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2021-05-24 18:35:53 +02:00
InfCloud - the open source CalDAV/CardDAV Web Client
Copyright (C) 2011-2015
Jan Mate <jan.mate@inf-it.com>
Andrej Lezo <andrej.lezo@inf-it.com>
Matej Mihalik <matej.mihalik@inf-it.com>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// NOTE: see readme.txt before you start to configure this client!
// NOTE: if this option is enabled you will get notifications for devel builds!
var globalEnableDevelBuilds=true;
// NOTE: do not forget to execute the cache_update.sh script every time you
// update this configuration file or any other files (otherwise your browser
// will use the previous version of files stored in HTML5 cache). Alternatively
// you can update the cache.manifest manually - edit the second line beginning
// with "#V 20" to anything else (this file simple needs "some" change)
// Supported setup types (use ONE of them):
// a.) globalAccountSettings => username and password is hardcoded
// in config.js, automatic login without the login screen
// - advantages: fast login process = no username/password is required
// - disadvantages: username/password is visible in your config.js, so
// this type of setup is recommended ONLY for intranet/home users
// b.) globalNetworkCheckSettings => standard setup with login screen
// - advantages: username/password is required (no visible
// username/password in config.js)
// - disadvantages: if a user enters wrong username/password then
// the browser will show authentication popup window (it is NOT
// possible to disable it in JavaScript; see the next option)
// c.) globalNetworkAccountSettings => advanced setup with login screen
// - advantages: no authentication popup if you enter wrong username/
// password, dynamic XML configuration generator (you can generate
// different configurations for your users /by modifying the "auth"
// module configuration or the PHP code itself/)
// - disadvantages: requires PHP >= 5.3 and additional configuration,
// only basic http authentication is supported => always use https!
// What is a "principal URL"? => Check you server documentation!
// - "principal URL" is NOT "collection URL"
// - this client automatically detects collections for "principal URL"
// - PROPER "principal URL" looks like:
// https://server.com:8443/principals/users/USER/
// https://server.com:8443/caldav.php/USER/
// - INVALID principal URL looks like:
// https://server.com:8443/principals/users/USER/collection/
// => this is a collection URL
// https://server.com:8443/caldav.php/USER/collection/
// => this is a collection URL
// https://server.com:8443/principals/users/USER
// => missing trailing '/'
// https://server.com:8443/caldav.php/USER
// => missing trailing '/'
// /caldav.php/USER/
// => relative URL instead of full URL
// List of properties used in globalAccountSettings, globalNetworkCheckSettings
// and globalNetworkAccountSettings variables (+ in the "auth" module):
// - href
// Depending on the setup type set the value to:
// a.) globalAccountSettings: full "principal URL"
// b.) globalNetworkCheckSettings: "principal URL" WITHOUT the "USER/" part
// c.) globalNetworkAccountSettings: "full URL" to the "auth" directory
// This property is supported in:
// globalAccountSettings
// globalNetworkCheckSettings
// globalNetworkAccountSettings
// - userAuth
// - userName
// Set the username you want to login.
// - userPassword
// Set the password for the given username.
// This property is supported in:
// globalAccountSettings
// - timeOut
// This option sets the timeout for jQuery .ajax call (in miliseconds).
// Example:
// timeOut: 90000
// This property is supported in:
// globalAccountSettings
// globalNetworkCheckSettings
// globalNetworkAccountSettings
// - lockTimeOut
// NOTE: used only if server supports LOCK requests
// This option sets the LOCK timeout value if resource locking
// is used (in miliseconds).
// Example:
// lockTimeOut: 10000
// This property is supported in:
// globalAccountSettings
// globalNetworkCheckSettings
// globalNetworkAccountSettings (available in auth module only)
// - checkContentType
// This option enables a content-type checking for server response.
// If enabled then only objects with proper content-type are inserted
// into the interface.
// If you cannot see data in the interface you may try to disable it (useful
// if your server returns wrong value in "propstat/prop/getcontenttype").
// If undefined then content-type checking is enabled.
// Examples:
// checkContentType: true
// checkContentType: false
// This property is supported in:
// globalAccountSettings
// globalNetworkCheckSettings
// globalNetworkAccountSettings (available in auth module only)
// - settingsAccount
// NOTE: server support for custom DAV properties is REQUIRED!
// This option sets the account where the client properties such as:
// loaded collections, enabled collections, ... are saved during
// the logout and resource/collection synchronisation
// NOTE: set it to true ONLY for ONE account!
// Examples:
// settingsAccount: true
// settingsAccount: false
// This property is supported in:
// globalAccountSettings
// globalNetworkCheckSettings
// globalNetworkAccountSettings (available in auth module only)
// - delegation
// NOTE: server support for this functionality is REQUIRED!
// This option allows you to load delegated (shared) collections.
// If set to true (default) then delegation functionality is enabled,
// and the interface allows you to load delegated collections.
// If false then delegation functionality is completely disabled.
// Examples:
// delegation: true
// delegation: false
// This property is supported in:
// globalAccountSettings
// globalNetworkCheckSettings
// globalNetworkAccountSettings (available in auth module only)
// - additionalResources
// This options sets the list of additional resources (e.g. shared resources
// accessible by all users). If the server supports delegation (see
// the delegation option above) there is no reason to use this option!
// Supported values:
// - array of URL encoded resource names (not collections), such as:
// 'company'
// 'shared_resource'
// If empty (default) or undefined then shared resources are not loaded
// using this option, but may be loaded using the delegation option.
// Examples:
// additionalResources=[]
// additionalResources=['public', 'shared_resource']
// This property is supported in:
// globalNetworkCheckSettings
// - hrefLabel
// This option sets the server name in the resource header (useful if
// you want to see custom resource header above the collections).
// You can use the following variables in the value:
// %H = full hostname (including the port number)
// %h = full hostname (without the port number)
// %D = full domain name
// %d = only the first and second level domain
// %P = principal name
// %p = principal name without the @domain.com part (if present)
// %U = logged user name
// %u = logged user name without the @domain.com part (if present)
// If undefined, empty or or null then '%d/%p [%u]' is used.
// Examples:
// hrefLabel: '%d/%p [%u]'
// hrefLabel: '%D/%u'
// This property is supported in:
// globalAccountSettings
// globalNetworkCheckSettings
// globalNetworkAccountSettings (available in auth module only)
// - forceReadOnly
// This option sets the list of collections as "read-only".
