# Subscribe via API You can create and subscribe to a topic either in the [web UI](web.md), via the [phone app](phone.md), or in your own app or script by subscribing the API. This page describes how to subscribe via API. You may also want to check out the page that describes how to [publish messages](../publish.md). The subscription API relies on a simple HTTP GET request with a streaming HTTP response, i.e **you open a GET request and the connection stays open forever**, sending messages back as they come in. There are three different API endpoints, which only differ in the response format: * [JSON stream](#subscribe-as-json-stream): `/json` returns a JSON stream, with one JSON message object per line * [SSE stream](#subscribe-as-sse-stream): `/sse` returns messages as [Server-Sent Events (SSE)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server-sent_events), which can be used with [EventSource](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventSource) * [Raw stream](#subscribe-as-raw-stream): `/raw` returns messages as raw text, with one line per message ## Subscribe as JSON stream Here are a few examples of how to consume the JSON endpoint (`/json`). For almost all languages, **this is the recommended way to subscribe to a topic**. The notable exception is JavaScript, for which the [SSE/EventSource stream](#subscribe-as-sse-stream) is much easier to work with. === "Command line (curl)" ``` $ curl -s ntfy.sh/disk-alerts/json {"id":"SLiKI64DOt","time":1635528757,"event":"open","topic":"mytopic"} {"id":"hwQ2YpKdmg","time":1635528741,"event":"message","topic":"mytopic","message":"Disk full"} {"id":"DGUDShMCsc","time":1635528787,"event":"keepalive","topic":"mytopic"} ... ``` === "HTTP" ``` http GET /disk-alerts/json HTTP/1.1 Host: ntfy.sh HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/x-ndjson; charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked {"id":"SLiKI64DOt","time":1635528757,"event":"open","topic":"mytopic"} {"id":"hwQ2YpKdmg","time":1635528741,"event":"message","topic":"mytopic","message":"Disk full"} {"id":"DGUDShMCsc","time":1635528787,"event":"keepalive","topic":"mytopic"} ... ``` === "Go" ``` go resp, err := http.Get("https://ntfy.sh/disk-alerts/json") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer resp.Body.Close() scanner := bufio.NewScanner(resp.Body) for scanner.Scan() { println(scanner.Text()) } ``` === "PHP" ``` php-inline $fp = fopen('https://ntfy.sh/disk-alerts/json', 'r'); if (!$fp) die('cannot open stream'); while (!feof($fp)) { echo fgets($fp, 2048); flush(); } fclose($fp); ``` ## Subscribe as SSE stream Using [EventSource](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventSource) in JavaScript, you can consume notifications via a [Server-Sent Events (SSE)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server-sent_events) stream. It's incredibly easy to use. Here's what it looks like. You may also want to check out the [live example](/example.html). === "Command line (curl)" ``` $ curl -s ntfy.sh/mytopic/sse event: open data: {"id":"weSj9RtNkj","time":1635528898,"event":"open","topic":"mytopic"} data: {"id":"p0M5y6gcCY","time":1635528909,"event":"message","topic":"mytopic","message":"Hi!"} event: keepalive data: {"id":"VNxNIg5fpt","time":1635528928,"event":"keepalive","topic":"test"} ... ``` === "HTTP" ``` http GET /mytopic/sse HTTP/1.1 Host: ntfy.sh HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/event-stream; charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked event: open data: {"id":"weSj9RtNkj","time":1635528898,"event":"open","topic":"mytopic"} data: {"id":"p0M5y6gcCY","time":1635528909,"event":"message","topic":"mytopic","message":"Hi!"