarker, scheduled bool, sub subscriber) error {
func (s *Server) sendOldMessages(topics []*topic, since sinceMarker, scheduled bool, v *visitor, sub subscriber) error {
if since.IsNone() {
return nil
@ -910,7 +951,7 @@ func (s *Server) sendOldMessages(topics []*topic, since sinceMarker, scheduled b
return err
for _, m := range messages {
if err := sub(m); err != nil {
if err := sub(v, m); err != nil {
return err
@ -1004,28 +1045,36 @@ func (s *Server) updateStatsAndPrune() {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
// Expire visitors from rate visitors map
staleVisitors := 0
for ip, v := range s.visitors {
if v.Stale() {
log.Debug("Deleting stale visitor %s", v.ip)
delete(s.visitors, ip)
log.Debug("Manager: Deleted %d stale visitor(s)", staleVisitors)
// Delete expired attachments
if s.fileCache != nil {
ids, err := s.messageCache.AttachmentsExpired()
if err == nil {
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Error retrieving expired attachments: %s", err.Error())
} else if len(ids) > 0 {
log.Debug("Manager: Deleting expired attachments: %v", ids)
if err := s.fileCache.Remove(ids...); err != nil {
log.Printf("error while deleting attachments: %s", err.Error())
log.Warn("Error deleting attachments: %s", err.Error())
} else {
log.Printf("error retrieving expired attachments: %s", err.Error())
log.Debug("Manager: No expired attachments to delete")
// Prune message cache
olderThan := time.Now().Add(-1 * s.config.CacheDuration)
log.Debug("Manager: Pruning messages older than %s", olderThan.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
if err := s.messageCache.Prune(olderThan); err != nil {
log.Printf("error pruning cache: %s", err.Error())
log.Warn("Manager: Error pruning cache: %s", err.Error())
// Prune old topics, remove subscriptions without subscribers
@ -1034,7 +1083,7 @@ func (s *Server) updateStatsAndPrune() {
subs := t.Subscribers()
msgs, err := s.messageCache.MessageCount(t.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("cannot get stats for topic %s: %s", t.ID, err.Error())
log.Warn("Manager: Cannot get stats for topic %s: %s", t.ID, err.Error())
if msgs == 0 && subs == 0 {
@ -1046,35 +1095,25 @@ func (s *Server) updateStatsAndPrune() {
// Mail stats
var mailSuccess, mailFailure int64
if s.smtpBackend != nil {
mailSuccess, mailFailure = s.smtpBackend.Counts()
var receivedMailTotal, receivedMailSuccess, receivedMailFailure int64
if s.smtpServerBackend != nil {
receivedMailTotal, receivedMailSuccess, receivedMailFailure = s.smtpServerBackend.Counts()
var sentMailTotal, sentMailSuccess, sentMailFailure int64
if s.smtpSender != nil {
sentMailTotal, sentMailSuccess, sentMailFailure = s.smtpSender.Counts()
// Print stats
log.Printf("Stats: %d message(s) published, %d in cache, %d successful mails, %d failed, %d topic(s) active, %d subscriber(s), %d visitor(s)",
s.messages, messages, mailSuccess, mailFailure, len(s.topics), subscribers, len(s.visitors))
log.Info("Stats: %d messages published, %d in cache, %d topic(s) active, %d subscriber(s), %d visitor(s), %d mails received (%d successful, %d failed), %d mails sent (%d successful, %d failed)",
s.messages, messages, len(s.topics), subscribers, len(s.visitors),
receivedMailTotal, receivedMailSuccess, receivedMailFailure,
sentMailTotal, sentMailSuccess, sentMailFailure)
func (s *Server) runSMTPServer() error {
sub := func(m *message) error {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", s.config.BaseURL, m.Topic)
req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", url, strings.NewReader(m.Message))
if err != nil {
return err
if m.Title != "" {
req.Header.Set("Title", m.Title)
rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
s.handle(rr, req)
if rr.Code != http.StatusOK {
return errors.New("error: " + rr.Body.String())
return nil
s.smtpBackend = newMailBackend(s.config, sub)
s.smtpServer = smtp.NewServer(s.smtpBackend)
s.smtpServerBackend = newMailBackend(s.config, s.handle)
s.smtpServer = smtp.NewServer(s.smtpServerBackend)
s.smtpServer.Addr = s.config.SMTPServerListen
s.smtpServer.Domain = s.config.SMTPServerDomain
s.smtpServer.ReadTimeout = 10 * time.Second
@ -1096,32 +1135,29 @@ func (s *Server) runManager() {
func (s *Server) runAtSender() {
func (s *Server) runFirebaseKeepaliver() {
if s.firebaseClient == nil {
v := newVisitor(s.config, s.messageCache, "") // Background process, not a real visitor
for {
select {
case <-time.After(s.config.AtSenderInterval):
if err := s.sendDelayedMessages(); err != nil {
log.Printf("error sending scheduled messages: %s", err.Error())
case <-time.After(s.config.FirebaseKeepaliveInterval):
s.sendToFirebase(v, newKeepaliveMessage(firebaseControlTopic))
case <-time.After(s.config.FirebasePollInterval):
s.sendToFirebase(v, newKeepaliveMessage(firebasePollTopic))
case <-s.closeChan:
func (s *Server) runFirebaseKeepaliver() {
if s.firebase == nil {
func (s *Server) runDelayedSender() {
for {
select {
case <-time.After(s.config.FirebaseKeepaliveInterval):
if err := s.firebase(newKeepaliveMessage(firebaseControlTopic)); err != nil {
log.Printf("error sending Firebase keepalive message to %s: %s", firebaseControlTopic, err.Error())
case <-time.After(s.config.FirebasePollInterval):
if err := s.firebase(newKeepaliveMessage(firebasePollTopic)); err != nil {
log.Printf("error sending Firebase keepalive message to %s: %s", firebasePollTopic, err.Error())
case <-time.After(s.config.DelayedSenderInterval):
if err := s.sendDelayedMessages(); err != nil {
log.Warn("Error sending delayed messages: %s", err.Error())
case <-s.closeChan:
@ -1130,27 +1166,40 @@ func (s *Server) runFirebaseKeepaliver() {
func (s *Server) sendDelayedMessages() error {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
messages, err := s.messageCache.MessagesDue()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, m := range messages {
t, ok := s.topics[m.Topic] // If no subscribers, just mark message as published
if ok {
if err := t.Publish(m); err != nil {
log.Printf("unable to publish message %s to topic %s: %v", m.ID, m.Topic, err.Error())
v := s.visitorFromIP(m.Sender)
if err := s.sendDelayedMessage(v, m); err != nil {
log.Warn("%s Error sending delayed message: %s", logMessagePrefix(v, m), err.Error())
return nil
func (s *Server) sendDelayedMessage(v *visitor, m *message) error {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
log.Debug("%s Sending delayed message", logMessagePrefix(v, m))
t, ok := s.topics[m.Topic] // If no subscribers, just mark message as published
if ok {
go func() {
// We do not rate-limit messages here, since we've rate limited them in the PUT/POST handler
if err := t.Publish(v, m); err != nil {
log.Warn("%s Unable to publish message: %v", logMessagePrefix(v, m), err.Error())
if s.firebase != nil { // Firebase subscribers may not show up in topics map
if err := s.firebase(m); err != nil {
log.Printf("unable to publish to Firebase: %v", err.Error())
if err := s.messageCache.MarkPublished(m); err != nil {
return err
if s.firebaseClient != nil { // Firebase subscribers may not show up in topics map
go s.sendToFirebase(v, m)
if s.config.UpstreamBaseURL != "" {
go s.forwardPollRequest(v, m)
if err := s.messageCache.MarkPublished(m); err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -1252,13 +1301,13 @@ func (s *Server) withAuth(next handleFunc, perm auth.Permission) handleFunc {
username, password, ok := extractUserPass(r)
if ok {
if user, err = s.auth.Authenticate(username, password); err != nil {
log.Printf("authentication failed: %s", err.Error())
log.Info("authentication failed: %s", err.Error())
return errHTTPUnauthorized
for _, t := range topics {
if err := s.auth.Authorize(user, t.ID, perm); err != nil {
log.Printf("unauthorized: %s", err.Error())
log.Info("unauthorized: %s", err.Error())
return errHTTPForbidden
@ -1290,8 +1339,6 @@ func extractUserPass(r *http.Request) (username string, password string, ok bool
// visitor creates or retrieves a rate.Limiter for the given visitor.