// Supported values:
// - true
// all collections will be "read-only"
// - array of URL encoded
// - collections, such as:
// '/caldav.php/user/calendar/'
// '/caldav.php/user%40domain.com/calendar/'
// - regexes, such as:
// new RegExp('^/caldav.php/user/calendar[0-9]/$', 'i')
// specifies the list of collections marked as "read-only"
// If null (default) or undefined then server detected privileges are used.
// Examples:
// forceReadOnly: null
// forceReadOnly: true
// forceReadOnly: ['/caldav.php/user/calendar/',
// '/caldav.php/user/calendar2/']
// forceReadOnly: [new RegExp('^/.*/user/calendar[0-9]/$', 'i')]
// This property is supported in:
// globalAccountSettings
// globalNetworkCheckSettings
// globalNetworkAccountSettings (available in auth module only, with
// different syntax for regexes)
// - ignoreAlarms
// This option sets list of calendar collections with disabled
// alarm functionality.
// Supported values:
// - true
// alarm functionality is disabled for all collections
// - array of URL encoded
// - collections, such as:
// '/caldav.php/user/calendar/'
// '/caldav.php/user%40domain.com/calendar/'
// - regexes, such as:
// new RegExp('^/caldav.php/user/calendar[0-9]/$', 'i')
// specifies the list of collections with disabled alarm functionality.
// If false (default) or undefined then alarm functionality is enabled
// for all collections.
// Examples:
// ignoreAlarms: true
// ignoreAlarms: ['/caldav.php/user/calendar/',
// '/caldav.php/user/calendar2/']
// ignoreAlarms: [new RegExp('^/.*/user/calendar[0-9]/$', 'i')]
// This property is supported in:
// globalAccountSettings
// globalNetworkCheckSettings
// globalNetworkAccountSettings (available in auth module only, with
// different syntax for regexes)
// - backgroundCalendars
// This options defines a list of background calendars. If there is
// at least one event defined for the given day in a background calendar,
// the background color for that day will be pink/light-red.
// Supported values:
// - array of URL encoded
// - collections, such as:
// '/caldav.php/user/calendar/'
// '/caldav.php/user%40domain.com/calendar/'
// - regexes, such as:
// new RegExp('^/caldav.php/user/calendar[0-9]/$', 'i')
// specifies the list of background calendar collections.
// Examples:
// backgroundCalendars: ['/caldav.php/user/calendar/',
// '/caldav.php/user/calendar2/']
// backgroundCalendars: [new RegExp('^/.*/user/calendar[0-9]/$', 'i')]
// This property is supported in:
// globalAccountSettings
// globalNetworkCheckSettings
// globalNetworkAccountSettings (available in auth module only, with
// different syntax for regexes)
// Special options not present in configuration examples:
// NOTE: use ONLY if you know what are you doing!
// - crossDomain
// This option sets the crossDomain for jQuery .ajax call. If null (default)
// then the value is autodetected /and the result is shown in the console/
// - withCredentials
// This option sets the withCredentials for jQuery .ajax call. The default
// value is false and there is NO REASON to change it to true!
// NOTE: if true, Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" (CORS header) not works!
// globalAccountSettings
// Use this option if you want to use automatic login (without a login
// screen) with hardcoded username/password in config.js. Otherwise use
// globalNetworkCheckSettings or globalNetworkAccountSettings (see below).
// NOTE: if this option is used the value must be an array of object(s).
// List of properties used in globalAccountSettings variable:
// - href
// Set this option to the full "principal URL".
// NOTE: the last character in the value must be '/'
// - userAuth
// - userName
// Set the username you want to login.
// - userPassword
// Set the password for the given username.
// NOTE: for description of other properties see comments at the beginning
// of this file.
// NOTE: for minimal/fast setup you need to set only the href and userAuth
// options. It is safe/recommended to keep the remaining options unchanged!
// Example:
//var globalAccountSettings=[
// {
// href: 'https://server1.com:8443/caldav.php/USERNAME1/',
// userAuth:
// {
// userName: 'USERNAME1',
// userPassword: 'PASSWORD1'
// },
// timeOut: 90000,
// lockTimeOut: 10000,
// checkContentType: true,
// settingsAccount: true,
// delegation: true,
// hrefLabel: null,
// forceReadOnly: null,
// ignoreAlarms: false,
// backgroundCalendars: []
// },
// {
// href: 'https://server2.com:8443/caldav.php/USERNAME2/',
// ...
// ...
// }
// globalNetworkCheckSettings
// Use this option if you want to use standard login screen without
// hardcoded username/password in config.js (used by globalAccountSettings).
// NOTE: if this option is used the value must be an object.
// List of properties used in globalAccountSettings variable:
// - href
// Set this option to the "principal URL" WITHOUT the "USERNAME/"
// part (this options uses the username from the login screen).
// NOTE: the last character in the value must be '/'
// NOTE: for description of other properties see comments at the beginning
// of this file.
// NOTE: for minimal/fast setup you need to set only the href option. It is
// safe/recommended to keep the remaining options unchanged!
// Example href values:
// OS X server http example (see misc/readme_osx.txt for server setup):
// href: 'http://osx.server.com:8008/principals/users/'
// OS X server https example (see misc/readme_osx.txt for server setup):
// href: 'https://osx.server.com:8443/principals/users/'
// Cyrus server https example:
// href: 'https://cyrus.server.com/dav/principals/user/'
// Example:
// Davical example which automatically detects the protocol, server name,
// port, ... (client installed into Davical "htdocs" subdirectory;
// works "out of the box", no additional setup required):
var globalNetworkCheckSettings={
href: location.protocol+'//'+location.hostname+
(location.port ? ':'+location.port: '')+
timeOut: 90000,
lockTimeOut: 10000,
checkContentType: true,
settingsAccount: true,
delegation: true,
additionalResources: [],
hrefLabel: null,
forceReadOnly: null,
ignoreAlarms: false,
backgroundCalendars: []
// globalNetworkAccountSettings
// Try this option ONLY if you have working setup using
// globalNetworkCheckSettings and want to fix the authentication popup
// window problem (if invalid username/password is entered)!
