diff --git a/docs/config.md b/docs/config.md
index d256ebf5..547ce84f 100644
--- a/docs/config.md
+++ b/docs/config.md
@@ -32,17 +32,26 @@ Subscribers can retrieve cached messaging using the [`poll=1` parameter](subscri
 [`since=` parameter](subscribe/api.md#fetching-cached-messages).
 ## Behind a proxy (TLS, etc.)
 !!! warning
-    If you are running ntfy behind a proxy, you must set the `behind-proxy` flag. Otherwise, all visitors are 
+    If you are running ntfy behind a proxy, you must set the `behind-proxy` flag. Otherwise, all visitors are
     [rate limited](#rate-limiting) as if they are one.
+It may be desirable to run ntfy behind a proxy, e.g. so you can provide TLS certificates using Let's Encrypt using certbot,
+or simply because you'd like to share the ports (80/443) with other services. Whatever your reasons may be, there are a 
+few things to consider. 
 ### Rate limiting
 If you are running ntfy behind a proxy (e.g. nginx, HAproxy or Apache), you should set the `behind-proxy` 
 flag. This will instruct the [rate limiting](#rate-limiting) logic to use the `X-Forwarded-For` header as the primary 
 identifier for a visitor, as opposed to the remote IP address. If the `behind-proxy` flag is not set, all visitors will
 be counted as one, because from the perspective of the ntfy server, they all share the proxy's IP address.
+=== "/etc/ntfy/config.yml"
+    ```
+    # Tell ntfy to use "X-Forwarded-For" to identify visitors
+    behind-proxy: true
+    ```
 ### TLS/SSL
 ntfy supports HTTPS/TLS by setting the `listen-https` [config option](#config-options). However, if you 
 are behind a proxy, it is recommended that TLS/SSL termination is done by the proxy itself (see below).
@@ -107,7 +116,7 @@ or the root domain:
-=== "Apache2 (/etc/apache2/sites-*/ntfy.conf"
+=== "Apache2 (/etc/apache2/sites-*/ntfy.conf)"
     <VirtualHost *:80>
         ServerName ntfy.sh
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
index 6f6492fc..6758aea7 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ theme:
       scheme: default
         icon: material/lightbulb-outline
-        name: Switch to light mode
+        name: Switch to dark mode
     - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"  # Dark mode
       scheme: slate
       accent: indigo
         icon: material/lightbulb
-        name: Switch to dark mode
+        name: Switch to light mode
     - search.suggest
     - search.highlight