* Hello, dear curious visitor. I am not a web-guy, so please don't judge my horrible JS code.
* In fact, please do tell me about all the things I did wrong and that I could improve. I've been trying
* to read up on modern JS, but it's just a little much.
* Feel free to open tickets at https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/issues. Thank you!
/* All the things */
let topics = {};
const topicsHeader = document.getElementById("topicsHeader");
const topicsList = document.getElementById("topicsList");
const topicField = document.getElementById("topicField");
const notifySound = document.getElementById("notifySound");
const subscribeButton = document.getElementById("subscribeButton");
const subscribeForm = document.getElementById("subscribeForm");
const errorField = document.getElementById("error");
const subscribe = (topic) => {
if (Notification.permission !== "granted") {
Notification.requestPermission().then((permission) => {
if (permission === "granted") {
subscribeInternal(topic, 0);
} else {
} else {
subscribeInternal(topic, 0);
const subscribeInternal = (topic, delaySec) => {
setTimeout(() => {
// Render list entry
let topicEntry = document.getElementById(`topic-${topic}`);
if (!topicEntry) {
topicEntry = document.createElement('li');
topicEntry.id = `topic-${topic}`;
topicEntry.innerHTML = `${topic} `;
topicsHeader.style.display = '';
// Open event source
let eventSource = new EventSource(`${topic}/sse`);
eventSource.onopen = () => {
topicEntry.innerHTML = `${topic} `;
delaySec = 0; // Reset on successful connection
eventSource.onerror = (e) => {
const newDelaySec = (delaySec + 5 <= 15) ? delaySec + 5 : 15;
topicEntry.innerHTML = `${topic} (Reconnecting in ${newDelaySec}s ...) `;
subscribeInternal(topic, newDelaySec);
eventSource.onmessage = (e) => {
const event = JSON.parse(e.data);
new Notification(event.message);
topics[topic] = eventSource;
localStorage.setItem('topics', JSON.stringify(Object.keys(topics)));
}, delaySec * 1000);
const unsubscribe = (topic) => {
delete topics[topic];
localStorage.setItem('topics', JSON.stringify(Object.keys(topics)));
if (Object.keys(topics).length === 0) {
topicsHeader.style.display = 'none';
const test = (topic) => {
fetch(`/${topic}`, {
method: 'PUT',
body: `This is a test notification for topic ${topic}!`
const showError = (msg) => {
errorField.innerHTML = msg;
topicField.disabled = true;
subscribeButton.disabled = true;
const showBrowserIncompatibleError = () => {
showError("Your browser is not compatible to use the web-based desktop notifications.");
const showNotificationDeniedError = () => {
showError("You have blocked desktop notifications for this website. Please unblock them and refresh to use the web-based desktop notifications.");
subscribeForm.onsubmit = function () {
if (!topicField.value) {
return false;
topicField.value = "";
return false;
// Disable Web UI if notifications of EventSource are not available
if (!window["Notification"] || !window["EventSource"]) {
} else if (Notification.permission === "denied") {
// Reset UI
topicField.value = "";
// Restore topics
const storedTopics = localStorage.getItem('topics');
if (storedTopics && Notification.permission === "granted") {
const storedTopicsArray = JSON.parse(storedTopics)
storedTopicsArray.forEach((topic) => { subscribeInternal(topic, 0); });
if (storedTopicsArray.length === 0) {
topicsHeader.style.display = 'none';
} else {
topicsHeader.style.display = 'none';