// If you use this option then your browser sends username/password to the PHP
// "auth" module ("auth" directory) instead of the DAV server itself.
// The "auth" module then validates your username/password against your server,
// and if the authentication is successful, then it sends back a configuration
// XML (requires additional configuration). The resulting XML is handled
// IDENTICALLY as the globalAccountSettings configuration option.
// NOTE: for the "auth" module configuration see readme.txt!
// NOTE: this option invokes a login screen and disallows access until
// the client gets correct XML configuration file from the server!
// List of properties used in globalNetworkAccountSettings variable:
// - href
// Set this option to the "full URL" of the "auth" directory
// NOTE: the last character in the value must be '/'
// NOTE: for description of other properties see comments at the beginning
// of this file.
// Example href values:
// href: 'https://server.com/client/auth/'
// Example:
// Use this configuration if the "auth" module is located in the client
// installation subdirectory (default):
//var globalNetworkAccountSettings={
// href: location.protocol+'//'+location.hostname+
// (location.port ? ':'+location.port : '')+
// location.pathname.replace(RegExp('index\.html$'),'')+
// 'auth/',
// timeOut: 30000
// globalUseJqueryAuth
// Use jQuery .ajax() auth or custom header for HTTP basic auth (default).
// Set this option to true if your server uses digest auth (note: you may
// experience auth popups on some browsers).
// If undefined (or empty), custom header for HTTP basic auth is used.
// Example:
//var globalUseJqueryAuth=false;
// globalBackgroundSync
// Enable background synchronization even if the browser window/tab has no
// focus.
// If false, synchronization is performed only if the browser window/tab
// is focused. If undefined or not false, then background sync is enabled.
// Example:
var globalBackgroundSync=true;
// globalSyncResourcesInterval
// This option defines how often (in miliseconds) are resources/collections
// asynchronously synchronized.
// Example:
var globalSyncResourcesInterval=120000;
// globalEnableRefresh
// This option enables or disables the manual synchronization button in
// the interface. If this option is enabled then users can perform server
// synchronization manually. Enabling this option may cause high server
// load (even DDOS) if users will try to manually synchronize data too
// often (instead of waiting for the automatic synchronization).
// If undefined or false, the synchronization button is disabled.
// NOTE: enable this option only if you really know what are you doing!
// Example:
var globalEnableRefresh=true;
// globalEnableKbNavigation
// Enable basic keyboard navigation using arrow keys?
// If undefined or not false, keyboard navigation is enabled.
// Example:
var globalEnableKbNavigation=true;
// globalSettingsType
// Where to store user settings such as: active view, enabled/selected
// collections, ... (the client store them into DAV property on the server).
// NOTE: not all servers support storing DAV properties (some servers support
// only subset /or none/ of these URLs).
// Supported values:
// - 'principal-URL', '', null or undefined (default) => settings are stored
// to principal-URL (recommended for most servers)
// - 'addressbook-home-set' => settings are are stored to addressbook-home-set
// - 'calendar-home-set' => settings are stored to calendar-home-set
// Example:
//var globalSettingsType='';
// globalCrossServerSettingsURL
// Settings such as enabled/selected collections are stored on the server
// (see the previous option) in form of full URL
// (e.g.: https://user@server:port/principal/collection/), but even if this
// approach is "correct" (you can use the same principal URL with multiple
// different logins, ...) it causes a problem if your server is accessible
// from multiple URLs (e.g. http://server/ and https://server/). If you want
// to store only the "principal/collection/" part of the URL (instead of the
// full URL) then enable this option.
// Example:
//var globalCrossServerSettingsURL=false;
// globalInterfaceLanguage
// Default interface language (note: this option is case sensitive):
// cs_CZ (Čeština [Czech])
// da_DK (Dansk [Danish]; thanks Niels Bo Andersen)
// de_DE (Deutsch [German]; thanks Marten Gajda and Thomas Scheel)
// en_US (English [English/US])
// es_ES (Español [Spanish]; thanks Damián Vila)
// fr_FR (Français [French]; thanks John Fischer)
// it_IT (Italiano [Italian]; thanks Luca Ferrario)
// ja_JP (日本語 [Japan]; thanks Muimu Nakayama)
// hu_HU (Magyar [Hungarian])
// nb_NO (Norsk (bokmål) [Norwegian]; thanks Tore Ørpetveit)
// nl_NL (Nederlands [Dutch]; thanks Johan Vromans)
// sk_SK (Slovenčina [Slovak])
// tr_TR (Türkçe [Turkish]; thanks Selcuk Pultar)
// ru_RU (Русский [Russian]; thanks Александр Симонов)
// uk_UA (Українська [Ukrainian]; thanks Serge Yakimchuck)
// zh_CN (中国 [Chinese]; thanks Fandy)
// Example:
var globalInterfaceLanguage='es_ES';
// globalInterfaceCustomLanguages
// If defined and not empty then only languages listed here are shown
// at the login screen, otherwise (default) all languages are shown
// NOTE: values in the array must refer to an existing localization
// (see the option above)
// Example:
// globalInterfaceCustomLanguages=['en_US', 'sk_SK'];
var globalInterfaceCustomLanguages=['es_ES', 'en_US'];
// globalSortAlphabet
// Use JavaScript localeCompare() or custom alphabet for data sorting.
// Custom alphabet is used by default because JavaScript localeCompare()
// not supports collation and often returns "wrong" result. If set to null
// then localeCompare() is used.
// Example:
// var globalSortAlphabet=null;
var globalSortAlphabet=' 0123456789'+
// globalSearchTransformAlphabet
// To support search without diacritics (e.g. search for 'd' will find: 'Ď', 'ď')
// it is required to define something like "character equivalence".
// key = regex text, value = search character
// Example:
var globalSearchTransformAlphabet={
'[ÀàÁáÂâÄäÆæÃãÅåĀā]': 'a', '[ÇçĆćČč]': 'c', '[Ďď]': 'd',
'[ÈèÉéÊêËëĒēĖėĘęĚě]': 'e', '[Ğğ]': 'g', '[ÌìÍíÎîİıÏïĪīĮį]': 'i',
'[ŁłĹ弾]': 'l', '[ŃńÑñŇň]': 'n', '[ÒòÓóÔôÖöŐőŒœØøÕõŌō]': 'o',
'[ŔŕŘř]': 'r', '[ŚśŠšȘșŞşẞß]': 's', '[ŤťȚțŢţ]': 't',
'[ÙùÚúÛûÜüŰűŮůŪū]': 'u', '[ÝýŸÿ]': 'y', '[ŹźŻżŽž]': 'z'
// globalResourceAlphabetSorting
// If more than one resource (server account) is configured, sort the
// resources alphabetically?
