// This is a subset of, and the counterpart to errors.go export const fetchOrThrow = async (url, options) => { const response = await fetch(url, options); if (response.status !== 200) { await throwAppError(response); } return response; // Promise! }; export const throwAppError = async (response) => { if (response.status === 401 || response.status === 403) { console.log(`[Error] HTTP ${response.status}`, response); throw new UnauthorizedError(); } const error = await maybeToJson(response); if (error?.code) { console.log( `[Error] HTTP ${response.status}, ntfy error ${error.code}: ${ error.error || "" }`, response ); if (error.code === UserExistsError.CODE) { throw new UserExistsError(); } else if (error.code === TopicReservedError.CODE) { throw new TopicReservedError(); } else if (error.code === AccountCreateLimitReachedError.CODE) { throw new AccountCreateLimitReachedError(); } else if (error.code === IncorrectPasswordError.CODE) { throw new IncorrectPasswordError(); } else if (error?.error) { throw new Error(`Error ${error.code}: ${error.error}`); } } console.log(`[Error] HTTP ${response.status}, not a ntfy error`, response); throw new Error(`Unexpected response ${response.status}`); }; const maybeToJson = async (response) => { try { return await response.json(); } catch (e) { return null; } }; export class UnauthorizedError extends Error { constructor() { super("Unauthorized"); } } export class UserExistsError extends Error { static CODE = 40901; // errHTTPConflictUserExists constructor() { super("Username already exists"); } } export class TopicReservedError extends Error { static CODE = 40902; // errHTTPConflictTopicReserved constructor() { super("Topic already reserved"); } } export class AccountCreateLimitReachedError extends Error { static CODE = 42906; // errHTTPTooManyRequestsLimitAccountCreation constructor() { super("Account creation limit reached"); } } export class IncorrectPasswordError extends Error { static CODE = 40026; // errHTTPBadRequestIncorrectPasswordConfirmation constructor() { super("Password incorrect"); } }