# Release notes Binaries for all releases can be found on the GitHub releases pages for the [ntfy server](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases) and the [ntfy Android app](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy-android/releases). ## ntfy Android app v1.10.0 Released XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX **Features:** * Support for UnifiedPush 2.0 specification (bytes messages, #130) ## ntfy server v1.17.1 Released Mar 12, 2022 **Bug fixes:** * Replace `crypto.subtle` with `hashCode` to errors with Brave/FF-Windows (#157, thanks for reporting @arminus) ## ntfy server v1.17.0 Released Mar 11, 2022 **Features & bug fixes:** * Replace [web app](https://ntfy.sh/app) with a React/MUI-based web app from the 21st century (#111) * Web UI broken with auth (#132, thanks for reporting @arminus) * Send static web resources as `Content-Encoding: gzip`, i.e. docs and web app (no ticket) * Add support for auth via `?auth=...` query param, used by WebSocket in web app (no ticket) ## ntfy server v1.16.0 Released Feb 27, 2022 **Features & Bug fixes:** * Add [auth support](https://ntfy.sh/docs/subscribe/cli/#authentication) for subscribing with CLI (#147/#148, thanks @lrabane) * Add support for [?since=](https://ntfy.sh/docs/subscribe/api/#fetch-cached-messages) (#151, thanks for reporting @nachotp) **Documentation:** * Add [watchtower/shoutrr examples](https://ntfy.sh/docs/examples/#watchtower-notifications-shoutrrr) (#150, thanks @rogeliodh) * Add [release notes](https://ntfy.sh/docs/releases/) **Technical notes:** * As of this release, message IDs will be 12 characters long (as opposed to 10 characters). This is to be able to distinguish them from Unix timestamps for #151. ## ntfy Android app v1.9.1 Released Feb 16, 2022 **Features:** * Share to topic feature (#131, thanks u/emptymatrix for reporting) * Ability to pick a default server (#127, thanks to @poblabs for reporting and testing) * Automatically delete notifications (#71, thanks @arjan-s for reporting) * Dark theme: Improvements around style and contrast (#119, thanks @kzshantonu for reporting) **Bug fixes:** * Do not attempt to download attachments if they are already expired (#135) * Fixed crash in AddFragment as seen per stack trace in Play Console (no ticket) **Other thanks:** * Thanks to @rogeliodh, @cmeis and @poblabs for testing ## ntfy server v1.15.0 Released Feb 14, 2022 **Features & bug fixes:** * Compress binaries with `upx` (#137) * Add `visitor-request-limit-exempt-hosts` to exempt friendly hosts from rate limits (#144) * Double default requests per second limit from 1 per 10s to 1 per 5s (no ticket) * Convert `\n` to new line for `X-Message` header as prep for sharing feature (see #136) * Reduce bcrypt cost to 10 to make auth timing more reasonable on slow servers (no ticket) * Docs update to include [public test topics](https://ntfy.sh/docs/publish/#public-topics) (no ticket) ## ntfy server v1.14.1 Released Feb 9, 2022 **Bug fixes:** * Fix ARMv8 Docker build (#113, thanks to @djmaze) * No other significant changes ## ntfy Android app v1.8.1 Released Feb 6, 2022 **Features:** * Support [auth / access control](https://ntfy.sh/docs/config/#access-control) (#19, thanks to @cmeis, @drsprite/@poblabs, @gedw99, @karmanyaahm, @Mek101, @gc-ss, @julianfoad, @nmoseman, Jakob, PeterCxy, Techlosopher) * Export/upload log now allows censored/uncensored logs (no ticket) * Removed wake lock (except for notification dispatching, no ticket) * Swipe to remove notifications (#117) **Bug fixes:** * Fix download issues on SDK 29 "Movement not allowed" (#116, thanks Jakob) * Fix for Android 12 crashes (#124, thanks @eskilop) * Fix WebSocket retry logic bug with multiple servers (no ticket) * Fix race in refresh logic leading to duplicate connections (no ticket) * Fix scrolling issue in subscribe to topic dialog (#131, thanks @arminus) * Fix base URL text