// This function was taken from https://www.alexedwards.net/blog/how-to-rate-limit-http-requests (MIT).
func (s *Server) visitor(r *http.Request) *visitor {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
remoteAddr := r.RemoteAddr
ip, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(remoteAddr)
if err != nil {
@ -1300,6 +1347,12 @@ func (s *Server) visitor(r *http.Request) *visitor {
if s.config.BehindProxy && r.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-For") != "" {
ip = r.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-For")
return s.visitorFromIP(ip)
func (s *Server) visitorFromIP(ip string) *visitor {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
v, exists := s.visitors[ip]
if !exists {
s.visitors[ip] = newVisitor(s.config, s.messageCache, ip)
@ -178,3 +178,11 @@
# visitor-attachment-total-size-limit: "100M"
# visitor-attachment-daily-bandwidth-limit: "500M"
# Log level, can be TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN or ERROR
# This option can be hot-reloaded by calling "kill -HUP $pid" or "systemctl reload ntfy".
# Be aware that DEBUG (and particularly TRACE) can be VERY CHATTY. Only turn them on for
# debugging purposes, or your disk will fill up quickly.
# log-level: INFO
@ -3,13 +3,15 @@ package server
import (
firebase "firebase.google.com/go/v4"
firebase "firebase.google.com/go"
const (
@ -17,25 +19,79 @@ const (
fcmApnsBodyMessageLimit = 100
func createFirebaseSubscriber(credentialsFile string, auther auth.Auther) (subscriber, error) {
var (
errFirebaseQuotaExceeded = errors.New("quota exceeded for Firebase messages to topic")
errFirebaseTemporarilyBanned = errors.New("visitor temporarily banned from using Firebase")
// firebaseClient is a generic client that formats and sends messages to Firebase.
// The actual Firebase implementation is implemented in firebaseSenderImpl, to make it testable.
type firebaseClient struct {
sender firebaseSender
auther auth.Auther
func newFirebaseClient(sender firebaseSender, auther auth.Auther) *firebaseClient {
return &firebaseClient{
sender: sender,
auther: auther,
func (c *firebaseClient) Send(v *visitor, m *message) error {
if err := v.FirebaseAllowed(); err != nil {
return errFirebaseTemporarilyBanned
fbm, err := toFirebaseMessage(m, c.auther)
if err != nil {
return err
if log.IsTrace() {
log.Trace("%s Firebase message: %s", logMessagePrefix(v, m), util.MaybeMarshalJSON(fbm))
err = c.sender.Send(fbm)
if err == errFirebaseQuotaExceeded {
log.Warn("%s Firebase quota exceeded (likely for topic), temporarily denying Firebase access to visitor", logMessagePrefix(v, m))
return err
// firebaseSender is an interface that represents a client that can send to Firebase Cloud Messaging.
// In tests, this can be implemented with a mock.
type firebaseSender interface {
// Send sends a message to Firebase, or returns an error. It returns errFirebaseQuotaExceeded
// if a rate limit has reached.
Send(m *messaging.Message) error
// firebaseSenderImpl is a firebaseSender that actually talks to Firebase
type firebaseSenderImpl struct {
client *messaging.Client
func newFirebaseSender(credentialsFile string) (*firebaseSenderImpl, error) {
fb, err := firebase.NewApp(context.Background(), nil, option.WithCredentialsFile(credentialsFile))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
msg, err := fb.Messaging(context.Background())
client, err := fb.Messaging(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return func(m *message) error {
fbm, err := toFirebaseMessage(m, auther)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = msg.Send(context.Background(), fbm)
return err
return &firebaseSenderImpl{
client: client,
}, nil
func (c *firebaseSenderImpl) Send(m *messaging.Message) error {
_, err := c.client.Send(context.Background(), m)
if err != nil && messaging.IsQuotaExceeded(err) {
return errFirebaseQuotaExceeded
return err
// toFirebaseMessage converts a message to a Firebase message.
// Normal messages ("message"):
@ -3,11 +3,12 @@ package server
import (
@ -26,6 +27,35 @@ func (t testAuther) Authorize(_ *auth.User, _ string, _ auth.Permission) error {
return errors.New("unauthorized")
type testFirebaseSender struct {
allowed int
messages []*messaging.Message
mu sync.Mutex
func newTestFirebaseSender(allowed int) *testFirebaseSender {
return &testFirebaseSender{
allowed: allowed,
messages: make([]*messaging.Message, 0),
func (s *testFirebaseSender) Send(m *messaging.Message) error {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
if len(s.messages)+1 > s.allowed {
return errFirebaseQuotaExceeded
s.messages = append(s.messages, m)
return nil
func (s *testFirebaseSender) Messages() []*messaging.Message {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
return append(make([]*messaging.Message, 0), s.messages...)
func TestToFirebaseMessage_Keepalive(t *testing.T) {
m := newKeepaliveMessage("mytopic")
fbm, err := toFirebaseMessage(m, nil)
@ -119,7 +149,6 @@ func TestToFirebaseMessage_Message_Normal_Allowed(t *testing.T) {
Size: 12345,
Expires: 98765543,
URL: "https://example.com/file.jpg",
Owner: "some-owner",
fbm, err := toFirebaseMessage(m, &testAuther{Allow: true})
require.Nil(t, err)
@ -286,3 +315,22 @@ func TestMaybeTruncateFCMMessage_NotTooLong(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, len(serializedOrigFCMMessage), len(serializedNotTruncatedFCMMessage))
require.Equal(t, "", notTruncatedFCMMessage.Data["truncated"])
func TestToFirebaseSender_Abuse(t *testing.T) {
sender := &testFirebaseSender{allowed: 2}
client := newFirebaseClient(sender, &testAuther{})
visitor := newVisitor(newTestConfig(t), newMemTestCache(t), "")
require.Nil(t, client.Send(visitor, &message{Topic: "mytopic"}))
require.Equal(t, 1, len(sender.Messages()))
require.Nil(t, client.Send(visitor, &message{Topic: "mytopic"}))
require.Equal(t, 2, len(sender.Messages()))
require.Equal(t, errFirebaseQuotaExceeded, client.Send(visitor, &message{Topic: "mytopic"}))
require.Equal(t, 2, len(sender.Messages()))
sender.messages = make([]*messaging.Message, 0) // Reset to test that time limit is working
require.Equal(t, errFirebaseTemporarilyBanned, client.Send(visitor, &message{Topic: "mytopic"}))
require.Equal(t, 0, len(sender.Messages()))
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import (
@ -55,6 +54,21 @@ func TestServer_PublishAndPoll(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, "my second message", lines[1]) // \n -> " "
func TestServer_PublishWithFirebase(t *testing.T) {
sender := newTestFirebaseSender(10)
s := newTestServer(t, newTestConfig(t))
s.firebaseClient = newFirebaseClient(sender, &testAuther{Allow: true})
response := request(t, s, "PUT", "/mytopic", "my first message", nil)
msg1 := toMessage(t, response.Body.String())
require.NotEmpty(t, msg1.ID)
require.Equal(t, "my first message", msg1.Message)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(sender.Messages()))
require.Equal(t, "my first message", sender.Messages()[0].Data["message"])
require.Equal(t, "my first message", sender.Messages()[0].APNS.Payload.Aps.Alert.Body)
require.Equal(t, "my first message", sender.Messages()[0].APNS.Payload.CustomData["message"])
func TestServer_SubscribeOpenAndKeepalive(t *testing.T) {
c := newTestConfig(t)
c.KeepaliveInterval = time.Second
@ -264,7 +278,7 @@ func TestServer_PublishNoCache(t *testing.T) {
func TestServer_PublishAt(t *testing.T) {
c := newTestConfig(t)
c.MinDelay = time.Second
c.AtSenderInterval = 100 * time.Millisecond
c.DelayedSenderInterval = 100 * time.Millisecond
s := newTestServer(t, c)
response := request(t, s, "PUT", "/mytopic", "a message", map[string]string{
@ -283,6 +297,13 @@ func TestServer_PublishAt(t *testing.T) {
messages = toMessages(t, response.Body.String())
require.Equal(t, 1, len(messages))
require.Equal(t, "a message", messages[0].Message)
require.Equal(t, "", messages[0].Sender) // Never return the sender!
messages, err := s.messageCache.Messages("mytopic", sinceAllMessages, true)
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(messages))
require.Equal(t, "a message", messages[0].Message)
require.Equal(t, "", messages[0].Sender) // It's stored in the DB though!
func TestServer_PublishAtWithCacheError(t *testing.T) {
@ -454,29 +475,9 @@ func TestServer_PublishMessageInHeaderWithNewlines(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, "Line 1\nLine 2", msg.Message) // \\n -> \n !
func TestServer_PublishFirebase(t *testing.T) {
// This is unfortunately not much of a test, since it merely fires the messages towards Firebase,
// but cannot re-read them. There is no way from Go to read the messages back, or even get an error back.