// Example:
var globalResourceAlphabetSorting=true;
// globalNewVersionNotifyUsers
// Update notification will be shown only to users with login names defined
// in this array.
// If undefined (or empty), update notifications will be shown to all users.
// Example:
// globalNewVersionNotifyUsers=['admin', 'peter'];
var globalNewVersionNotifyUsers=null;
// globalDatepickerFormat
// Set the datepicker format (see
// http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Datepicker/formatDate for valid values).
// NOTE: date format is predefined for each localization - use this option
// ONLY if you want to use custom date format (instead of the localization
// predefined one).
// Example:
//var globalDatepickerFormat='dd.mm.yy';
// globalDatepickerFirstDayOfWeek
// Set the datepicker first day of the week: Sunday is 0, Monday is 1, etc.
// Example:
var globalDatepickerFirstDayOfWeek=1;
// globalHideInfoMessageAfter
// How long are information messages (such as: success, error) displayed
// (in miliseconds).
// Example:
var globalHideInfoMessageAfter=1800;
// globalEditorFadeAnimation
// Set the editor fade in/out animation duration when editing or saving data
// (in miliseconds).
// Example:
var globalEditorFadeAnimation=666;
// ******* CalDAV (CalDavZAP) related settings ******* //
// globalEventStartPastLimit, globalEventStartFutureLimit, globalTodoPastLimit
// Number of months pre-loaded from past/future in advance for calendars
// and todo lists (if null then date range synchronization is disabled).
// NOTE: interval synchronization is used only if your server supports
// sync-collection REPORT (e.g. DAViCal).
// NOTE: if you experience problems with data loading and your server has
// no time-range filtering support set these variables to null.
// Example:
var globalEventStartPastLimit=3;
var globalEventStartFutureLimit=3;
var globalTodoPastLimit=1;
// globalLoadedCalendarCollections
// This option sets the list of calendar collections (down)loaded after login.
// If empty then all calendar collections for the currently logged user are
// loaded.
// NOTE: settings stored on the server (see settingsAccount) overwrite this
// option.
// Example:
var globalLoadedCalendarCollections=[];
// globalLoadedTodoCollections
// This option sets the list of todo collections (down)loaded after login.
// If empty then all todo collections for the currently logged user are loaded.
// NOTE: settings stored on the server (see settingsAccount) overwrite this
// option.
// Example:
var globalLoadedTodoCollections=[];
// globalActiveCalendarCollections
// This options sets the list of calendar collections checked (enabled
// checkbox => data visible in the interface) by default after login.
// If empty then all loaded calendar collections for the currently logged
// user are checked.
// NOTE: only already (down)loaded collections can be checked (see
// the globalLoadedCalendarCollections option).
// NOTE: settings stored on the server (see settingsAccount) overwrite this
// option.
// Example:
var globalActiveCalendarCollections=[];
// globalActiveTodoCollections
// This options sets the list of todo collections checked (enabled
// checkbox => data visible in the interface) by default after login.
// If empty then all loaded todo collections for the currently logged
// user are checked.
// NOTE: only already (down)loaded collections can be checked (see
// the globalLoadedTodoCollections option).
// NOTE: settings stored on the server (see settingsAccount) overwrite this
// option.
// Example:
var globalActiveTodoCollections=[];
// globalCalendarSelected
// This option sets which calendar collection will be pre-selected
// (if you create a new event) by default after login.
// The value must be URL encoded path to a calendar collection,
// for example: 'USER/calendar/'
// If empty or undefined then the first available calendar collection
// is selected automatically.
// NOTE: only already (down)loaded collections can be pre-selected (see
// the globalLoadedCalendarCollections option).
// NOTE: settings stored on the server (see settingsAccount) overwrite this
// option.
// Example:
//var globalCalendarSelected='';
// globalTodoCalendarSelected
// This option sets which todo collection will be pre-selected
// (if you create a new todo) by default after login.
// The value must be URL encoded path to a todo collection,
// for example: 'USER/todo_calendar/'
// If empty or undefined then the first available todo collection
// is selected automatically.
// NOTE: only already (down)loaded collections can be pre-selected (see
// the globalLoadedTodoCollections option).
// NOTE: settings stored on the server (see settingsAccount) overwrite this
// option.
// Example:
//var globalTodoCalendarSelected='';
// globalActiveView
// This options sets the default fullcalendar view option (the default calendar
// view after the first login).
// Supported values:
// - 'month'
// - 'multiWeek'
// - 'agendaWeek'
// - 'agendaDay'
// NOTE: we use custom and enhanced version of fullcalendar!
// Example:
var globalActiveView='multiWeek';
// globalOpenFormMode
// Open new event form on 'single' or 'double' click.
// If undefined or not 'double', then 'single' is used.
// Example:
var globalOpenFormMode='double';
// globalTodoListFilterSelected
// This options sets the list of filters in todo list that are selected
// after login.
// Supported options:
// - 'filterAction'
// - 'filterProgress' (available only if globalAppleRemindersMode is disabled)
// - 'filterCompleted'
// - 'filterCanceled' (available only if globalAppleRemindersMode is disabled)
// NOTE: settings stored on the server (see settingsAccount) overwrite this
// option.
// Example:
var globalTodoListFilterSelected=['filterAction', 'filterProgress'];
// globalCalendarStartOfBusiness, globalCalendarEndOfBusiness
// These options set the start and end of business hours with 0.5 hour
// precision. Non-business hours are faded out in the calendar interface.
// If both variables are set to the same value then no fade out occurs.
// Example:
var globalCalendarStartOfBusiness=8;
var globalCalendarEndOfBusiness=17;
// globalDefaultEventDuration
// This option sets the default duration (in minutes) for newly created events.
// If undefined or null, globalCalendarEndOfBusiness value will be taken as
// a default end time instead.
// Example:
var globalDefaultEventDuration=120;
// globalAMPMFormat
// This option enables to use 12 hours format (AM/PM) for displaying time.
