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mirror of https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy.git synced 2024-10-20 12:53:06 +02:00
nimbleghost 11f8984127 Add a way to use Docker for building everything
I’d like to test #751 on my own instance, but installing all the build
dependencies on my server isn’t ideal - having this script in the repo
would make it possible to simply point my compose file to the git repo
and have it build the Linux binary itself.

Note that it uses a somewhat “inefficient” builder step, i.e. not
combining steps together to reduce layers, as it uses a multi-stage
build to have a lean final image. This makes it easier to re-build if
something needs to change, as the cache is used more optimally.

For example, if only some go files change, most of the build is already
cached and only the go step gets re-run.

The more “efficient” builder step would look like this, but would have
to build the docs, web app and go CLI for any change in any file:

FROM golang:1.19-bullseye as builder

RUN apt-get update && \
    curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_18.x | bash && \
    apt-get install -y \
    build-essential \
    nodejs \

ADD . .

RUN make web docs cli-linux-server
2023-05-26 22:22:21 +02:00

355 lines
12 KiB

MAKEFLAGS := --jobs=1
VERSION := $(shell git describe --tag)
COMMIT := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
@echo "Typical commands (more see below):"
@echo " make build - Build web app, documentation and server/client (sloowwww)"
@echo " make cli-linux-amd64 - Build server/client binary (amd64, no web app or docs)"
@echo " make install-linux-amd64 - Install ntfy binary to /usr/bin/ntfy (amd64)"
@echo " make web - Build the web app"
@echo " make docs - Build the documentation"
@echo " make check - Run all tests, vetting/formatting checks and linters"
@echo "Build everything:"
@echo " make build - Build web app, documentation and server/client"
@echo " make clean - Clean build/dist folders"
@echo "Build server & client (using GoReleaser, not release version):"
@echo " make cli - Build server & client (all architectures)"
@echo " make cli-linux-amd64 - Build server & client (Linux, amd64 only)"
@echo " make cli-linux-armv6 - Build server & client (Linux, armv6 only)"
@echo " make cli-linux-armv7 - Build server & client (Linux, armv7 only)"
@echo " make cli-linux-arm64 - Build server & client (Linux, arm64 only)"
@echo " make cli-windows-amd64 - Build client (Windows, amd64 only)"
@echo " make cli-darwin-all - Build client (macOS, arm64+amd64 universal binary)"
@echo "Build server & client (without GoReleaser):"
@echo " make cli-linux-server - Build client & server (no GoReleaser, current arch, Linux)"
@echo " make cli-darwin-server - Build client & server (no GoReleaser, current arch, macOS)"
@echo " make cli-client - Build client only (no GoReleaser, current arch, Linux/macOS/Windows)"
@echo "Build dev Docker:"
@echo " make docker-dev - Build client & server for current architecture using Docker only"
@echo "Build web app:"
@echo " make web - Build the web app"
@echo " make web-deps - Install web app dependencies (npm install the universe)"
@echo " make web-build - Actually build the web app"
@echo " make web-lint - Run eslint on the web app"
@echo " make web-format - Run prettier on the web app"
@echo " make web-format-check - Run prettier on the web app, but don't change anything"
@echo "Build documentation:"
@echo " make docs - Build the documentation"
@echo " make docs-deps - Install Python dependencies (pip3 install)"
@echo " make docs-build - Actually build the documentation"
@echo "Test/check:"
@echo " make test - Run tests"
@echo " make race - Run tests with -race flag"
@echo " make coverage - Run tests and show coverage"
@echo " make coverage-html - Run tests and show coverage (as HTML)"
@echo " make coverage-upload - Upload coverage results to codecov.io"
@echo "Lint/format:"
@echo " make fmt - Run 'go fmt'"
@echo " make fmt-check - Run 'go fmt', but don't change anything"
@echo " make vet - Run 'go vet'"
@echo " make lint - Run 'golint'"
@echo " make staticcheck - Run 'staticcheck'"
@echo "Releasing:"
@echo " make release - Create a release"
@echo " make release-snapshot - Create a test release"