// I tried everything. I already had written the test, and it increases the code coverage, so I'll leave it ... :shrug: ...
c := newTestConfig(t)
c.FirebaseKeyFile = firebaseServiceAccountFile(t) // May skip the test!
s := newTestServer(t, c)
// Normal message
response := request(t, s, "PUT", "/mytopic", "This is a message for firebase", nil)
msg := toMessage(t, response.Body.String())
require.NotEmpty(t, msg.ID)
// Keepalive message
require.Nil(t, s.firebase(newKeepaliveMessage(firebaseControlTopic)))
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond) // Time for sends
func TestServer_PublishInvalidTopic(t *testing.T) {
s := newTestServer(t, newTestConfig(t))
s.mailer = &testMailer{}
s.smtpSender = &testMailer{}
response := request(t, s, "PUT", "/docs", "fail", nil)
require.Equal(t, 40010, toHTTPError(t, response.Body.String()).Code)
@ -742,13 +743,17 @@ type testMailer struct {
mu sync.Mutex
func (t *testMailer) Send(from, to string, m *message) error {
func (t *testMailer) Send(v *visitor, m *message, to string) error {
defer t.mu.Unlock()
return nil
func (t *testMailer) Counts() (total int64, success int64, failure int64) {
return 0, 0, 0
func (t *testMailer) Count() int {
defer t.mu.Unlock()
@ -794,7 +799,7 @@ func TestServer_PublishTooRequests_ShortReplenish(t *testing.T) {
func TestServer_PublishTooManyEmails_Defaults(t *testing.T) {
s := newTestServer(t, newTestConfig(t))
s.mailer = &testMailer{}
s.smtpSender = &testMailer{}
for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
response := request(t, s, "PUT", "/mytopic", fmt.Sprintf("message %d", i), map[string]string{
"E-Mail": "test@example.com",
@ -811,7 +816,7 @@ func TestServer_PublishTooManyEmails_Replenish(t *testing.T) {
c := newTestConfig(t)
c.VisitorEmailLimitReplenish = 500 * time.Millisecond
s := newTestServer(t, c)
s.mailer = &testMailer{}
s.smtpSender = &testMailer{}
for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
response := request(t, s, "PUT", "/mytopic", fmt.Sprintf("message %d", i), map[string]string{
"E-Mail": "test@example.com",
@ -837,7 +842,7 @@ func TestServer_PublishTooManyEmails_Replenish(t *testing.T) {
func TestServer_PublishDelayedEmail_Fail(t *testing.T) {
s := newTestServer(t, newTestConfig(t))
s.mailer = &testMailer{}
s.smtpSender = &testMailer{}
response := request(t, s, "PUT", "/mytopic", "fail", map[string]string{
"E-Mail": "test@example.com",
"Delay": "20 min",
@ -955,7 +960,7 @@ func TestServer_PublishAsJSON(t *testing.T) {
func TestServer_PublishAsJSON_WithEmail(t *testing.T) {
mailer := &testMailer{}
s := newTestServer(t, newTestConfig(t))
s.mailer = mailer
s.smtpSender = mailer
body := `{"topic":"mytopic","message":"A message","email":"phil@example.com"}`
response := request(t, s, "PUT", "/", body, nil)
require.Equal(t, 200, response.Code)
@ -1018,7 +1023,7 @@ func TestServer_PublishAttachment(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, int64(5000), msg.Attachment.Size)
require.GreaterOrEqual(t, msg.Attachment.Expires, time.Now().Add(179*time.Minute).Unix()) // Almost 3 hours
require.Contains(t, msg.Attachment.URL, "")
require.Equal(t, "", msg.Attachment.Owner) // Should never be returned
require.Equal(t, "", msg.Sender) // Should never be returned
require.FileExists(t, filepath.Join(s.config.AttachmentCacheDir, msg.ID))
path := strings.TrimPrefix(msg.Attachment.URL, "")
@ -1047,7 +1052,7 @@ func TestServer_PublishAttachmentShortWithFilename(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, int64(21), msg.Attachment.Size)
require.GreaterOrEqual(t, msg.Attachment.Expires, time.Now().Add(3*time.Hour).Unix())
require.Contains(t, msg.Attachment.URL, "")
require.Equal(t, "", msg.Attachment.Owner) // Should never be returned
require.Equal(t, "", msg.Sender) // Should never be returned
require.FileExists(t, filepath.Join(s.config.AttachmentCacheDir, msg.ID))
path := strings.TrimPrefix(msg.Attachment.URL, "")
@ -1074,7 +1079,7 @@ func TestServer_PublishAttachmentExternalWithoutFilename(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, "", msg.Attachment.Type)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), msg.Attachment.Size)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), msg.Attachment.Expires)
require.Equal(t, "", msg.Attachment.Owner)
require.Equal(t, "", msg.Sender)
// Slightly unrelated cross-test: make sure we don't add an owner for external attachments
size, err := s.messageCache.AttachmentBytesUsed("")
@ -1095,7 +1100,7 @@ func TestServer_PublishAttachmentExternalWithFilename(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, "", msg.Attachment.Type)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), msg.Attachment.Size)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), msg.Attachment.Expires)
require.Equal(t, "", msg.Attachment.Owner)
require.Equal(t, "", msg.Sender)
func TestServer_PublishAttachmentBadURL(t *testing.T) {
@ -1333,18 +1338,6 @@ func toHTTPError(t *testing.T, s string) *errHTTP {
return &e
func firebaseServiceAccountFile(t *testing.T) string {
} else if os.Getenv("NTFY_TEST_FIREBASE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT") != "" {
filename := filepath.Join(t.TempDir(), "firebase.json")
require.NotNil(t, os.WriteFile(filename, []byte(os.Getenv("NTFY_TEST_FIREBASE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT")), 0o600))
return filename
return ""
func basicAuth(s string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Basic %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(s)))
@ -4,33 +4,62 @@ import (
_ "embed" // required by go:embed
type mailer interface {
Send(from, to string, m *message) error
Send(v *visitor, m *message, to string) error
Counts() (total int64, success int64, failure int64)
type smtpSender struct {
config *Config
config *Config
success int64
failure int64
mu sync.Mutex
func (s *smtpSender) Send(senderIP, to string, m *message) error {
host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(s.config.SMTPSenderAddr)
func (s *smtpSender) Send(v *visitor, m *message, to string) error {
return s.withCount(v, m, func() error {
host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(s.config.SMTPSenderAddr)
if err != nil {
return err
message, err := formatMail(s.config.BaseURL, v.ip, s.config.SMTPSenderFrom, to, m)
if err != nil {
return err
auth := smtp.PlainAuth("", s.config.SMTPSenderUser, s.config.SMTPSenderPass, host)
log.Debug("%s Sending mail: via=%s, user=%s, pass=***, to=%s", logMessagePrefix(v, m), s.config.SMTPSenderAddr, s.config.SMTPSenderUser, to)
log.Trace("%s Mail body: %s", logMessagePrefix(v, m), message)
return smtp.SendMail(s.config.SMTPSenderAddr, auth, s.config.SMTPSenderFrom, []string{to}, []byte(message))
func (s *smtpSender) Counts() (total int64, success int64, failure int64) {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
return s.success + s.failure, s.success, s.failure
func (s *smtpSender) withCount(v *visitor, m *message, fn func() error) error {
err := fn()
defer s.mu.Unlock()
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debug("%s Sending mail failed: %s", logMessagePrefix(v, m), err.Error())
} else {
message, err := formatMail(s.config.BaseURL, senderIP, s.config.SMTPSenderFrom, to, m)
if err != nil {
return err
auth := smtp.PlainAuth("", s.config.SMTPSenderUser, s.config.SMTPSenderPass, host)
return smtp.SendMail(s.config.SMTPSenderAddr, auth, s.config.SMTPSenderFrom, []string{to}, []byte(message))
return err
func formatMail(baseURL, senderIP, from, to string, m *message) (string, error) {
@ -3,10 +3,15 @@ package server
import (
@ -23,49 +28,55 @@ var (
// smtpBackend implements SMTP server methods.