} event: keepalive data: {"id":"VNxNIg5fpt","time":1635528928,"event":"keepalive","topic":"test"} ... ``` === "JavaScript" ``` javascript const eventSource = new EventSource('https://ntfy.sh/mytopic/sse'); eventSource.onmessage = (e) => { console.log(e.data); }; ``` ## Subscribe as raw stream The `/raw` endpoint will output one line per message, and **will only include the message body**. It's useful for extremely simple scripts, and doesn't include all the data. Additional fields such as [priority](../publish.md#message-priority), [tags](../publish.md#tags--emojis--) or [message title](../publish.md#message-title) are not included in this output format. Keepalive messages are sent as empty lines. === "Command line (curl)" ``` $ curl -s ntfy.sh/disk-alerts/raw Disk full ... ``` === "HTTP" ``` http GET /disk-alerts/raw HTTP/1.1 Host: ntfy.sh HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Disk full ... ``` === "Go" ``` go resp, err := http.Get("https://ntfy.sh/disk-alerts/raw") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer resp.Body.Close() scanner := bufio.NewScanner(resp.Body) for scanner.Scan() { println(scanner.Text()) } ``` === "PHP" ``` php-inline $fp = fopen('https://ntfy.sh/disk-alerts/raw', 'r'); if (!$fp) die('cannot open stream'); while (!feof($fp)) { echo fgets($fp, 2048); flush(); } fclose($fp); ``` ## JSON message format Both the [`/json` endpoint](#subscribe-as-json-stream) and the [`/sse` endpoint](#subscribe-as-sse-stream) return a JSON format of the message. It's very straight forward: | Field | Required | Type | Example | Description | |---|---|---|---|---| | `id` | ✔️ | *string* | `hwQ2YpKdmg` | Randomly chosen message identifier | | `time` | ✔️ | *int* | `1635528741` | Message date time, as Unix time stamp | | `event` | ✔️ | `open`, `keepalive` or `message` | `message` | Message type, typically you'd be only interested in `message` | | `topic` | ✔️ | *string* | `topic1,topic2` | Comma-separated list of topics the message is associated with; only one for all `message` events, but may be a list in `open` events | | `message` | - | *string* | `Some message` | Message body; always present in `message` events | | `title` | - | *string* | `Some title` | Message [title](../publish.md#message-title); if not set defaults to `ntfy.sh/` | | `tags` | - | *string array* | `["tag1","tag2"]` | List of [tags](../publish.md#tags-emojis) that may or not map to emojis | | `priority` | - | *1, 2, 3, 4, or 5* | `4` | Message [priority](../publish.md#message-priority) with 1=min, 3=default and 5=max | Here's an example for each message type: === "Notification message" ``` json { "id": "wze9zgqK41", "time": 1638542110, "event": "message", "topic": "phil_alerts", "priority": 5, "tags": [ "warning", "skull" ], "title": "Unauthorized access detected", "message": "Remote access to phils-laptop detected. Act right away." } ``` === "Notification message (minimal)" ``` json { "id": "wze9zgqK41", "time": 1638542110, "event": "message", "topic": "phil_alerts", "message": "Remote access to phils-laptop detected. Act right away." } ``` === "Open message" ``` json { "id": "2pgIAaGrQ8", "time": 1638542215, "event": "open", "topic": "phil_alerts" } ``` === "Keepalive message" ``` json { "id": "371sevb0pD", "time": 1638542275, "event": "keepalive", "topic": "phil_alerts" } ``` ## Advanced features ### Fetching cached messages Messages may be cached for a couple of hours (see [message caching](../config.md#message-cache)) to account for network interruptions of subscribers. If the server has configured message caching, you can read back what you missed by using the `since=` query parameter. It takes either a duration (e.g. `10m` or `30s`), a Unix timestamp (e.g. `1635528757`) or `all` (all cached messages). ``` curl -s "ntfy.sh/mytopic/json?since=10m" ``` ### Polling You can also just poll for messages if you don't like the long-standing connection using the `poll=1` query parameter. The connection will end after all available messages have been read. This parameter can be combined with `since=` (defaults to `since=all`). ``` curl -s "ntfy.sh/mytopic/json?poll=1" ``` ### Subscribing to multiple topics It's possible to subscribe to multiple topics in one HTTP call by providing a comma-separated list of topics in the URL. This allows you to reduce the number of connections you have to maintain: ``` $ curl -s ntfy.sh/mytopic1,mytopic2/json {"id":"0OkXIryH3H","time":1637182619,"event":"open","topic":"mytopic1,mytopic2,mytopic3"} {"id":"dzJJm7BCWs","time":1637182634,"event":"message","topic":"mytopic1","message":"for topic 1"} {"id":"Cm02DsxUHb","time":1637182643,"event":"message","topic":"mytopic2","message":"for topic 2"} ```