// NOTE: time format is predefined for each localization - use this option
// ONLY if you want to use custom time format (instead of the localization
// predefined one).
// Example:
//var globalAMPMFormat=false;
// globalTimeFormatBasic
// This option defines the time format information for events in month and
// multiweek views. If undefined or null then default value is used.
// If defined as empty string no time information is shown in these views.
// See http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/utilities/formatDate/ for exact
// formating rules.
// Example:
//var globalTimeFormatBasic='';
// globalTimeFormatAgenda
// This option defines the time format information for events in day and
// week views. If undefined or null then default value is used.
// If defined as empty string no time information is shown in these views.
// See http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/utilities/formatDate/ for exact
// formating rules.
// Example:
//var globalTimeFormatAgenda='';
// globalDisplayHiddenEvents
// This option defined whether events from unechecked calendars are displayed
// with certain transparency (true) or completely hidden (false).
// Example:
var globalDisplayHiddenEvents=false;
// globalTimeZoneSupport
// This option enables timezone support in the client.
// NOTE: timezone cannot be specified for all-day events because these don't
// have start and end time.
// If this option is disabled then local time is used.
// Example:
var globalTimeZoneSupport=true;
// globalTimeZone
// If timezone support is enabled, this option sets the default timezone.
// See timezones.js or use the following command to get the list of supported
// timezones (defined in timezones.js):
// grep "'[^']\+': {" timezones.js | sed -Ee "s#(\s*'|':\s*\{)##g"
// Example:
var globalTimeZone='Europe/Berlin';
// globalTimeZonesEnabled
// This option sets the list of available timezones in the interface (for the
// list of supported timezones see the comment for the previous configuration
// option).
// NOTE: if there is at least one event/todo with a certain timezone defined,
// that timezone is enabled (even if it is not present in this list).
// Example:
// var globalTimeZonesEnabled=['America/New_York', 'Europe/Berlin'];
var globalTimeZonesEnabled=['Europe/Madrid', 'Europe/Berlin'];
// globalRewriteTimezoneComponent
// This options sets whether the client will enhance/replace (if you edit an
// event or todo) the timezone information using the official IANA timezone
// database information (recommended).
// Example:
var globalRewriteTimezoneComponent=true;
// globalRemoveUnknownTimezone
// This options sets whether the client will remove all non-standard timezone
// names from events and todos (if you edit an event or todo)
// (e.g.: /freeassociation.sourceforge.net/Tzfile/Europe/Vienna)
// Example:
var globalRemoveUnknownTimezone=false;
// globalShowHiddenAlarms
// This option sets whether the client will show alarm notifications for
// unchecked calendars. If this option is enabled and you uncheck a calendar
// in the calendar list, alarm notifications will be temporary disabled for
// unchecked calendar(s).
// Example:
var globalShowHiddenAlarms=false;
// globalIgnoreCompletedOrCancelledAlarms
// This options sets whether the client will show alarm notifications for
// already completed or cancelled todos. If enabled then alarm notification
// for completed and cancelled todos are disabled.
// Example:
var globalIgnoreCompletedOrCancelledAlarms=true;
// globalMozillaSupport
// Mozilla automatically treats custom repeating event calculations as if
// the start day of the week is Monday, despite what day is chosen in settings.
// Set this variable to true to use the same approach, ensuring compatible
// event rendering in special cases.
// Example:
var globalMozillaSupport=false;
// globalCalendarColorPropertyXmlns
// This options sets the namespace used for storing the "calendar-color"
// property by the client.
// If true, undefined (or empty) "http://apple.com/ns/ical/" is used (Apple
// compatible). If false, then the calendar color modification functionality
// is completely disabled.
// Example:
//var globalCalendarColorPropertyXmlns=true;
// globalWeekendDays
// This option sets the list of days considered as weekend days (these
// are faded out in the calendar interface). Non-weekend days are automatically
// considered as business days.
// Sunday is 0, Monday is 1, etc.
// Example:
var globalWeekendDays=[0, 6];
// globalAppleRemindersMode
// If this option is enabled then then client will use the same approach
// for handling repeating reminders (todos) as Apple. It is STRONGLY
// recommended to enabled this option if you use any Apple clients for
// reminders (todos).
// Supported options:
// - 'iOS6'
// - 'iOS7'
// - true (support of the latest iOS version - 'iOS8')
// - false
// If this option is enabled:
// - RFC todo support is SEVERELY limited and the client mimics the behaviour
// of Apple Reminders.app (to ensure maximum compatibility)
// - when a single instance of repeating todo is edited, it becomes an
// autonomous non-repeating todo with NO relation to the original repeating
// todo
// - capabilities of repeating todos are limited - only the first instance
// is ever visible in the interface
// - support for todo DTSTART attribute is disabled
// - support for todo STATUS attribute other than COMPLETED and NEEDS-ACTION
// is disabled
// - [iOS6 only] support for LOCATION and URL attributes is disabled
// Example:
var globalAppleRemindersMode=true;
// globalSubscribedCalendars
// This option specifies a list of remote URLs to ics files (e.g.: used
// for distributing holidays information). Subscribed calendars are
// ALWAYS read-only. Remote servers where ics files are hosted MUST
// return proper CORS headers (see readme.txt) otherwise this functionality
// will not work!
// NOTE: subsribed calendars are NOT "shared" calendars. For "shared"
// calendars see the delegation option in globalAccountSettings,
// globalNetworkCheckSettings and globalNetworkAccountSettings.
// List of properties used in globalSubscribedCalendars variable:
// - hrefLabel
// This options defines the header string above the subcsribed calendars.
// - calendars
// This option specifies an array of remote calendar objects with the
// following properties:
// - href
// Set this option to the "full URL" of the remote calendar
// - userAuth
// NOTE: keep empty if remote authentication is not required!
// - userName
// Set the username you want to login.
// - userPassword
// Set the password for the given username.
// - typeList
// Set the list of objects you want to process from remote calendars;
// two options are available:
// - 'vevent' (show remote events in the interface)
// - 'vtodo' (show remote todos in the interface)
// - ignoreAlarm
// Set this option to true if you want to disable alarm notifications
// from the remote calendar.
// - displayName
// Set this option to the name of the calendar you want to see
// in the interface.
// - color
// Set the calendar color you want to see in the interface.