type smtpBackend struct {
config *Config
sub subscriber
handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
success int64
failure int64
mu sync.Mutex
func newMailBackend(conf *Config, sub subscriber) *smtpBackend {
func newMailBackend(conf *Config, handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) *smtpBackend {
return &smtpBackend{
config: conf,
sub: sub,
config: conf,
handler: handler,
func (b *smtpBackend) Login(state *smtp.ConnectionState, username, password string) (smtp.Session, error) {
return &smtpSession{backend: b}, nil
log.Debug("%s Incoming mail, login with user %s", logSMTPPrefix(state), username)
return &smtpSession{backend: b, state: state}, nil
func (b *smtpBackend) AnonymousLogin(state *smtp.ConnectionState) (smtp.Session, error) {
return &smtpSession{backend: b}, nil
log.Debug("%s Incoming mail, anonymous login", logSMTPPrefix(state))
return &smtpSession{backend: b, state: state}, nil
func (b *smtpBackend) Counts() (success int64, failure int64) {
func (b *smtpBackend) Counts() (total int64, success int64, failure int64) {
defer b.mu.Unlock()
return b.success, b.failure
return b.success + b.failure, b.success, b.failure
// smtpSession is returned after EHLO.
type smtpSession struct {
backend *smtpBackend
state *smtp.ConnectionState
topic string
mu sync.Mutex
func (s *smtpSession) AuthPlain(username, password string) error {
log.Debug("%s AUTH PLAIN (with username %s)", logSMTPPrefix(s.state), username)
return nil
func (s *smtpSession) Mail(from string, opts smtp.MailOptions) error {
log.Debug("%s MAIL FROM: %s (with options: %#v)", logSMTPPrefix(s.state), from, opts)
return nil
func (s *smtpSession) Rcpt(to string) error {
log.Debug("%s RCPT TO: %s", logSMTPPrefix(s.state), to)
return s.withFailCount(func() error {
conf := s.backend.config
addressList, err := mail.ParseAddressList(to)
@ -102,6 +113,11 @@ func (s *smtpSession) Data(r io.Reader) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if log.IsTrace() {
log.Trace("%s DATA: %s", logSMTPPrefix(s.state), string(b))
} else if log.IsDebug() {
log.Debug("%s DATA: %d byte(s)", logSMTPPrefix(s.state), len(b))
msg, err := mail.ReadMessage(bytes.NewReader(b))
if err != nil {
return err
@ -128,7 +144,7 @@ func (s *smtpSession) Data(r io.Reader) error {
m.Message = m.Title // Flip them, this makes more sense
m.Title = ""
if err := s.backend.sub(m); err != nil {
if err := s.publishMessage(m); err != nil {
return err
@ -138,6 +154,33 @@ func (s *smtpSession) Data(r io.Reader) error {
func (s *smtpSession) publishMessage(m *message) error {
// Extract remote address (for rate limiting)
remoteAddr, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(s.state.RemoteAddr.String())
if err != nil {
remoteAddr = s.state.RemoteAddr.String()
// Call HTTP handler with fake HTTP request
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", s.backend.config.BaseURL, m.Topic)
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, strings.NewReader(m.Message))
req.RequestURI = "/" + m.Topic // just for the logs
req.RemoteAddr = remoteAddr // rate limiting!!
req.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-For", remoteAddr)
if err != nil {
return err
if m.Title != "" {
req.Header.Set("Title", m.Title)
rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
s.backend.handler(rr, req)
if rr.Code != http.StatusOK {
return errors.New("error: " + rr.Body.String())
return nil
func (s *smtpSession) Reset() {
s.topic = ""
@ -153,6 +196,9 @@ func (s *smtpSession) withFailCount(fn func() error) error {
defer s.backend.mu.Unlock()
if err != nil {
// Almost all of these errors are parse errors, and user input errors.
// We do not want to spam the log with WARN messages.
log.Debug("%s Incoming mail error: %s", logSMTPPrefix(s.state), err.Error())
return err
@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ package server
import (
@ -27,13 +30,12 @@ Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
<div dir="ltr">what's up<br clear="all"><div><br></div></div>
_, backend := newTestBackend(t, func(m *message) error {
require.Equal(t, "mytopic", m.Topic)
require.Equal(t, "and one more", m.Title)
require.Equal(t, "what's up", m.Message)
return nil
_, backend := newTestBackend(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
require.Equal(t, "/mytopic", r.URL.Path)
require.Equal(t, "and one more", r.Header.Get("Title"))
require.Equal(t, "what's up", readAll(t, r.Body))
session, _ := backend.AnonymousLogin(nil)
session, _ := backend.AnonymousLogin(fakeConnState(t, ""))
require.Nil(t, session.Mail("phil@example.com", smtp.MailOptions{}))
require.Nil(t, session.Rcpt("ntfy-mytopic@ntfy.sh"))
require.Nil(t, session.Data(strings.NewReader(email)))
@ -59,13 +61,12 @@ Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
<div dir="ltr"><br></div>
_, backend := newTestBackend(t, func(m *message) error {
require.Equal(t, "emailtest", m.Topic)
require.Equal(t, "", m.Title) // We flipped message and body
require.Equal(t, "This email has a subject but no body", m.Message)
return nil
_, backend := newTestBackend(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
require.Equal(t, "/emailtest", r.URL.Path)
require.Equal(t, "", r.Header.Get("Title")) // We flipped message and body
require.Equal(t, "This email has a subject but no body", readAll(t, r.Body))
session, _ := backend.AnonymousLogin(nil)
session, _ := backend.AnonymousLogin(fakeConnState(t, ""))
require.Nil(t, session.Mail("phil@example.com", smtp.MailOptions{}))
require.Nil(t, session.Rcpt("ntfy-emailtest@ntfy.sh"))
require.Nil(t, session.Data(strings.NewReader(email)))
@ -81,14 +82,13 @@ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
what's up
conf, backend := newTestBackend(t, func(m *message) error {
require.Equal(t, "mytopic", m.Topic)
require.Equal(t, "and one more", m.Title)
require.Equal(t, "what's up", m.Message)
return nil
conf, backend := newTestBackend(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
require.Equal(t, "/mytopic", r.URL.Path)
require.Equal(t, "and one more", r.Header.Get("Title"))
require.Equal(t, "what's up", readAll(t, r.Body))
conf.SMTPServerAddrPrefix = ""
session, _ := backend.AnonymousLogin(nil)
session, _ := backend.AnonymousLogin(fakeConnState(t, ""))
require.Nil(t, session.Mail("phil@example.com", smtp.MailOptions{}))
require.Nil(t, session.Rcpt("mytopic@ntfy.sh"))
require.Nil(t, session.Data(strings.NewReader(email)))
@ -99,14 +99,13 @@ func TestSmtpBackend_Plaintext_No_ContentType(t *testing.T) {
what's up
conf, backend := newTestBackend(t, func(m *message) error {
require.Equal(t, "mytopic", m.Topic)
require.Equal(t, "Very short mail", m.Title)
require.Equal(t, "what's up", m.Message)
return nil
conf, backend := newTestBackend(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
require.Equal(t, "/mytopic", r.URL.Path)
require.Equal(t, "Very short mail", r.Header.Get("Title"))
require.Equal(t, "what's up", readAll(t, r.Body))
conf.SMTPServerAddrPrefix = ""
session, _ := backend.AnonymousLogin(nil)
session, _ := backend.AnonymousLogin(fakeConnState(t, ""))
require.Nil(t, session.Mail("phil@example.com", smtp.MailOptions{}))
require.Nil(t, session.Rcpt("mytopic@ntfy.sh"))
require.Nil(t, session.Data(strings.NewReader(email)))
@ -121,11 +120,10 @@ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
what's up
_, backend := newTestBackend(t, func(m *message) error {
require.Equal(t, "Three santas 🎅🎅🎅", m.Title)
return nil
_, backend := newTestBackend(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
require.Equal(t, "Three santas 🎅🎅🎅", r.Header.Get("Title"))
session, _ := backend.AnonymousLogin(nil)
session, _ := backend.AnonymousLogin(fakeConnState(t, ""))
require.Nil(t, session.Mail("phil@example.com", smtp.MailOptions{}))
require.Nil(t, session.Rcpt("ntfy-mytopic@ntfy.sh"))
require.Nil(t, session.Data(strings.NewReader(email)))
@ -140,7 +138,7 @@ To: mytopic@ntfy.sh
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
you know this is a string.
it's a long string.
it's a long string.
it's supposed to be longer than the max message length
which is 4096 bytes,
it used to be 512 bytes, but I increased that for the UnifiedPush support
that should do it
conf, backend := newTestBackend(t, func(m *message) error {
conf, backend := newTestBackend(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
expected := `you know this is a string.
it's a long string.
it's a long string.