field color in dark mode, and size with large fonts (no ticket) * Fix action bar color in dark mode (make black, no ticket) **Notes:** * Foundational work for per-subscription settings ## ntfy server v1.14.0 Released Feb 3, 2022 **Features**: * Server-side for [authentication & authorization](https://ntfy.sh/docs/config/#access-control) (#19, thanks for testing @cmeis, and for input from @gedw99, @karmanyaahm, @Mek101, @gc-ss, @julianfoad, @nmoseman, Jakob, PeterCxy, Techlosopher) * Support `NTFY_TOPIC` env variable in `ntfy publish` (#103) **Bug fixes**: * Binary UnifiedPush messages should not be converted to attachments (part 1, #101) **Docs**: * Clarification regarding attachments (#118, thanks @xnumad) ## ntfy Android app v1.7.1 Released Jan 21, 2022 **New features:** * Battery improvements: wakelock disabled by default (#76) * Dark mode: Allow changing app appearance (#102) * Report logs: Copy/export logs to help troubleshooting (#94) * WebSockets (experimental): Use WebSockets to subscribe to topics (#96, #100, #97) * Show battery optimization banner (#105) **Bug fixes:** * (Partial) support for binary UnifiedPush messages (#101) **Notes:** * The foreground wakelock is now disabled by default * The service restarter is now scheduled every 3h instead of every 6h ## ntfy server v1.13.0 Released Jan 16, 2022 **Features:** * [Websockets](https://ntfy.sh/docs/subscribe/api/#websockets) endpoint * Listen on Unix socket, see [config option](https://ntfy.sh/docs/config/#config-options) `listen-unix` ## ntfy Android app v1.6.0 Released Jan 14, 2022 **New features:** * Attachments: Send files to the phone (#25, #15) * Click action: Add a click action URL to notifications (#85) * Battery optimization: Allow disabling persistent wake-lock (#76, thanks @MatMaul) * Recognize imported user CA certificate for self-hosted servers (#87, thanks @keith24) * Remove mentions of "instant delivery" from F-Droid to make it less confusing (no ticket) **Bug fixes:** * Subscription "muted until" was not always respected (#90) * Fix two stack traces reported by Play console vitals (no ticket) * Truncate FCM messages >4,000 bytes, prefer instant messages (#84) ## ntfy server v1.12.1 Released Jan 14, 2022 **Bug fixes:** * Fix security issue with attachment peaking (#93) ## ntfy server v1.12.0 Released Jan 13, 2022 **Features:** * [Attachments](https://ntfy.sh/docs/publish/#attachments) (#25, #15) * [Click action](https://ntfy.sh/docs/publish/#click-action) (#85) * Increase FCM priority for high/max priority messages (#70) **Bug fixes:** * Make postinst script work properly for rpm-based systems (#83, thanks @cmeis) * Truncate FCM messages longer than 4000 bytes (#84) * Fix `listen-https` port (no ticket) ## ntfy Android app v1.5.2 Released Jan 3, 2022 **New features:** * Allow using ntfy as UnifiedPush distributor (#9) * Support for longer message up to 4096 bytes (#77) * Minimum priority: show notifications only if priority X or higher (#79) * Allowing disabling broadcasts in global settings (#80) **Bug fixes:** * Allow int/long extras for SEND_MESSAGE intent (#57) * Various battery improvement fixes (#76) ## ntfy server v1.11.2 Released Jan 1, 2022 **Features & bug fixes:** * Increase message limit to 4096 bytes (4k) #77 * Docs for [UnifiedPush](https://unifiedpush.org) #9 * Increase keepalive interval to 55s #76 * Increase Firebase keepalive to 3 hours #76 ## ntfy server v1.10.0 Released Dec 28, 2021 **Features & bug fixes:** * [Publish messages via e-mail](ntfy.sh/docs/publish/#e-mail-publishing) #66 * Server-side work to support [unifiedpush.org](https://unifiedpush.org) #64 * Fixing the Santa bug #65 ## Older releases For older releases, check out the GitHub releases pages for the [ntfy server](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/releases) and the [ntfy Android app](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy-android/releases).