// Example:
//var globalSubscribedCalendars={
// hrefLabel: 'Subscribed',
// calendars: [
// {
// href: 'http://something.com/calendar.ics',
// userAuth: {
// userName: '',
// userPassword: ''
// },
// typeList: ['vevent', 'vtodo'],
// ignoreAlarm: true,
// displayName: 'Remote Calendar 1',
// color: '#ff0000'
// },
// {
// href: 'http://calendar.com/calendar2.ics',
// ...
// ...
// }
// ]
// ******* CardDAV (CardDavMATE) related settings ******* //
// globalLoadedAddressbookCollections
// This option sets the list of addressbook collections (down)loaded after
// login. If empty then all addressbook collections for the currently logged
// user are loaded.
// NOTE: settings stored on the server (see settingsAccount) overwrite this
// option.
// Example:
var globalLoadedAddressbookCollections=[];
// globalActiveAddressbookCollections
// This options sets the list of addressbook collections checked (enabled
// checkbox => data visible in the interface) by default after login.
// If empty then all loaded addressbook collections for the currently logged
// user are checked.
// NOTE: only already (down)loaded collections can be checked (see
// the globalLoadedAddressbookCollections option).
// NOTE: settings stored on the server (see settingsAccount) overwrite this
// option.
// Example:
var globalActiveAddressbookCollections=[];
// globalAddressbookSelected
// This option sets which addressbook collection will be pre-selected
// (if you create a new contact) by default after login.
// The value must be URL encoded path to an addressbook collection,
// for example: 'USER/addressbook/'
// If empty or undefined then the first available addressbook collection
// is selected automatically.
// NOTE: only already (down)loaded collections can be pre-selected (see
// the globalLoadedAddressbookCollections option).
// NOTE: settings stored on the server (see settingsAccount) overwrite this
// option.
// Example:
//var globalAddressbookSelected='';
// globalCompatibility
// This options is reserved for various compatibility settings.
// NOTE: if this option is used the value must be an object.
// Currently there is only one supported option:
// - anniversaryOutputFormat
// Different clients use different (and incompatible) approach
// to store anniversary date in vCards. Apple stores this attribute as:
// itemX.X-ABDATE;TYPE=pref:2000-01-01\r\n
// itemX.X-ABLabel:_$!<Anniversary>!$_\r\n'
// other clients store this attribute as:
// X-ANNIVERSARY:2000-01-01\r\n
// Choose 'apple' or 'other' (lower case) for your 3rd party client
// compatibility. You can chose both: ['apple', 'other'], but it may
// cause many problems in the future, for example: duplicate anniversary
// dates, invalid/old anniversary date in your clients, ...)
// Examples:
// anniversaryOutputFormat: ['other']
// anniversaryOutputFormat: ['apple', 'other']
// Example:
var globalCompatibility={anniversaryOutputFormat: ['apple']};
// globalUriHandler{Tel,Email,Url,Profile}
// These options set the URI handlers for TEL, EMAIL, URL and X-SOCIALPROFILE
// vCard attributes. Set them to null (or comment out) to disable.
// NOTE: for globalUriHandlerTel is recommended to use 'tel:', 'callto:'
// or 'skype:'. The globalUriHandlerUrl value is used only if no URI handler
// is defined in the URL.
// NOTE: it is safe to keep these values unchanged!
// Example:
var globalUriHandlerTel='tel:';
var globalUriHandlerEmail='mailto:';
var globalUriHandlerUrl='https://';
2021-05-24 18:35:53 +02:00
var globalUriHandlerProfile={
'twitter': 'https://twitter.com/%u',
'facebook': 'https://www.facebook.com/%u',
'linkedin': 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/%u'
2021-05-24 18:35:53 +02:00
// globalDefaultAddressCountry
// This option sets the default country for new address fields.
// See common.js or use the following command to get the list of
// all supported country codes (defined in common.js):
// grep -E "'[a-z]{2}':\s+\[" common.js | sed -Ee 's#^\s+|\s+\[\s+# #g'
// Example:
var globalDefaultAddressCountry='es';
2021-05-24 18:35:53 +02:00
// globalAddressCountryEquivalence
// This option sets the processing of the country field specified
// in the vCard ADR attribute.
// By default the address field in vCard looks like:
// ADR;TYPE=WORK:;;1 Waters Edge;Baytown;LA;30314;USA\r\n
// what cause a problem, because the country field is a plain
// text and can contain any value, e.g.:
// USA
// United States of America
// US
// and because the address format can be completely different for
// each country, e.g.:
// China address example:
// [China]
// [Province] [City]
// [Street]
// [Postal]
// Japan address example:
// [Postal]
// [Prefecture] [County/City]
// [Further Divisions]
// [Japan]
// the client needs to correctly detect the country from the ADR
// attribute. Apple solved this problem by using:
// item1.ADR;TYPE=WORK:;;1 Waters Edge;Baytown;LA;30314;USA\r\n
// item1.X-ABADR:us\r\n
// where the second "related" attribute defines the country code
// for the ADR attribute. This client uses the same approach, but
// if the vCard is created by 3rd party clients and the X-ABADR
// is missing, it is possible to define additional "rules" for
// country matching. These rules are specied by the country code
// (for full list of country codes see the comment for pre previous
// option) and a case insensitive regular expression (which matches
// the plain text value in the country field).
// NOTE: if X-ABADR is not present and the country not matches any
// country defined in this option, then globalDefaultAddressCountry
// is used by default.
// Example:
var globalAddressCountryEquivalence=[
{country: 'es', regex: '^\\W*Spain\\W*$'},
2021-05-24 18:35:53 +02:00
{country: 'de', regex: '^\\W*Deutschland\\W*$'},
{country: 'sk', regex: '^\\W*Slovensko\\W*$'}
// globalAddressCountryFavorites
// This option defines the list of countries which are shown at the top
// of the country list in the interface (for full list of country codes
// see the comment for pre globalDefaultAddressCountry option).
// Example:
// var globalAddressCountryFavorites=['de','sk'];
var globalAddressCountryFavorites=[];
// globalAddrColorPropertyXmlns
// This options sets the namespace used for storing the "addressbook-color"
// property by the client.
// If true, undefined (or empty) "http://inf-it.com/ns/ab/" is used.