it's supposed to be longer than the max message length
which is 4096 bytes,
it used to be 512 bytes, but I increased that for the UnifiedPush support
require.Equal(t, 4096, len(expected)) // Sanity check
require.Equal(t, expected, m.Message)
return nil
require.Equal(t, expected, readAll(t, r.Body))
conf.SMTPServerAddrPrefix = ""
session, _ := backend.AnonymousLogin(nil)
session, _ := backend.AnonymousLogin(fakeConnState(t, ""))
require.Nil(t, session.Mail("phil@example.com", smtp.MailOptions{}))
require.Nil(t, session.Rcpt("mytopic@ntfy.sh"))
require.Nil(t, session.Data(strings.NewReader(email)))
@ -288,21 +285,41 @@ Content-Type: text/SOMETHINGELSE
what's up
conf, backend := newTestBackend(t, func(m *message) error {
return nil
conf, backend := newTestBackend(t, func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {
// Nothing.
conf.SMTPServerAddrPrefix = ""
session, _ := backend.Login(nil, "user", "pass")
session, _ := backend.Login(fakeConnState(t, ""), "user", "pass")
require.Nil(t, session.Mail("phil@example.com", smtp.MailOptions{}))
require.Nil(t, session.Rcpt("mytopic@ntfy.sh"))
require.Equal(t, errUnsupportedContentType, session.Data(strings.NewReader(email)))
func newTestBackend(t *testing.T, sub subscriber) (*Config, *smtpBackend) {
func newTestBackend(t *testing.T, handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) (*Config, *smtpBackend) {
conf := newTestConfig(t)
conf.SMTPServerListen = ":25"
conf.SMTPServerDomain = "ntfy.sh"
conf.SMTPServerAddrPrefix = "ntfy-"
backend := newMailBackend(conf, sub)
backend := newMailBackend(conf, handler)
return conf, backend
func readAll(t *testing.T, rc io.ReadCloser) string {
b, err := io.ReadAll(rc)
if err != nil {
return string(b)
func fakeConnState(t *testing.T, remoteAddr string) *smtp.ConnectionState {
ip, err := net.ResolveIPAddr("ip", remoteAddr)
if err != nil {
return &smtp.ConnectionState{
Hostname: "myhostname",
LocalAddr: ip,
RemoteAddr: ip,
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package server
import (
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ type topic struct {
// subscriber is a function that is called for every new message on a topic
type subscriber func(msg *message) error
type subscriber func(v *visitor, msg *message) error
// newTopic creates a new topic
func newTopic(id string) *topic {
@ -42,14 +42,19 @@ func (t *topic) Unsubscribe(id int) {
// Publish asynchronously publishes to all subscribers
func (t *topic) Publish(m *message) error {
func (t *topic) Publish(v *visitor, m *message) error {
go func() {
defer t.mu.Unlock()
for _, s := range t.subscribers {
if err := s(m); err != nil {
log.Printf("error publishing message to subscriber")
if len(t.subscribers) > 0 {
log.Debug("%s Forwarding to %d subscriber(s)", logMessagePrefix(v, m), len(t.subscribers))
for _, s := range t.subscribers {
if err := s(v, m); err != nil {
log.Warn("%s Error forwarding to subscriber", logMessagePrefix(v, m))
} else {
log.Trace("%s No stream or WebSocket subscribers, not forwarding", logMessagePrefix(v, m))
return nil
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ type message struct {
Actions []*action `json:"actions,omitempty"`
Attachment *attachment `json:"attachment,omitempty"`
PollID string `json:"poll_id,omitempty"`
Sender string `json:"-"` // IP address of uploader, used for rate limiting
Encoding string `json:"encoding,omitempty"` // empty for raw UTF-8, or "base64" for encoded bytes
@ -41,7 +42,6 @@ type attachment struct {
Size int64 `json:"size,omitempty"`
Expires int64 `json:"expires,omitempty"`
URL string `json:"url"`
Owner string `json:"-"` // IP address of uploader, used for rate limiting
type action struct {
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package server
import (
@ -40,3 +42,19 @@ func readQueryParam(r *http.Request, names ...string) string {
return ""
func logMessagePrefix(v *visitor, m *message) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", v.ip, m.Topic, m.ID)
func logHTTPPrefix(v *visitor, r *http.Request) string {
requestURI := r.RequestURI
if requestURI == "" {
requestURI = r.URL.Path
return fmt.Sprintf("%s HTTP %s %s", v.ip, r.Method, requestURI)
func logSMTPPrefix(state *smtp.ConnectionState) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s SMTP", state.Hostname, state.RemoteAddr.String())
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ type visitor struct {
emails *rate.Limiter
subscriptions util.Limiter
bandwidth util.Limiter
firebase time.Time // Next allowed Firebase message
seen time.Time
mu sync.Mutex
@ -48,14 +49,11 @@ func newVisitor(conf *Config, messageCache *messageCache, ip string) *visitor {
emails: rate.NewLimiter(rate.Every(conf.VisitorEmailLimitReplenish), conf.VisitorEmailLimitBurst),
subscriptions: util.NewFixedLimiter(int64(conf.VisitorSubscriptionLimit)),
bandwidth: util.NewBytesLimiter(conf.VisitorAttachmentDailyBandwidthLimit, 24*time.Hour),
firebase: time.Unix(0, 0),
seen: time.Now(),
func (v *visitor) IP() string {
return v.ip
func (v *visitor) RequestAllowed() error {
if !v.requests.Allow() {
return errVisitorLimitReached
@ -63,6 +61,21 @@ func (v *visitor) RequestAllowed() error {
return nil
func (v *visitor) FirebaseAllowed() error {
defer v.mu.Unlock()
if time.Now().Before(v.firebase) {
return errVisitorLimitReached
return nil
func (v *visitor) FirebaseTemporarilyDeny() {
defer v.mu.Unlock()
v.firebase = time.Now().Add(v.config.FirebaseQuotaExceededPenaltyDuration)
func (v *visitor) EmailAllowed() error {
if !v.emails.Allow() {
return errVisitorLimitReached
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ package main
import (
firebase "firebase.google.com/go"
firebase "firebase.google.com/go/v4"
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package util
import (
@ -264,3 +265,16 @@ func ReadPassword(in io.Reader) ([]byte, error) {
func BasicAuth(user, pass string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Basic %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", user, pass))))
// MaybeMarshalJSON returns a JSON string of the given object, or "<cannot serialize>" if serialization failed.
// This is useful for logging purposes where a failure doesn't matter that much.