@echo "Install locally (requires sudo):"
@echo " make install-linux-amd64 - Copy amd64 binary from dist/ to /usr/bin/ntfy"
@echo " make install-linux-armv6 - Copy armv6 binary from dist/ to /usr/bin/ntfy"
@echo " make install-linux-armv7 - Copy armv7 binary from dist/ to /usr/bin/ntfy"
@echo " make install-linux-arm64 - Copy arm64 binary from dist/ to /usr/bin/ntfy"
@echo " make install-linux-deb-amd64 - Install .deb from dist/ (amd64 only)"
@echo " make install-linux-deb-armv6 - Install .deb from dist/ (armv6 only)"
@echo " make install-linux-deb-armv7 - Install .deb from dist/ (armv7 only)"
@echo " make install-linux-deb-arm64 - Install .deb from dist/ (arm64 only)"
# Building everything
clean: .PHONY
rm -rf dist build server/docs server/site
build: web docs cli
update: web-deps-update cli-deps-update docs-deps-update
docker pull alpine
docker build \
--file ./Dockerfile-build \
--tag binwiederhier/ntfy:$(VERSION) \
--tag binwiederhier/ntfy:dev \
--build-arg VERSION=$(VERSION) \
--build-arg COMMIT=$(COMMIT) \
# Ubuntu-specific
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y \
curl \
gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu \
gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi \
which pip3 || sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip
# Documentation
docs: docs-deps docs-build
docs-build: .PHONY
@if ! /bin/echo -e "import sys\nif sys.version_info < (3,8):\n exit(1)" | python3; then \
if which python3.8; then \
echo "python3.8 $(shell which mkdocs) build"; \
python3.8 $(shell which mkdocs) build; \
else \
echo "ERROR: Python version too low. mkdocs-material needs >= 3.8"; \
exit 1; \
fi; \
else \
echo "mkdocs build"; \
mkdocs build; \
docs-deps: .PHONY
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
docs-deps-update: .PHONY
pip3 install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
# Web app
web: web-deps web-build
cd web \
&& npm run build \
&& mv build/index.html build/app.html \
&& rm -rf ../server/site \
&& mv build ../server/site \
&& rm \
cd web && npm install
# If this fails for .svg files, optimize them with svgo
cd web && npm update
cd web && npm run format
cd web && npm run format:check
cd web && npm run lint
# Main server/client build
cli: cli-deps
goreleaser build --snapshot --clean
cli-linux-amd64: cli-deps-static-sites
goreleaser build --snapshot --clean --id ntfy_linux_amd64
cli-linux-armv6: cli-deps-static-sites cli-deps-gcc-armv6-armv7
goreleaser build --snapshot --clean --id ntfy_linux_armv6
cli-linux-armv7: cli-deps-static-sites cli-deps-gcc-armv6-armv7
goreleaser build --snapshot --clean --id ntfy_linux_armv7
cli-linux-arm64: cli-deps-static-sites cli-deps-gcc-arm64
goreleaser build --snapshot --clean --id ntfy_linux_arm64
cli-windows-amd64: cli-deps-static-sites
goreleaser build --snapshot --clean --id ntfy_windows_amd64
cli-darwin-all: cli-deps-static-sites
goreleaser build --snapshot --clean --id ntfy_darwin_all
cli-linux-server: cli-deps-static-sites
# This is a target to build the CLI (including the server) manually.
# Use this for development, if you really don't want to install GoReleaser ...
mkdir -p dist/ntfy_linux_server server/docs
CGO_ENABLED=1 go build \
-o dist/ntfy_linux_server/ntfy \
-tags sqlite_omit_load_extension,osusergo,netgo \
-ldflags \
"-linkmode=external -extldflags=-static -s -w -X main.version=$(VERSION) -X main.commit=$(COMMIT) -X main.date=$(shell date +%s)"
cli-darwin-server: cli-deps-static-sites
# This is a target to build the CLI (including the server) manually.
# Use this for macOS/iOS development, so you have a local server to test with.
mkdir -p dist/ntfy_darwin_server server/docs
CGO_ENABLED=1 go build \
-o dist/ntfy_darwin_server/ntfy \
-tags sqlite_omit_load_extension,osusergo,netgo \
-ldflags \
"-linkmode=external -s -w -X main.version=$(VERSION) -X main.commit=$(COMMIT) -X main.date=$(shell date +%s)"
cli-client: cli-deps-static-sites
# This is a target to build the CLI (excluding the server) manually. This should work on Linux/macOS/Windows.
# Use this for development, if you really don't want to install GoReleaser ...
mkdir -p dist/ntfy_client server/docs
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build \
-o dist/ntfy_client/ntfy \
