import api from "./Api"; import notifier from "./Notifier"; import prefs from "./Prefs"; import getDb from "./getDb"; import { topicUrl } from "./utils"; class SubscriptionManager { constructor(db) { this.db = db; } /** All subscriptions, including "new count"; this is a JOIN, see */ async all() { const subscriptions = await this.db.subscriptions.toArray(); return Promise.all( (s) => ({ ...s, new: await this.db.notifications.where({ subscriptionId:, new: 1 }).count(), })) ); } async webPushTopics() { // the Promise.resolve wrapper is not superfluous, without it the live query breaks: // if (!(await Promise.resolve(notifier.pushEnabled()))) { return []; } const subscriptions = await this.db.subscriptions.where({ mutedUntil: 0, baseUrl: config.base_url }).toArray(); // internal is currently a bool, it could be a 0/1 to be indexable, but for now just filter them out here return subscriptions.filter(({ internal }) => !internal).map(({ topic }) => topic); } async get(subscriptionId) { return this.db.subscriptions.get(subscriptionId); } async notify(subscriptionId, notification, defaultClickAction) { const subscription = await this.get(subscriptionId); if (subscription.mutedUntil === 1) { return; } const priority = notification.priority ?? 3; if (priority < (await prefs.minPriority())) { return; } await Promise.all([notifier.playSound(), notifier.notify(subscription, notification, defaultClickAction)]); } /** * @param {string} baseUrl * @param {string} topic * @param {object} opts * @param {boolean} opts.internal * @returns */ async add(baseUrl, topic, opts = {}) { const id = topicUrl(baseUrl, topic); const existingSubscription = await this.get(id); if (existingSubscription) { return existingSubscription; } const subscription = { ...opts, id: topicUrl(baseUrl, topic), baseUrl, topic, mutedUntil: 0, last: null, }; await this.db.subscriptions.put(subscription); return subscription; } async syncFromRemote(remoteSubscriptions, remoteReservations) { console.log(`[SubscriptionManager] Syncing subscriptions from remote`, remoteSubscriptions); // Add remote subscriptions const remoteIds = await Promise.all( (remote) => { const reservation = remoteReservations?.find((r) => remote.base_url === config.base_url && remote.topic === r.topic) || null; const local = await this.add(remote.base_url, remote.topic, { displayName: remote.display_name, // May be undefined reservation, // May be null! }); return; }) ); // Remove local subscriptions that do not exist remotely const localSubscriptions = await this.db.subscriptions.toArray(); await Promise.all( (local) => { const remoteExists = remoteIds.includes(; if (!local.internal && !remoteExists) { await this.remove(local); } }) ); } async refreshWebPushSubscriptions(presetTopics) { const topics = presetTopics ?? (await this.webPushTopics()); const browserSubscription = await notifier.getBrowserSubscription(); if (!browserSubscription) { console.log("[SubscriptionManager] No browser subscription currently exists, so web push was never enabled. Skipping."); return; } await api.updateWebPushSubscriptions(topics, browserSubscription); } async updateState(subscriptionId, state) { this.db.subscriptions.update(subscriptionId, { state }); } async remove(subscription) { await this.db.subscriptions.delete(; await this.db.notifications.where({ subscriptionId: }).delete(); } async first() { return this.db.subscriptions.toCollection().first(); // May be undefined } async getNotifications(subscriptionId) { // This is quite awkward, but it is the recommended approach as per the Dexie docs. // It's actually fine, because the reading and filtering is quite fast. The rendering is what's // killing performance. See return this.db.notifications .orderBy("time") // Sort by time first .filter((n) => n.subscriptionId === subscriptionId) .reverse() .toArray(); } async getAllNotifications() { return this.db.notifications .orderBy("time") // Efficient, see docs .reverse() .toArray(); } /** Adds notification, or returns false if it already exists */ async addNotification(subscriptionId, notification) { const exists = await this.db.notifications.get(; if (exists) { return false; } try { // sw.js duplicates this logic, so if you change it here, change it there too await this.db.notifications.add({ ...notification, subscriptionId, // New marker (used for bubble indicator); cannot be boolean; Dexie index limitation new: 1, }); // FIXME consider put() for double tab await this.db.subscriptions.update(subscriptionId, { last:, }); } catch (e) { console.error(`[SubscriptionManager] Error adding notification`, e); } return true; } /** Adds/replaces notifications, will not throw if they exist */ async addNotifications(subscriptionId, notifications) { const notificationsWithSubscriptionId = => ({ ...notification, subscriptionId })); const lastNotificationId =; await this.db.notifications.bulkPut(notificationsWithSubscriptionId); await this.db.subscriptions.update(subscriptionId, { last: lastNotificationId, }); } async updateNotification(notification) { const exists = await this.db.notifications.get(; if (!exists) { return false; } try { await this.db.notifications.put({ ...notification }); } catch (e) { console.error(`[SubscriptionManager] Error updating notification`, e); } return true; } async deleteNotification(notificationId) { await this.db.notifications.delete(notificationId); } async deleteNotifications(subscriptionId) { await this.db.notifications.where({ subscriptionId }).delete(); } async markNotificationRead(notificationId) { await this.db.notifications.where({ id: notificationId }).modify({ new: 0 }); } async markNotificationsRead(subscriptionId) { await this.db.notifications.where({ subscriptionId, new: 1 }).modify({ new: 0 }); } async setMutedUntil(subscriptionId, mutedUntil) { await this.db.subscriptions.update(subscriptionId, { mutedUntil, }); } async setDisplayName(subscriptionId, displayName) { await this.db.subscriptions.update(subscriptionId, { displayName, }); } async setReservation(subscriptionId, reservation) { await this.db.subscriptions.update(subscriptionId, { reservation, }); } async update(subscriptionId, params) { await this.db.subscriptions.update(subscriptionId, params); } async pruneNotifications(thresholdTimestamp) { await this.db.notifications.where("time").below(thresholdTimestamp).delete(); } } export default new SubscriptionManager(getDb());