func MaybeMarshalJSON(v interface{}) string {
jsonBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(v, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return "<cannot serialize>"
if len(jsonBytes) > 5000 {
return string(jsonBytes)[:5000]
return string(jsonBytes)
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.heckel.ntfy"><img src="static/img/badge-googleplay.png"></a>
<a href="https://f-droid.org/en/packages/io.heckel.ntfy/"><img src="static/img/badge-fdroid.png"></a>
<a href="https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/issues/4"><img src="static/img/badge-appstore.png"></a>
<a href="https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ntfy/id1625396347"><img src="static/img/badge-appstore.png"></a>
Here's a video showing the app in action:
@ -1,7 +1,191 @@
"action_bar_settings": "Instellingen",
"action_bar_send_test_notification": "Stuur testmelding",
"action_bar_clear_notifications": "Alle meldingen wissen",
"action_bar_send_test_notification": "Stuur test notificatie",
"action_bar_clear_notifications": "Wis alle notificaties",
"message_bar_type_message": "Typ hier een bericht",
"action_bar_unsubscribe": "Afmelden"
"action_bar_unsubscribe": "Afmelden",
"message_bar_error_publishing": "Fout bij publiceren notificatie",
"nav_topics_title": "Geabonneerde onderwerpen",
"nav_button_settings": "Instellingen",
"alert_not_supported_description": "Notificaties worden niet ondersteund in je browser.",
"notifications_none_for_any_title": "Je hebt nog geen notificaties ontvangen.",
"publish_dialog_tags_label": "Tags",
"publish_dialog_chip_attach_file_label": "Lokaal bestand bijvoegen",
"prefs_users_dialog_title_edit": "Gebruiker bewerken",
"error_boundary_title": "Oh nee, ntfy is vastgelopen",
"error_boundary_description": "Dit hoort natuurlijk niet te gebeuren. Onze excuses.<br/>Wanneer het mogelijk is, <githubLink>meld deze fout op GitHub</githubLink>, of laat het ons weten via <discordLink>Discord</discordLink> of <matrixLink>Matrix</matrixLink>.",
"error_boundary_button_copy_stack_trace": "Stack trace kopiëren",
"error_boundary_stack_trace": "Stacktrace",
"error_boundary_gathering_info": "Meer informatie verzamelen …",
"prefs_users_delete_button": "Gebruiker verwijderen",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_one_week": "Na één week",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_one_month": "Na één maand",
"prefs_users_dialog_title_add": "Gebruiker toevoegen",
"prefs_users_dialog_password_label": "Wachtwoord",
"error_boundary_unsupported_indexeddb_description": "De ntfy web applicatie heeft IndexedDB nodig om correct te kunnen functioneren, helaas ondersteund jouw browser IndexedDB niet in privé / incognito modus.<br/><br/>Dit is jammer maar het is ook onlogisch om de ntfy web applicatie in privé / incognito modus te gebruiken want alle gegevens worden bewaard in de browser zijn lokale opslag. Je kan hier meer over lezen <githubLink>in deze GitHub issue</githubLink>, of praat met ons op <discordLink>Discord</discordLink> of <matrixLink>Matrix</matrixLink>.",
"action_bar_show_menu": "Toon menu",
"action_bar_logo_alt": "ntfy logo",
"action_bar_toggle_mute": "Notificaties dempen/opheffen",
"action_bar_toggle_action_menu": "Actie menu openen/sluiten",
"message_bar_show_dialog": "Toon publicatie venster",
"message_bar_publish": "Bericht publiceren",
"nav_button_all_notifications": "Alle notificaties",
"nav_button_documentation": "Documentatie",
"nav_button_publish_message": "Notificatie publiceren",
"nav_button_subscribe": "Onderwerp abonneren",
"nav_button_muted": "Notificaties gedempt",
"nav_button_connecting": "verbinden",
"alert_grant_title": "Notificaties zijn uitgeschakeld",
"alert_grant_description": "Geef je browser toestemming om meldingen weer te geven.",
"alert_grant_button": "Nu toestaan",
"alert_not_supported_title": "Notificaties zijn niet ondersteund",
"notifications_list": "Notificaties lijst",
"notifications_list_item": "Notificatie",
"notifications_mark_read": "Markeer als gelezen",
"notifications_delete": "Verwijder",
"notifications_copied_to_clipboard": "Gekopieerd naar klembord",
"notifications_tags": "Tags",
"notifications_priority_x": "Prioriteit {{priority}}",
"notifications_new_indicator": "Nieuwe notificatie",
"notifications_attachment_image": "Afbeelding bijlage",
"notifications_attachment_copy_url_title": "Kopieer URL van bijlage naar klembord",
"notifications_attachment_copy_url_button": "URL kopiëren",
"notifications_attachment_open_title": "Ga naar {{url}}",
"notifications_attachment_open_button": "Bijlage openen",
"notifications_attachment_link_expires": "link vervalt op {{date}}",
"notifications_attachment_link_expired": "download link is verlopen",
"notifications_attachment_file_image": "afbeeldingsbestand",
"notifications_attachment_file_video": "videobestand",
"notifications_attachment_file_audio": "audiobestand",
"notifications_attachment_file_app": "Android app bestand",
"notifications_attachment_file_document": "overig document",
"notifications_click_copy_url_title": "URL naar klembord kopiëren",
"notifications_click_copy_url_button": "Link kopiëren",
"notifications_click_open_button": "Link openen",
"notifications_none_for_topic_description": "Om notificaties naar dit onderwerp te sturen, doe een PUT of POST naar het onderwerp URL.",
"notifications_none_for_any_description": "Om notificaties naar dit onderwerp te sturen, doe een PUT of POST naar het onderwerp URL. Hier is een voorbeeld met één van je onderwerpen.",
"notifications_no_subscriptions_title": "Het lijkt erop dat je nog op geen onderwerpen geabonneerd bent.",
"notifications_no_subscriptions_description": "Klik op de \"{{linktext}}\" link om een onderwerp te maken of erop te abonneren. Daarna kan je berichten sturen via PUT of POST and ontvang je hier notificaties.",
"notifications_example": "Voorbeeld",
"notifications_more_details": "Voor meer informatie, bezoek de <websiteLink>website</websiteLink> of <docsLink>documentatie</docsLink>.",
"notifications_loading": "Notificaties laden …",
"publish_dialog_title_topic": "Publiceren naar {{topic}}",
"publish_dialog_title_no_topic": "Notificatie publiceren",
"publish_dialog_progress_uploading": "Uploaden …",
"notifications_actions_open_url_title": "Ga naar {{url}}",
"notifications_actions_not_supported": "Deze actie is niet ondersteund in de web applicatie",
"notifications_actions_http_request_title": "Stuur HTTP {{method}} naar {{url}}",
"notifications_none_for_topic_title": "Je hebt nog geen notificaties ontvangen voor dit onderwerp.",
"publish_dialog_priority_low": "Lage prioriteit",
"publish_dialog_progress_uploading_detail": "Uploaden {{loaded}}/{{total}} ({{percent}}%) …",
"publish_dialog_message_published": "Notificatie gepubliceerd",
"publish_dialog_attachment_limits_file_and_quota_reached": "overschrijd {{fileSizeLimit}} bestandslimiet en quotum, {{remainingBytes}} resterend",
"publish_dialog_attachment_limits_file_reached": "overschrijd {{fileSizeLimit}} bestandslimiet",
"publish_dialog_priority_default": "Standaard prioriteit",
"publish_dialog_attachment_limits_quota_reached": "overschrijd quotum, {{remainingBytes}} resterend",
"publish_dialog_emoji_picker_show": "Kies een emoji",
"publish_dialog_priority_high": "Hoge prioriteit",
"publish_dialog_priority_max": "Maximale prioriteit",
"publish_dialog_priority_min": "Minimale prioriteit",
"publish_dialog_base_url_label": "Service URL",
"publish_dialog_base_url_placeholder": "Service URL, bijvoorbeeld: https://voorbeeld.com",
"publish_dialog_topic_label": "Onderwerp",
"publish_dialog_topic_placeholder": "Onderwerp, bijv. phil_alerts",
"publish_dialog_topic_reset": "Onderwerp resetten",
"publish_dialog_title_label": "Titel",
"publish_dialog_title_placeholder": "Notificatie titel , bijv. Schijfruimte alarm",
"publish_dialog_message_label": "Bericht",
"publish_dialog_message_placeholder": "Typ hier een bericht",
"publish_dialog_tags_placeholder": "Komma gescheiden lijst met tags, bijv. waarschuwing, srv1-backup",
"publish_dialog_priority_label": "Prioriteit",
"publish_dialog_click_label": "Klik URL",
"publish_dialog_click_reset": "Verwijder klik URL",
"publish_dialog_email_label": "Email",
"publish_dialog_email_placeholder": "Adres om de notificatie naar door te sturen, bijv. phil@voorbeeld.com",
"publish_dialog_email_reset": "Email doorsturen verwijderen",
"publish_dialog_attach_label": "URL van bijlage",
"publish_dialog_click_placeholder": "URL die geopend zal worden wanneer op de notificatie geklikt wordt",
"publish_dialog_attach_placeholder": "Bestand bijvoegen via URL, bijv. https://f-droid.org/F-Droid.apk",
"publish_dialog_attach_reset": "Bijlage URL verwijderen",
"publish_dialog_filename_label": "Bestandsnaam",
"publish_dialog_filename_placeholder": "Bestandsnaam van bijlage",
"publish_dialog_delay_label": "Uitstellen",
"publish_dialog_delay_placeholder": "Bezorging uitstellen, bijv. {{unixTimestamp}}, {{relativeTime}}, of \"{{naturalLanguage}}\" (alleen Engels)",