// If false, then the addressbook color modification functionality
// is completely disabled, and addressbook colors in the interface are
// generated automatically.
// Example:
//var globalAddrColorPropertyXmlns=true;
// globalContactStoreFN
// This option specifies how the FN (formatted name) is stored into vCard.
// The value for this options must be an array of strings, that can contain
// the following variables:
// prefix
// last
// middle
// first
// suffix
// The string element of the array can contain any other characters (usually
// space or colon). Elements are added into FN only if the there is
// a variable match, for example if:
// last='Lastname'
// first='Firstname'
// middle='' (empty)
// and this option is set to:
// ['last', ' middle', ' first'] (space in the second and third element)
// the resulting value for FN will be: 'Lastname Firstname' and not
// 'Lastname Firstname' (two spaces), because the middle name is empty (so
// the second element is completely ignored /not added into FN/).
// NOTE: this attribute is NOT used by this client, and it is also NOT
// possible to directly edit it in the interface.
// Examples:
// var globalContactStoreFN=[' last', ' middle', ' first'];
// var globalContactStoreFN=['last', ', middle', ' ,first'];
var globalContactStoreFN=['prefix',' last',' middle',' first',' suffix'];
// globalContactPhotoType
// This option specifies the type of the image which will be stored to the
// server if you add a contact photo.
// Supported values are:
// jpeg
// png
// If undefined or invalid value is specified then 'jpeg' is used.
// Examples:
// var globalContactPhotoType='jpeg';
// var globalContactPhotoType='png';
// globalContactPhotoScaleFactor
// This options specifies the scale factor of the contact photo relative to
// the photo box size in the contact editor interface.
// For example if this options is set to 1.5 and the photo box size in the
// interface is 164x183px, the resulting image size will be 246x274px.
// If undefined then 1.5 is used, if set to null (not recommended) then the
// original size of the image is retained (resize functionality is disabled).
// Examples:
// var globalContactPhotoScaleFactor=1.5;
// var globalContactPhotoScaleFactor=null;
// globalGroupContactsByCompanies
// This options specifies how contacts are grouped in the interface.
// By default the interface looks like (very simple example):
// A
// Adams Adam
// Anderson Peter
// B
// Brown John
// Baker Josh
// if grouped by company/deparment the result is:
// Company A [Department X]
// Adams Adam
// Brown John
// Company B [Department Y]
// Anderson Peter
// Baker Josh
// If this option is set to true contacts are grouped by company/department,
// otherwise (default) contacts are grouped by letters of the alphabet.
// If undefined or not true, grouping by alphabet letters is used.
// NOTE: see also the globalCollectionDisplay option below.
var globalGroupContactsByCompanies=false;
// globalCollectionDisplay
// This options specifies how data columns in the contact list are displayed.
// NOTE: columns are displayed ONLY if there is enought horizontal place in
// the browser window (e.g. if you define 5 columns here, but your browser
// window is not wide enough, you will see only first 3 columns instead of 5).
// NOTE: see the globalContactDataMinVisiblePercentage option which defines the
// width for columns.
// The value must be an array of columns, where each column is represented by
// an object with the following properties:
// label => the value of this option is a string used as column header
// You can use the following localized variables in the label string:
// - {Name}
// - {FirstName}
// - {LastName}
// - {MiddleName}
// - {NickName}
// - {Prefix}
// - {Suffix}
// - {BirthDay}
// - {PhoneticLastName}
// - {PhoneticFirstName}
// - {JobTitle}
// - {Company}
// - {Department}
// - {Categories}
// - {NoteText}
// - {Address}, {AddressWork}, {AddressHome}, {AddressOther}
// - {Phone}, {PhoneWork}, {PhoneHome}, {PhoneCell}, {PhoneMain},
// {PhonePager}, {PhoneFax}, {PhoneIphone}, {PhoneOther}
// - {Email}, {EmailWork}, {EmailHome}, {EmailMobileme}, {EmailOther}
// - {URL}, {URLWork}, {URLHome}, {URLHomepage}, {URLOther}
// - {Dates}, {DatesAnniversary}, {DatesOther}
// - {Related}, {RelatedManager}, {RelatedAssistant}, {RelatedFather},
// {RelatedMother}, {RelatedParent}, {RelatedBrother}, {RelatedSister},
// {RelatedChild}, {RelatedFriend}, {RelatedSpouse}, {RelatedPartner},
// {RelatedOther}
// - {Profile}, {ProfileTwitter}, {ProfileFacebook}, {ProfileFlickr},
// {ProfileLinkedin}, {ProfileMyspace}, {ProfileSinaweibo}
// - {IM}, {IMWork}, {IMHome}, {IMMobileme}, {IMOther}, {IMAim}, {IMIcq},
// {IMIrc}, {IMJabber}, {IMMsn}, {IMYahoo}, {IMFacebook}, {IMGadugadu},
// {IMGoogletalk}, {IMQq}, {IMSkype}
// value => the value of this option is an array of format strings, or
// an object with the following properties:
// - company (used for company contacts)
// - personal (used for user contacts)
// where the value of these properties is an array of format strings used
// for company or user contacts (you can have different values in the same
// column for personal and company contacts).
// You can use the following simple variables in the format string:
// - {FirstName}
// - {LastName}
// - {MiddleName}
// - {NickName}
// - {Prefix}
// - {Suffix}
// - {BirthDay}
// - {PhoneticLastName}
// - {PhoneticFirstName}
// - {JobTitle}
// - {Company}
// - {Department}
// - {Categories}
// - {NoteText}
// You can also use parametrized variables, where the parameter is enclosed
// in square bracket. Paramatrized variables are useful to extract data
// such as home phone {Phone[type=home]}, extract the second phone number
// {Phone[:1]} (zero based indexing) or extract the third home phone number
// {Phone[type=home][:2]} from the vCard.
// NOTE: if the parametrized variable matches multiple items, e.g.:
// {Phone[type=work]} (if the contact has multiple work phones) then the
// first one is used!