-tags noserver \
-ldflags \
"-X main.version=$(VERSION) -X main.commit=$(COMMIT) -X main.date=$(shell date +%s)"
cli-deps: cli-deps-static-sites cli-deps-all cli-deps-gcc
cli-deps-gcc: cli-deps-gcc-armv6-armv7 cli-deps-gcc-arm64
mkdir -p server/docs server/site
touch server/docs/index.html server/site/app.html
go install github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser@latest
which arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc || { echo "ERROR: ARMv6/ARMv7 cross compiler not installed. On Ubuntu, run: apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi"; exit 1; }
which aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc || { echo "ERROR: ARM64 cross compiler not installed. On Ubuntu, run: apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu"; exit 1; }
go get -u
go install honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck@latest
go install golang.org/x/lint/golint@latest
go install github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser@latest
cat dist/config.yaml
[ -f dist/artifacts.json ] && cat dist/artifacts.json | jq . || true
[ -f dist/metadata.json ] && cat dist/metadata.json | jq . || true
[ -f dist/checksums.txt ] && cat dist/checksums.txt || true
find dist -maxdepth 2 -type f \
\( -name '*.deb' -or -name '*.rpm' -or -name '*.zip' -or -name '*.tar.gz' -or -name 'ntfy' \) \
-and -not -path 'dist/goreleaserdocker*' \
-exec sha256sum {} \;
# Test/check targets
check: test web-format-check fmt-check vet web-lint lint staticcheck
test: .PHONY
go test $(shell go list ./... | grep -vE 'ntfy/(test|examples|tools)')
testv: .PHONY
go test -v $(shell go list ./... | grep -vE 'ntfy/(test|examples|tools)')
race: .PHONY
go test -v -race $(shell go list ./... | grep -vE 'ntfy/(test|examples|tools)')
mkdir -p build/coverage
go test -v -race -coverprofile=build/coverage/coverage.txt -covermode=atomic $(shell go list ./... | grep -vE 'ntfy/(test|examples|tools)')
go tool cover -func build/coverage/coverage.txt
mkdir -p build/coverage
go test -race -coverprofile=build/coverage/coverage.txt -covermode=atomic $(shell go list ./... | grep -vE 'ntfy/(test|examples|tools)')
go tool cover -html build/coverage/coverage.txt
cd build/coverage && (curl -s https://codecov.io/bash | bash)
# Lint/formatting targets
gofmt -s -w .
test -z $(shell gofmt -l .)
go vet ./...
which golint || go install golang.org/x/lint/golint@latest
go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/ | xargs -L1 golint -set_exit_status
staticcheck: .PHONY
rm -rf build/staticcheck
which staticcheck || go install honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck@latest
mkdir -p build/staticcheck
ln -s "go" build/staticcheck/go
PATH="$(PWD)/build/staticcheck:$(PATH)" staticcheck ./...
rm -rf build/staticcheck
# Releasing targets
release: clean cli-deps release-checks docs web check
goreleaser release --clean
release-snapshot: clean cli-deps docs web check
goreleaser release --snapshot --skip-publish --clean
$(eval LATEST_TAG := $(shell git describe --abbrev=0 --tags | cut -c2-))
if ! grep -q $(LATEST_TAG) docs/install.md; then\
echo "ERROR: Must update docs/install.md with latest tag first.";\
exit 1;\
if ! grep -q $(LATEST_TAG) docs/releases.md; then\
echo "ERROR: Must update docs/releases.md with latest tag first.";\
exit 1;\
if [ -n "$(shell git status -s)" ]; then\
echo "ERROR: Git repository is in an unclean state.";\
exit 1;\
# Installing targets
install-linux-amd64: remove-binary
sudo cp -a dist/ntfy_linux_amd64_linux_amd64_v1/ntfy /usr/bin/ntfy
install-linux-armv6: remove-binary
sudo cp -a dist/ntfy_linux_armv6_linux_arm_6/ntfy /usr/bin/ntfy
install-linux-armv7: remove-binary
sudo cp -a dist/ntfy_linux_armv7_linux_arm_7/ntfy /usr/bin/ntfy
install-linux-arm64: remove-binary
sudo cp -a dist/ntfy_linux_arm64_linux_arm64/ntfy /usr/bin/ntfy
sudo rm -f /usr/bin/ntfy
install-linux-amd64-deb: purge-package
sudo dpkg -i dist/ntfy_*_linux_amd64.deb
install-linux-armv6-deb: purge-package
sudo dpkg -i dist/ntfy_*_linux_armv6.deb
install-linux-armv7-deb: purge-package
sudo dpkg -i dist/ntfy_*_linux_armv7.deb
install-linux-arm64-deb: purge-package
sudo dpkg -i dist/ntfy_*_linux_arm64.deb
sudo systemctl stop ntfy || true
sudo apt-get purge ntfy || true