"publish_dialog_delay_reset": "Verwijder uitgestelde bezorging",
"publish_dialog_other_features": "Andere functionaliteiten:",
"publish_dialog_chip_click_label": "Klik URL",
"publish_dialog_chip_email_label": "Doorsturen naar email",
"publish_dialog_chip_attach_url_label": "Bestand bijvoegen via URL",
"publish_dialog_chip_delay_label": "Uitgestelde bezorging",
"publish_dialog_chip_topic_label": "Onderwerp veranderen",
"publish_dialog_details_examples_description": "Voor meer voorbeelden en gedetailleerde beschrijvingen van alle functionaliteiten, bekijk de <docsLink>documentatie</docsLink>.",
"publish_dialog_button_cancel_sending": "Versturen annuleren",
"publish_dialog_button_cancel": "Annuleer",
"publish_dialog_button_send": "Verstuur",
"publish_dialog_checkbox_publish_another": "Nog een bericht versturen",
"publish_dialog_attached_file_title": "Bijgevoegd bestand:",
"publish_dialog_attached_file_filename_placeholder": "Bijlage bestandsnaam",
"publish_dialog_attached_file_remove": "Verwijder bijgevoegd bestand",
"publish_dialog_drop_file_here": "Bestand hier slepen",
"emoji_picker_search_placeholder": "Emoji zoeken",
"emoji_picker_search_clear": "Zoeken leegmaken",
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_topic_placeholder": "Onderwerp naam, bijv. phils_waarschuwingen",
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_use_another_label": "Gebruik een andere server",
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_base_url_label": "Service URL",
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_button_cancel": "Annuleren",
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_button_subscribe": "Abonneren",
"subscribe_dialog_login_title": "Aanmelding vereist",
"subscribe_dialog_login_description": "Dit onderwerp is beveiligd met een wachtwoord. Geef een gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord op om te abonneren.",
"subscribe_dialog_login_username_label": "Gebruikersnaam, bijv. phil",
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_title": "Onderwerp abonneren",
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_description": "Onderwerpen zijn mogelijk niet beschermd met een wachtwoord, kies daarom een moeilijk te raden naam. Na abonneren kun je notificaties via PUT/POST sturen.",
"subscribe_dialog_login_password_label": "Wachtwoord",
"subscribe_dialog_login_button_back": "Terug",
"subscribe_dialog_login_button_login": "Aanmelden",
"subscribe_dialog_error_user_not_authorized": "Gebruiker {{username}} heeft geen toegang",
"subscribe_dialog_error_user_anonymous": "anoniem",
"prefs_notifications_title": "Notificaties",
"prefs_notifications_sound_title": "Meldingsgeluid",
"prefs_notifications_sound_description_none": "Notificaties zullen geen geluid geven",
"prefs_notifications_sound_play": "Geselecteerd geluid afspelen",
"prefs_notifications_sound_description_some": "Inkomende notificaties zullen het {{sound}} afspelen",
"prefs_notifications_sound_no_sound": "Geen geluid",
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_title": "Minimale prioriteit",
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_description_any": "Toon alle notificaties, ongeacht prioriteit",
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_description_x_or_higher": "Toon notificaties als prioriteit is {{number}} ({{name}}) of hoger",
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_description_max": "Toon notificaties als prioriteit is 5 (maximaal)",
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_any": "Elke prioriteit",
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_low_and_higher": "Lage prioriteit en hoger",
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_default_and_higher": "Standaard prioriteit en hoger",
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_high_and_higher": "Hoge prioriteit en hoger",
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_max_only": "Alleen maximale prioriteit",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_title": "Notificaties verwijderen",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_never": "Nooit",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_three_hours": "Na drie uur",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_one_day": "Na één dag",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_never_description": "Notificaties worden nooit automatisch verwijderd",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_three_hours_description": "Notificaties worden na drie uur automatisch verwijderd",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_one_day_description": "Notificaties worden na één dag automatisch verwijderd",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_one_week_description": "Notificaties worden na één week automatisch verwijderd",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_one_month_description": "Notificaties worden na één maand automatisch verwijderd",
"prefs_users_title": "Gebruikers beheren",
"prefs_users_description": "Gebruikers voor beveiligde onderwerpen kunnen hier toegevoegd of verwijderd worden. Let op: gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord worden opgeslagen in lokale browser opslag.",
"prefs_users_table": "Gebruikerstabel",
"prefs_users_add_button": "Gebruiker toevoegen",
"prefs_users_edit_button": "Gebruiker bewerken",
"prefs_users_table_user_header": "Gebruiker",
"prefs_users_table_base_url_header": "Service URL",
"prefs_users_dialog_base_url_label": "Service URL, bijv. https://ntfy.sh",
"prefs_users_dialog_username_label": "Gebruikersnaam, bijv. phil",
"prefs_users_dialog_button_cancel": "Annuleren",
"prefs_users_dialog_button_add": "Toevoegen",
"prefs_users_dialog_button_save": "Bewaren",
"prefs_appearance_title": "Weergave",
"prefs_appearance_language_title": "Taal",
"priority_min": "min",
"priority_low": "laag",
"priority_default": "standaard",
"priority_high": "hoog",
"priority_max": "max",
"error_boundary_unsupported_indexeddb_title": "Privé / incognito browservensters worden niet ondersteund"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
"action_bar_show_menu": "显示菜单",
"action_bar_logo_alt": "ntfy图标",
"action_bar_settings": "设置",
"action_bar_send_test_notification": "发送测试通知",
"action_bar_clear_notifications": "清除所有通知",
"action_bar_unsubscribe": "取消订阅",
"action_bar_toggle_action_menu": "开启或关闭操作菜单",
"message_bar_type_message": "在此处输入消息",
"message_bar_show_dialog": "显示发布对话框",
"message_bar_publish": "发布消息",
"nav_topics_title": "订阅主题",
"nav_button_all_notifications": "全部通知",
"nav_button_documentation": "文档",
"nav_button_publish_message": "发布通知",
"nav_button_subscribe": "订阅主题",
"nav_button_connecting": "正在连接",
"alert_grant_title": "已禁用通知",
"alert_grant_description": "授予浏览器显示桌面通知的权限。",
"alert_grant_button": "现在授予",
"alert_not_supported_title": "不支持通知",
"alert_not_supported_description": "您的浏览器不支持通知。",
"notifications_list": "通知列表",
"notifications_list_item": "通知",
"notifications_mark_read": "标记为已读",
"notifications_copied_to_clipboard": "复制到剪贴板",
"notifications_tags": "标记",
"notifications_priority_x": "优先级 {{priority}}",
"notifications_new_indicator": "新通知",
"notifications_attachment_open_button": "打开附件",
"notifications_attachment_link_expires": "链接过期 {{date}}",
"notifications_attachment_link_expired": "下载链接已过期",
"notifications_attachment_file_image": "图片文件",
"notifications_attachment_image": "附件图片",
"notifications_attachment_file_video": "视频文件",
"notifications_attachment_file_audio": "音频文件",
"notifications_attachment_file_app": "安卓应用文件",
"notifications_attachment_file_document": "其他文件",
"notifications_click_copy_url_title": "复制链接地址到剪贴板",
"notifications_click_copy_url_button": "复制链接",
"notifications_click_open_button": "打开链接",
"action_bar_toggle_mute": "暂停或恢复通知",
"nav_button_muted": "已暂停通知",
"notifications_actions_not_supported": "网页应用程序不支持操作",
"notifications_none_for_topic_title": "您尚未收到有关此主题的任何通知。",
"notifications_none_for_any_title": "您尚未收到任何通知。",
"notifications_none_for_any_description": "要向此主题发送通知,只需使用 PUT 或 POST 到主题链接即可。以下是使用您的主题的示例。",
"notifications_no_subscriptions_title": "看起来你还没有任何订阅。",
"notifications_example": "示例",
"notifications_more_details": "有关更多信息,请查看<websiteLink>网站</websiteLink>或<docsLink>文档</docsLink>。",
"notifications_loading": "正在加载通知……",
"publish_dialog_title_topic": "发布到 {{topic}}",
"publish_dialog_title_no_topic": "发布通知",
"publish_dialog_progress_uploading": "正在上传……",
"publish_dialog_progress_uploading_detail": "正在上传 {{loaded}}/{{total}} ({{percent}}%) ……",
"publish_dialog_message_published": "已发布通知",
"publish_dialog_attachment_limits_file_and_quota_reached": "超过 {{fileSizeLimit}} 文件限制和配额,剩余 {{remainingBytes}}",
"publish_dialog_emoji_picker_show": "选择表情符号",
"publish_dialog_priority_min": "最低优先级",
"publish_dialog_priority_low": "低优先级",
"publish_dialog_priority_default": "默认优先级",
"publish_dialog_priority_high": "高优先级",
"publish_dialog_priority_max": "最高优先级",
"publish_dialog_topic_label": "主题名称",
"publish_dialog_topic_placeholder": "主题名称,例如 phil_alerts",
"publish_dialog_topic_reset": "重置主题",