// The following parametrized variables are supported (note: you can use
// all of them also without parameters /the first one will be used/):
// - {Address[type=XXX]} or {Address[:NUM]} or {Address[type=XXX][:NUM]}
// where supported values for XXX are:
// - work
// - home
// - other
// - any other custom value
// - {Phone[type=XXX]} or {Phone[:NUM]} or {Phone[type=XXX][:NUM]}
// where supported values for XXX are:
// - work
// - home
// - cell
// - main
// - pager
// - fax
// - iphone
// - other
// - any other custom value
// - {Email[type=XXX]} or {Email[:NUM]} or {Email[type=XXX][:NUM]}
// where supported values for XXX are:
// - work
// - home
// - mobileme
// - other
// - any other custom value
// - {URL[type=XXX]} or {URL[:NUM]} or {URL[type=XXX][:NUM]}
// where supported values for XXX are:
// - work
// - home
// - homepage
// - other
// - any other custom value
// - {Dates[type=XXX]} or {Dates[:NUM]} or {Dates[type=XXX][:NUM]}
// where supported values for XXX are:
// - anniversary
// - other
// - any other custom value
// - {Related[type=XXX]} or {Related[:NUM]} or {Related[type=XXX][:NUM]}
// where supported values for XXX are:
// - manager
// - assistant
// - father
// - mother
// - parent
// - brother
// - sister
// - child
// - friend
// - spouse
// - partner
// - other
// - any other custom value
// - {Profile[type=XXX]} or {Profile[:NUM]} or {Profile[type=XXX][:NUM]}
// where supported values for XXX are:
// - twitter
// - facebook
// - flickr
// - linkedin
// - myspace
// - sinaweibo
// - any other custom value
// - {IM[type=XXX]} or {IM[service-type=YYY]} or {IM[:NUM]}
// where supported values for XXX are:
// - work
// - home
// - mobileme
// - other
// - any other custom value
// and supported values for YYY are:
// - aim
// - icq
// - irc
// - jabber
// - msn
// - yahoo
// - facebook
// - gadugadu
// - googletalk
// - qq
// - skype
// - any other custom value
// NOTE: if you want to use the "any other custom value" option (for XXX
// or YYY above) you MUST double escape the following characters:
// =[]{}\
// for example:
// - for profile type "=XXX=" use: '{Profile[type=\\=XXX\\=]}'
// - for profile type "\XXX\" use: '{Profile[type=\\\\XXX\\\\]}'
// NOTE: if you want to use curly brackets in the format string you must
// double escape it, e.g.: ['{Company}', '\\{{Department}\\}']
// The format string (for the value option) is an array to allow full
// customization of the interface. For example if:
// value: ['{LastName} {MiddleName} {FirstName}']
// and the person has no middle name, then the result in the column
// will be (without quotes):
// "Parker Peter" (note: two space characters)
// but if you use:
// value: ['{LastName}', ' {MiddleName}', ' {FirstName}']
// then the result will be (without quotes):
// "Parker Peter" (note: only one space character)
// The reason is that only those elements of the array are appended
// into the result where non-empty substitution was performed (so the
// ' {MiddleName}' element in this case is ignored, because the person
// in the example above has no /more precisely has empty/ middle name).
// Examples:
// To specify two columns (named "Company" and "Department / LastName"),
// where the first will display the company name, and the second will display
// department for company contacts (with "Dep -" prefix), and lastname for
// personal contacts (with "Name -" prefix) use:
// var globalCollectionDisplay=[
// {
// label: 'Company',
// value: ['{Company}']
// },
// {
// label: 'Department / LastName',
// value: {
// company: ['Dep - {Department}'],
// personal: ['Name - {LastName}']
// }
// }
// ];
// To specify 3 columns (named "Categories", "URL" and "IM"), where the first
// will display categories, second will display the third work URL, and third
// will display ICQ IM use:
// var globalCollectionDisplay=[
// {
// label: 'Categories',
// value: ['{Categories}']
// },
// {
// label: 'URL',
// value: ['{URL[type=WORK][:2]}']
// },
// {
// label: 'IM',
// value: ['{IM[service-type=ICQ]}']
// }
// ];
// Recommended settings if globalGroupContactsByCompanies
// is set to false:
// var globalCollectionDisplay=[
// {
// label: '{Name}',
// value: ['{LastName}', ' {MiddleName}', ' {FirstName}']
// },
// {
// label: '{Company} [{Department}]',
// value: ['{Company}', ' [{Department}]']
// },
// {
// label: '{JobTitle}',
// value: ['{JobTitle}']
// },
// {
// label: '{Email}',
// value: ['{Email[:0]}']
// },
// {
// label: '{Phone} 1',
// value: ['{Phone[:0]}']
// },
// {
// label: '{Phone} 2',
// value: ['{Phone[:1]}']
// },
// {
// label: '{NoteText}',
// value: ['{NoteText}']
// }
// ];
// Recommended settings if globalGroupContactsByCompanies
// is set to true:
// var globalCollectionDisplay=[
// {
// label: '{Name}',
// value: {
// personal: ['{LastName}', ' {MiddleName}', ' {FirstName}'],
// company: ['{Company}', ' [{Department}]']
// }
// },
// {
// label: '{JobTitle}',
// value: ['{JobTitle}']
// },
// {
// label: '{Email}',
// value: ['{Email[:0]}']
// },
// {
// label: '{Phone} 1',
// value: ['{Phone[:0]}']
// },
// {
// label: '{Phone} 2',
// value: ['{Phone[:1]}']
// },
// {
// label: '{NoteText}',
// value: ['{NoteText}']
// }
// ];
// NOTE: if left undefined, the recommended settings will be used.
// globalCollectionSort
// This options sets the ordering of contacts in the interface. In general
// contacts are ordered alphabetically by an internal "sort string" which
// is created for each contact. Here you can specify how this internal string
// is created. The value is a simple array holding only the values from the
// value property defined in the globalCollectionDisplay option.
// If undefined, the definition from globalCollectionDisplay is used.
// Example:
// var globalCollectionSort = [
// ['{LastName}'],
// ['{FirstName}'],
// ['{MiddleName}'],
// {
// company: ['{Categories}'],
// personal: ['{Company}']
// }
// ];
// globalContactDataMinVisiblePercentage
// This option defines how the width for columns are computed. If you set
// it to 1 then 100% of all data in the column will be visible (the column
// width is determined by the longest string in the column). If you set it
// to 0.95 then 95% of data will fit into the column width, and the remaining
// 5% will be truncated (" ...").
// Example:
var globalContactDataMinVisiblePercentage=0.95;