"publish_dialog_title_label": "主题",
"publish_dialog_message_label": "消息",
"publish_dialog_message_placeholder": "在此输入消息",
"publish_dialog_tags_label": "标记",
"publish_dialog_priority_label": "优先级",
"publish_dialog_base_url_label": "服务链接地址",
"publish_dialog_base_url_placeholder": "服务链接地址,例如 https://example.com",
"publish_dialog_click_label": "点击链接地址",
"publish_dialog_click_placeholder": "点击通知时打开链接地址",
"publish_dialog_email_placeholder": "将通知转发到的地址,例如 phil@example.com",
"publish_dialog_email_reset": "移除电子邮件转发",
"publish_dialog_filename_label": "文件名",
"publish_dialog_filename_placeholder": "附件文件名",
"publish_dialog_delay_label": "延期",
"publish_dialog_other_features": "其它功能:",
"publish_dialog_attach_placeholder": "使用链接地址附加文件,例如 https://f-droid.org/F-Droid.apk",
"publish_dialog_delay_reset": "删除延迟交付",
"publish_dialog_attach_reset": "移除附件链接地址",
"publish_dialog_chip_click_label": "点击链接地址",
"publish_dialog_chip_email_label": "转发邮件",
"publish_dialog_chip_attach_file_label": "本地文件附件",
"publish_dialog_chip_topic_label": "变更主题",
"publish_dialog_button_cancel_sending": "取消发送",
"publish_dialog_checkbox_publish_another": "发布另一个",
"publish_dialog_attached_file_title": "附件文件:",
"publish_dialog_attached_file_filename_placeholder": "附件文件名",
"publish_dialog_attached_file_remove": "删除附件文件",
"publish_dialog_drop_file_here": "将文件拖拽至此",
"emoji_picker_search_placeholder": "查找表情符号",
"emoji_picker_search_clear": "清除搜索",
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_title": "订阅主题",
"publish_dialog_chip_delay_label": "延迟交付",
"publish_dialog_chip_attach_url_label": "链接附件地址",
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_use_another_label": "使用其他服务器",
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_button_subscribe": "订阅",
"subscribe_dialog_login_title": "请登录",
"subscribe_dialog_login_description": "本主题受密码保护,请输入用户名和密码进行订阅。",
"subscribe_dialog_login_username_label": "用户名,例如 phil",
"subscribe_dialog_login_password_label": "密码",
"subscribe_dialog_login_button_back": "返回",
"subscribe_dialog_login_button_login": "登录",
"subscribe_dialog_error_user_not_authorized": "未授权 {{username}} 用户",
"subscribe_dialog_error_user_anonymous": "匿名",
"prefs_notifications_title": "通知",
"prefs_notifications_sound_title": "通知提示音",
"prefs_notifications_sound_description_none": "收到通知时不播放任何声音",
"prefs_notifications_sound_description_some": "收到通知时播放 {{sound}} 声音",
"prefs_notifications_sound_no_sound": "静音",
"prefs_notifications_sound_play": "播放选中声音",
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_title": "最低优先级",
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_description_x_or_higher": "仅显示优先级为{{number}}({{name}})或以上的通知",
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_description_max": "仅显示最高优先级的通知",
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_any": "任意优先级",
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_low_and_higher": "低优先级和更高优先级",
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_default_and_higher": "默认优先级或更高优先级",
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_high_and_higher": "高优先级或更高优先级",
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_max_only": "仅最高优先级",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_never": "从不",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_one_month": "一月后",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_one_week": "一周后",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_never_description": "永不自动删除通知",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_three_hours_description": "三小时后自动删除通知",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_one_day_description": "一天后自动删除通知",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_one_week_description": "一周后自动删除通知",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_one_month_description": "一月后后自动删除通知",
"prefs_users_title": "管理用户",
"prefs_users_description": "在此处添加/删除受保护主题的用户。请注意,用户名和密码存储在浏览器的本地存储中。",
"prefs_users_add_button": "添加用户",
"prefs_users_dialog_title_add": "添加用户",
"prefs_users_dialog_title_edit": "编辑用户",
"prefs_users_dialog_username_label": "用户名,例如 phil",
"prefs_users_dialog_password_label": "密码",
"prefs_users_dialog_button_cancel": "取消",
"prefs_users_dialog_button_save": "保存",
"prefs_appearance_title": "外观",
"prefs_appearance_language_title": "语言",
"priority_min": "最低",
"priority_low": "低",
"priority_default": "默认",
"priority_high": "高",
"priority_max": "最高",
"error_boundary_title": "天啊,ntfy 崩溃了",
"prefs_users_table_base_url_header": "服务链接地址",
"prefs_users_dialog_base_url_label": "服务链接地址,例如 https://ntfy.sh",
"error_boundary_button_copy_stack_trace": "复制堆栈跟踪",
"error_boundary_stack_trace": "堆栈跟踪",
"error_boundary_gathering_info": "收集更多信息……",
"error_boundary_unsupported_indexeddb_title": "不支持隐私浏览",
"error_boundary_unsupported_indexeddb_description": "Ntfy Web应用程序需要IndexedDB才能运行,并且您的浏览器在私隐私浏览模式下不支持IndexedDB。<br/><br/>虽然这很不幸,但在隐私浏览模式下使用ntfy Web应用程序也没有多大意义,因为所有东西都存储在浏览器存储中。您可以在<githubLink>本GitHub问题</githubLink>中阅读有关它的更多信息,或者在<discordLink>Discord</discordLink>或<matrixLink>Matrix</matrixLink>上与我们交谈。",
"message_bar_error_publishing": "发布通知时出错",
"nav_button_settings": "设置",
"notifications_delete": "删除",
"notifications_attachment_copy_url_title": "将附件中链接地址复制到剪贴板",
"notifications_attachment_copy_url_button": "复制链接地址",
"notifications_attachment_open_title": "转到 {{url}}",
"notifications_actions_http_request_title": "发送 HTTP {{method}} 到 {{url}}",
"notifications_actions_open_url_title": "转到 {{url}}",
"notifications_none_for_topic_description": "要向此主题发送通知,只需使用 PUT 或 POST 到主题链接即可。",
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_topic_placeholder": "主题名,例如 phil_alerts",
"notifications_no_subscriptions_description": "单击 \"{{linktext}}\" 链接以创建或订阅主题。之后,您可以使用 PUT 或 POST 发送消息,您将在这里收到通知。",
"publish_dialog_attachment_limits_file_reached": "超过 {{fileSizeLimit}} 文件限制",
"publish_dialog_title_placeholder": "主题标题,例如 磁盘空间告警",
"publish_dialog_email_label": "电子邮件",
"publish_dialog_button_send": "发送",
"publish_dialog_attachment_limits_quota_reached": "超过配额,剩余 {{remainingBytes}}",
"publish_dialog_attach_label": "附件链接地址",
"publish_dialog_click_reset": "移除点击连接地址",
"publish_dialog_button_cancel": "取消",
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_button_cancel": "取消",
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_base_url_label": "服务地址地址",
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_description_any": "显示所有通知,无论优先级如何",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_title": "删除通知",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_three_hours": "三小时后",
"prefs_users_delete_button": "删除用户",
"prefs_users_table_user_header": "用户",
"prefs_users_dialog_button_add": "添加",
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_one_day": "一天后",
"error_boundary_description": "这显然不应该发生。对此非常抱歉。<br/>如果您有时间,请<githubLink>在GitHub</githubLink>上报告,或通过<discordLink>Discord</discordLink>或<matrixLink>Matrix</matrixLink>告诉我们。",
"prefs_users_table": "用户表",
"prefs_users_edit_button": "编辑用户",
"publish_dialog_tags_placeholder": "英文逗号分隔标记列表,例如 warning, srv1-backup",
"publish_dialog_details_examples_description": "有关所有发送功能的示例和详细说明,请参阅<docsLink>文档</docsLink>。",
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_description": "主题可能不受密码保护,因此请选择一个不容易猜测的名字。订阅后,您可以使用 PUT/POST 通知。",
"publish_dialog_delay_placeholder": "延迟交付,例如{{unixTimestamp}}、{{relativeTime}}或“{{naturalLanguage}}”(仅限英语)"
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ const Appearance = () => {
const Language = () => {
const { t, i18n } = useTranslation();
const labelId = "prefLanguage";
const randomFlags = shuffle(["🇬🇧", "🇺🇸", "🇪🇸", "🇫🇷", "🇧🇬", "🇨🇿", "🇩🇪", "🇮🇹", "🇭🇺", "🇧🇷", "🇮🇩", "🇯🇵", "🇷🇺", "🇹🇷"]).slice(0, 3);
const randomFlags = shuffle(["🇬🇧", "🇺🇸", "🇪🇸", "🇫🇷", "🇧🇬", "🇨🇿", "🇩🇪", "🇨🇳", "🇮🇹", "🇭🇺", "🇧🇷", "🇳🇱", "🇮🇩", "🇯🇵", "🇷🇺", "🇹🇷"]).slice(0, 3);
const title = t("prefs_appearance_language_title") + " " + randomFlags.join(" ");
const lang = i18n.language ?? "en";
@ -452,12 +452,14 @@ const Language = () => {
<MenuItem value="id">Bahasa Indonesia</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value="bg">Български</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value="cs">Čeština</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value="zh_Hans">中文</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value="de">Deutsch</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value="es">Español</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value="fr">Français</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value="it">Italiano</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value="hu">Magyar</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value="ja">日本語</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value="nl">Nederlands</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value="nb_NO">Norsk bokmål</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value="pt_BR">Português (Brasil)</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value="ru">Русский</MenuItem>
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